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- Hindawi Publishing Corporation EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Volume 2007, Article ID 95281, 17 pages doi:10.1155/2007/95281 Research Article Low-Complexity Geometry-Based MIMO Channel Simulation Florian Kaltenberger,1 Thomas Zemen,2 and Christoph W. Ueberhuber3 1 Austrian Research Centers GmbH (ARC), Donau-City-Strasse 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria 2 ftw. Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Donau-City-Strasse 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria 3 Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/101, 1040 Vienna, Austria Received 30 September 2006; Revised 9 February 2007; Accepted 18 May 2007 Recommended by Marc Moonen The simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in time-variant wideband multiple-input multiple-output mobile radio channels using a geometry-based channel model (GCM) is computationally expensive. Due to multipath propagation, a large number of complex exponentials must be evaluated and summed up. We present a low-complexity algorithm for the implementa- tion of a GCM on a hardware channel simulator. Our algorithm takes advantage of the limited numerical precision of the channel simulator by using a truncated subspace representation of the channel transfer function based on multidimensional discrete pro- late spheroidal (DPS) sequences. The DPS subspace representation offers two advantages. Firstly, only a small subspace dimension is required to achieve the numerical accuracy of the hardware channel simulator. Secondly, the computational complexity of the subspace representation is independent of the number of multipath components (MPCs). Moreover, we present an algorithm for the projection of each MPC onto the DPS subspace in O (1) operations. Thus the computational complexity of the DPS subspace algorithm compared to a conventional implementation is reduced by more than one order of magnitude on a hardware channel simulator with 14-bit precision. Copyright © 2007 Florian Kaltenberger et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 1. INTRODUCTION pulse response. The processing power of the baseband unit limits the number of MPCs that can be calculated and hence the model accuracy. We note that the accuracy of the channel In mobile radio channels, electromagnetic waves propagate simulator is limited by the arithmetic precision of the base- from the transmitter to the receiver via multiple paths. A band unit as well as the resolution of the analog/digital con- geometry-based channel model (GCM) assumes that ev- verters. On the ARC SmartSim channel simulator [2], for ex- ery multipath component (MPC) can be modeled as a ample, the baseband processing hardware uses 16-bit fixed- plane wave, mathematically represented by a complex expo- point processors and an analog/digital converter with 14-bit nential function. The computer simulation of time-variant precision. This corresponds to a maximum achievable accu- wideband multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) chan- racy of Emax = 2−13 . nels based on a GCM is computationally expensive, since The new simulation algorithm presented in this paper a large number of complex exponential functions must be takes advantage of the limited numerical accuracy of hard- evaluated and summed up. ware channel simulators by using a truncated basis expan- This paper presents a novel low-complexity algorithm for sion of the channel transfer function. The basis expansion the computation of a GCM on hardware channel simulators. is based on the fact that wireless fading channels are highly Hardware channel simulators [1–5] allow one to simulate oversampled. Index-limited snapshots of the sampled fad- mobile radio channels in real time. They consist of a pow- ing process span a subspace of small dimension. The same erful baseband signal processing unit and radio frequency subspace is also spanned by index-limited discrete prolate frontends for input and output. In the baseband processing spheroidal (DPS) sequences [6]. In this paper, we show that unit, two basic operations are performed. Firstly, the channel the projection of the channel transfer function onto the DPS impulse response is calculated according to the GCM. Sec- subspace can be calculated approximately but very efficiently ondly, the transmit signal is convolved with the channel im-
