Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies (Reading)
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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies (Reading) đọc hiểu về đề tài sở thích cùng với kỹ năng giải thích ý nghĩa từ vựng thông qua ngữ cảnh bài đọc. Đây là tài liệu tham khảo hỗ trợ quá trình học tập cho các em học sinh.
Chủ đề:
Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 13: Hobbies (Reading)
- Mountain
climbing Reading books fishing
What are the
pictures about?
Playing football Playing computer
walking games
- Wednesday,March16th ,2011
- I. Before you read
accomplished (adj):tài giỏi, lành nghề, tài ba
Eg: My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught
me how to play.
simple tunes ['simpl tju:nz] những giai điệu đơn giản
- Vocabulary
accompany [ə'kʌmpəni] (v) kèm theo , đi theo
accompanying [ə'kʌmpəni] (gerund) :đệm đàn,nhạc
to be good at +N/ V_ing : giỏi về cái gì/làm gì
Eg: He is very good at accompanying people singing with his
- Vocabulary
modest ['mɔdist] (adj): vừa vừa / khiêm tốn
glass fish tank [tæηk] (n): bể cá bằng kính
Eg: I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety
of little fish
- Francis Kiddle with his collection
He is an avid stamp collector.
avid ['ævid] (adj): say mê, khao khát
Eg: I would not call myself an avid stamp collector.
- discarded /di,skɑ:d / (adj) = throw away : vứt bỏ, bỏ đi
collect / kə'lekt/ (v) collection (n) sưu tập / sự sưu
collector (n) người sưu tầm tầ m
Eg: I collect the stamps from discarded envelopes.
- Vocabulary
to indulge in [in'dʌldʒ] indulgence (n) : say sưa ,đam mê
Eg: I also indulge in fishing, swimming and playing chess
- keep somebody occupied ['ɒkjʊpaied] = keep s.b busy
làm ai bận rộn
Eg: They keep me occupied.
- Rice field (n)
Cánh đồng lúa
admire [əd'maiə] ( v ) :ngưỡng mộ, chiêm ngưỡng
admiration (n) sự ngưỡng mộ
- accomplished /ə'kɔmpli∫t / (adj): lành nghề, tài ba
accompany / ə'kʌmpəni / (v) kèm theo , đi theo
accompanying : đệm đàn, đệm nhạc
modest / 'mɔdist / (adj): khiêm tốn
avid / 'ævid / (adj): say mê, khao khát, điên cuồng
discarded /di,skɑ:d / (adj): vứt bỏ, bỏ đi = throw away / θrou ə'wei/
(to) indulge in / in'dʌldʒ / : say sưa, đam mê, indulgence (n)
Keep sb occupied / 'ɒkjʊpaid / = keep sb busy : làm ai bận rộn:
simple tunes / 'simpl tju:nz / : những giai điệu đơn giản
good at + N / V_ing Eg: He is good at speaking English
glass fish tank / tæηk / (n):bể cá thủy tinh
rice field / rais fi:ld / (n):cánh đồng lúa
admire/əd'maiə/(v):ngưỡng mộ , chiêm ngưỡng admiration(n)
collect(v):sưu tập /kə'lekt/ / collection (n): collector(n): người sưu
- I. While you read
Task 1.Match the words and phrases with their definitions
Words and phrases Definitions
11. Accomplished (adj) a. Keep me busy
b. Thrown away
22. Accompanying (gerund)
c. Welltrained
33. Modest (adj) d. Going with a singer, using a
44. Avid (adj) musical instrument
e. Let yourself do sth that you enjoy
55. Discarded (adj) f. Eager, crazy
66. Indulge in (v) g. Not very big
77. Keep me occupied
Key: 1c 2d 3g 4f 5b 6e 7a
- Fill in the blank with the words given in the box
1. accomplished 5. discarded
2. accompanying 6. indulge in
3. modest 7. keeps me occupied
4. avid
1. accomplished
1.Van Cao is an ………..……………musician.All his songs are
very popular.
5. discarded
2.This TV can’t be used. It can be………………………..
2.accompanying my mother’s songs.
3.My father loves ……………………..for
4. I spend most of my time to look after the children, which really
7. keep me occupied
6. indulge in fishing, swimming and playing chess.
5.I also …………………….
6.He doesn’t like a big house.His only dream is to have a
3. modest
……………………little house on the bank.
7.She loves all kinds of stamps.She is an 4. avid
………..collector of
- The main ide as o f the
The 1 s t parag raphs :
introduce the writer’s hobbies.
p aragnd
rap h:
The 2 p arag rap h:The first hobby of the writer:
playing the guitar.
The 3 rd The second hobby of the writer:
keeping fish.
p arag rap h:
The 4 th p arag rap h: The third hobby of the writer:
collecting stamps.
The las t The conclusion of the passage.
p arag rap h:
- Unit 13lesson 1 reading
While you read
Task 1. Read the passage and decide whether the statements are
true (T) or false (F).
The write r is an accom plis he d
1. F
unc le t.
2. The write r’s fathe lr
taught him how to play the F
guitar. e
3. The write r’s s e cond hobby is ke e ping fis h. T
Be c write
4. The
4. aus e r is
he an avid s
w o uld n’t c all him
tam p collesctor.
e lf an av id F
s tam p c o lle c to r.
5. The write r ge ts m ore local s tam ps
than fore ign s tam ps . T
- Task 2: Answer the questions (Work in groups).
1. What is the writer’s first hobby ?
2. Why does the writer admire his uncle ?
3. How did he collect his fish ?
4. Where does he collect the stamps ?
5. What does the writer do with the less
common stamps and with common ones ?
- Task 2: Answer the questions (Work in groups).
1. What is the writer’s first hobby?
His first hobby is playing the guitar.
2. Why does the writer admire his uncle?
Because he is an accomplished guitarist and he is good at
accompanying people singing with his guitar.
3. How did he collect his fish ?
He bought some in a shop and collected some others from the
rice field near his house.
4. Where does he collect the stamp ?
He collects them from discarded envelopes his relatives and
friend give him.
5. What does the writer do with the less common stamps and
with the common ones ?
He keeps the less common stamps inside a small album and he
usually gives the common ones to others or throws them away if
no one wants them.
Talk about your hobby What is your hobby?
My hobby is reading.
When do you do it?
I like reading when I have free time.
HOB How much time do you spend on it ?
About 1 hour / 2 hours …..
( every afternoon / every night )
Why do you chose it?
Reading helps me to relax and get knowledge.
English 11Unit 13
- Trß c h¬i
Rung c hu«ng vµng
C©u 1: All I need is …… regularly and I should be able to do
B practice
C to practise
D practise 9
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