Application of the lines of defence method to the molten salt fast reactor in the framework of the SAMOFAR project
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This paper presents the main characteristics of the method, along with some practical guidelines to apply it to the specific case of the MSFR; moreover, some initiating events are analyzed through the implementation of the LoD tool. The outcomes of this analysis drive the design evolution.
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Nội dung Text: Application of the lines of defence method to the molten salt fast reactor in the framework of the SAMOFAR project
- EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) Nuclear Sciences © S. Beils et al., published by EDP Sciences, 2019 & Technologies https://doi.org/10.1051/epjn/2019031 Available online at: https://www.epj-n.org REGULAR ARTICLE Application of the lines of defence method to the molten salt fast reactor in the framework of the SAMOFAR project Stéphane Beils1, Delphine Gérardin2, Anna Chiara Uggenti3,*, Andrea Carpignano3, Sandra Dulla3, Elsa Merle2, Daniel Heuer2, and Michel Allibert2 1 Framatome, 10 rue Juliette Récamier, 69006 Lyon, France 2 LPSC-IN2P3-CNRS, UJF, Grenoble INP, 53 rue des Martyrs, 38026 Grenoble, France 3 NEMO Group, DENERG, Politecnico di Torino, C.so Duca degli Abruzzi 24, 10129 Torino, Italy Received: 3 May 2019 / Received in final form: 19 July 2019 / Accepted: 10 September 2019 Abstract. The Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) with its liquid circulating fuel and its fast neutron spectrum calls for a new safety approach and adaptation of the analysis tools. In the frame of the Horizon2020 program SAMOFAR (Safety Assessment of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor), a safety approach suitable for Molten Salt Reactors has been developed and is now applied to the MSFR. For this purpose, the Lines of Defence (LoD) method is selected to drive the design consistently with the Defence in Depth principle. This paper presents the main characteristics of the method, along with some practical guidelines to apply it to the specific case of the MSFR; moreover, some initiating events are analyzed through the implementation of the LoD tool. The outcomes of this analysis drive the design evolution. 1 Introduction (MLD), a list of accidents initiators has been identified for the plant state corresponding to the nominal conditions Nuclear power is recognized as an outstanding source for during power production [4,5,6,7]. In parallel, a list of base load low-carbon electricity production and it is design key-points that are relevant for safety and that included in all energy scenarios in the European Energy should be further documented has been provided [6]. Roadmap 2050. The development of fast breeder reactors Successively, the method of the Lines of Defence (LoD) has and associated fuel cycles is fundamental to improve the been applied for some of the selected initiating events. This utilization of nuclear fuel. method helps the designer to determine whether sufficient New generation nuclear reactors are expected to be safety provisions are put in place for a given risk with the designed with the highest safety standards. In that frame, aim of ensuring that every accidental evolution of the there is an incentive to look for nuclear concepts with reactor state is always prevented by a minimum set of enhanced intrinsic safety features. Optimized waste homogenous (in number and quality) safety provisions management is also an important goal for the new the Lines of Defence before a given situation may arise. generation of nuclear systems. The objective of this paper is to describe the implementa- Together with five other nuclear energy systems, the tion of the Lines of Defence method and to present its first Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) was selected by the results and the way it drives the on-going design work, Generation IV International Forum (GIF) due to its consistently with the Defence in Depth principle. promising design and unique safety features [1,2] and is In Section 2, a brief description of the MSFR current currently studied in the frame of the Horizon2020 program design considered in the SAMOFAR project is presented SAMOFAR (Safety Assessment of the Molten Salt Fast [8]. Afterwards, in Section 3 the methodology used to Reactor). Its main objective is “to prove the reliability of perform the work is summarised. Section 4 presents the the innovative safety concepts of the MSFR by advanced first results. In the end, some conclusions and further experimental and numerical techniques, to deliver a perspectives are reported. breakthrough in nuclear safety and optimal waste management” [3]. 2 Description of the system Using the Functional Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FFMEA) and the Master Logic Diagram 2.1 General description The reference MSFR is a 3 GW thermal power reactor with * e-mail: anna.uggenti@polito.it a fast neutron spectrum and operated in the thorium fuel This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- 2 S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) Table 1. Properties of the fuel circuit and intermediate circuit materials [8,9,10,11]. Fuel circuit Fuel salt initial composition LiF-ThF4-233UF4 (77.5-20-2.5 mol%) Mean fuel salt temperature in fuel circuit (°C) 725 Fuel salt temperature rise in the core (°C) 100 Total fuel salt volume (m3) 18 Total fuel salt cycle in the fuel circuit (s) 3.9 Fuel salt dilation coefficient (g.cm 3.°C 1) 8.82. 