Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 02: Cultural diversity (Writing)
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Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 02: Cultural diversity (Writing) truyền tải kiến thức về cách mô tả đặc trưng chiếc nón lá Việt Nam. Qua đó, giúp học sinh phát triển kỹ năng sắp xếp và miêu tả một đồ vật đơn giản bằng những từ hoặc cụm từ cho sẵn.
Chủ đề:
Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 02: Cultural diversity (Writing)
- What do you think of when looking at these pictures?
Vietnamese bamboo non la ( conical/ leaf hat)
lotus Long dress
They are typical symbols of Vietnam.
- Vocabulary:
- leaf (n)
leaves (pl)
-rim (n)
- rip (n)
- trap (n)
- sew (v)
- conical (adj)
Ex: They are sewing conical hats.
- Vocabulary: - leaf (n) - leaves (pl)
- rim (n)
- rip (n)
- trap (n)
- sew (v)
- conical (adj)
Ex: They are sewing conical hats.
Useful structures:
• not only…but also….:
• to be made of / from + N:
• to be used to + V.
for + Ving.
- Work in groups. Use the words to make sentences.
1. like / long dress / conical leaf hat / be / one /
typical symbols / Vietnam.
2. it / be / symbol / Vietnamese women / part /
spirit / Vietnamese nation.
3. leaf hat / make / special kind / bamboo /
young /soft / palm leaves.
4. diameter / be / 45-50 cm/ height / 25-30 cm.
5. first / form / cover with / palm leaves.
6. then / leaves / sew / around / ribs.
7. hat / use / protect / people / sun /rain.
8. girls / women / wear / hat / look / more
pretty / attractive.
- 1. like / lo ng dre s s / c o nic al le af hat / be / o ne /
typic al s ymbo ls / Vie tnam.
Like the long dress, the conical leaf hat is one of the
typical symbols of Vietnam.
2. it / be / s ymbo l / Vie tname s e wo me n / part / s pirit /
Vie tname s e natio n.
It is not only a symbol of Vietnamese women but also
part of the spirit of the Vietnamese nation.
3. le af hat / make / s pe c ial kind / bambo o / yo ung
/s o ft / palm le ave s .
The leaf hat is made from a special kind of bamboo
and young and soft palm leaves.
4. diame te r / be / 4550 c m/ he ig ht / 2530 c m .
The diameter is from 45 to 50 cm and the height is
from 25 to 30 cm.
- 5. firs t / fo rm / c o ve r with / palm le ave s .
Firs t, the fo rm is c o ve re d with the palm le ave s .
6. the n / le ave s / s e w / aro und / ribs .
The n, the le ave s are s e we d aro und the ribs .
7. hat / us e / pro te c t / pe o ple / s un /rain.
The hat is us e d to pro te c t pe o ple fro m s un and
8. g irls / wo me n / we ar / hat / lo o k / mo re
pre tty /
attrac tive .
The g irls and wo me n who we ar (we aring ) the
hat will lo o k mo re pre tty and attrac tive .
- 1. Like the long dress, the conical leaf hat is one of the
typical symbols of Vietnam.
2. It is not only a symbol of Vietnamese women but
also part of the spirit of the Vietnamese nation.
3. The leaf hat is made from a special kind of bamboo
and young and soft palm leaves.
4. The diameter is from 45 to 50 cm and the height is
from 25 to 30 cm.
5. First, the form is covered with the palm leaves.
6. Then, the leaves are sewed around the ribs.
7. The hat is used to protect people from sun and rain.
8. The girls and women wearing the hat will look more
pretty and attractive.
- Model:
The conical le af hat is one of the typical s ym bols of
the Vie tnam e s e culture be caus e it cannot be found
anywhe re e ls e in the world. The le af hat is not only a
s ym bol of Vie tnam e s e wom e n but has als o be com e part
of the s pirit of the Vie tnam e s e nation.
The hat is m ade from a s pe cial kind of bam boo and
young and s oft palm le ave s . It has a conical form . The
diam e te r of the hat is from 45 to 50 cm and it is from 25
to 30 cm high. The form is cove re d with the palm le ave s .
Finally, the hat is trim m e d and painte d with a coat of
attar oil.
The le af hat is us e d like an um bre lla to prote ct pe ople
from the s un or the rain. Be ne ath the broad rim s of the
le af hat, the girls and wom e n look m ore pre tty and
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