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2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P15

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Nội dung Text: 2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists- P15

  1. 674 Index art directors, 598 Black Knight Productions Web site, 659 artifact, 641 blades, 50–51 Artistic commands (Filter menu) Blake Stone, 7 Paint Daubs, 266, 350 blast mark textures, 347–349 Sponge, 220 Blending modes artists. See developers Color Dodge, 302 asphalt textures, 256–264 Hard Light, 389 assets keyboard shortcuts, 638 compound assets Soft Light, 306 mesh creation, 26–27 blood splat textures, 350–352 Y overview, 15 Blue’s News Web site, 666 FL defined, 15 Blur commands (Filter menu) Atari, 2 Gaussian blur, 220, 237, 246, 258, 273 ATI Technologies Web site, 664 Radial Blur, 349 AM audio-video interleave (AVI), 641 BMP file format, 629 Automatic: Planar wrapping, 128, 134 body (slogre character model) Automatic Mapping feature, 102–103 researching information about, 477 TE Automatic section (Command Panel), 138 texturing, 502–503 automatic U-V mapping, 102–103 unwrapping, 179 Avalon Web site, 658 bone textures, 402–406 AVI (audio-video interleave), 641 Border command (Select menu, Modify), 252 bounding boxes, creating, 519–521 brick textures B cement/stucco appearance to, 206–216 B-Spline deformations, 69 cloudy blend, 198 backpack (slogre character example), 477 color of, 197 barrel (RF-9 plasma gun) craquelure, 199 building, 44–48 cropping, 204 researching information about, 432–433 flaws in, correcting, 205 texturing, 459–468 mortar, 199–202 unwrapping, 133–137 noise, adding, 198 Bevel and Emboss effect, 201 overview, 196 Bevel tool, 46 patterns, 202, 204 beveling technique, 224, 455 sizing, 202 binary space partitioning (BSP), 642 Brush Stokes commands (Filter menu) biped objects Crosshatch, 456 adding, adjusting and aligning, 558–560 Spatter, 211, 275 attaching to character model, 566–569 BSP (binary space partitioning), 642 matching to character model, 561–566 buffers, 625 overview, 24, 556 buildings, texturing, 590–592 ® Team-Fly lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  2. Index 675 bullet hole textures hands, texturing, 505 on cement, 344–347 harsh angles of, smoothing, 158 on metal, inward, 335–338 head, texturing, 488–492 on metal, outward, 338–343 head, unwrapping, 175–179 bump map, 642 legs, building, 78–82 Burn tool, 304 legs, texturing, 502–503 legs, unwrapping, 160–169 map, packing manually, 180 C mesh, editing, 152–154 Caligari Web site, 662 neck, texturing, 500–501 camouflage textures, 413–416 researching information about, 477–479 Canvas Size command (Image menu), 222–223, results of, updating and viewing in 3D 259 Studio Max, 180–181 Cap Holes modifier, 157 skin, adding, 513–515 CD-ROM, 670–671 tusks, adding, 157 cement textures, 219–229 tusks, texturing, 497–500 central processing unit (CPU), 5 weighting, 569–574 channel modification, keyboard shortcuts, 637 Character Studio Channels palette, 212 biped objects character models adding, adjusting and aligning, 558–560 biped objects attaching to character model, 566–569 attaching, 566–569 matching to character model, 561–566 matching to, 561–566 overview, 556 brainstorming and process planning, 17–18 overview, 555 compound asset example, 15 checkerboard map, 440–443 design pre-considerations, 68–69 Chisel Hard option, 455 pivot points, 515–519 Chrome command (Filter menu, Sketch), 339 slogre character ClassicGaming Web site, 3, 666 appendages, aligning and combining, claws (slogre character example), 477 89–92 clipping, 643 arms, building, 82–88 Clone Stamp tool, 205, 221, 228, 232 arms, texturing, 502–503 clothing textures arms, unwrapping, 169–175 camouflage, 413–416 body, building, 70–77 wrinkles in, 417–419 body, texturing, 502–503 Clouds command (Filter menu, Render), 198, body, unwrapping, 179 209, 219, 230, 248, 250, 256, 265 cuffs, texturing, 505–506 CLUT (color look-up table), 623 exporting to DeepUV, 159 CMYK color mode, 626–627 eyes, texturing, 492–495 Codec (coding/decoding), 643 feet, texturing, 504 cold lava textures, 248–249 first draft concept, 18–20 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  3. 