10 4 Fuel salt density (g.cm 3) 4.1 Fuel salt melting temperature (°C) 585 Fuel salt boiling temperature (°C) 1742 Fuel circuit structural material Hastelloy N Intermediate salt Fluoroborate (NaF-NaBF4) Intermediate circuit Total intermediate salt volume (m3) ∼100 Melting temperature (°C) 384 Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the core vessel with one cooling sector (left) and description of a sector (right). cycle. The plant includes three main circuits involved in are located at the bottom and the top of the vessel to protect power generation: the fuel circuit, the intermediate circuit the structures located outside the core. The fuel circuit and the energy conversion circuit, which is connected to the structures are made of Hastelloy N, which is a nickel based electrical grid and the heat sink. The main characteristic of alloy specifically developed for fluoride molten salt reactor the MSFR is the use of a liquid fuel, in the form of a molten [13] taking benefit of the experience feedback from Oak Ridge salt, which circulates in the fuel circuit. Therefore, this National Laboratory (ORNL) in the 50’s and 60’s with the molten salt plays both the roles of fuel and heat transport. Aircraft Reactor Experiment (ARE) and Molten Salt The fuel circuit is not pressurized. The selected fuel salt is a Reactor Experiment (MSRE). binary fluoride salt with, in its initial composition, 77.5 mol% The fuel circuit is connected to the intermediate circuit of lithium fluoride; the remaining 22.5 mol% are a mix of through the heat exchangers. Four intermediate circuits are heavy nuclei fluorides including fissile and fertile matters. foreseen, each of them feeding four cooling sectors. The The properties of the fuel salt and the characteristics of the structural material of the intermediate circuit is not selected yet. fuel circuit, considered for the following analysis, are listed in The fuel salt undergoes two types of treatment: an Table 1. As presented in Figure 1, the fuel circuit geometry online gas bubbling in the core and a remote mini-batch [8,12] includes the core vessel used as a container for the fuel processing on-site. The bubbling system is used to clean salt, in which 16 cooling sectors are disposed circum- the salt from gaseous fission products and metallic ferentially. The 18 m3 of fuel salt are equally distributed particles. The gas is injected at the bottom of the core between the core (central area where most of the fissions and recovered at the top to be cleaned up in the gas occur) and the cooling sectors. Each sector comprises a heat processing unit before being re-injected in the core. The exchanger, a pump, a gas processing system, and a fertile chemical fuel processing is performed in the processing blanket tank. Neutron shielding is positioned between the unit, in a separated building on the same site. Fuel breeding blanket and the heat exchangers to protect the heat samples are daily extracted/injected in the fuel circuit, exchangers from neutron radiation. In addition, reflectors during the reactor operation, thanks to the sampling
- S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) 3 Fig. 2. Schematic view of the main systems located in the reactor building; proposals for the confinement barriers are highlighted. system. In fact, fuel salt samplings are regularly performed are located within the reactor building. It has to be noted to control and adjust the fuel chemical composition and its that other design options are currently studied, where these fissile/fertile inventory. heat exchangers are located outside of the reactor building. Figure 2 gives an overview of the different systems and their localization in the reactor building. The fuel circuit is 2.2 MSFR specificities impacting the safety functions connected to other auxiliary and safety systems. In particular, there are two types of draining systems: the The MSFR has different features from most current routine draining system to the storage areas and the reactors. The objective of this paragraph is to explain some Emergency Draining System (EDS) [8,12]. The routine of the characterizing aspects of MSFR that are related to draining system, triggered only by active means, is used to the three safety functions: reactivity control, heat removal transfer the fuel from the core vessel to storage areas. On and confinement. the other hand, the EDS is located under the core vessel to allow a gravitational draining. The fuel circuit is connected 2.2.1 Reactivity control to this system through valves located in the lower part of the core vessel. Several types of valves are foreseen, Some specificities of the MSFR affect the neutronics. First, including active valves, such as valves automatically the delayed neutron precursors are drifted in low triggered (for example by the detection of a too high importance areas because of the fuel motion. This implies temperature/pressure), or by operator action and passive a reduction of the effective fraction of delayed neutrons valves, such as fusible valves triggered by the fusion or the from about 310 to 124 pcm [14]. Then, the MSFR has a rupture of a component under too high temperature strong negative global thermal feedback coefficient, around conditions. In addition, a core catcher is located in the 8 pcm/K [15], coming half from the Doppler feedback lower part of the reactor vessel. The core catcher is notably effect and half from the density feedback effect. The density able to recover leaking fuel salt in case of EDS failure. It is effect comes from the fuel expansion and is linked to the based on the spreading of the fuel on a large area and on the presence of free levels in the upper part of the fuel circuit: in mixing of the salt with a compatible sacrificial salt, which case of fuel expansion, a small portion of the fuel salt is thus would guarantee its subcriticality and ease its cooling (the pushed from the core central area where most of the fissions related decay heat removal circuit is not designed at this occur toward the upper part of the fuel circuit where stage). It is assumed that the fuel could be recovered from fissions are negligible. Free levels are located at the level of the EDS to restart the reactor, while the fuel salt at the core the pumps, at the level of the separation chamber of the gas catcher level would be lost. processing unit and at the level of the expansion vessel (a In Figure 2, the heat exchangers between the tank located just above the core in the upper reflector). The intermediate circuit and the energy conversion circuit intrinsic temperature feedback effects act rapidly since the
