Analysis of network performance management dashboard
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In performance availability it is known that there are many problems that occur in each event in the field.
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Nội dung Text: Analysis of network performance management dashboard
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 952–963, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_096 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF NETWORK PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT DASHBOARD Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar Information Systems Management Department, BINUS Graduate Program-Master of Information Systems Management, Bina Nusantara University Jakarta, Indonesia ABSTRACT Analysis of performance availability is very important to help improve network performance. This is due to developing services to be used by customers. In performance availability it is known that there are many problems that occur in each event in the field. In achieving the optimal level in carrying out the implementation and support processes of the performance management dashboard, an analysis is needed to develop management and control in the networking division with the aim of generating utilization in the implementation and support processes to align with the business needs of PT ABC. The existing reference model is a reference model that refers to the functional area of FCAPS. The FCAPS model consists of five functional areas, including fault management, configuration management, accounting management, performance management, and security management. In general, companies have implemented FCAPS on failure issues and configurations (fault and configuration). Security / security has relied on other tools that are not integrated in the FCAPS model as a whole. The basic principle is, even though there are five elements from FCAPS, one element can influence the success of other elements. Key words: Performance, FCAPS, Network. Cite this Article: Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar, Biomass-Based Analysis of Network Performance Management Dashboard, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 952–963. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 1. INTRODUCTION Current developments make technology develop rapidly. Telecommunications signals are not always good. But often many problems occur in the networking section. Problems that occur in the networking section include power, transmission, theft, BTS hardware and BTS software. BTS (Base Transceiver Station) has the function of a radio interface between mobile phones and cellular telecommunications networks. Technology in telecommunications has evolved from 1G to 4G or commonly referred to as LTE. The development of this technology indirectly presses mobile phone operators and operator users to keep up with the technological progress. PT. ABC stands as the first telecommunications company with foreign investment (PMA) in Indonesia, which provides telecommunications services both nationally and internationally http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 952 editor@iaeme.com
- Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar through international satellite. PT ABC developed as the first international telecommunications company bought and owned by the Indonesian government 100%. Analysis of performance availability is very important to help improve network performance. This is due to developing services to be used by customers. In performance availability it is known that there are many problems that occur in each event in the field. Communication system in GSM (Global System for Mobile), BTS is the main point of the cells at each site. BTS is a transmitter and receiver that directly handles the access of the transmission route that is connected to the mobile station via the air interface. Therefore, BTS needs to maintain and replace the device if it is past the date of use in order to avoid interconnected device problems. Analysis is also needed to monitor the BTS system in order to maximize BTS performance. On the monitoring Dashboard that has been made can help carry out the procurement of goods, facilitate the decision-making system. From the system, decision-making for management results in root causes that occur for management. Figure 1. Trendline network performance management dashboard In order for PT ABC to achieve an optimal level in carrying out the implementation and support processes of the performance management dashboard, an analysis is needed to develop management and control in the networking division with the aim of generating utilization in the implementation and support processes to align with existing business needs. One framework that can be used to carry out an analysis is ISO (International Standard Organization). ISO has a large contribution in terms of network standardization. ISO has a standard network management model that fulfills its five main functions, namely Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security, which is usually abbreviated as FCAPS which should be owned by the Network Management System. Performance management also measures network performance aspects such as network throughput, user response time, and channel usage so that network work can be adjusted to acceptable levels. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 953 editor@iaeme.com
- Analysis of Network Performance Management Dashboard 2.1. ISO Network Management Processes Network management methodology that brings together network maintenance activities. The network management model of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines five functional areas of network management. This document covers all functional fields. The overall aim of this document is to provide practical recommendations in each functional area to improve the overall effectiveness of current management tools and practices. It also provides design guidelines for implementing network management tools and technologies in the future. FCAPS: namely the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TMN model and framework for network management. The FCAPS model, was inaugurated at the international telecommunications union in 1977, which has served for almost a decade to summarize and simplify the main concepts of Infrastructure Network Management arrangements. FCAPS includes Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management, Security Management. Figure 2. Interaction of the FCAPS functions (Cisco, 2007) 2.2. Fault Management Fault Management is a life cycle that focuses on identifying problems through continuous monitoring of the entire network, correlating fault data and isolating problems to the source. The function of fault management is to provide facilities that allow network administrators to find faults on managed devices, networks, and network operations, so that they can immediately determine the cause and can immediately take corrective action. Fault Management has a mechanism for reporting errors, recording error reports, making diagnoses, and correcting errors (made possible automatically). 2.3. Configuration Management Configuration management includes actual management of configuration management, the configuration change control process, which is included for commissioning and decommissioning network devices, configuring backup and restore, and overall workflow management for tracking and recording changes in configurable devices. The configuration management function monitors network configuration information so that the impact of certain hardware or software can be managed properly. This can be done with the ability to initialize, reconfigure, operate, and turn off the managed device. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 954 editor@iaeme.com
- Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar The more network devices used, it is very important to be able to accurately identify the location of network devices. This location information must provide a detailed description which means they are assigned to send resources when network problems occur. To speed up resolution if network problems occur, make sure to have available contact information from the person or department in charge of the device. 2.4. Accounting Management Accounting Management includes methods for tracking using statistics and costs associated with time and services provided with other network devices and sources. Accounting information for example, such as the utilization and use of device resources used to achieve the objectives requested from the Service Level Aggrement requested by ensuring that this has been agreed upon, can be provided. The function of accounting management is to measure network utilization of certain users or groups to produce billing information (billing), manage users or groups, and help maintain network performance at a certain acceptable level. Network accounting management also tracks and records the utilization of network resources, so that the cost of each user, department, or business unit can be identified. This management can also use the administration approach, namely to manage user access rights, authority, synchronization and operations. 2.5. Performance Management Performance Management includes tracking systems and network statistics using the Network Management System (NMS). Data collected includes link utilization, errors, response times and availability information. The data can be used to improve performance for critical traffic, such as Voice over IP (VoIP), for example by implementing or adjusting Quality of Service (QoS), which is the solution to making efficient use for users who use limited bandwidth. In addition, it can also be used to monitor performance management which can be used to establish thresholds and identify network trends, all of which provide values for data for prolonged planning. The function of performance management is measuring various aspects of network performance including the collection and analysis of system statistical data so that it can be managed and maintained at a certain acceptable level. For this reason, performance management has the ability to obtain utilization and error rates from network devices, and maintain performance at a certain level by ensuring the device has sufficient capacity. Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a written agreement between service providers and their customers on the expected level of network service performance. SLA consists of metrics agreed upon between the provider and the customer. The values set for metrics must be realistic, meaningful, and measurable for both parties. Various interface statistics can be collected from network devices to measure performance levels. This statistic can be included as a metric in the SLA. Statistics such as drops in the input queue, output queue drops, and neglected packages are useful for diagnosing performance related problems. 2.6. Security Management Security Management handles access rights including authentication and authorization, data privacy and auditing security violations. From the perspective of network administration, security management is related to controlling access using network devices. For example in AAA security devices (Authentication Authorization and Accounting). Security management includes interating firewalls and other security devices such as the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) in the network to protect devices from viruses, worms and malicious types of traffic. The function of security management is to regulate access to network resources so that information http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 955 editor@iaeme.com
- Analysis of Network Performance Management Dashboard cannot be obtained without permission. This is done by limiting access to network resources, and giving notice of attempted violations and security violations. 2.7. Previous Research In 2014, research on network performance analysis by knowing the factors that influence the BTS network and knowing how much fuel costs, maintenance and expenses are spent on the use of power systems using the field observation method. Other research on the application of the need for Quality of Service (QoS) which has an influence on the development between public bureau network operators and the internet community which has a focus on in-service methods and statistical models for monitoring and estimating short-term parameters in the cell loss process. Other research on the application of contributions to the role of networks in health care companies which measures performance and management of public services and network research in public administration and public management and serves as a strong theoretical basis for empirical research. Other research on applies Business Intelligence that is able to be applied to the monitoring dashboards of student and graduate performance which is made using the Scrum method as a function for student and graduate competency management. In 2011, research on the identification of grid application networks and grid technology which contributes solicitation to awareness scheduling networks. And mengatasisol now now, the forms of problems needed to create efficient networks, and serve and consider aspects that meet the requirements. In 2008, research on the application of large corporate networks to provide capacity and performance management by who use the NECTEC system which shows that the NMM OSI substantially meets the requirements of the network management system. 3. METHODOLOGY The company PT ABC is a telecommunications company that provides telecommunications services and networks in Indonesia. In general, the research methodology used in writing this research is as follows: 1. Formulate research problems based on the reality faced by the PT ABC 2. Conduct a literature study by gathering and reading various supporting documents, theories, and guidelines for frameworks commonly used in IT governance. 3. Placing a problem that is in accordance with FCAPS, taking data and evaluating the process chosen. 4. Conduct an analysis of the data obtained. 5. Measuring network management in accordance with the FCAPS framework. 6. Conduct report writing, make conclusions and recommendations (suggestions). 3.1. Mind Map http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 956 editor@iaeme.com
- Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar Figure 3. Mind Map His research framework includes: 1. Field observation At this stage data collection is carried out by observing and recording visually and interpreting observations in the field in the form of notes so that the data is valid. This stage is used to see and observe directly the conditions in the field so that you can get a broader picture of the problem being studied. 2. Mapping problems into the FCAPS framework process At this stage a mapping of the problems obtained into the FCAPS process was carried out. The problem presented is the problem related to the network performance management dashboard at PT ABC. The benefits obtained at this stage are FCAPS processes that are relevant to current problems. 3. Data Collection At this stage data collection is related to the process of the results of mapping to FCAPS. This stage will be explained in the method of data collection. 4. Analyze the collected data At this stage, he analyzes the data relating the problem under study. Data obtained from analysis of this data is used as supporting data obtained through observation and interviews. In this study the author will conduct interviews with Network Managers, B2B Managers, Maintenance and Access Managers and staff responsible for network performance at PT ABC. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 957 editor@iaeme.com
- Analysis of Network Performance Management Dashboard 5. Measurement of network performance management dashboards with the FCAPS process. Assessment or measurement of processes at FCAPS is stated in the level of the category network performance management dashboard from the FCAPS framework. The method used to measure network performance management dashboard processes uses Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management, Security Management. The results of this stage are in the current level of the category of FCAPS process management dashboard network categories. 6. Measurement of FCAPS process level targets At this stage the FCAPS network performance management dashboard (Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management, Security Management) measurements are carried out with framework analysis. The results of this stage are the current FCAPS process network performance. 7. GAP analysis and improvement priorities After analyzing network performance, the current process is to determine the network performance that is expected and wants to be achieved. So, at this stage it is done by using a gap analysis of PT ABC's performance management dashboard network. 8. Repair recommendations The processes that have been submitted in the activity are adjusted to the standards set by the company which to have the objectives of each company. These recommendations are needed in the improvement of the development of the network performance management dashboard, which is suggested by the author in making improvements. In this data collection method, the author will do 2 ways, namely by observation, and interviews. The facts collected in these ways are expected to be adequate as input material is collected and subsequently analyzed. In determining conclusions in this study using a deductive approach, namely the determination of conclusions from general facts to be specific or specific. This research began with an understanding of the FCAPS framework. Then from that understanding, the determination of capability levels and recommendations was carried out in evaluating the implementation and support of theapplication. In this study conducted at the company PT. ABC in the Technical Network Operation Department. The Technical Network Operation Department is responsible for network performance that occurs in the field both the performance of the previous year and the performance that will occur. Network performance in the data is the result of the achievement of a maintenance service team that performs maintenance both preventive maintenance, repair, replacement, installation or installation. Network performance as a research subject is one of the important objects to meet the needs in the field and the achievement of a maintenance service team in the network performance department in carrying out the company's business processes. In addition, the maintenance service team is also responsible for the supervision carried out by the vendor and the maintenance system. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 958 editor@iaeme.com
- Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar This company has a management that is led by the General Manager of the Network Operation Region with the assistance of the Network Manager and staff, B2B Manager, Maintenance and Access Manager in managing network operation management. The Operation Region Head Director of the Network has a very large role and responsibility in each region. At this stage explain the business processes that are running at PT. ABC starts with Network Strategy & Solution, Network Design & Deployment. On Network Strategy & Solution and Network Design & Deployment related to the strategy and process of lifecycle management, including: 1. Service Development Management that has direction in planning, development and service in the area to be operated. 2. Establish the main steps in policy, company goals and all operational activities related to Networking, as well as continuity of company activities. 3. Establish the quality and synergy of the planning and implementation of the policies and operational strategies of the Operating Business unit. 4. Integrate on managing infrastructure and services, which are managed in a single focus and integrated management manner. 4.1. Business Process Result In the business process, there are results in the form of a dashboard performance management at PT ABC as follows: The results after performing a predetermined task, are checked, does the value of the performance rise? If not, then the SOV team must implement a process to improve performance, and a reassessment is carried out whether the performance value is up? If so, then an introduction to performance and developing results from performance is carried out. And the results in the form of managed performance and performance results are sent to employees and to the manager. Interview with maintenance manager and access, B2B manager and network manager PT. ABC. Maintenance and access manager, B2B manager, and network manager PT. ABC is a very precise and accurate source of information in conducting research on job desks, business processes and constraints. Details of the type of job desk, business processes and constraints are supporting facilities made by the company. The author made a direct visit to the site to conduct a location survey of each BTS to determine the location distance between each site to the site that was used as the research point. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 959 editor@iaeme.com