- 2 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing in O (1) operations from the MPC parameters given by the Scatterer model. Furthermore, the subspace representation is indepen- η1 e j 2πω1 t dent of the number of MPCs. Thus, in the hardware sim- ulation of wireless communication channels, the number of η0 e j 2πω0 t paths can be increased and more realistic models can be com- puted. By adjusting the dimension of the subspace, the ap- Receiver Transmitter proximation error can be made smaller than the numerical η2 e j 2πω2 t precision given by the hardware, allowing one to trade accu- racy for efficiency. Using multidimensional DPS sequences, v the DPS subspace representation can also be extended to sim- Scatterer ulate time-variant wideband MIMO channel models. One particular application of the new algorithm is the Figure 1: GCM for a time-variant frequency-flat SISO channel. Sig- simulation of Rayleigh fading processes using Clarke’s [7] nals sent from the transmitter, moving at speed v, arrive at the re- channel model. Clarke’s model for time-variant frequency- ceiver via different paths. Each MPC p has complex weight η p and flat single-input single-output (SISO) channels assumes that Doppler shift ω p [16]. the angles of arrival (AoAs) of the MPCs are uniformly distributed. Jakes [8] proposed a simplified version of this model by assuming that the number of MPCs is a multiple of ements of X . If X is a continuous region, |X | denotes the four and that the AoAs are spaced equidistantly. Jakes’ model Lebesgue measure of X . An N -dimensional sequence vm is a reduces the computational complexity of Clarke’s model by function from m ∈ ZN onto C. For an N -dimensional, finite a factor of four by exploiting the symmetry of the AoA dis- index set I ⊂ ZN , the elements of the sequence vm , m ∈ I , tribution. However, the second-order statistics of Jakes’ sim- may be collected in a vector v. For a parameterizable func- plification do not match the ones of Clarke’s model [9] and tion f , { f } denotes the family of functions over the whole Jakes’ model is not wide-sense stationary [10]. Attempts to parameter space. The absolute value, the phase, the real part, improve the second-order statistics while keeping the re- and the imaginary part of a complex variable a are denoted duced complexity of Jakes’ model are reported in [6, 9–14]. by |a|, Φ(a), a, and a, respectively. E {·} denotes the ex- However, due to the equidistant spacing of the AoAs, none of pectation operator. these models achieves all the desirable statistical properties of Clarke’s reference model [15]. Our new approach presented Organization of the paper in this paper allows us to reduce the complexity of Clarke’s original model by more than an order of magnitude without In Section 2, a subspace representation of time-variant imposing any restrictions on the AoAs. frequency-flat SISO channels based on one-dimensional DPS sequences is derived. The main result of the paper, that is, the low-complexity calculation of the basis coefficients of the Contributions of the paper DPS subspace representation, is given in Section 3. Section 4 (i) We apply the DPS subspace representation to derive a extends the DPS subspace representation to higher dimen- low-complexity algorithm for the computation of the sions, enabling the computer simulation of wideband MIMO GCM. channels. A summary and conclusions are given in Section 5. (ii) We introduce approximate DPS wave functions to cal- Appendix A proposes a novel way to calculate the multidi- culate the projection onto the subspace in O (1) oper- mensional DPS sequences utilizing the Kronecker product. ations. Appendix B gives a detailed proof of a central theorem. A list (iii) We provide a detailed error and complexity analysis of symbols is defined in Appendix C. that allows us to trade efficiency for accuracy. (iv) We extend the DPS subspace projection to multiple di- 2. THE DPS SUBSPACE REPRESENTATION mensions and describe a novel way to calculate multi- dimensional DPS sequences using the Kronecker prod- 2.1. Time-variant frequency-flat SISO geometry-based uct formalism. channel model Notation. Let Z, R, and C denote the set of integers, real We start deriving the DPS subspace representation for the and complex numbers, respectively. Vectors are denoted by generic GCM for time-variant frequency-flat SISO channels v and matrices by V. Their elements are denoted by vi and depicted in Figure 1. The GCM assumes that the channel Vi,l , respectively. Transposition of a vector or a matrix is in- transfer function h(t ) can be written as a superposition of dicated by ·T and conjugate transposition by ·H . The Eu- P MPCs: clidean ( 2 ) norm of the vector a is denoted by a . The P −1 Kronecker product and the Khatri-Rao product (columnwise η p e2π jω p t , h( t ) = (1) Kronecker product) are denoted by ⊗ and , respectively. p=0 The inner product of two vectors of length N is defined as x, y = iN −1 xi yi∗ , where ·∗ denotes complex conjugation. where each MPC is characterized by its complex weight η p , =0 If X is a discrete index set, |X | denotes the number of el- which embodies the gain and the phase shift, as well as its
