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The probability models

Xem 1-16 trên 16 kết quả The probability models
  • In this study, we propose a NOMA communication model combined with linear array antennas for the purpose of enhancing physical layer security. We introduce a model of 4 nodes: transmitter node S, receiver node D1, receiver node D2, eavesdropping node E.

    pdf10p viling 11-10-2024 1 1   Download

  • This paper introduces an analytical model to assess collision probabilities, applicable for evaluating the effectiveness of WSNs using tree routing protocols. It examines collision probabilities across various types of traffic load, including routing and data traffic, highlighting their interconnected influences.

    pdf6p vibenya 31-12-2024 5 2   Download

  • Lecture Monte carlo simulations: Application to lattice models, part I - Basics. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Introduction, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, phase transition, probability theory.

    pdf32p whocare_d 22-09-2016 66 7   Download

  • This research presents a method for the identification of hazardous situations on the freeways as well as the hazard mitigation system based on the identification. The hazard identification is done using a crash risk probability model and based on the identification, mitigation strategy is employed to reduce the effect of the hazard. For this study, about 18 km long section of Eastern Freeway in Melbourne, Australia is selected as a test bed.

    pdf125p runthenight05 01-03-2023 9 3   Download

  • Detailed objectives of this study are: to analyze the risk of failure and probability of failure of existing reinforced concrete bridges qualitatively and quantitatively; to consider the effects of interactions among various deterioration parameters and among bridge components on system failure; to identify major durability related distress mechanisms of deterioration of reinforced concrete bridges and model the subsequent risk of failure of bridge system;…

    pdf163p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 3   Download

  • A Bayesian approach with frequentist validity has been developed to support inferences derived from a BLevel A^ in vivo-in vitro correlation (IVIVC). Irrespective of whether the in vivo data reflect in vivo dissolution or absorption, the IVIVC is typically assessed using a linear regression model. Confidence intervals are generally used to describe the uncertainty around the model. While the confidence intervals can describe population-level variability, it does not address the individual-level variability.

    pdf16p caothientrangnguyen 09-05-2020 39 2   Download

  • Thesis with the aim of focusing on two main issues. The first is time series modeling by states in which each state is a deterministic probability distribution (normal distribution). Based on the experimental results to assess the suitability of the model. Second, combine Markov chains and fuzzy time series into new models to improve forecast accuracy. Expand the model with high-level Markov chains to be compatible with seasonal data.

    pdf27p xacxuoc4321 11-07-2019 38 2   Download

  • Lecture “Natural language processing - Chapter 2: Fundamental algorithms and mathematical models” has contents: Probability theory and Bayes theorems (Concepts in probability, Bayes theorems, application of the probability theory in NLP).

    pdf14p dien_vi01 21-11-2018 36 1   Download

  • Lecture "Advanced Econometrics (Part II) - Chapter 3: Discrete choice analysis - Binary outcome models" presentation of content: Discrete choice model, basic types of discrete values, the probability models, estimation and inference in binary choice model, binary choice models for panel data.

    pdf18p nghe123 06-05-2016 66 6   Download

  • In this project, traffic simulation according to the cellular automaton of the Nagel-Schreckenberg model (1992) with different boundary conditions. The sudden occurrence of traffic jams is successfully realised as well as boundary induced phases and phase transitions are observed in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process. The extension to the Velocity Dependent Randomization model leads to metastabile high flow states and hysteresis of the flow. The impact of speed limits on the probability of the formation of traffic jams is investigated.

    pdf10p nguyenhaisu 07-08-2015 46 3   Download

  • Acyl-CoA dehydrogenases constitute a family of flavopro-teins that catalyze the a,b-dehydrogenation of fatty acid acyl-CoA conjugates. While they differ widely in their spe-cificity, they share the same basic chemical mechanism ofa,b-dehydrogenation. Medium chain acyl-CoAdehydro-genase is probably the best-studiedmember of the class and serves as a model for the study of catalytic mechanisms.

    pdf15p dell39 03-04-2013 62 4   Download

  • Parkinson’s disease (PD), a common progressive neurodegenerative disor-der, is characterized by degeneration of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra and neuronal proteinaceous aggregates called Lewy bodies (LBs). The etiology of PD is probably a combination of environmental and genetic factors.

    pdf8p media19 06-03-2013 29 2   Download

  • Simulation allows the repeated solution of an evaluation model. Each solution randomly selects values from predetermined probability distributions. All solutions are summarized into an overall distribution of NPV values. This distribution shows management how risky the project is.

    ppt12p muaxuan102 21-02-2013 55 5   Download

  • We study random surfaces which arise as height functions of random perfect matchings (a.k.a. dimer configurations) on a weighted, bipartite, doubly periodic graph G embedded in the plane. We derive explicit formulas for the surface tension and local Gibbs measure probabilities of these models. The answers involve a certain plane algebraic curve, which is the spectral curve of the Kasteleyn operator of the graph. For example, the surface tension is the Legendre dual of the Ronkin function of the spectral curve. The amoeba of the spectral curve represents the phase diagram of the dimer model.

    pdf39p noel_noel 17-01-2013 54 8   Download

  • Dedicated to the memory of Gert Kjærg˚ Pedersen ard Abstract In the process of developing the theory of free probability and free entropy, Voiculescu introduced in 1991 a random matrix model for a free semicircular system. Since then, random matrices have played a key role in von Neumann algebra theory (cf. [V8], [V9]). The main result of this paper is the follow(n) (n) ing extension of Voiculescu’s random matrix result: Let (X1 , . . . , Xr ) be a system of r stochastically independent n × n Gaussian self-adjoint random matrices as in Voiculescu’s random matrix paper...

    pdf66p noel_noel 17-01-2013 56 6   Download

  • Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về sinh học được đăng trên tạp chí sinh học thế giới đề tài: A comparison of alternative methods to compute conditional genotype probabilities for genetic evaluation with finite locus models

    pdf20p toshiba19 08-11-2011 50 3   Download



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