The commune level authority
The important conclusions that we reach at the end of this research paper are largely based on the practical observation and survey implemented by the author at HPU classroom teaching.
62p nguathienthan12 18-05-2021 39 6 Download
The thesis studies theoretical and practical basis to recommend solutions to propose a new model of communal government better than the current one in order to meet the requirements of state administrative reform in the context of the renovation of the political system and the construction of new rural areas in Vietnam in the direction of establishing self-governance communal governments and in accordance with local characteristics.
14p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 43 2 Download
The purpose of the thesis is to re-systematize the content, theory requirements of communication, mass media, communication organization and communication activities of state agencies, the author studies the status of transmission activities. Information of central state administrative agencies in Vietnam. On that basis, the author gives suggestions and major solutions to improve the quality of communication activities of the state administrative agencies at central level to meet the information needs of the public.
24p lequangvinh1608 13-08-2019 33 2 Download