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 3 H (ν) 2.2. DPS sequences In this section, one-dimensional DPS sequences are re- viewed. They were introduced in 1978 by Slepian [17]. Their applications include spectrum estimation [18], approxima- tion, and prediction of band-limited signals [15, 17] as well 1 1 −νDmax νDmax − as channel estimation in wireless communication systems 2 2 [6]. DPS sequences can be generalized to multiple dimen- sions [19]. Multidimensional DPS sequences are reviewed in Figure 2: Doppler spectrum H (ν) of the sampled time-variant Section 4.2, where they are used for wideband MIMO chan- channel transfer function hm . The maximum normalized Doppler nel simulation. bandwidth 2νDmax is much smaller than the available normalized channel bandwidth. Definition 1. The one-dimensional discrete prolate spheroid- (d al (DPS) sequences vm ) (W , I ) with band-limit W = [−νDmax , νDmax ] and concentration region I = {M0 , . . . , M0 + M − 1} Doppler shift ω p . With 1/TS denoting the sampling rate of the system, the sampled channel transfer function can be are defined as the real solutions of written as M0 +M −1 sin 2π νDmax (m − n) (d) P −1 vn ( W , I ) π (n − m) 2π j ν p m hm = h mTS = ηpe , (2) n=M0 (6) p=0 (d = λd (W , I )vm ) (W , I ). where ν p = ω p TS is the normalized Doppler shift of the pth MPC. We refer to (2) as the sum of complex exponentials They are sorted such that their eigenvalues λd (W , I ) are in (SoCE) algorithm for computing the channel transfer func- descending order: tion hm . We assume that the normalized Doppler shifts ν p are λ0 (W , I ) > λ1 (W , I ) > · · · > λM −1 (W , I ). (7) bounded by the maximum (one-sided) normalized Doppler bandwidth νDmax , which is given by the maximum speed vmax To ease notation, we drop the explicit dependence of (d vm ) (W , I ) on W and I when it is clear from the context. Fur- of the transmitter, the carrier frequency fC , the speed of light ther, we define the DPS vector v(d) (W , I ) ∈ CM as the DPS c, and the sampling rate 1/TS , (d sequence vm ) (W , I ) index-limited to I . vmax fC ν p ≤ νDmax = TS . (3) The DPS vectors v(d) (W , I ) are also eigenvectors of the c M × M matrix K with elements Km,n = sin(2π νDmax (m − n))/ In typical wireless communication systems, the maximum π (n − m). The eigenvalues of this matrix decay exponentially normalized Doppler bandwidth 2νDmax is much smaller than and thus render numerical calculation difficult. Fortunately, the available normalized channel bandwidth (see Figure 2): there exists a tridiagonal matrix commuting with K, which enables fast and numerically stable calculation of DPS se- 1 νDmax . (4) quences [17, 20]. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate one-dimensional 2 DPS sequences and their eigenvalues, respectively. Thus, the channel transfer function (1) is highly oversam- Some properties of DPS sequences are summarized in the pled. following theorem. Clarke’s model [17] is a special case of (2) and assumes that the AoAs ψ p of the impinging MPCs are distributed uni- (d Theorem 1. (1) The sequences vm ) (W , I ) are band-limited to formly on the interval [−π , π ) and that E {|η p |2 } = 1/P . The W. normalized Doppler shift ν p of the pth MPC is related to the (2) The eigenvalue λd (W , I ) of the DPS sequence AoA ψ p by ν p = νDmax cos(ψ p ). Jakes’ model [8] and its vari- (d vm ) (W , I ) denotes the energy concentration of the sequence ants [9–14] assume that the AoAs ψ p are spaced equidistantly within I : with some (random) offset ϑ: 2 (d vm ) ( W , I ) 2π p + ϑ m∈I ψp = , p = 0, . . . , P − 1. λd (W , I ) = (5) 2. (8) P (d vm ) ( W , I ) m∈Z If P is a multiple of four, symmetries can be utilized and (3) The eigenvalues λd (W , I ) satisfy 1 < λi (W , I ) < 0. only P/ 4 sinusoids have to be evaluated [8]. However, the They are clustered around 1 for d ≤ D − 1, and decay ex- second-order statistics of such models do not match the ones ponentially for d ≥ D , where D = |W ||I | + 1. of Clarke’s original model [9]. (d (4) The DPS sequences vm ) (W , I ) are orthogonal on the In this paper, a truncated subspace representation is used index set I and on Z. to reduce the complexity of the GCM (2). The subspace rep- (5) Every band-limited sequence hm can be decomposed resentation does not require special assumptions on the AoAs uniquely as hm = hm + gm , where hm is a linear combination of ψ p . It is based on DPS sequences, which are introduced in the (d DPS sequences vm ) (W , I ) for some I and gm = 0 for all m ∈ I . following section.