- 4 S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) heat is produced directly in the coolant. This inherently intermediate circuit level if needed: on the intermediate limits power excursion in case of accidental transients. circuit leg entering the core vessel (this valve could also be Thanks to the fuel online cleaning and the processing/ used to isolate a sector for maintenance operations), on loading during reactor operation, the fuel composition is the intermediate circuit leg crossing the reactor vessel and assumed not to encounter large variations. In fact, the on the intermediate/conversion circuit leg (depending on amount of fissile material dissolved in the critical zone of the secondary heat exchanger location) crossing the the fuel circuit is just necessary to maintain a critical state reactor building. and fertile material periodically injected in the core without In the frame of the SAMOFAR project, several needing to shut down the reactor. Therefore, it should not proposals have been investigated for the definition of the be necessary to have a large in-core reactivity margin to MSFR confinement barriers. In one of these proposals, the compensate the fuel depletion. confinement barriers with regard to fuel salt in the fuel Thanks to the negative thermal feedback effects, the circuit, in normal operation during power production, are reactor can be mainly driven by heat extraction [14]. No defined as follows [6]: control rods are currently foreseen in the MSFR design. – 1st barrier: fuel circuit containment structures (repre- Nonetheless, the injection of gas bubbles in the core may be sented in green on Fig. 2) that ensure fuel containment used to control the reactivity. Besides, fuel salt draining during normal operation; towards the routine draining tank or toward the EDS can – 2nd barrier: reactor vessel (represented in blue on ensure reactivity control. Fig. 2) that ensures fuel containment when the function can no longer be ensured by the first barrier (e.g., first 2.2.2 Heat removal barrier leakage or fuel salt draining in the EDS); – 3rd barrier: reactor building (represented in orange on In normal operation, the systems involved in the heat Fig. 2) that ensures protection of the two first barriers evacuation are the fuel circuit, the intermediate circuit, the with regard to external hazards, and may have a dynamic conversion circuit and the heat sink. Additionally, several confinement function (and static confinement function in systems, preferentially relying on passive mechanisms, are case of postulated failures of the two first barriers). foreseen to evacuate the residual power from the fuel with, in particular, the implementation of an emergency cooling The constraints on these confinement barriers are quite system for the intermediate circuit, with air as heat sink. different from the ones classically encountered on “solid Besides, one of the consequences of the fuel liquid state is fuel” reactors. It is worth noting here that the MSFR fuel the possibility of a passive reconfiguration of the geometry circuit is at low pressure. Since both fuel and intermediate of the core. In case of failure to remove heat from the fuel circuits are at low pressure (the only circuit with a high circuit, the fuel can be drained gravitationally toward the pressure being the energy conversion circuit) and no highly EDS where its subcriticality is ensured. The cooling system exothermic chemical reaction has been identified until now, of the EDS, also under study in the frame of the the constraints on the third barrier, the reactor building, SAMOFAR project, aims at allowing a passive removal may be rather low (potentially no need for a high pressure of the residual heat with no need for forced convection resistant containment, provided the energy conversion (both in the EDS and in its cooling circuit) [8,12,16]. circuits are located out of the reactor building). One of the MSFR specificities is the delocalization of a The fuel can be located in several areas of the plant: part of the residual power out of the core, notably because storage tanks, sampling system, processing unit, etc. Thus, of the in-core gas bubbling and of the fuel processing. On the definition of the confinement barriers should be the one hand, the residual power produced in the salt is undertaken for each possible location of the fuel and for each reduced and, 1s after reactor shutdown, represents only state of the reactor operation: power production, mainte- ∼4% of the nominal power. On the other hand, the heat nance, start up, shut down, normal and accident conditions. evacuation from the bubbling system (representing ∼1.5% of nominal power 1s after reactor shutdown) and from the 3 Lines of Defence methodology processing unit (representing ∼0.06% of nominal power 1s after reactor shut down) should also be handled with [17]. The main objective of the Lines of Defence (LoD) method is Fission products extracted in reprocessing and stored in to ensure that every accidental evolution of the reactor special on-site tanks are not further considered in this state is always prevented by a minimum set of homogenous article. (in number and quality) safety provisions called Lines of Defence before a given situation may arise. It allows the 2.2.3 Confinement of radioactive materials designer to determine whether sufficient safety provisions are put in place between initiating events and a given Preliminary safety studies [17] have led to the definition of accidental situation, and contributes to justify the the integrated fuel circuit geometry presented above (see acceptable safety level of the plant in the licensing process. Fig. 1) and now used as reference in the SAMOFAR It is a deterministic method particularly well suited to early project. In case of heat exchanger leak, fuel dispersion is design phases as it can be used as a pragmatic guidance for limited by using a slightly higher operating pressure in the the architecture of the safety components and systems, intermediate circuit than in the fuel circuit. In addition, consistently with the Defence in Depth principle. The several valves are implemented to be able to ensure method is also relevant for the identification and the the confinement of the radioactive materials at the classification of accidental sequences.
