Value added food products
The agriculture and agro based processing industries were a key solution area of our problems relating to insuffiency of food and value added food products in India. It attracts foreign reserve and domestic utilities of food products which creates standard of living of the people.
8p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 12 1 Download
The objectives of the CARD project entitled “Development and Selection of Commercial and High Quality Cultivars of Root and Tuber Crops for Processing Purpose in the Northern and Central Vietnam” between FCRI and Sydney University are to 1) Select a certain number of sweet potato cultivars from those designated by FCRI as potentially suitable for cultivating in locations in northern and central Vietnam and conduct field trials in selected locations to evaluate these cultivars according to yield and dry matter content for value-adding purposes; 2) Develop and evaluate processing methods for ...
9p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 76 7 Download