Vietnam FDI location factors
The aim of "Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Attracting foreign direct investment: a critical analysis of Vietnam's performance" is to provide robust evidence-based analysis and explanations to uncover what drives FDI inflows in Vietnam after having had practically no FDI inflow prior to the launch of its economic reform in the mid-1980s.
376p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 2 Download
This study developed the framework of knowledge spillovers at sector level and investigated these spillover effects of research and development (R&D), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade activities on sectoral innovation by Spatial Regression Models. Besides, the study examined the spillover effects of sectoral innovation and provincial human resources on firms’ TFP with 7,236 enterprises in 38 sectors of Vietnamese manufacturing industries, located in 62 provinces by Cross-Classified Models.
197p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 17 4 Download