- 4 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (d combination of the DPS sequences vm ) (W , I ) and hm = hm 0.15 for all m ∈ I . Therefore, the vectors 0.1 T ∈ CM h = hM0 , hM0 +1 , . . . , hM0 +M −1 (9) obtained by index limiting hm to I can be represented as a 0.05 linear combination of the DPS vectors v (d ) ( W , I ) 0 T (d ) (d ) (d ) ∈ CM . = vM0 (W , I ), vM0 +1 (W , I ), . . . , vM0 +M −1 (W , I ) −0.05 (10) Properties (2) and (3) of Theorem 1 show that the first −0.1 D = 2νDmax M + 1 DPS sequences contain almost all of 0 50 100 150 200 250 their energy in the index-set I . Therefore, the vectors {h} m span a subspace with essential dimension [6] (0) vm (1) vm D = 2M νDmax + 1. (11) (2) vm Due to (4), the time-variant fading process is highly over- (0) (1) Figure 3: The first three one-dimensional DPS sequences vm , vm , sampled. Thus the maximum number of subspace dimen- (2) and vm for M0 = 0, M = 256, and M νDmax = 2. sions M is reduced by 2νDmax 1. In typical wireless com- munication systems, the essential subspace dimension D is in the order of two to five only. This fact is exploited in the 100 following definition. 10−1 Definition 2. Let h be a vector obtained by index limiting a band-limited process with band-limit W to the index set I . 10−2 Further, collect the first D DPS vectors v(d) (W , I ) in the ma- Eigenvalue trix 10−3 V = v(0) (W , I ), . . . , v(D−1) (W , I ) . 10−4 (12) 10−5 The DPS subspace representation of h with dimension D is defined as 10−6 hD = Vα , (13) 10−7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 where α is the projection of the vector h onto the columns of d V: Figure 4: The first ten eigenvalues λd , d = 0, . . . , 9, of the one- α = VH h . dimensional DPS sequences for M0 = 0, M = 256, and M νDmax = 2. (14) The eigenvalues are clustered around 1 for d ≤ D − 1, and decay ex- ponentially for d ≥ D , where the essential dimension of the signal For the purpose of channel simulation, it is possible to subspace D = 2νDmax M + 1 = 5. use D > D DPS vectors in order to increase the numerical ac- curacy of the subspace representation. The subspace dimen- sion D has to be chosen such that the bias of the subspace representation is small compared to the machine precision Proof. See Slepian [17]. of the underlying simulation hardware. This is illustrated in Section 3.2 by numerical examples. 2.3. DPS subspace representation In terms of complexity, the problem of computing the series (2) was reformulated into the problem of computing the basis coefficients α of the subspace representation (13). If The time-variant fading process {hm } given by the model in (2) is band-limited to the region W = [−νDmax , νDmax ]. Let they were computed directly using (14), the complexity of the I = {M0 , . . . , M0 + M − 1} denote a finite index set on which problem would not be reduced. In the following section, we we want to calculate hm . Due to property (5) of Theorem 1, derive a novel low-complexity method to calculate the basis coefficients α approximately. hm can be decomposed into hm = hm +gm , where hm is a linear
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 5 3. MAIN RESULT associated DPS wave function (cf. [17, equation (26)]) M0 +M −1 3.1. Approximate calculation of the basis coefficients vm ) (W , I )e− jπ (2M0 +M −1−2m)ν , Ud (ν; W , I ) = (d d m=M0 In this section, an approximate method to calculate the basis (21) coefficients α in (13) with low complexity is presented. Until where d = 1 if d is even, and d = j if d is odd. now we have only considered the time domain of the channel Comparing (16) with (21) shows that the basis coeffi- and assumed that the band limiting region W is symmetric cients can be calculated according to around the origin. To make the methods in this section also 1 applicable to the frequency domain and the spatial domains e jπ (2M0 +M −1)ν p Ud ν p ; W , I . γd ν p ; W , I = (22) (cf. Section 4), we make the more general assumption that d The following definition