The impacts of official development
The overall objective of the thesis is to assess the impact of official development assistance on economic growth in developing countries. Besides, considering how ODA affects economic growth in terms of public administration quality, capital absorption and corruption management quality of developing countries. On the basis of the thesis findings, a thesis will provide an appropriate solution for this capital source, contributing to the economic growth in developing countries, including Vietnam.
41p bibianh 19-09-2019 31 3 Download
Báo cáo: "Impact of Japan’s official development assistance on Vietnam’s socio-economic development"
Official Development Assistance (ODA) plays an important role in Vietnam’s socio- economic development. Amongst all of Vietnam’s ODA donors, Japan has been the largest bilateral one for the last two decades. This report mentions the following: Overview of ODA and Japan’s ODA to Vietnam; Analysis of the impact of Japan’s ODA on Vietnam’s socio-economic development; Recommendations to attract and increase the effectiveness of Japan’s ODA in Vietnam.
10p mrdpro 08-10-2011 89 9 Download