Theoretical issues and reality
The research subject of the dissertation is theoretical issues on capital contribution to establish companies by IPR, the reality of the law and practice of law enforcement on capital contribution to establish companies by IPR in Vietnam, and the law of some countries on this issue.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 19 5 Download
By clarifying theoretical issues on the relationship between judicial and executive power, and assessing the reality of this relationship, the dissertation aims to propose viewpoints and solutions to ensure the relationship between judicial and executive power in exercising state power in Vietnam today
27p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 23 4 Download
The dissertation seeks to examine theoretical issues on supervisions of the use of state capital in enterprises and the reality of the law as well as the law enforcement on this issue in Vietnam today.
27p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 25 4 Download
Systematize and develop theoretical issues on international tax cooperation; assess the reality of Vietnam's international tax cooperation activities in the period of 2012-2018 and its impact on Vietnam's tax administration.
32p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 22 2 Download
The Party's direction and view and the State's policies on completing the land law and development on agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the current period.
26p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 30 2 Download
In Vietnam, there is no complete and systematic research but preliminary research on prosecution of imprisonment execution. In other nations, there are research on the prosecution/supervision of imprisonment execution but they studies on foreign laws and reality. Therefore, this thesis is not duplicated and foreign works as reference materials which contribute to the development of the thesis.
25p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 30 1 Download
Summary of Doctor of Dissertation Law: Crimes of child sexual abuse in the Southwest region: Situation, causes and prevention give an overview of the theory of crime situation, causes and conditions of the crime situation, prevention and prediction of crime situation, thereby generalizing the theoretical issues of the situation of child sexual abuse crimes such as: the concept of situation of child sexual abuse crimes , causes and conditions of the situation of child sexual abuse crimes, forecasts and prevention of child sexual abuse crimes. Invite you to refer.
27p lanxichen 05-05-2020 44 6 Download
The purpose of the thesis research is based on clarifying the theoretical issues and analyzing the reality of practical organizational capacity of district leaders and managers of ethnic minorities; propose a number of perspectives and solutions to improve practical organizational capacity; efficiency of labor activities, management and socio-economic development of Ha Giang province in the current period.
27p lequangvinh1608 13-08-2019 36 5 Download
Objectives: Develop theoretical framework research on improving the system issues motivational tool for public servants working in the administrative departments; clarifying the dynamics and reality of using system dynamics modeling tools for public servants working in the administrative departments; propose some solutions to improve the system motivational tool for civil servants working in administrative departments.
30p change08 27-06-2016 67 7 Download
Apart from the Preamble, Overview of Research Works, Conclusion, References List, and Appendix, the main content of the Thesis has been presented into 3 chapters as follows. Chapter 1: Some basic theoretical issues concerning trademark development of aquatic exports. Chapter 2: The reality of trademark development of Vietnam’s aquatic exports. Chapter 3: Some major solutions to trademark development of Vietnam’s aquatic exports.
27p change06 14-06-2016 60 6 Download