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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 10: Conservation (Writing)

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 10: Conservation (Writing) giúp học sinh hoàn thành bài viết về một vấn đề môi trường. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo bài giảng để nắm chi tiết nội dung bài học.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10 - Unit 10: Conservation (Writing)

  1. Go o d mo rning e ve rybo dy We lc o me  to   o ur c las s 1
  2. 1 A B I R T H D A Y 2 B F I N G E R 3 C P O L L U T I O N 4 D T E L E V I S I O N I N T A V I N T O A N T T I O V N I 2
  3. Que s tio n 1 :        This  is  the  day whe n we  we re  bo rn? 54321 S tart 3
  4. Que s tio n 2: What is  it?   54321 S tart 4
  5. Que s tio n  3:  This   is   the   pro ble m  that  all  pe o ple   are   wo rrie d  abo ut  o ur  e nviro nme nt? 54321 S tart 5
  6. Que s tio n 4: This  is  the  mas s  me dia that we   c an s e e  the  pic ture s  and he ar the  s o und  54321 S tart 6
  7. Unit 10: Conservation D: Writing Objectives: We are going to study about “ how to write a letter of invitation due to information from a table” 7
  8. 1.Have you ever written a letter of invitation? 2. What do you often write in a letter of invitation? 2. The invitation letter includes the event, the place , the time and date, and expression of invitation 3. What expressions of invitation do you write in a letter? 8
  9. s o me  e xpre s s io ns  o f invitatio n  * Would you like to ..............................? Ex: Would you like to go to the cinema with me? *What/ How about ...............................? Ex: How about going to the park? *Are you free to ....................................? Ex: Are you free to go camping with us? *Do you feel like...................................? Ex: Do you feel like having a cup of coffee? *Let’s ………………………….. Ex: Let’s go to the cinema, tonight. *Why don’t we/you ..............................? Ex: Why don’t we go out for a walk? *Shall we………………………………….? Ex: shall we go fishing? 9
  10. s o me  e xpre s s io ns  o f invitatio n   Let’s + V0.  Why don’t you + V0? .  Would you like + to V? .  Do you feel like + V-ing ? .  Can you + V0? .  How about + V-ing ? .  Shall we + V0? .  Are you free + to V? . 10
  11. Unit 10: Conservation D: Writing vocabulary 1.Day off :Sunday is the Ngày ngh ỉ  day off. 2. Term:  There are two terms in a school year.  học kì 3. Tree­Planting Festival:lễ hội trồng cây 4. Preparation : sự chuẩn bị 11
  12. Unit 10:c o ns e rvatio n            D­ Writing : Tas k 1:Matc hing A B 1.Let’s a. to have a cold drink? 2.Why don’t you b. to play table tennis now? 3. Would you c.try the cake I have just made. like d. going to the cinema 4. Do you feel tonight, Ba? like e.have some chicken soup first? 5.Can you f. join us in this trip? 6.How about g. taking a walk for a while? 7. Shall we h. sing a Vietnamese song? 8.Are you free 12 1c, 2f-h, 3a, 4d-g, 5f-h, 6d-g,7e, 8b
  13. Unit 10:c o ns e rvatio n D­ Writing : Tas k 2: Fill in e ac h blank in the s e  invitatio n  1.Lien, le tte rs There’s a disco at my school from 8.00 to 10.00 on  Sunday night. Wo uld yo u like / Are  yo u fre e  …………………………………… to join us?                                                                                                    2. Dear Mike,                                                                                              Give me a call. Wo                                                                    uld yo u like / Are  yo u fre e ……………………………….to go to the football  What / Ho w abo ut match tomorrow afternoon? I’ve just got two free  tickets. …………..…………..going to a club  13
  14. Unit 10:c o ns e rvatio n D­ Writing : Tas k 2: Fill in e ac h blank in the s e  invitatio n  le tte 3. rs Susan, We’ve just got back from London. Can yo ………… u come to dinner on Saturday? Jeremy and Lora will be there, too. Why don’t we /Shall we …………………………spend some time together? Daisy and Tony 14
  15. How many parts are there in the invitation letter? greeting 4 parts body closing 1Dear Lien, signature 2There’s a disco at my school from 8.00 to 10.00 on  Sunday night. Wo uld yo u like                                 to join us?                                                                                                                           3 See you soon.    Give me a call. 4 Your friend,        Mai 15
  16. Unit 10: c o ns e rvatio n D­ Writing : Tas k 3: Nam invite s  his  frie nd­Lam, who  is   no w living  in a diffe re nt to wn, to  s pe nd a  we e ke nd with him. He lp Nam to  write  a  le tte r, us ing  the  c ue s  be lo w. 16
  17. Unit 10:CONS ERVATION Tas k 3:  D­ Writing : De ar Lam, We / no t me e t/ s inc e / yo u/ mo ve . I/ mis s / a lo t. We / bo th/ have / s o me  days ­ o ff/ be twe e n/  two  te rms / s o o n. If/no t make /o the r plans /why/no t s pe nd/we e ke n to g e the r? Feel/ like/ visit/ forest/ near/ my grandparents’/  again? Look/ quite different/now/because/very many  young tre e s /plant/the  Tree­Planting Festivals. Do   cgive/love/your parents. o me /if/find/po s s ible /and/I/make /all/pre paratio ns . / Yo ur frie nd, 17
  18. Unit 10:CONS ERVATION Tas k 3:  D­ Writing : De ar Lam , We haven’t met since you moved. I miss you a lot. We are both having some days-off between the two terms soon. If you haven’t made any other plans, why don’t we spend a weekend together?. Do you feel like visiting the forest near my grandparents’ home again?. It looks quite different now because very many young trees have been planted at the Tree-Planting Festivals. Do come if you find it possible, and I’ll make all the preparations then. Give  my lo ve  to  yo ur pare nts . Yo ur frie nd, 18 Nam
  19. Unit 10: c o ns e rvatio n D­ Writing : Write a short letter to invite your friend to your birthday party . De ar Jac k , … hold / celebrate ……… . Can / Could you come …………? Or would you like …………… ?. Or Do you feel like …………………..? I hope………..I will be very glad /happy……… See you soon. With love, 19 To m
  20. Unit 10: c o ns e rvatio n D­ Writing : Write a short letter to invite your friend to your birthday party . De ar Jac k , My parents will hold / celebrate my birthday party at 7:00 p.m. this Sunday. Can / Could you come to attend my birthday party ?. I hope that you will come. Remember to come on time. I will be very glad to welcome you !. See you soon. With love, To m 20



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