676 Index color Desaturate (Edit menu, Adjust), 284 brick textures, 197 Difference Clouds (Filter menu, Render), indexed color, 646 230, 234, 236, 243, 250 color depth Dust & Scratches (Filter menu, Noise), 214 defined, 618 Emboss (Filter menu, Stylize), 444 RGB, 621–623 Expand (Select menu, Modify), 258, 406 Color Dodge blending mode, 302 Fill (Edit menu), 206 color look-up table (CLUT), 623 Find Edges (Filter menu, Stylize), 248, 422 color modes Flatten Image (Layer menu), 290 CMYK, 626–627 Flip Horizontal (Edit menu, Transform), grayscale, 627 130, 240 LAB, 628 Flip Vertically (Edit menu, Transform), 140, 164, 240 color modification, keyboard shortcuts, 637 Front (View menu), 169 Color Picker (PhotoShop), 197, 199 Gaussian blur (Filter menu, Blur), 220, 237, Color Table command (Image menu, Mode), 246, 258 218 Grain (Filter menu, Texture), 210 Command Panel Graphic Pen (Filter menu, Sketch), 325, Automatic section, 138 356 Cylinder button, 135 Grid (View menu, Show), 241 Interactive section, 140 Guides and Grid (Edit menu, Preferences), Last Optimize Status option, 152 260 Modifier tab, 152 Image Size (Image menu), 218, 238 Pack All button, 144 Import (File menu), 111 Packing and Type section, 122 Inverse (Select menu), 258, 467 Relax option, 130 Invert (Edit menu, Adjust), 213, 250 Selection button, 135 Levels (Edit menu, Adjust), 213, 251 Tools section, 127 Lighting Effects (Filter menu, Render), 213, Unfold option, 124 231, 235, 241, 244, 262 Commander Keen, 6 Median (Filter menu, Noise), 256, 355 commands Merged Linked (Layer menu), 285 Add Noise (Filter menu, Noise), 236, 254 New Image (File menu), 197 Canvas (Image menu), 222–223, 259 Ocean Ripple (Filter menu, Distort), 426 Chrome (Filter menu, Sketch), 339 Offset (Filter menu, Other), 220, 239 Clouds (Filter menu, Render), 219, 230, Paint Daubs (Filter menu, Artistic), 266, 350 248, 250, 256, 265 Pointillize (Filter menu, Pixelate), 233 Contract (Select menu, Modify), 246, 345 Preferences (File menu), 78 Copy (Edit menu), 467 Radial Blur (Filter menu, Blur), 349 Crosshatch (Filter menu, Brush Strokes), Right Hemisphere (Utilities Panel), 456 145–147 Curves (Edit menu, Adjust), 280 Rotate (Edit menu, Transform), 260, 294 Define Pattern (Edit menu), 206 Scale (Edit menu, Transform), 300 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  4. Index 677 Send UV Update (File menu, Export), 164, culling, 643 180 curves Show Rulers (View menu), 199 Add Curve tool, 79 Skew (Edit menu, Transform), 333 function, 645 Spatter (Filter menu, Brush Strokes), 211, isocurves, 72 275 Curves command (Edit menu, Adjust), 280 Stained Glass (Filter menu, Texture), 422 Cut button (Mapping panel), 106 Stereolitho file type (File menu, Import), cylinder 151 eight-sided, 44 Stroke (Edit menu), 257, 269, 315, 376 six-sided, 52 Texturizer (Filter menu, Texture), 415 ten-sided, 48 Variations (Edit menu, Adjust), 390 Cylinder button Wave (Filter menu, Distort), 426 Command Panel, 135 Wind (Filter menu, Stylize), 294 Mapping panel, 106 compositing textures, 189–190 cylindrical unwrapping technique, 101 compound assets character model, 15 mesh creation, 26–27 D concept artist, 596 decal textures Configuration Library icon, 69 blast marks, 347–349 console games versus personal computers, 5–6 blood splats, 350–352 content (asset) creation process, 15–17 bullet holes Contract command (Select menu, Modify), 246, on cement, 344–347 345 on metal, inward, 335–338 Control panel, 248 on metal, outward, 338–343 Convert NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool, 71 overview, 334 Copy command (Edit menu), 467 decimation, 644 Corel Web site, 663 Deep Paint 3D, 109 Counter-Strike, 9 DeepUV CPU (central processing unit), 5 Automatic Mapping feature, 102–103 Craquelure command (Filter menu, Texture), Command Panel 199, 201 Automatic section, 138 Create New Channel icon, 212 Cylinder button, 135 creative/project director, 598 Interactive section, 140 Crop tool, 204 Pack All button, 144 Crosshatch command (Filter menu, Brush Strokes), 456 Packing and Type section, 122 Crystal Caves, 6 Relax option, 130 cube primitives, 45 Selection button, 135 cuffs (slogre character example) Tools section, 127 researching information about, 477 Unfold option, 124 texturing, 505–506 default interface, 101 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  5. 678 Index DeepUV (continued) Difference Clouds command (Filter menu, exporting to, 159 Render), 230, 234, 236, 243, 250 Free Transform tool, 106 DigitalFlux Web site, 659 installing, 99 DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module), 644 Lasso tool, 120 dinosaur skin textures, 397–399 Mapping panel DirectX, SDK (Software Development Kit), 8 Cut button, 106 Discreet Web site, 663 Cylinder button, 106 Distort commands (Filter menu) Selection button, 107 Ocean Ripple, 426 Sphere button, 109 Wave, 426 Material screen, 102 Dodge tool, 205, 304 Move tool, 106 DOOM II, 7 overview, 100 dot pitch, 644 Perspective view, 102 Draw Objects tool, 31 Rectangular Selection tool, 104 Drawing Exchange Format (DXF), 644 Rotate tool, 117 drilling, 44 View menu, 104 dry lake bed textures, 422–424 