The lexical features
The following objectives are set: To investigate the manner in which the conflict and main participants are approached and represented in the media; to explore the journalists underlying ideologies via analyzing the grammatical and lexical features of the news reports, from which revealing a close relationship between ideologies and media language for political purposes.discourse.
99p closefriend09 16-11-2021 32 2 Download
The aim of this paper is to gain insight into the English lexical features of travel brochures written in Viet Nam, since there has been no previous research on this topic. The study is conducted to investigate the lexical aspects of travel brochures as a promotional text and in the context of Viet Nam, a non- native English speaking country in Southeast Asia.
72p closefriend09 16-11-2021 11 3 Download
Identify and describe some discourse features of preface in English and Vietnamese; find out differences and similarities between EPs and VPs, in terms of thematisation, layout, syntactic structures, lexical features and cohesive devices.
13p bautroibinhyen27 04-05-2017 82 6 Download