- S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) 5 This method has been widely used in the past on French – Medium LoD (type “b”) can include active systems fast reactors, and is being used in the fast reactor project without internal redundancy; actions by the operator in ASTRID [18] and other projects (e.g. Jules Horowitz the frame of procedures. Reactor in Cadarache), for the prevention of the reactivity Two medium independant lines of defence may be control and decay heat removal safety function(s). considered as equivalent to one strong line of defence. One of the essential points in the application of this method is to make sure that the LoDs implemented for a 3.1 The LoD method generic steps specific initiating event are independent from the initiating A very first step of the method is to identify and event and from each other in order to minimize the risks of characterize the situations for which prevention is studied. common mode failure, by ensuring sufficient diversification Then, the events that may lead to the situation considered and functional and physical independence between (so-called initiating events) must be identified. them [18]. For a given accidental situation to be prevented (typically, severe accident), the main steps of the LoD 3.3 LoD general application in the MSFR context method are: 3.3.1 Severe accident definition in the MSFR context 1. define the required number and quality of LoDs to be provided for the prevention of this accidental situation The definition of the severe accident is key in the usual (the analysis is performed for each function necessary to application of the LoD method. prevent the accident situation); For example, on the ASTRID project, a complete core 2. for each initiating event, ensure that an adequate set of meltdown is considered as severe accident. Then, for each LoDs (in terms of number and quality) is provided: initiating event, the equivalent of three LoDs is imple- – at early design stages when the safety architecture is to mented (at least two strong lines and one medium line, be built, the method provides a guidance to sketch the “2 · a +b”) upstream from this assumed situation of severe safety architecture; accident [18]. – when the safety architecture is defined into more Cliff edge effects studies, allowing to precisely define details, the method permits to check its sufficiency, severe accident for the MSFR, are still on-going. For the and allows the classification of accidental sequences MSFR, considering the barriers envisaged (see Sect. 2.2.3), upstream accident analyses. a situation with potential for large early radiological releases in the environment would require at least the failure of the two first barriers. 3.2 Lines of Defence definition The general objective retained is thus to prevent the situation of failure of the two first barriers, with a potential There are three types of LoDs: the preventive measures of for large early radiological releases in the environment, the initiating event (the low occurrence frequency of the through at least two strong and one medium lines of initiating event can by itself stand for a line of defence); the defence (2 · a + b). The related mitigation means of such measures aimed at limiting the consequences of the situation are not further developed in the present article. initiating event by means of specific equipment or human As regard to situations that may need to be practically actions; and the intrinsic behaviour and natural resistance eliminated (i.e., severe accident situations that may lead to to the progression of the initiating event. large early releases and that would not be reasonably The lines of defence are classified according to their manageable), none has been identitied until now. expected availability/reliability: – Strong LoD, type “a” (initiating event with a frequency 3.3.2 Required LoDs after MSFR initiating events lower than 10 3 to 10 4/year, equipment with a failure Consistenly, the purpose of investigating the challenges of rate of approximately 10 3 to 10 4 when needed); the first barrier has driven the process of identification of – Medium LoD, type “b” (initiating event with a frequency the initiating events. (In case of failure of the first barrier, lower than 10 1 to 10 2/year, equipment or operator’s safety provisions to ensure leaktightness of the second procedure with a failure rate of approximately 10 1 to barrier are then to be studied). 10 2 when needed). The initiating events challenge the reactor and its The experience feedback [18] is that the following safety functions; they are grouped in families depending on provisions can be considered as LoD: their potential effects on the reactor [5]. For each family, – Strong LoD (type “a”) can include active systems specific initiating events to be further analysed have been designed in accordance with the standards of the nuclear selected. In this paper, the application of the LoD method industry and comprising internal redundancies as well as to some of them is presented. An initiating event initiates electrical back-up; passive equipment, exploited like the accidental sequence. The accidental sequence is the confinement barriers, designed in accordance with the evolution of the accident from the initiating event until the standards of the nuclear industry; intrinsic behaviour final consequences and damage. The consequence is the providing a long grace period to perform human effect in physical terms of a particular accident and the corrective actions. The systems used as strong LoD damage represents the last impact of failures/accidents on must be designed to withstand hazards (notably the population, the environment, structures/assets, and earthquake). reputation (in this work it is quantified in terms of loss of