widget, 102 Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM), 644 Zoom tools, 117 dummies, adding and manipulating, 575–577 Define Pattern command (Edit menu), 202, Dungeons and Dragons, 18 204, 206 Dust & Scratches command (Filter menu, Delete Face tool, 92 Noise), 214 Delete Row of Points tool, 81 DXF (Drawing Exchange Format), 644 Desaturate command (Edit menu, Adjust), 284 dynamic B-spline deformations, 69 design (gaming) dynamic rendering modes, 30–31 history of, 3–4 sketch art, 14–15 E U-V mapping, 99 earth textures, 419–421 designers, 598 edges developers, finding employment as, 594–604 Add Edges tool, 57 development teams, working on, 598 defined, 607 Diablo, 9 hiding, 62–63 dialog boxes Edit menu commands Hide Objects, 556 Copy, 467 Import STL File, 111, 151 Define Pattern, 202, 204, 206 Layer Styles, 223 Fill, 204, 206 Levels, 228 Preferences, Guides and Grid, 260 Mirror Options, 155 Stroke, 257, 269, 315, 376 Object Properties, 113 Transform, 106 diamond-plated metal textures, 298–301 Flip Horizontal, 130, 240 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  6. Index 679 Flip Vertical, 140, 164, 240 Rotate, 260, 294 F Scale, 300 face (slogre character example), 477 Skew, 333 Faces tool, 40 Edit Mesh modifier, 153 faceting, 645 egg-shaped sphere, 37 feathering effects, 336–337 electronics manufacturers, 3 feet (slogre character example), 504 Elliptical Marquee tool, 321 field of view (FOV), 645 Elsa Inc. Web site, 664 file formats Emboss command (Filter menu, Stylize), 444 3D Studio Max, 101 Emboss effect, 201 BMP, 629 employment, finding JPEG, 629 development teams, working on, 598 Lightwave, 101 knowledge levels, 600 PCX, 630 portfolio, 594–595 PNG, 630 positions, types of, 596–598 PSD, 629 programmers, working with, 600–602 TGA, 630 resumes, 594 TIFF, 630 salaries, 596–598 Wavefront, 101 envelopes, 561 File menu commands environment map, 645 Export, Send UV Update, 164, 180 Erase Vertices tool, 39 Import, 111, 151 errors keyboard shortcuts for, 633 in object substraction, 43 New Image, 197 in object union, 43 Preferences, 78 Expand command (Select menu, Modify), 258, Fill command (Edit menu), 204, 206 406 fillet, 645 export, compound asset creation, 16 Filter menu commands Export command (File menu), 164, 180 Artistic exporting Paint Daubs, 266, 350 to DeepUV, 159 Sponge, 220 RF-9 plasma gun example, 63–64 Blur extended graphics array (XGA), 6, 656 Gaussian blur, 220, 237, 246, 258, 273 Extrude tool, 80 Radial Blur, 349 Eye Move tool, 31 Brush Strokes Eye Rotate tool, 31, 73 Crosshatch, 456 Eyeball Design Web site, 659 Spatter, 211, 275 eyes (slogre character example) Distort researching information about, 477 Ocean Ripple, 426 texturing, 492–495 Wave, 426 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  7. 680 Index Filter menu commands (continued) function curve, 645 Noise fuzziness, 251 Add Noise, 198, 201, 209, 236, 254 Dust & Scratches, 214 Median, 256, 355 G Other, Offset, 220, 228, 239 G-LoK.tsc file, 28 Pixelate, Pointillize, 233 Gamasutra Web site, 666 Render game artists. See developers Clouds, 198, 209, 219, 230, 248, 250, game consoles versus personal computers, 5–6 256, 265 Game Developer Magazine, 667 Difference Clouds, 230, 234, 236, 243, Game Development Search Engine, 667 250 GameDev.Net Web site, 666 Lighting Effects, 213, 231, 235, 241, 244, games 262 Age of Empires, 9 Sketch Black Stone, 7 Chrome, 339 Commander Keen, 6–7 Graphic Pen, 325, 356 Counter-Strike, 9 Stylize Crystal Caves, 6 Emboss, 444 design Find Edges, 248, 422 history of, 3–4 Wind, 294 sketch art, 14–15 Texture U-V mapping, 99 Craquelure, 199, 201 Diablo, 9 Grain, 210 DOOM II, 7 Stained Glass, 400, 422 Dungeons and Dragons, 18 Texturizer, 415 Final Fantasy, 4 Final Fantasy, 4 future of, 10 Find Edges command (Filter menu, Stylize), Half-Life, 9 248, 422 open-ended, 9 first-person shooters, 8 Opposing Force, 9 Flatten Image command (Layer menu), Phantasy Star, 4 201, 290 Quake, 7, 9 Flip Horizontal command (Edit menu, Transform), 130, 240 Quake II, 7 Flip Vertical command (Edit menu, Transform), Sonic Hedgehog, 4 140, 164, 240 Super Mario Brothers, 4 FOV (field of view), 645 textures FPS (frames per second), 645 animated, 191 frag, 645 compositing, 189–190 frames per second (FPS), 645 hand-drawn, 187–188 Free Transform tool, 106 photo-based, 188–189 Front command (View menu), 169 seamless, 190–191 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  8. Index 681 types of, 186 hands (slogre character example), texturing, Tomb Raider, 9 505 Tron, 3 Hard Light blending mode, 389 Wolfenstein 3D, 7 head (slogre character model) Worms Armageddon, 8 texturing, 488–492 gamma, 646 unwrapping, 175–179 