- Analysis of Network Performance Management Dashboard Figure 4 Network Performance Management Dashboard Process At the FCAPS process, a determination process in the management of information systems is carried out on the network performance management dashboard, which first determines the processes that need to be measured by the FCAPS model. Network Management Function within the FCAPS framework has determined the category model in determining the process to be selected. The process stages are as follows: - Make a mapping of service detection & restoration processes on fault management models. - Make a mapping of the configuration process in the network in the configuration management model. - Make a mapping of the administrative costs involved in network development and allocation of costs to the accounting management model. - Make a mapping of the process of managing the entire network performance in the performance management model. - Make a mapping of the process of handling security in the network in the security management model. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 960 editor@iaeme.com
- Desi Mega Paramita and Ahmad Nurul Fajar Fault Management is a function used in performing detection, isolation and fault correction on the network. A strategy that focuses on network monitoring where network monitoring is carried out, including alarm management and functions in performing a more sophisticated alarm process in diagnosing an error. On fault management this is also done by giving a signal or alarm what is happening on the network, for example the RF module problem, or the network link has been terminated. A history alarm can help network administrators to resolve and determine a root cause that occurs in a network anomaly. Which processing and analysis causes the root of the problem and problem solving to predict errors so the network can improve. This is done by monitoring networks that are abnormal (abnormal). When a fault occurs, part of the network will make a warning or notification to the network operator. Therefore maintenance of records in alarm history is done. In addition to recording the ticket for testing, the ticket is related to the customer. In network planning related to functions related to what is needed in increasing capacity. The aim is to evaluate the alternatives being planned which provisioning function will be carried out. Alternative planning that is designed to be filled with parameters in the provisioning function so that it is directed towards applicants in planning is not to lose the quality of service. In the system do tracking devices such as on a router device that provides a network so that the device is not removed from the place of installation, do damage and move to another place in the network. Accounting management is included in carrying out a track on activities and informing users and authorities relevant to the use of resources and related costs that have been used. If there is limited resources, it is necessary to limit costs or reduce costs for resources. Accounting management which makes it possible to check distribution resources across the entire network. This means that the efficiency of the system is applied by measuring the utilization and activity on the network. Performance Management, which this management functions as a form of analysis of the performance of a device both in terms of physical and logical, namely lan / wan link. The goal is to optimize the Quality of Service (QoS) process which processes the performance by detecting performance on the network. Network performance includes throughput, network response time, packet loss level, availability of percentage, error rate, traffic volume, network availability, network delay, and so on. In collecting data and analyzing data, network work can be monitored. Monitoring can be done at real time. The data can be seen and maintained to log the history of the state of the system, the data can determine the performance system during natural conditions and artificial conditions. The operating system can be changed mode with the aim of performance management activities. Performance Management is also related to the SLA (Service Level Agreement) which is a system between telecommunication companies and customers that guarantees good network quality. Data is given the level of security of users that can only be accessed by certain people, with limited access as well. A network must be protected against hackers, unauthorized users, and physical or electronic sabotage. On security management which has multi-service provision, high level of security in defense in controlling access and utilization of services, safeguarding data on privacy, data confidentiality and information integrity. In a telecommunications company system, Security Management has the ability to channel the level and services that are implemented or include the security needed to protect services. In the telecommunications company system must be carried out selectively in terms of services where there will be filtering of access rights. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 961 editor@iaeme.com
- Analysis of Network Performance Management Dashboard Figure 5. Work Flow Performance 5. CONCLUSIONS In managing the network, there are at least 3 stakeholders needed to analyze root cause networks. The three stakeholders are the Network team, Maintenance & Access team, B2B team. The analysis results can improve network service performance by implementing the FCAPS framework (Fault Management, Configuration Management, Accounting Management, Performance Management, Security Management) : - Fault Management to reduce downtime, and streamline time in checking to make a search for the cause of the problem (troubleshooting). - Configuration Management to control network parameters and assist in network monitoring. - Accounting Management to manage resource utilization, cost efficiency in making network improvements. - Performance Management can predict network performance on services. This is done by making a project preventive maintenance to avoid interference that would occur. The purpose of preventive maintenance is to prevent events that will occur in the future. - Security Management to make the network safer, so as to avoid threats that can disrupt network performance http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 962 editor@iaeme.com
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