- 6 S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) availability of the system, loss of investment, or potential application presented hereafter is led with regard to the for radiological releases). The prevention and mitigation of following initating events: the accidental sequence is given by the implementation of – a loss of main heat sink event; LoDs. – an overcooling event. The list of MSFR initiating events has been divided In a more detailed manner, the following steps are into three categories with incidents, accidents and followed for the LoD application: limiting events [5]. Limiting events are very rare events – For each initiating event studied, a description of this postulated in complement to accidents, to ensure the event is provided along with an evaluation of its avoidance of cliff edge effects in terms of radiological occurrence frequency, to determine whether or not the releases. occurrence frequency of the event can be counted as LoD. Since the occurrence frequency of an initiating event – The potential consequences of the initiating event can stand for a LoD by itself, it is considered in the LoD considered, in the absence of any safety limitation feature method application to MSFR that: (natural behaviour), are preliminarily assessed on the basis – the occurrence frequency of an incident may be of previous studies, and considering on-going calculations considered as an initial medium LoD (b) if it is lower in the SAMOFAR project, in particular as regard to the than 10 1 to 10 2/year (if not, no LoD should be risk of failure of the first confinement barrier, then the accounted for the occurrence of the incident); failure of the second confinement barrier. – the occurrence frequency of an accident may be The goal of this evaluation is finally to define the considered as a strong LoD (a) if it is lower than 10 3 number and quality of the LoDs required to cope with to 10 4/year (if not it should be considered at least as a the initiating events, in function of its potential medium LoD); consequences. – the occurrence frequency of a limiting event is equivalent • With regard to sequences or situations which could to two strong LoDs (2 · a). threaten safety, with a potential for large early With regard to a given situation, the number of radiological releases, prevention by at least two LoD required to cope with an initiating event depends on strong and one medium LoDs (2 · a + b)1 is required. the LoD associated to the occurrence of the initiating In practice, the corresponding situation in the MSFR event. In practice, as regard the situation with failure of design is here defined as the loss of the two first the two first barriers with a potential for large early barriers with release of a large source term in the radiological releases in the environment (hereafter called third barrier. the “feared situation”), two strong and one medium lines • With regard to sequences or situations which could of defence (2 · a + b) are required. Therefore, this means significantly impair investment protection or lead to that: radiological releases (but with no need for off-site – after incident or accident whose occurrence can be confinement measures), at least one strong LoD (a)1 counted as a medium LoD (b), two strong LoDs (2 · a) are is studied. required to cope with the event before occurrence of the • With regard to sequences or situations which could feared situation; significantly impair the reactor availability or lead to – after accident whose occurrence can be counted as a limited radiological releases (but significantly ex- strong LoD (a), one strong LoD and one medium LoD ceeding normal operation releases) at least one (a + b) are required to cope with the event before medium LoD (b)1 is studied. occurrence of the feared situation; For the last two categories, the corresponding – after limiting event whose occurrence can be counted as situations are defined more precisely when analysing two strong LoDs (2 · a), one medium LoD (b) is required each initiating event and its potential consequences. to cope with the event before occurrence of the feared – Then, considering the MSFR current architecture, a situation. first identification of the possible lines of defence in the current MSFR architecture is performed. This set of In the end, this should ensure that a set of two strong lines of defence is compared to the required number of and one medium LoDs (2 · a + b) is always available lines of defence previously defined. To do so, event trees between normal operation and occurrence of the feared are used to determine the different sequences possible situation. according to the success or failure of the possible lines of Additionally, concerns related to the prevention of defence in the current MSFR architecture. For each radiological releases (not only the prevention of large early sequence, a comparison is made between the corre- releases), as well as availability and investment protection sponding number of failed LoDs, and the required concerns, are introduced in the LoD application for MSFR, number of LoDs. This allows to provide a first feedback as part of a graded approach. on the MSFR design and to point out possible improvements in the safety architecture. 3.4 LoD application process for the study of each – Preliminary outcomes of this LoD application are initiating event on MSFR summarized in the end. 1 Among the list of initiating events established with regard Including the LoD that can be represented by the occurrence to the risk of fuel circuit (primary barrier) leak, the LoD frequency of the initiating event.