gamut, 646 Hewlett-Packard Web site, 665 GarageGames Web site, 596, 667 Hide Objects dialog box, 556 Gaussian blur command (Filter menu, Blur), high polygon meshes, 31–33 220, 237, 246, 258, 273 hoops (RF-9 plasma gun) Gearbox Software, 10 researching information about, 433 glass textures, 332–334 texturing, 443–449 gourad, 646 hose (RF-9 plasma gun) GPU (graphics processing unit), 625 researching information about, 433 GR Site’s Web site, 659 texturing, 450–453 Gradient tool, 284 hot lava textures, 243–247 Grain command (Filter menu, Texture), 210 hue, 646 granite textures, 233–235 Hue/Saturation command (Edit menu, Adjust), granularity, 620 208 Graphic Pen command (Filter menu, Sketch), 325, 356 graphics I EGA (extended graphics array), 6 icons revolution and progress of, 7–8 Configuration Library, 69 teams, 8 Create New Channel, 212 VGA (video graphics array), 6 NURBS Sphere, 70 graphics processing unit (GPU), 625 Open Schematic View, 522 grayscale color mode, 627 Image menu commands Grid command (View menu, Show), 241 Adjust Grid Snap tool, 36, 44 Curves, 280 grip (RF-9 plasma gun) Desaturate, 284 building, 48–52 Hue/Saturation, 208 researching information about, 433 Invert, 213, 250 texturing, 453–458 Levels, 207, 213, 232, 243, 245, 251 Guides and Grid command (Edit menu, Variations, 390 Preferences), 260 Canvas Size, 222–223, 259 Image Size, 202, 218, 238 Mode, Color Table, 218 H Rotate Canvas, Arbitrary, 203 Half-Life, 9–10 Image Size command (Image menu), 202, 218, hand-draw textures, 187–188 238 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  9. 682 Index images layer modification, 637 flattening, 201 most frequently used, 632 palletizing, 217–218 my editing, 635 resizing, 217–218 palette display, 636 Import command (File menu), 111, 151 selection modification, 636 Import STL File dialog box, 111, 151 toolbox, 634–635 Import UV’s button, 145–147 views, 633 indexed color, 646 keyframes, 647 infinite light, 646 inorganic textures, 187–188 installing L DeepUV, 99 lab artist, 597 trueSpace, 28 LAB color mode, 628 Intellvision, 2 lakes, dry lake bed texture, 422–424 Interactive: Cylinder mapping, 133 Lasso tool, 120, 176, 292, 303 Interactive: Planar wrapping, 128 Last Optimize Status option (Command Panel), 152 Interactive: Sphere mapping, 176 lathing, 647 Interactive section (Command Panel), 140 lava textures interlacing, 646 cold lava, 248–249 Inverse command (Select menu), 258, 467 hot lava, 243–247 inverse kinematics, 647 Layer menu commands Invert command (Edit menu, Adjust), 213, 250 Flatten Image, 201, 290 isocurves, 72 Merge Linked, 285 layer modification, keyboard shortcuts, 637 Layer Styles dialog box, 223 J Layers palette, 232 jagged textures, 328–329 Lead animator, 597 Jasc Web site, 663 lead designers, 598 jobs. See employment, finding lead level designers, 598 Join button, 172 lead modeler, 597 JPEG file format, 629 leading, 647 legs (slogre character model) building, 78–82 K researching information about, 477 kerning, 647 texturing, 502–503 keyboard shortcuts unwrapping, 160–169 blending modes, 638 level designers, 598 channel modification, 637 level of detail (LOD), 35, 114, 529–532 color modification, 637 Levels command (Edit menu, Adjust), 207, 213, File menu, 633 232, 243, 245, 251 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  10. Index 683 Levels dialog box, 228 Merge Linked command (Layer menu), 285 Light Wave Object (LWO), 648 mesh creation Lighting Effects command (Filter menu, compound asset creation, 16 Render), 213, 231, 235, 241, 244, 262 Edit Mesh modifier, 153 Lightwave file format, 101 high polygon, 31–33 lizard skin textures, 397–399 low-resolution, 16 LOD (level of detail), 35, 114, 529–532 mirroring and attaching, 155–157 LWO (Light Wave Object), 648 RF-9 plasma gun example, 26–27 metal textures, 287–291 M basic, 278–279 diamond-plated, 298–301 Magic Ring, 38 from images, 281–286 Magic Wand tool, 326, 400 panels, 306–311 mane (slogre character example), 477 peeling paint on, 302–305 Manipulation Res variable, 71 pipes, 311–317 manual U-V mapping, 104–109 rivets and screws, 320–324 manufacturers, electronics, 3 rusted mapping. See also U-V mapping basic, 287–291 checkerboard map, 440–443 dripping rust, 292–295 MIP map, 649 rusted catwalk, 296–297 Mapping panel (DeepUV) shiny, 279–281 Cut button, 106 wires, 318–319 Cylinder button, 106 Midtones and Highlights markers, 232 Selection button, 107 mineral rock textures, 229–233 Sphere button, 109 MIP map, 649 marble textures, 249–255 Mirror Options dialog box, 155 marching ants, 648 Mode command (Image menu), 218 Material screen (DeepUV), 102 modeling programs, misconceptions about, 16 Maxforums Web site, 660 Modifier tab (Command Panel), 152 Median command (Filter menu, Noise), 256, Modify commands (Select menu) 355 Border, 252 medieval brick texture, 265–277, 367 Contract, 246, 345 medieval castle textures, house gate Expand, 258, 406 bindings, 370–373 Modpages Web site, 661 drop handle, 374–378 monochrome, 649 overview, 365–366 Web site, 594 vertical boards, 367–369 mortar, brick textures, 199–202 memory motion blur, 649 ROM (read-only memory), 3 Move tool, 36, 106 video memory, 625–626 MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), 649 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  11. 