University governance
Lecture Electronic commerce - Chapter 8: Innovative EC Systems: From E-Government and E-Learning to Consumer-to-Consumer Commerce learning objectives: Describe various e-government initiatives. Describe e-learning, virtual universities, and e-training. Describe online publishing and e-books. Discuss wikis and blogging. Describe knowledge management and dissemination as an e-business. Describe C2C activities. Describe peer-to-peer networks and applications.
47p caphesuadathemtac 09-11-2021 17 4 Download
This study investigates students’ expectations and experiences of blended learning at Hanoi Open University, Vietnam. In recent years, the Vietnamese government has produced a number of polices advocating the use of ICT in education, including blended learning, aligning this implementation with its goals to modernise. While there has been considerable research around blended learning in higher education in the west, including in the USA, UK and Australia, research in Vietnam is relatively new.
126p runthenight07 01-03-2023 12 7 Download
The research questions that guided the adopted research methodology are: 1 - What are the main governance and management practices associated with family business continuity identified and advocated by the lessons learned and best practice approach in the wider family business literature? 2 - What are the main sources of the practices, their provenance, and their theoretical underpinnings, if any? 3 - Is it appropriate to characterize family business lessons learned (local knowledge of what works) as best practices (universal knowledge of what works)?...
309p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 2 Download
The primary objective of this research is to provide an account of the ways in which elite higher education institutions adapt and respond to external institutional logics for social inclusion practices. In particular, it explores and investigates the pattern of elite public universities’ social inclusion practices as a result of government higher education policy frameworks and higher education market features. It also aims to uncover variations between the four selected elite universities in Australia and Malaysia in regard to social inclusion practices.
403p runthenight04 02-02-2023 17 4 Download
The research identifies the research subjects of the thesis is the higher education quality and university governance, students are studying at universities in the Southeast.
27p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 23 5 Download
The thesis studies the nature of the relationship between universities and enterprises in research and technology transfer to find out the main barriers affecting the relationship that universities and businesses cannot solve to Since then, there should be support from the state.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 19 3 Download
The author has not seen any research on the relationship between competence, scientific research results and university brands. Therefore, the author chooses the topic "The relationship between competence, scientific research results of lecturers and university brands: A case study in Ho Chi Minh City" for research to give research hypotheses, research models and recommendations for governance to contribute to the development of Vietnamese universities today and in the future.
28p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 35 3 Download
India requires successful and sustainable private universities to meet its Higher Education goals. This study proposes a framework covering dimensions for achieving success and sustainability of a private university governed as a social enterprise.
16p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 7 1 Download
Based on theoretical and practical issues, this study aims to give the best solutions as well as make further suggestions for developing and improving the policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs. To achieve mentioned objectives, this research attempts to review literature on a policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs, study international experiences and the current status of meeting social needs level in HE in Vietnam, as well as explore policy state that has a supportive role to ensure that the universities in Vietnam provide their educational services based on social needs.
31p quenchua 28-09-2019 21 4 Download
Based on theoretical and practical issues, this study aims to give the best solutions as well as make further suggestions for developing and improving the policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs. To achieve mentioned objectives, this research attempts to review literature on a policy of HE in Vietnam based on social needs, study international experiences and the current status of meeting social needs level in HE in Vietnam, as well as explore policy state that has a supportive role to ensure that the universities in Vietnam provide their educational services based on social needs.
31p bibianh 26-09-2019 9 1 Download
This paper presents a theoretical analysis of the relative use of general state subsidies (tax finance) and tuition (user charge finance) in the state financing of higher education. State universities across U.S. states are very different among themselves especially in terms of user charges, public finances, and qualities. In this study, we consider only the State Regime in which the state government decides the user charge, head tax, and expenditure, taking the minimum ability of students as given and the state university simply is treated as a part of government.
109p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 58 8 Download
.....RACE AND GENDER DIHERENCES EN EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT, HILD OF STUDY, AND [NCREMENTS TO EARNINGS (EVIDENCE FROM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS TRACER STUDIES AND NATIONWIDE EARNINGS DATA) Even at the upper extreme of the estimated confidence intervals, the SAT gap between more- and less-desirable schools is not meaningfully larger in markets with decentralized governance than in those with less Tiebout choice.
171p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 45 6 Download
Supercomputers are the most powerful computers. They are used for problems requiring complex calculations. Because of their size and expense, supercomputers are relatively rare. Supercomputers are used by universities, government agencies, and large businesses.
13p trada85 18-01-2013 57 7 Download
The budget deficit equivalent to total government spending tax minus total government spending revenue.If income tax independently, but depend on the net income, • Why does society need money? • Why do governments wish to influence money supply? • How do financial markets interact with the ‘real’ economy? • What is the relationship between money and interest rates?
11p nhatro75 09-07-2012 69 10 Download
The budget deficit equivalent to total government spending tax minus total government spending revenue.If income tax independently, but depend on the net income, Fiscal policy – the government’s decisions about spending and taxes • Stabilisation policy – government actions to try to keep output close to its potential level • Budget deficit – the excess of government outlays over government receipts • National debt – the stock of outstanding government debt
13p nhatro75 09-07-2012 69 6 Download
The budget deficit equivalent to total government spending tax minus total government spending revenue.If income tax independently, but depend on the net income, The relevance of seaports in the efficient working of an economy cannot be understated since all goods and passengers transported by sea require the use of, at least, two ports. In the majority of countries, most international trade (export/import), and in some cases also large shares of domestic trade, is done through maritime transport.
9p nhatro75 09-07-2012 73 6 Download
The budget deficit equivalent to total government spending tax minus total government spending revenue.If income tax independently, but depend on the net income,Unemployment rate: the percentage of the labour force without a job but registered as being willing and available for work Labour force those people holding a job or registered as being willing and available for work Participation rate the percentage of the population of working age declaring themselves to be in the labour force
18p nhatro75 09-07-2012 99 4 Download
Genetic improvement of fish species is considered a priority area for research and development by the government of Viet Nam, particularly in the context of rural development, food security and poverty alleviation. The current proposal has been developed in consultation with Vietnamese staff of participating institutions. The project builds upon the existing collaborative links between Deakin University and the Research Institutes of Aquaculture (RIAs) in Viet Nam.
13p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 70 8 Download
To enhance the local capacity for teaching, research and extension in agriculture and rural development, the QBII, AFFS, DPI proposes to focus its project on the key priority area of agriculture, and livestock improvement in Vietnam, and within these areas, to deliver activities in the disciplines of biotechnology and genetic improvement as highlighted as a priority area by the Government of Vietnam (GOV) in the Vietnam - Australia Development Cooperation Program, CARD Program Guidelines.
47p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 62 4 Download
Cashew is an important crop in Vietnam, and the government has assigned the development as a national priority gia.Nang cashew productivity has been increased since 2002, but the widespread use pesticides has caused health problems for farmers, animals and the environment. Article IPM program using ants as a key component in the development of Charles Darwin University (CDU) does not use toxic pesticides, but high-yield results. This project is using the CDU of IPM to develop and implement an IPM program that will work in conditions of Vietnam....
10p xinh_la 10-02-2012 70 7 Download