- S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) 7 4 Results At the intermediate circuit level, the intermediate salt temperature increases and homogenizes. If the fluorobo- The LoD method is being applied to a selection of relevant rate is selected as the intermediate salt, the salt initiating events of the MSFR. In this section, the method decomposition should occur with the formation of BF3, is illustrated on two examples: a loss of main heat sink thus leading to pressurization of the circuit [16]. As the (LOHS) event, and an overcooling (OVC) event. For each structural material of the intermediate circuit may not example, the following elements are described: the withstand the high temperature achieved, it is possible initiating event considered (IE), the potential consequen- that the intermediate circuit fails. A leak at the fuel- ces (evolution of the accident in unprotected conditions intermediate heat exchanger is also a concern to be further considering only the natural behavior of the plant) and the studied, given the risk of siphoning of the fuel salt towards corresponding required number of prevention LoDs, the the intermediate circuit. possible LoDs to cope with the event in the current MSFR A scenario with complete and long-term loss of the fuel design, and finally some preliminary outcomes of the salt decay heat removal function has not been studied in method application when comparing required LoDs and details up to now. At this stage, it is assumed that failure to possibly available LoDs in the current design. ensure the decay heat removal function can lead to failure of the barriers containing the fuel salt (first at the fuel 4.1 Loss of main heat sink event circuit level, and further at the reactor vessel level if cooling 4.1.1 Description of the initiating event is not ensured at this level either) with a large source term involved. The loss of the main heat sink could result from a failure of – Therefore two strong and one medium LoDs (2 · a + b) the energy conversion circuit or a failure to remove the are required for coping with the loss of main heat sink heat from this circuit. This event is classified as an event, before occurrence of a situation with failure to ensure incident in the classification of the MSFR initiating events decay heat removal from the fuel salt. performed in the frame of the SAMOFAR project The LoDs put in place must ensure a sufficient fuel salt [16,19,6]. The loss of main heat sink event is assumed cooling so that the confinement function can still be to be frequent, as it may be caused by equipment from the ensured at the first or second barrier level. tertiary circuit or support equipement (such as the The analysis presented hereafter is firstly focused on the electrical grid). Therefore, the frequency of this event is decay heat removal issues. not considered as a LoD. 4.1.3 Possible lines of defence in the current MSFR 4.1.2 Potential consequences and required number of LoDs architecture With regard to the decay heat removal function The loss of main heat sink implies that the heat removal from the intermediate salt circuit is no longer ensured. The foreseen LoDs for the loss of heat sink scenario are Conservatively, it is assumed for the study of this event presented through the schematic event tree, in Figure 3. that the heat transfer from the intermediate salt circuit to When the main heat sink fails, the emergency cooling the conversion circuit immediately stops at the beginning system for the intermediate circuit must be actuated to of the event. As the heat removal from the intermediate cool down the fuel salt in the fuel circuit. This system salt circuit stops, the heat removal from the fuel salt may be counted as a strong LoD, considering that several circuit decreases. The fuel temperature increase causes independent redundant circuits are provided on the the decrease of the chain reaction and of the neutronic different intermediate loops (with a natural convection power down to a negligible low level. The fuel salt mode aimed at). In case of its failure, in order to limit the temperature further continues to rise due to the residual temperature rise in the fuel salt circuit, an automatic power. As the fuel salt circulation still operates (if the draining through redundant valves opening in the lower pumps are still electrically supplied), the temperatures in region of the fuel circuit is foreseen and accounted for as a the fuel circuit tend to homogenize. The intermediate strong LoD. In case of failure of the automated valves, loops act as a thermal buffer, which helps to attenuate the fusible plugs can provide a passive draining and are temperature rise. Taking this into account, the fuel mean counted as a strong LoD. The drained fuel salt is sent in temperature exceeds 1100 °C after more than one hour the emergency draining system (EDS), where the fuel and a half [16,19]. The structures, made of Hastelloy N, salt is cooled by a dedicated cooling system. The may thus undergo high temperatures so that their leak emergency draining tank is considered as a strong tightness can be challenged with a loss of investment and LoD. It can be noted that, in case of failures of all the potential safety consequences in terms of releases. Indeed, valves, a leak of the fuel salt circuit could still be a leak in the bottom part of the fuel circuit may occur, but recovered by the EDS since it is positioned below the fuel also in other parts of the fuel circuits: for instance, at the circuit. Last, in case of fuel salt relocation in the EDS and interface with the fertile blanket, at the intermediate heat subsequent failure of the EDS, either due to EDS leakage exchanger level, etc. Concerns associated to fuel salt or failure of its dedicated cooling system, further heating are also related to the confinement of the relocation of the fuel salt in the bottom part of the radioactive materials as the temperature increase enhan- reactor vessel may be considered. A “core catcher”, along ces the risk of release and dispersion of the fission products with its cooling system, is envisaged in the MSFR design, contained in the fuel salt. standing for a strong LoD.