684 Index muzzle (RF-9 plasma gun) Object tool, 36 building, 44–48 Object Union tool, 43, 47 researching information about, 432 Ocean Ripple command (Filter menu, Distort), texturing, 469–471 426 unwrapping, 140–143 Offset command (Filter menu, Other), 220, My Editing keyboard shortcuts, 635 228, 239 open-ended games, 9 Open Schematic View icon, 522 N OpenGL, 650 nails (slogre character example), 477 Opposing Force, 9 Y NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), 4 organic-style packing, 144 FL New Image command (File menu), 197 organic textures, 187–188, 195–196 Newtek Web site, 663 orthogonal view, 650 Nintendo, 4 Other commands (Filter menu), 220, 228, 239 AM Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), 4 overlay planes, 650 Nintendo64, 7 node points, adding, 522–526 P TE Noise command (Filter menu) Add Noise, 198, 201, 209, 236, 254 Pack All button (Command Panel), 144 Dust & Scratches, 214 Pack Selection button, 123 Median, 256, 355 Packing and Type section (Command Panel), 122 Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS), 35, 69, 611 Paint Daubs command (Filter menu, Artistic), 266, 350 normals, 612 palette display, keyboard shortcuts, 636 NURBS isocurves, 72 palletizing images, 217–218 NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline), 35, 69, 611 Pan tool, 153 NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool, 89 particle system, 650 NURBS Sphere icon, 70 patch, 72, 650 nVidia Web site, 665 Patch Edit: Points tool, 73 PCX file format, 630 PDF (Portable Document Format), 650 O peeling paint on metal textures, 302–305 OBJ property (trueSpace), 650 per-pixel shading, 650 object geometry, 606–608 personal computers versus game consoles, 5–6 Object Info panel (trueSpace), 28–30 Perspective view (DeepUV), 102 object origin, 607 Phantasy Star, 4 Object Properties dialog box, 113 phong, 651 Object Rotate tool, 36 photo-based textures, 188–189 Object Subtraction tool, 42–44 ® Team-Fly lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  12. Index 685 Photoshop Pixelate, Pointillize, 233 Actions palette, 255 Render, Clouds, 198, 209, 219, 230, 248, Airbrush tool, 347 250, 256, 265 Blending mode Render, Difference Clouds, 230, 234, Color Dodge, 302 236, 243, 250 Hard Light, 389 Render, Lighting Effects, 213, 231, 235, 241, 244, 262 Soft Light, 306 Sketch, Chrome, 339 Burn tool, 304 Sketch, Graphic Pen, 325, 356 Channels palette, 212 Stylize, Find Edges, 248, 422 Clone Stamp tool, 205, 221, 228, 232 Stylize, Wind, 294 Color Picker, 197, 199 Texture, Craquelure, 199, 201 Crop tool, 204 Texture, Grain, 210 Dodge tool, 205, 304 Texture, Stained Glass, 400, 422 Edit menu commands Texture, Texturizer, 415 Define Pattern, 202, 204, 206 Gradient tool, 284 Fill, 204, 206 Image menu commands Preferences, Guides and Grid, 260 Adjust, Curves, 280 Stroke, 257, 269, 315, 376 Adjust, Desaturate, 284 Transform, Flip Horizontal, 240 Adjust, Hue/Saturation, 208 Transform, Flip Vertical, 240 Adjust, Invert, 213, 250 Transform, Rotate, 260, 294 Adjust, Levels, 207, 213, 232, 243, 245, Transform, Scale, 300 251 Transform, Skew, 333 Adjust, Variations, 390 Elliptical Marquee tool, 321 Canvas Size, 222–223, 259 File menu commands, New Image, 197 Image Size, 202, 218, 238 Filter menu commands Mode, Color Table, 218 Artistic, Paint Daubs, 266, 350 Rotate Canvas, Arbitrary, 203 Artistic, Sponge, 220 Lasso tool, 292, 303 Blur, Gaussian blur, 220, 237, 246, 258, Layer menu 273 Flatten Image, 201, 290 Blur, Radial Blur, 349 Merge Linked, 285 Brush Strokes, Spatter, 211, 275 Layer Styles dialog box, 223 Distort, Ocean Ripple, 426 Layers palette, 232 Distort, Wave, 426 Magic Wand tool, 326, 400 Noise, Add Noise, 198, 201, 209, 236, 254 Pillow Emboss styles, 252 Noise, Dust & Scratches, 214 Polygonal Lasso tool, 298, 315 Noise, Median, 256, 355 Quick Mask mode, 211 Other, Offset, 220, 228, 239 Radial Gradient tool, 321 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  13. 