Analysis of the effect of business, technology and human resources capital on business performance in the noken bags craftsmen in Merauke
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This research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of business capital, technology and human resources on the business performance of bag noken craftsmen in Merauke.
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Nội dung Text: Analysis of the effect of business, technology and human resources capital on business performance in the noken bags craftsmen in Merauke
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 244-251. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_025 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF BUSINESS, TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN RESOURCES CAPITAL ON BUSINESS PERFORMANCE IN THE NOKEN BAGS CRAFTSMEN IN MERAUKE Marlyn Eleida Alfons and Semuel Batlajery Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Indonesia ABSTRACT This research was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of business capital, technology and human resources on the business performance of bag noken craftsmen in Merauke. The research approach taken in this study is to use a quantitative research approach because the data is related to numbers. The population in this study were 53 people, namely business owners. Data collection methods used by the authors in this study were observation, questionnaires and interviews. In this study researchers used 3 (three) variables including; 2 independent variables and 1 dependent variable. Data Analysis Techniques used are validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the Business Capital, Technology and Human Resources variables obtained F_count 40.666> 3.10 F table. It can be concluded that H4 is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a significant effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable with a significant level of 0,000 F table with a significant level
- Analysis of the Effect of Public Relation And Sales Promotion on Decision Making Processes For Buying Water Refills in Merauke reduce the problem of inequality between income groups and between business actors, or poverty alleviation and employment. The company or business sector in order to continue to carry out its business activities is with the existence of business capital. Capital is one of the most important factors of production activities. For companies that are newly established or start running their business, capital is used to be able to run business activities, while for companies or business fields and businesses that have long established, capital is usually used to be able to expand business and expand market share of business and business venture capital according to Large Indonesian Dictionary in Listyawan Ardi Nugraha (2011: 9) "Business capital is money used as a principal (parent) to trade, release money, etc .; property (money, goods, etc.) that can be used to produce something that adds wealth ". Capital in this sense can be interpreted as a sum of money used in carrying out business activities. Technology is the whole means to provide goods needed for the survival and comfort of human life. Technology according to Miarso (2007) is a form of process that increases added value. The running process can use or produce certain products, where products are not separate from other existing products. It also states that technology is an integral part of what is contained in a particular system. According to Hasibuan (2003, h 244) Human Resources is an integrated ability of the power of thought and physical power possessed by individuals. Actors and their characteristics are carried out by their offspring and environment, while their performance is motivated by the desire to fulfill their satisfaction. Human resources consist of the thinking power and physical power of every human being. Strictly the ability of every human being is determined by the power of thought and physical power. Human resources are the main element in every activity carried out. Reliable or sophisticated equipment without the active role of human resources, means nothing. Thinking power is intelligence that is carried out from birth (basic capital) while skills are obtained from business (learning and training). Measuring intelligence is Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotion Quality (EQ). Every company must always review the performance of the company in a certain period. This activity is often also called company performance. Company performance has an understanding as a result of a management activity in a company. The results of management activities are then used as a parameter or benchmark to assess the success of the management of a company in terms of achieving goals that have been set in a certain period. In addition to this general understanding, there are many opinions expressed by several experts regarding the understanding of the company's performance which can be used as a reference in defining the performance of this company. According to Moerdiyanti (2010), reveals that company performance is the result of a series of business processes which by sacrificing various kinds of resources, namely human resources and corporate finance. If the company's performance increases, it can be seen from the incessant activities of the company in order to generate maximum profits. The profits or profits generated will certainly differ depending on the size of the moving company. Based on the process of increasing income earnings or profits, Nakamura (2011: 102) states that companies that have a large size have greater potential to invest their resources. In managing this investment, companies should as much as possible be able to create value for shareholders. 2. METHODOLOGY This research was carried out on the Tas Noken craftsmen, which numbered 53 craftsmen according to 2017 BPS data found in several places in Merauke City. The research approach taken in this study is to use a quantitative research http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 245 editor@iaeme.com
- Semuel Batlajery and Marlyn Alfons approach because the data is related to numbers. The population in this study were 53 people, namely business owners. then the determination of the number of samples in this study uses the total sampling method. The data used in this study are; Primary data is data obtained directly from original sources (Mangkoedihardjo and April, 2012; Mangkoedihardjo, 2007). This study uses primary data from the results of filling out questionnaires given to respondents regarding the identity of respondents (age, sex, education, length of work) and respondent's responses. Secondary data is data obtained indirectly through intermediary media. This study uses secondary data obtained from journals, magazines, books, and previous studies that make information or data relating to research in the form of evidence, records or historical reports that have been compiled in both published and unpublished archives. Data collection methods used by the authors in this study were observation, questionnaires and interviews. In this study researchers used 3 (three) variables including; 2 independent variables (Independent variables) and 1 dependent variable (dependent variable). Data Analysis Techniques used are Validity Test, Reliability Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, According to Hasan (2008) the multiple linear regression equation is as follows: Y = a + b1 x1 + b2 x2 + b3 x3 + e where; Y: Business Performance, a: Constants, b: Correlation coefficient, X1: Business Capital, X2: Technology, X3: Human Resources, e: error / error, using the SPSS for Windows 23 Program to facilitate analysis. 