- 8 S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) Fig. 3. Schematic event tree of the loss of main heat sink event (decay heat removal function). With regard to the reactivity control function intermediate heat exchanger leak should also influence the scenario and should be further studied. In the evaluation process, it must also be checked that The study has been focused on the loss of main heat sink reactivity control is properly ensured. At the fuel circuit with the fuel salt in the core vessel. Events likely to level, reactivity control can be ensured by the negative challenge the fuel salt cooling when the fuel salt is in the thermal feedback effects (considered as a strong LoD, at routine draining tanks during reactor shutdown states, least). Should it not be the case, this could result in a fuel should also be considered and analyzed according to the temperature increase and thus lead to fuel draining in the LoD method, in order to define a comprehensive set of EDS. In the EDS, the fuel sub-criticality is ensured by the safety provisions as regard to fuel salt cooling. geometry of the EDS (considered as a strong LoD, at least). At the core catcher level, sub-criticality should be ensured through fuel salt spreading and mixing with a diluant salt 4.2 Overcooling at low power (considered as a strong LoD). The reactivity control 4.2.1 Description of the initiating event provisions thus are consistent with the ones envisaged for In the present study of an overcooling (OVC) at low power decay heat removal. event, it is postulated that both the fuel salt and intermediate salt are at the nominal mean fuel temperature 4.1.4 Preliminary outcomes of 725 °C, and that the heat extraction at the conversion circuit level suddenly increases from a few kW up to With the LoDs identified until now and schematically nominal power (theoretical case at this stage). represented in the above event tree presented (see Fig. 3), The overcooling from low power is considered for the 3 · a LoDs are identified before failure of the two first analysis compared to the overcooling from nominal power barriers with a significant radiological source term in the as there is a higher potential for overcooling from low power last barrier (therefore a potential for large early releases) state. The start-up procedure is not completely defined; can occur in case of loss of heat sink. The prevention of this nevertheless, it will foresee a progressive reactor power situation requires 2 · a + b according to the LoD method. increase [20]. It is assumed at this stage that the frequency The independency of the LoDs being a major hypothesis of the event can be counted as one medium LoD, since it of the method, the absence of credible common cause would imply non respect of the progressive start-up failures between the intermediate salt gas cooling system, procedure. This event is classified as an accident in the the EDS cooling system and the core catcher cooling classification of the MSFR initiating events performed in system should be guaranteed and verified during further the frame of the SAMOFAR project [16,19,6]. design stages. More generally, the allocation of LoDs may be different 4.2.2 Potential consequences and required number of LoDs (but in the end, the required number of LoD stays as 2 · a + b). Other design arrangements may thus be studied. At the beginning of such transient, the temperature in the In this study, it has been considered that any fuel salt cold leg of the intermediate circuit is rapidly lowered. It leak from the fuel circuit is recovered in the EDS. In causes a cooling down of the fuel salt, with a positive the course of the accidental sequences, the risk of an reactivity insertion and an increase of the reactor power. If
- S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) 9 Fig. 4. Schematic event tree of the overcooling event (reactivity control function). the intermediate cold leg temperature is lowered too fast, it temperature decrease in the cold leg of the fuel circuit or of is theoretically possible to encounter a prompt critical the intermediate circuit, or on the power variation. The jump. Indeed, preliminary safety studies have shown that, corrective measures could consist of a stop of the energy if the extracted power reaches the nominal power in less conversion system or valves closure on the intermediate than 30 seconds, prompt criticality can be reached [14]. The circuit. The efficiency of such measures should be checked, fuel temperature increases but considering the fast with a special attention to the time constants and the reactivity feedbacks, the prompt critical jump is very possibility to detect the event early enough. At this stage, short and the temperature elevation remains limited in the these measures are considered equivalent to a medium LoD. calculations performed up to now, below 800 °C [14]. The Then, even if no corrective measures are taken, the prompt critical jump may also result in a pressure wave. consequences of the event are limited thanks to the fast Should fuel salt expansion not be possible, this could result action of the neutronic feedback reactions coming from the in a sustained prompt critical jump with sudden and Doppler and the density effects. This last effect supposes significant energy release and pressure increase. that the fuel salt expansion is possible and requires the A situation with prompt critical power excursion has presence and availability of the free levels, expansion not been studied in details up to now. A sustained prompt volumes in the upper part of the fuel circuit. In particular, critical jump may damage the first two barriers and the the fuel salt system has three kinds of free surfaces that can third one additionally, with a potential for large early help to manage temperature increases and the consequent releases in the environment. liquid fuel volume dilation: Therefore, conservatively at this stage2, at least two – the central opening for the fuel periodical transfers, strong and one medium LoDs (2 · a + b) are required for located in the upper reflector; coping with the overcooling at low power event, before – the salt-gas separators with controlled pressurization, occurrence of a situation with prompt critical power located above the fuel salt sectors, supposedly at low excursion. pressure for efficient degassing; The analysis presented hereafter is firstly focused on