Unix operating system
Lecture Operating System: Chapter 10 - Unix and Linux presented History of unix, Overview of unix, Processes in unix, Memory management in unix, Input/output in unix, The unix file system, Security in unix.
40p talata_1 22-09-2014 64 8 Download
Before a database is created, the UNIX environment must be configured and the Oracle9i server must have already been installed. Four environment variables must be set: ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH. ORACLE_HOME is the full path to the top directory in which the Oracle9i Server is installed. The directory for ORACLE_HOME should be supplied by the person who installed the server, usually the UNIX administrator or the DBA. ORACLE_SID is a user-definable name assigned to an instance of a database.
10p trinh02 28-01-2013 62 6 Download
Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is an implementation of mandatory access control using Linux Security Modules (LSM) in the Linux kernel, based on the principle of least privilege. It is not a Linux distribution, but rather a set of modifications that can be applied to Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux and BSD.
15p muathu_102 28-01-2013 94 11 Download
Kernel Support. Core support: CPU, Memory, Process. Management , Interrupt/Exception Handling etc. Dynamically Loadable Kernel Modules. Device Drivers. Additional Functionality. User Mode Access to kernel facilities. System Calls and Signals. Filesystem Device Nodes. Network Interfaces. Are not accessed through a device node but instead are accessed. through a “network interface” abstraction.
178p rhca_92 09-11-2012 131 36 Download
Certified with Leading OEM and ISV Products. ISV Independent Software Vendor. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer. ABI/API Compatibility. Application Binary Interface. Application Programming Interface. ELF Executable and Linking Format. LSB Linux Standards Base. BEA BEA System Inc, San Jose, California. “Think Liquid”. HPC High Performance Computing.
281p rhca_92 09-11-2012 101 25 Download
Linux History Design Principles Kernel Modules Process Management Scheduling Memory Management File Systems Input and Output Interprocess Communication Network Structure Security To explore the history of the UNIX operating system from which Linux is derived and the principles which Linux is designed upon To examine the Linux process model and illustrate how Linux schedules processes and provides interprocess communication To look at memory management in Linux To explore how Linux implements file systems and manages I/O devices...
62p perpan 02-09-2012 77 16 Download
UNIX History First developed in 1969 by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie of the Research Group at Bell Laboratories; incorporated features of other operating systems, especially MULTICS The third version was written in C, which was developed at Bell Labs specifically to support UNIX The most influential of the non-Bell Labs and non-AT&T UNIX development groups — University of California at Berkeley (Berkeley Software Distributions - BSD) 4BSD UNIX resulted from DARPA funding to develop a standard UNIX system for government use Developed for the VAX, 4.
64p perpan 02-09-2012 70 7 Download
Networking with UNIX-Type of Operating Systems Describe the origins and history of the UNIX operating system Identify similarities and differences between popular implementations of UNIX Describe the features and capabilities of servers running Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X Server Explain and execute essential UNIX commands Install and configure Linux on an Intel-based PC Manage users, groups, and file access permissions in Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X Server Explain how computers running other operating systems can connect to UNIX servers...
46p itvovantien 13-07-2012 71 14 Download
Là một bộ các câu lệnh để chỉ dẫn phần cứng máy tính và các phần mềm ứng dụng làm việc với nhau. Phần mềm hệ thống phổ biến hiện nay ở Việt nam là MS-DOS, LINUX và Windows. Đối với mạng máy tính ta cũng có các phần mềm hệ điều hành mạng (Network Operating System) như Novell Netware, Unix, Windows NT/ 2000/ 2003, ...
0p thanhthao567 22-12-2011 91 12 Download
Linux là một HĐH dạng UNIX (Unix-like Operating System) chạy trên máy PC với bộ điều khiển trung tâm (CPU) Intel 80386 trở lên, hay các bộ vi xử lý trung tâm tương thích AMD, Cyrix. Linux ngày nay còn có thể chạy trên các máy Macintosh hoặc SUN Sparc. Một đặc điểm nỗi bật của Linux là một hệ điều hành miễn phí và mở nguồn mở.