686 Index Photoshop (continued) polyhedron, 651 Rectangular Marquee tool, 227, 239, 269, Portable Document Format (PDF), 650 271 portfolios, 594–595 Reflected Gradient tool, 314 POV (point of view), 651 RGB channel, Stop Playing/Recording Preferences command (File menu), 78, 260 button, 267 Premier Press Books Web site, 668 Select menu commands Primitives panel, 38 Inverse, 258 processing speeds, 5 Modify, Border, 252 programmers, working with, 600–602 Modify, Contract, 246, 345 project directors, 598 Modify, Expand, 258, 406 PSD file format, 629 Snap and Grids feature, 267–268, 296 View menu commands Show, Grid, 241 Q Show Rulers, 199 quad divide, 651 Pillow Emboss styles, 252 Quad Divide tools, 63 pipe textures, metal Quake, 8–9 basic, 311–314 Quake II, 8 bent pipes, 314–317 quartz-like textures, 233–235 pivot points, character and weapon models, Quick Mask mode, 211 515–519 Quick Weld option (Import STL File dialog Pixelate commands (Filter menu), 233 box), 151 pixels, 618 planar unwrapping technique, 101 Planet Half-Life Web site, 661 R Planet Quake Web site, 661 Radial Blur command (Filter menu, Blur), 349 Planet Unreal Web site, 661 Radial Gradient tool, 321 planetary textures radiosity, 652 dry lake bed, 422–424 RAMDOC (random access memory digital to earth, 419–421 analog converter), 652 water, 425–427 read-only memory (ROM), 3 PNG file format, 630 Rectangle button, 123 point editing, 31 Rectangle selection tool, 172–173 point of view (POV), 651 rectangle-style packing, 144 Pointillize command (Filter menu, Pixelate), Rectangular Marquee tool, 227, 239, 269, 271 233 Rectangular Selection tool, 53, 104 Polygonal Lasso tool, 298, 315 Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC), 10 polygons reference plane, 35–36 basic form of, 609 references, 556 checks, running, 113–114 Refine Patch tool, 74, 81 high polygon meshes, 31–33 Reflected Gradient tool, 314 polygon count, 34–35 reflection, 652 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  14. Index 687 refraction, 652 trigger, texturing, 453–458 Relax option (Command Panel), 130 unfolded pieces, arranging, 143–145 Render command (Filter menu) RGB channel, Stop Playing/Recording button, Clouds, 198, 209, 219, 230, 248, 250, 256, 267 265 RGB color channels, 623 Difference Clouds, 230, 234, 236, 243, 250 RGB color depth, 621–623 Lighting Effects, 213, 231, 235, 241, 244, rhinoceros skin textures, 400–402 262 Ricaldi, Lars, 19 rendering, 614–615 Right Hemisphere command (Utilities Panel), resolution, 618 145–147 resumes, 594–595 Right Hemisphere Web site, 664 Return to Castle Wolfenstein, 10 RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing), 10 RF-9 plasma gun rock and stone textures barrel asphalt, 256–264 building, 44–48 granite, 233–235 texturing, 459–468 hot lava, 243–247 unwrapping, 133–137 marble, 249–255 exporting, 63–64 mineral rock, 229–233 grip sandstone, 236–242 building, 48–52 stone wall set, 264–277 texturing, 453–458 role-playing game (RPG), 8 grip, unwrapping, 117–127 ROM (read-only memory), 3 hoops Rotate canvas command (Image menu), 203 building, 53–58 Rotate command (Edit menu, Transform), 260, texturing, 443–449 294 unwrapping, 138–140 Rotate tool, 117 hose, texturing, 450–453 RPG (role-playing game), 8 map, retrieving manually, 145–147 rusted metal textures mesh creation, 26–27 basic, 287–291 modeling process and planning, 33 dripping rust, 292–295 muzzle rusted catwalk, 296–297 building, 37–42, 433 texturing, 469–471 S unwrapping, 140–143 salaries, 596–598 optimize and triangulate, 58–63 sandstone textures, 236–242 painting, 58 Scale By command (Edit menu, Transform), rear hoop, unwrapping, 127–132 106 reference plane, setting up, 35–36 Scale command (Edit menu, Transform), 300 researching information about, 432 Scale tool, 38 sketch art concepts, 20–23 SDK (Software Development Kit), 8 target polygon count, 34–35 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  15. 688 Index SDRAM (synchronous dynamic random access skew, 653 memory), 653 Skew command (Edit menu, Transform), 333 seamless textures, 190–191 skin textures seams adding, slogre character example, 513–515 alignment, suggestions for, 168 lizard/dinosaur skin, 397–399 defined, 133 overview, 396 Sega, 4 rhinoceros skin, 400–402 Sega Saturn, 7 torn flesh, 406–412 segments, 653 slogre character Select menu commands appendages, aligning and combining, 89–92 Inverse, 258, 467 arms Modify building, 82–88 Border, 252 texturing, 502–503 Contract, 246, 345 unwrapping, 169–175 Expand, 258, 406 body Select Using Rectangle tool, 38 building, 70–77 Selection button texturing, 502–503 Command Panel, 135 unwrapping, 179 Mapping panel, 107 brainstorming and process planning, 17–18 selection modification, keyboard shortcuts, 636 cuffs, texturing, 505–506 Send UV Update command (Edit