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Bài giảng Hướng dẫn triển khai thực hiện một nghiên cứu khoa học sức khỏe - GS.TS.BS. Lê Hoàng Ninh

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Bài giảng Hướng dẫn triển khai thực hiện một nghiên cứu khoa học sức khỏe do GS.TS.BS. Lê Hoàng Ninh thực hiện bao gồm những nội dung về khái niệm nghiên cứu; thiết kế nghiên cứu; quần thể và mẫu nghiên cứu; thu thập dữ liệu; kế hoạch làm việc; xử lý/phân tích dữ liệu; lý giải kết quả.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Hướng dẫn triển khai thực hiện một nghiên cứu khoa học sức khỏe - GS.TS.BS. Lê Hoàng Ninh

  2. NGHIÊN CỨU LÀ GÌ ?  Research is the systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data to answer a certain question or solve a problem  It is crucial to follow cascading scientific steps when conducting one’s research
  3. Qui trình một nghiên cứu khoa Selection of area học no need for study Selection of topic answers found Crude research question Literature review no answer Refined research question Research hypothesis, goals and objectives Study design Ethical issues Population & sampling Variables confounding bias Research tools Pilot study Work plan Collection of data Data management Interpretation Reporting
  4. 1. Thiết kế nghiên cứu Descriptive  studies  Analytical studies  Case report Observational  Experimental studies studies Case serial Randomized Controlled Clinical reports trials Case­control Cohort  studies studies Randomized Cross­sectional Controlled field studies trials Non­randomized Retrospective experiments Prospective Ecological  (historical) studies
  5. Chọn lựa thiết kế tốt nhất  Purpose of the study  State of existing knowledge (in relation to study question)  Characteristics of the study variables  Latency  Feasibility
  6. Mục đích nghiên cứu  Study of etiology:  Ecologic  Cross-sectional  Case-control  Cohort  Intervention  Study of therapy:  Lab experiments  Clinical trials  Community intervention
  7. Hiện trạng các kiến thức hiện có về câu hỏi nghiên cứu ?  New idea:  Ecologic  Cross-sectional  New hypothesis:  Cross-sectional  Case/ case series report  Newly claimed association:  Case-control: replication, confirmation  Cohort: stronger evidence towards causation  Confirmed association:  Experiment/intervention: to prove causation
  8. Đặc điểm các biến số nghiên cứu  Very rare exposures: case-control design is NOT suitable since it looks for exposure. A very large number of subjects is required.  Very rare disease: cohort design is NOT suitable since it looks for outcome. Follow-up of a huge number is required.  Acute disease: prevalence studies are not suitable  Risky exposures: clinical trials are unethical  Unavailable data: record-based studies are not suitable.
  9. Latency  For diseases with very long latency, the costs of concurrent cohort studies or clinical trials are prohibitively high.
  10. Tính khả thi  Time  Manpower  Equipment  Money
  11. 2. Quần thể và mẫu  Sampling is the process of selection of a number of units from a defined study population. Tiến trình lấy mẫu: 1. Identification of study population 2. Determination of sampling population 3. Definition of the sampling unit 4. Choice of sampling method 5. Estimation of the sample size
  12. Xác định quần thể/ dân số trong nghiên cứu  The study or target population is the one upon which the results of the study will be generalized.  It is crucial that the study population is clearly defined, since it is the most important determinant of the sampling population
  13. Xác định quần thể / dân số lấy mẫu  The sampling population is the one from which the sample is drawn.  The definition of the sampling population by the investigator is governed by two factors:  Feasibility: reachable sampling population  External validity: the ability to generalize from the study results to the target population.
  14. Định nghĩa đơn vị lấy mẫu  The definition of the sampling unit is done by setting:  Inclusion criteria  Exclusion criteria (exclusion criteria are not the opposite of inclusion criteria)
  15. Chọn lựa phương pháp lấy mẫu  Non probability sampling  Probability sampling
  16. Lấy mẫu không xác  Typessu ất: of non probability sampling:  Convenience sampling  Quota sampling
  17. Lấy mẫu xác suất  “There is a known non-zero probability of selection for each sampling unit”  Types:  Simple random sampling  Systematic random sampling  Stratified random sampling  Multi-stage random sampling  Cluster sampling  Multi-phase sampling
  18. Lấy mẫu ngẫu nhiên đơn  In this method, all subject or elements have an equal probability of being selected. There are two major ways of conducting a random sample.  The first is to consult a random number table, and the second is to have the computer select a random sample.
  19. Lấy mẫu ngẫu nhiên hệ thống  A systematic sample is conducted by randomly selecting a first case on a list of the population and then proceeding every Nth case until your sample is selected. This is particularly useful if your list of the population is long.  For example, if your list was the phone book, it would be easiest to start at perhaps the 17th person, and then select every 50th person from that point on.
  20. Lấy mẫu phân tầng  In a stratified sample, we sample either proportionately or equally to represent various strata or subpopulations.  For example if our strata were cities in a country we would make sure and sample from each of the cities. If our strata were gender, we would sample both men and women.



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