the – the routine draining siphons (see Fig. 2), which are reactivity control issues, as the potential consequences attached to the vessel, not to the sectors, and have their previsously identified mainly relate to reactivity issues. own pressurization. The inert gas is returned to the vessel during draining via the sampling opening in the 4.2.3 Possible lines of defence in the current MSFR expansion tank. architecture It is difficult to allocate a priori a weight in terms of LoD With regard to the reactivity control function to this quite intrinsic design feature. The LoD method allows to identify a posteriori how many LoDs are still The foreseen LoDs for the overcooling scenario are required and thus provide an indication on the reliability presented through the schematic event tree in Figure 4. level that could be expected from this design feature. First, detection measures could be studied before reaching a large reactivity insertion, based, for example, on the With regard to the decay heat removal function 2 In the sense that, should a situation of prompt critical jump be In the course of the accident management, attention should demonstrated acceptable with a high level of confidence, the further be paid to decay heat removal concerns. It should prevention level required might be alleviated. notably be checked that the LoDs envisaged for reactivity
- 10 S. Beils et al.: EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 5, 18 (2019) control are not likely to lower the Decay Heat Removal The application of the LoDs method has been useful to (DHR) systems expected reliability. highlight the need for further evaluations and to provide The current design must be such that the loss of DHR some first feedbacks on the design; in particular: capabilities by the intermediate salt gas cooling system is equivalent to one strong line of defence (cf. Sect. 4.1). In With regard to the loss of main heat sink event particular, valves closure of the intermediate salt circuits upon detection of the above overcooling event has been – Two strong and one medium lines of defence (2 · a + b) are identified as a possible LoD for reactivity control: the required before occurrence of a situation with complete design should be adapted so that DHR by the intermediate loss of the fuel salt heat removal function. This notably salt gas cooling system remains available in such case points out the need to further study the situation where (avoid to make unavailable a DHR system that stands for a the fuel salt is drained in the EDS, with subsequent EDS strong LoD after the occurrence of an initiating event that failure: in this case, the fuel salt would go in the core stands for a medium LoD), or other corrective measures catcher and appropriate cooling means must be defined. should be favored (such as stop of the energy conversion – The DHR systems (intermediate gas cooling system, system). EDS and its cooling system, and core catcher and its cooling system) should be designed in order to prevent 4.2.4 Preliminary outcomes the risk of common cause failure. Other DHR architec- tures may also be envisaged, provided the whole It should be studied that the design of the reactor, and of requirement in terms of LoDs required is still respected. the energy conversion system in particular, and start-up procedure are such that the worst overcooling scenario possible remains sufficiently progressive with a time With regard to overcooling at low power event constant for the temperature decrease of the intermediate salt cold leg above 30 seconds. – At least one strong and one medium LoDs (a + b) should Concerning the rapid overcooling scenario, there is an be available, in complement to the start-up procedure interest to look for detection and corrective measures and first detection and correction measures, before allowing limitation of the reactivity insertion. occurrence of a prompt critical jump. With the LoDs identified until now and according to the – The availability of the fuel salt expansion effect appears schematic event tree presented in Figure 4, at least a + b as absolutely necessary: a detailed analysis of all LoDs should be available, in complement to the start-up scenarios that might lead to fuel circuits’ free levels procedure and first detection and correction measures, unavailability would be worthwhile, in order to ensure before occurrence of a prompt critical jump. In this frame, that appropriate design measures ensure a very high a focus should be made to ensure the availability of reliability of this safety feature. fuel thermal expansion effect (considering notably the – The reactor behavior in case of prompt critical jump possibility to introduce diversity and monitoring). Another should be studied in more details. possibility would be to increase the reliability of the detection and correction measures (making it a strong LoD This project has received funding from the Euratom research and so that only one strong LoD is required in complement for training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No prevention of prompt critical jump). 661891. The authors also wish to thank the NEEDS (Nucléaire: The availability of the free levels to allow the fuel salt Energie, Environnement, Déchets, Société) French program, the expansion thus appears absolutely necessary. This point IN2P3 department of the National Centre for Scientific Research deserves to be studied more deeply. Indeed, some events (CNRS) and Grenoble Institute of Technology for their support. could limit the capacity or the availability of the free levels: The content of this article does not reflect the official opinion of excessive initial fuel salt pouring, blockages, etc. A detailed the European Union. Responsibility for the information and/or analysis of all scenarios that might lead to free level views expressed therein lies entirely with the author(s). unavailability would be worthwhile, in order to ensure that appropriate design measures ensure a very high reliability of fuel thermal expansion through those free levels. References 1. H. Boussier et al., The Molten Salt Reactor in Generation IV: 5 Conclusions Overview and Perspectives, in Proceedings of the Genera- tion4 International Forum Symposium, San Diego, USA, 2012 The application of the LoD has been adapted and employed 2. J. Serp, M. Allibert, O. Benes, S. Delpech, O. 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