32p vuthanh107 15-12-2011 286 81 Download
Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution.Linux was originally developed as a free operating system for Intel x86-based personal computers. It has since been ported to more computer hardware platforms than any other operating system. Most Linux distributions support dozens of programming languages.
50p gaconht 03-06-2011 231 97 Download
Những chủ đề chính: Giới thiệu Microsoft NOS (Network Operating System). Mô hình Workgroup, Domain. Microsoft : Windows 9x, me; Windows NT; Windows 2000, XP; Windows 2003. Unix : Sun Solaris. Linux : Redhat Suse..
21p handoibatcong 14-11-2010 199 85 Download
History Design Principles Kernel Modules Process Management Scheduling Memory Management File Systems Input and Output Interprocess Communication Network Structure Security History Linux is a modem, free operating system based on UNIX standards. First developed as a small but self-contained kernel in 1991 by Linus Torvalds, with the major design goal of UNIX compatibility. Its history has been one of collaboration by many users from all around the world, corresponding almost exclusively over the Internet.
10p kanguru_91 28-09-2010 140 22 Download
Một vài năm trở lại, hệ thống điều hành Macintosh được coi là sáng tạo và vui vẻ. Bây giờ nhiều người xem nó như là ngày và nặng cần viết lại chứ không phải là đơn giản nâng cấp. Windows 95 là hệ điều hành phổ biến nhất trên thế giới, nhưng hệ điều hành này là bằng nhiều cách khác một bản sao của hệ điều hành Mac, ít hơn của Mac ký tự. Nhiều lập trình viên và những người đam mê máy tính tận hưởng giao diện dòng lệnh sức mạnh của Unix Unix-nhưng không phải là gần đủ cho trực...
30p kaka 29-07-2010 67 7 Download
1. Linux là gì? Linux là hệ điều hành. Về mặt nguyên tắc hệ điều hành cũng là một software; nhưng đây là một software đặc biệt – được dùng để quản lý, điều phối các tài nguyên (resource) của hệ thống (bao gồm cả hardware và các software khác). Linux còn được gọi là Open Source Unix (OSU), Unix-like Kernel, clone of the UNIX operating system. Linux do Linus Torvalds, một sinh viên tại trường Đại Học ở Helsinki (Phần Lan) phát triển dựa trên hệ điều hành Minix, một hệ điều hành có cấu trúc tương tự Unix...
5p hangkute_101091 02-07-2010 1841 292 Download
Using Password File Authentication This section describes how to authenticate an administrative user
Using Password File Authentication This section describes how to authenticate an administrative user using password file authentication.
5p luavitradong 15-05-2010 84 4 Download
We will describe how to use two different types of compilers. The first type is the standalone or command-line compiler. This type of compiler is operated in a batch mode from the command line. In other words, you type in a command, and the compiler turns your source code into an executable program. The other type of compiler is contained in an IDE. The IDE contains an editor, compiler, project manager, and debugger in one package. Most UNIX systems use command-line compilers. There are a few IDE compilers available for UNIX, but they are rare. On the other hand, almost...
20p vantrungtran 03-02-2010 127 24 Download
Linux was a phenomenon waiting to happen. The computer industry suffered from a rift. In the 1980s and 1990s, people had to choose between inexpensive, market−driven PC operating systems from Microsoft and expensive, technology−driven operating systems such as UNIX. Free software was being created all over the world, but lacked a common platform to rally around. Linux has become that common platform.
30p longtuyenthon 26-01-2010 74 8 Download
Welcome to Unix and Linux, security for these operating systems is a complete paradigm shift from Windows. Unix has been around a lot longer. The source code for Linux is freely available, so would be attackers are free to examine it and test it for holes such as buffer overflows and deadlock conditions.
13p huyhoang 08-08-2009 105 10 Download
Like most operating systems in the last 40 years, Unix uses a hierarchical "tree-structured" file system (interestingly, tree-structure and other aspects of the Unix file system are a direct result of the original Unix developers being influenced by the Multics project they had been working on). Directories contain files and subdirectories which, may in turn, contain other files and subdirectories, and so on.
47p huyhoang 07-08-2009 99 10 Download