Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 9: Deserts (Speaking) giải thích lý do một số loài động thực vật có thể sống ở sa mạc; qua đó hướng dẫn học sinh trình bày về những đặc trưng thiên nhiên của vùng sa mạc.
Nội dung Text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 12 - Unit 9: Deserts (Speaking)
trees Deserts animals
Unit 9: Deserts
B: Speaking
Unit 9: Deserts- speaking- task 1
What trees/ animals might exist in deserts?
Trees/ In Trees/ animals In
animals deserts desert
Banana s
Eucalyptus Crocodile
Cactus Camel
Date palm Fox
Grass Dog
Frog Lizard
Horse Rabbit
Buffalo Goat
Unit 9: Deserts- speaking- task 1
Explaining the choice:
A: What trees/ animals do you think
might exist in deserts?
B: Date palm, cactus, grass can exist in
deserts because they don’t need a lot
of water and can stand the severe
climate there.
A: What about banana trees?
B: I don’t think they can live in such hot
Unit 9: Deserts- speaking- task 2
Finding out as many natural features of a
desert as possible.(group-work)
Hot in the daytime;
cold at night
Rainfall Little/ rare
Plants Some kinds
Animals Some kinds
Soil Dry
Seasons Hot/ cold
Unit 9: Deserts- speaking- task 2
Using what you have done to make
A: What do you know about the climate
in the desert?
B: It is said that it’s very hot in daytime
and cold at night.
A: Please tell me about the rainfall. How
often does it rain there?
B: It rarely rains there so everything is
very dry.
Unit 9: Deserts- speaking- task 3
Choosing the five most important things to bring with
you when going on an expedition across a desert
Things Your Things Your
Why do you choose them?
choice choice
A knife A horse
A box of A camel
match A cell phone
Water Food
A gun A blanket
A car A walkman
A mosquito
Unit 9: Deserts- speaking- task 3
Explaining the choice:
1. Food/ water: The most important thing ->
survive -> hardly find food/ water in a
desert -> bring as much as possible.
2. A knife: help eat easily/ protect from the
attack of animals.
3. A camel: not need much water/ food ->
save -> move easily.
4. A box of match: make fire at night to
warm/ cook food.
In not more than 50 words, write a
passage to say “why desert is not a
favorable place for people and
animals to live.”