3. RESULTS 3.1. Validity test Validity test is done by comparing r_count with r_tabel for degree of freedom (df) = n-2, in this case n is the number of samples. Large (df) = 53-2, the number 51 is obtained, with alpha = 0.05 obtained r_tabel 0.2084 using the formula person corelation. Based on the results of data processing it is known that the whole item variable is valid because r_count> r_tabel is a significant level of 95% (α = 0.05) and n = 20 is obtained> r_tabel = 0.2084 so that it can be said that the whole item of variable questionnaire is valid. 3.2. Test reliability Reliability testing is done by using Croanbach's Coeficient Alpha which shows how far the items in the study are correlated with each other. The value of an instrument is said to be reliable if it has a value of croanbach's alpha> 0.6. Reliability test is used to determine the consistency of the measuring instrument, whether the measuring instrument used is reliable and remains consistent if the measurement is repeated. According to Dwi (2009) that reliability is less than 0.60 is not good, while 0.70 is acceptable and 0.80 is good. The reliability test results obtained alpha coefficient for the Business Capital variable 0.714, the Technology variable 0.692, the Human Resource Variable 0.723 and the Business Performance variable 0.829, these values> 0.60 Cronbach Alpha Standard. This means that the statement item used will be able to obtain consistent data, meaning that if the statement is submitted again, a relatively similar answer will be obtained with the first answer. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 246 editor@iaeme.com
- Analysis of the Effect of Public Relation And Sales Promotion on Decision Making Processes For Buying Water Refills in Merauke Table 1. Reliability test results Coefficientsa Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta (Constant) .280 3.607 .078 .938 Venture Capital .510 .112 .389 4.564 .000 1 Technology .598 .119 .450 5.667 .000 Human Resources .564 .115 .512 5.786 .000 a. Dependent Variable: Business Performance Based on the table above, the multiple regression equation is obtained as follows: Y = 0.280 + 0.510 + 0.598 + 0.564 + e. The above equation can be explained that: a. The constant coefficient of 0.280, shows that if the business capital variable (X1) Technology (X2) and Human Resources (X3), the value is 0 then the business performance (Y) value is 0.280. b. The business capital variable regression coefficient (X1) is 0.510, meaning that if business capital increases by 1% then the business performance variable (Y) will increase by 0.510. c. Technology variable regression coefficient (X2) 0.598, meaning that if innovation increases by 1% then the business performance variable (Y) will increase by 0.598. d. Regression coefficient of human resource variable (X3) 0.564, meaning that if innovation increases by 1% then the business performance variable (Y) will increase by 0.564. 3.3. Hypothesis testing 3.3.1. Test t The t test basically shows how far the influence of two independent variables namely Business Capital (X1) Technology (X2) and Human Resources (X3) individually in explaining the variation of the dependent variable namely Business Performance (Y). This decision is made based on a comparison of t count> t table with a predetermined level of significance, which is equal to 5% (α = 0.05). Business Capital Variables have a significant effect on Business Performance, this can be seen from the value of t_count 4.564> t_table 1.66256. So the hypothesis taken is H1 accepted and H0 rejected, with a significant level of 0,000 t table 1.66256. So the hypothesis taken is H2 is accepted and H0 is rejected, with a significant level of 0,000 t table 1.66256. So the hypothesis taken is H2 is accepted and H0 is rejected, with a significant level of 0,000 f_table with a predetermined level of significance (5% or 0.05). http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 247 editor@iaeme.com
- Semuel Batlajery and Marlyn Alfons Table 2. ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig. 745.046 Regression 2 372.523 40.661 .000b 1 Residual 787.898 86 9.162 Total 1532.944 88 a. Dependent Variable: Business Performance b. Predictors: (Constant), Venture Capital, Technology, Human Resources From the results of the F test, the F-count value is 40,661 and the F_table value is 3,10. The value of F table can be obtained from DfI = k-1 = 2, and Df2 = nk = 53-4 = 49, where df = degrees are free, n = number of samples and k = number of variables (free and bound) so that the value is F_tabel While the significance is 0,000. Because the significance value is below 0.05 and the value of F_count is greater than the value of F table (40.666> 3.10), it is stated that Ha is accepted meaning that business capital and innovation have a positive and significant effect together on business performance. 3.4. Coefficient of determination (R2) To see the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable. The results of the coefficient of determination can be seen in table 3. the following: Table 3. Model Summaryb Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate a 1 ,697 ,486 ,674 3,027 a. Dependent Variable: Business Performance b. Predictors: (Constant), Venture Capital, Technology, Human Resources Based on the results of calculations using SPSS version 23 as can be seen in the table above, the researcher took the data in the Adjusted R column because this study has more than one independent variable, it is known that R ^ 2 or Adjusted R value is 0.674 means that all independent variables are the same effect on Purchasing Decisions of 67.4% while the remaining 32.60% is influenced by other unknown variables in this study. 4. DISCUSSION By involving 53 respondents in this study who provided information on the influence of Business Capital, Technology and Human Resources on the business performance of Tas Noken craftsmen in Merauke, it can be described as follows: 4.1. Effect of business capital on business performance Based on the results of the study indicate that the business capital variable obtained t-count value of 4.564 with a significance value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05 (0,000
- Analysis of the Effect of Public Relation And Sales Promotion on Decision Making Processes For Buying Water Refills in Merauke 4.2. Effect of technology on business performance Based on the results of the study showed that the technology variable obtained t-count value of 5.667 with a significance value of 0.000 (0.000 3.10 F table, it can be concluded that H4 is accepted and H0 is rejected, meaning that there is a significant effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable with a significant level of 0,000 < probability sig 0.05. The F test results are known F count> F table with a significant level
- Semuel Batlajery and Marlyn Alfons expressed by obtaining a t-count value of 5.667 with a significance value of 0,000 (0,000
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