menu, exporting to DeepUV, 159 Export), 164, 180 eyes, texturing, 492–495 shaders, 653 feet, texturing, 504 Shadows and Highlights markers, 253 first draft concept, 18–20 Shadows marker, 243 hands, texturing, 505 shared points, 138 harsh angles of, smoothing, 158 sharing U-V space, 126 head shiny metal textures, 279–281 texturing, 488–492 shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts unwrapping, 175–179 Show command (View menu), Grid, 241 legs Show Rulers command (View menu), 199 building, 78–82 sites. See Web sites texturing, 502–503 six-sided cylinder, 52 unwrapping, 160–169 sketch art map, packing manually, 180 compound asset creation, 16 mesh, editing, 152–154 importance of, 14–15 neck, texturing, 500–501 slogre character, first draft concept, 18–20 researching information about, 477–479 Sketch commands (Filter menu) results of, updating and viewing in 3D Chrome, 339 Studio Max, 180–181 Graphic Pen, 325, 356 skin, adding, 513–515 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  16. Index 689 tusks Stylize command (Filter menu) adding, 157 Emboss, 444 texturing, 497–500 Find Edges, 248, 422 weighting, 569–574 Wind, 294 Smooth modifier, 158 subdivision surface, 654 Snap and Grid feature, 267–268, 296 Super Extended Graphics Array (SXGA), Soft Light blending mode, 306 654 Software Development Kit (SDK), 8 Super Mario Brothers, 4 Sonic HedgeHog, 4 SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array), 654 Spatter command (Filter menu, Brush Stroke), Sweep tool, 41, 45 211, 275 SXGA (Super Extended Graphics Array), Sphere button (Mapping panel), 109 654 spheres copying and positioning, 40 T deleting, 40 teams egg-shaped, 37 development teams, 598 elongating, 38 graphics development, 8 scaling and moving, 42 tearing, 654 segments of, selecting, 39 Terrain Editor, 588–590 twelve-segment, 38 tessellate, 654 spherical unwrapping technique, 101 Texture command (Filter menu) splines, 610 Craquelure, 199, 201 Sponge command (Filter menu, Artistic), 220 Grain, 210 spot lights, 49 Stained Glass, 400, 422 sprites, 653 Texturizer, 415 Stained Glass command (Filter menu, Texture), 400, 422 texture coordinates, 16 Static Res number, 71 texture/environment artist, 597 stencil buffering, 653 texture resolution (trueSpace), 31 Stereolitho file type, 151 Texture World Web site, 660 STL (stereolithography), 63 textures Check modifier, 112 bone, 402–406 file, importing, 111 brick textures. see brick textures stone textures. See rock and stone textures cement. see cement Stop/Playing Recording button (RGB channel), clothing 267 camouflage, 413–416 storyboarding. See sketch art wrinkles in, 417–419 Stroke command (Edit menu), 257, 269, 315, creation guidelines, 195–196 376 decals. see decal textures Studio LOGICBit Web site, 660 defined, 613 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  17. 690 Index textures (continued) hands, 505 game textures head, 488–492 animated, 191 legs, 502–503 compositing, 189–190 neck, 500–501 hand-drawn, 187–188 researching information about, 477–479 photo-based, 188–189 tusks, 497–500 seamless, 190–191 techniques for, 434 types of, 186 Texturizer command (Filter menu, Texture), glass, 332–334 415 inorganic, 187–188 TGA file format, 630 medieval castle. see medieval castle textures, TIFF file format, 630 house gate tiling textures. See also brick textures metal. see metal textures cement, creating from images, 226–229 organic, 187–188 design considerations, 206 planetary random, 225–226 dry lake bed, 422–424 Tip tool, 51 earth, 419–421 toggle displays, keyboard shortcuts, 636 water, 425–427 tolerance, 654 rock. see rock and stone textures Tomb Raider, 9 skin. see skin textures toolbox keyboard shortcuts, 634–635 stone. see rock and stone textures Tools section (Command Panel), 127 water, 425–427 torn flesh textures, 406–412 wood. see wood textures Torque engine, 586–590, 592–593 work-to-time ratio, 393 torus, 654 texturing trajectory, 654 buildings, 590–592 Transform command (Edit menu), 106 compound asset creation, 16 Flip Horizontal, 130, 240 RF-9 plasma gun example Flip Vertical, 140, 164, 240 barrel, 459–468 Rotate, 260, 294 grip, 453–458 Scale, 300 hoops, 443–453 Skew, 333 hose, 450–453 transformation, defined, 609 muzzle, 469–471 Transparent Wireframe mode, 30–31 trigger, 453–458 Triangulate tool, 63 slogre example triangulation, 62–63, 113 arms, 502–503 trigger (RF-9 plasma gun example), 453–458 body, 502–503 Trinity 3D Web site, 660 cuffs, 505–506 Tron, 3 eyes, 492–495 trueSpace feet, 504 Add Curve tool, 79 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  18. Index 691 Add Edges tool, 57 tutorial, 34 Add Vertex tool, 86 Weld Vertices tool, 59 Bevel tool, 