Tracer studies
The study determines the predominant hydrogeological controls on salinity distribution and salinization/freshening, proposing conceptual models to explain the different vertical distributions of groundwater salinity at the coastline. An improved understanding of the sources of salinity and the hydrogeological controls will subsequently provide support for the future management of groundwater in the Western Port Basin, and serve as a template for how to unravel complex salinity distributions in coastal aquifers, and their relationships to palaeo- and recent geomorphological histories.
314p runthenight05 01-03-2023 14 4 Download
.....RACE AND GENDER DIHERENCES EN EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT, HILD OF STUDY, AND [NCREMENTS TO EARNINGS (EVIDENCE FROM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TRACER STUDIES AND NATIONWIDE EARNINGS DATA) Even at the upper extreme of the estimated confidence intervals, the SAT gap between more- and less-desirable schools is not meaningfully larger in markets with decentralized governance than in those with less Tiebout choice.
171p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 45 6 Download