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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 05: Illiteracy (Reading)

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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 05: Illiteracy (Reading) nhằm nâng cao kỹ năng đọc hiểu tìm ý chính kết hợp với kỹ năng sử dụng từ điển để tiện trong việc tra cứu từ vựng trong ngữ cảnh bài đọc một cách chính xác.

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Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 05: Illiteracy (Reading)

  1. Go o d  mo r n ing !
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  3. 2
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  6. 5
  7. a.Project world about illiteracy eradication rate in  over the world in 2015 b.An eradicate illiteracy class in remote areas c. An eradicate illiteracy class before 1975 in  Vietnam  d.A map about illiteracy eradication rate in over  the world in 1999 e. An eradicate illiteracy class in mountainous  areas
  8. 1 a. Project world about  2 illiteracy eradication rate in  over the world in 2015 b. An eradicate illiteracy class  in remote areas 3 c. An eradicate illiteracy class  before 1975 in Vietnam  d. A map about illiteracy  eradication rate in over the  world in 1999 4 e. An eradicate illiteracy class  in mountainous areas 5
  9. Period 24: Unit 5 Illiteracy Lesson 1: Reading
  10. I/ BEFORE READING A. Look at the picture in textbook and choose the best answer 1. Where do you think the class is? a. In mountainous areas. b. In remote areas c. In developing areas d. In the cities 2. What do you think of the people in the class? a. They are at the same age. b. They don’t have conditions to go to school c. They are all kinds of ages. d. a and b
  11. • 3. What do you think of the teacher? • a. He got a regular training in teaching. • b. He is a tutor • c. He just works as a volunteer to teach the children to read and write. • d. He is the teacher at this school • 4. What is this class different from your class? • a. The children wear uniform • b. The material facilities of the class are simple and in privation and the students don’t have uniform. • c. The children are provided books and the best things to support their studying • d. the room is in the best condition.
  12. Task 1 B. Match the phrases with their suitable Vietnamese meaning 1.Universalisation of a.xoaù muø chöõ Primary Education: b.kó thuaät canh taùc 2.The Vietnam Society of Learning c.Phoå caäp giaùo duïc Promotion: tieåu hoïc 3.illiteracy d.keá hoïch hoaù gia eradication: ñình 4.farming techniques: e.Hoäi khuyeán hoïc Vieät Nam planning:
  13. * NEW WORDS 1. Illiteracy (n)/ illiterate (v) •Naïn muø chöõ (not knowing to read and write) 2. effective (adj):      Hieäu quaû (producing successful result) 3. eradicate (v): Nhoå reã, dieät tröø  (to destroy) 4. ethnic minority (n): Daân toäc thieåu 5. rate (n): (20% of…) soá leä Tyû 6. fight (n):=struggle (n):          Cuoäc chieán (battle in war) 7. honorable (adj):  Ñaùng kính 8. relevant (adj):  Höõu ích, caàn thieát (useful, suitable)  9. campaign (n):  Chieán dòch, cuoäc vaän ñoäng
  14. II/ WHILE READING Task 2 Which of the choices A, B, C, D most  adequately sums up the whole passage? A.Ethnic minority students’ education  programme B.Illiteracy rates in Vietnam C.The fight against illiteracy D.The programme of “Universalisation of  Primary Education:” inViet nam
  15. Task 3: Answer the questions 1.94% of the population 2.The campaign for illiteracy eradication 3.600 students in 2000 and 800 students in 2001 4.They voluntarily spent their vacations 5.Illiteracy will soon be eradicated
  16. 6. What did the students talk about    at their  classes? They talked about new farming techniques and  family planning.
  17. III/ AFTER READING • Discuss in groups:  1. Are there any illiterate people in your  neighborhood? 2. How many people are there? 3. What do you think we should do to help them  read and write? ( We should take part in teaching them to read and  write every summer vacation or anytime we have free  time. Besides, we should give them books, notebooks,  pens or money to support their studying)
  18. •* Home Work:  Write a short a paragraph about  illiteracy eradication in your  neighborhood and your contribution  to reduce illiteracy using suggestions  in “ After you read”



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