Training and awareness
The purpose of the research project "Thesis for the degree of Master of Arts: Analysis of Professional Practice of Being an Indigenous Cultural Awareness Trainer" has been to gain a deeper awareness of the practice of Cultural Awareness Training and to develop resources that will support other practitioners in the field.
65p runordie3 06-07-2022 11 4 Download
In the process of researching, I have found four ethical issues that employees should be aware of. I wrote four case studies, based on these issues, to use as the method to train the participants. In order to determine which cases to use for the training, I pilot tested the cases with my faculty advisor and the general manager of the store.
49p fugu897 03-07-2019 33 2 Download
Research objectives: Contributing to interpretation problems and practical reasoning, which recommended fundamental solution to meet development goals overall personality development of students towards the contingent future military officers. Clarifying the nature and some problems with regularity developed aesthetic sense of students trained officer Vietnam People's Army.
26p change03 06-05-2016 61 3 Download
Detailed assessment of impacts of more than 50 Farmer Field Schools (FFS) in 11 provinces through which over 2,000 farmers were trained from 2005 to 2006 has shown many beneficial effects. Farmers have increased knowledge and their skills in planting and protecting citrus trees and at the same time they have increase awareness of the recording and post-harvest storage, marketing and especially the changes in farming practices significantly after participating in FFS.
12p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 64 7 Download