46 tusks (slogre character example) Convert NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool, adding, 157 71 researching information about, 477 default configuration, 71 texturing, 497–500 Delete Face tool, 92 tutorial, trueSpace, 34 Delete Row of Points tool, 81 Tweak 3D Web site, 665 Draw Objects tool, 31 tweening, 655 dynamic rendering modes, setting, 30–31 Erase Vertices tool, 39 Extrude tool, 80 U Eye Move tool, 31 U-V mapping Eye Rotate tool, 31, 73 automatic mapping, 102–103 Faces tool, 40 compound asset creation, 16 Grid Snap tool, 36, 44 manual mapping, 104–109 installing, 28 overlapping, 364 Magic Ring, 38 space, sharing, 126 Move tool, 36 unwrapping, 33, 101 NURBS Patch to Polyhedron tool, 89 ultra true color, 655 OBJ property, 650 Undying, 10 Object Info panel, 28–30 Unfold option (Command Panel), 124 Object Rotate tool, 36 union operations, slogre character model Object Substraction tool, 42, 44 example, 89–92 Object tool, 36 Unreal Tournament, 10 Object Union tool, 47 UnrealFiles Web site, 661 Patch Edit: Points tool, 73 Unrealized Web sites, 662 Point Edit tools, 31 Unwrap UVW modifier, 145–147 Primitives panel, 38 unwrapping Quad Divide tools, 63 techniques for, 101 Rectangular Selection tool, 53 U-V texture coordinates, 33 Refine Patch tool, 74, 81 Utilities Panel menu, Right Hemisphere, 145–147 Scale tool, 38 Select Using Rectangle tool, 38 STL (stereolithography) formats, 63 V Sweep tool, 41, 45 Valve ERC Web site, 662 texture resolution, 31 Variations command (Edit menu, Adjust), 390 Tip tool, 51 vector graphics, 655 Transparent Wireframe mode, 30–31 vertex smoothing, 655 Triangulate tool, 63 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  19. 692 Index vertices hoops and hose, building, 53–58 defined, 607 hose, texturing, 450–453 excess, eliminating, 59 map, retrieving manually, 145–147 VGA (video graphics array), 6 modeling process and planning, 33 video memory, 625–626 muzzle, building, 37–42, 433 video post, 655 muzzle, texturing, 469–471 Video Random Access Memory (VRAM), 625 muzzle, unwrapping, 140–143 View menu commands optimize and triangulate, 58–63 Front, 169 painting, 58 Show, Grid, 241 rear hoop, unwrapping, 127–132 Show Rulers, 199 reference planes, setting up, 35–36 views, keyboard shortcuts for, 633 researching information about, 432 Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), sketch art ideas and concepts, 24 656 target polygon count, 34–35 volumetrics, 656 trigger, texturing, 453–458 voxel, 656 unfolded pieces, arranging, 143–145 VRAM (Video Random Access Memory), 625 sketch art ideas and concepts for, 20–23 VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language), Web sites 656 3D Cafe, 658 3D Fuel, 659 W 3D Links, 659 3D Map Realm, 661 Wacom Web site, 665 Adobe, 662 water textures, 425–427 Apogee, 6 Wave command (Filter menu, Distort), 426 ATI Technologies, 664 Wavefront file format, 101 Avalon, 658 weapon models Black Knight Productions, 659 blades, 50–51 Blue’s News, 666 mesh creation sketch example, 26–27 Caligari, 662 pivot points, 515–519 ClassicGaming, 3, 666 RF-9 plasma gun example, 125–127 Corel, 663 barrel, building, 44–48 DigitialFlux, 659 barrel, texturing, 459–468 Discreet, 663 barrel, unwrapping, 133–137 Elsa Inc., 664 exporting, 63–64 Eyeball Design, 659 front hoop and hose, unwrapping, 138–140 Gamasutra, 666 grip, building, 48–52 GameDev.Net, 666 grip, texturing, 453–458 GarageGames, 596, 667 grip and trigger, unwrapping, 117–124 GR Site’s, 659 hoops, texturing, 443–449 Hewlett-Packard, 665 lease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
  20. Index 693 Jasc, 663 Wind command (Filter menu, Stylize), 294 Maxforums, 660 wires, metal textures, 318–319 Modpages, 661 W olfensten 3D, 7, 594 wood textures, 325–332, 354–363 Newtek, 663 work-to-time ratio, 393 nVidia, 665 world origin, defined, 607 Planet Half-Life, 661 W orms Armageddon, 8 Planet Quake, 661 wrinkles, in clothing textures, 417–419 Planet Unreal, 661 Premier Press Books, 668 Right Hemisphere, 664 X X-axis, projection alignment, 167 Studio LOGICBit, 660 XGA (extended graphics array), 6, 656 Texture World, 660 Xtreme Games, LLC Web site, 668 Trinity 3D, 660 Tweak 3D, 665 UnrealFiles, 661 Y Unrealized, 662 Y-axis control, 137 Valve ERC, 662 alignment, seams, 173 Wacom, 665 projection alignment, 167 Xtreme Games, LLC, 668 weighting defined, 555 Z slogre character example, 569–574 -Z option (Align axis drop down list), 143 Weld Vertices tool, 59 Z-axis control, 137, 167 Width and Height setting (Image Size menu), Z buffer, 656 238 Zoom tools, 117, 153 se purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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