and theorem show that Ud (ν p ; W , I ) W = W0 − Wmax , W0 + Wmax . (15) (d can be approximately calculated from vm ) (W , I ) by a simple scaling and shifting operation [21]. The projection of a single complex exponential vector e p = [e2π j ν p M0 , . . . , e2π j ν p (M0 +M −1) ]T onto the basis functions (d Definition 3. Let vm ) (W , I ) be the DPS sequences with band- v(d) (W , I ) can be written as a function of the Doppler shift limit region W = [W0 − Wmax , W0 + Wmax ] and index set ν p , the band-limit region W , and the index set I , I = {M0 , . . . , M0 + M − 1}. Further denote by λd (W , I ) the corresponding eigenvalues. For ν p ∈ W define the index m p M0 +M −1 by vm ) (W , I )e2π jmν p . γd ν p ; W , I = (d (16) ν p − W0 M m=M0 mp = . 1+ (23) Wmax 2 Since h can be written as Approximate DPS wave functions are defined as P −1 λd M (d) h= Ud ν p ; W , I := ±e2π j (M0 +M −1+m p )W0 ηpep, (17) v (W , I ), 2Wmax m p p=0 (24) the basis coefficients α (14) can be calculated by where the sign is taken such that the following normalization holds: P −1 P −1 α= ηpγ p, d Ud ν p ; W , I η p VH e p = (18) Ud W0 ; W , I ≥ 0, ≥ 0, p=0 p=0 dν p ν p =W0 (25) where γ p = [γ0 (ν p ; W , I ), . . . , γD−1 (ν p ; W , I )]T denote the d = 0, . . . , D − 1. basis coefficients for a single MPC. Theorem 2. Let ψd (c, f ) be the prolate spheroidal wave func- To calculate the basis coefficients γd (ν p ; W , I ), we take tions [22]. Let c > 0 be given and set advantage of the DPS wave functions Ud ( f ; W , I ). For the special case W0 = 0 and M0 = 0 the DPS wave functions c M= . (26) are defined in [17]. For the more general case, the DPS wave πWmax functions are defined as the eigenfunctions of If Wmax → 0, sin M π (ν − ν ) Wmax Ud Wmax ν p ; W , I ∼ ψd c, ν p , Ud (ν ; W , I )d ν sin π (ν − ν ) (27) (19) W Wmax Ud Wmax ν p ; W , I ∼ ψd c, ν p . = λd (W , I )Ud (ν; W , I ), ν ∈ W. In other words, both the approximate DPS wave functions as They are normalized such that well as the DPS wave functions themselves converge to the pro- late spheroidal wave functions. 2 Ud (ν; W , I ) dν = 1, Proof. For W0 = 0 and M0 = 0, that is, W = [−Wmax , W dUd (ν; W , I ) Wmax ] and I = {0, . . . , M − 1} the proof is given in [17, Sec- (20) Ud W0 ; W , I ≥ 0, ≥ 0, df tion 2.6]. The general case follows by using the two identities ν=W0 d = 0, . . . , D − 1. (d ) vm ) (W , I ) = e2π j (m+M0 )W0 vm+M0 (W , I ), (d Ud (ν, W , I ) = eπ j (2M0 +M −1)(ν−W0 ) Ud ν − W0 ; W , I . The DPS wave functions are closely related to the DPS (28) sequences. It can be shown that the amplitude spectrum of a DPS sequence limited to m ∈ I is a scaled version of the
- 6 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Table 1: Simulation parameters for the numerical experiments in Theorem 2 suggests that the approximate DPS wave the time domain. The carrier frequency and the sample rate resem- functions can be used as an approximation to the DPS wave ble those of a UMTS system [24]. The block length is chosen to be functions. Therefore, the basis coefficients (22) can be calcu- as long as a UMTS frame. lated approximately by Parameter Value 1 e jπ (2M0 +M −1)ν p Ud ν p ; W , I . γd ν p ; W , I := (29) Carrier frequency fc 2 GHz d Sample rate 1/TS 3.84 MHz The theorem does not indicate the quality of the approx- Block length M 2560 samples imation. It can only be deduced that the approximation im- Mobile velocity vmax 100 km/h proves as the bandwidth Wmax decreases, while the number Maximum norm. Doppler νDmax 4.82 × 10−5 of samples M = c/πWmax increases. This fact is exploited in the following definition. If the Doppler shifts ν p , p = 0, . . . , P − 1, are not distributed Definition 4. Let h be a vector obtained by index limiting a uniformly, (35) can still be used as an approximation for the band-limited process of the form (2) with band-limit W = square bias [21]. [W0 − Wmax , W0 + Wmax ] to the index set I = {M0 , . . . , M0 + For the square bias of the approximate DPS subspace rep- M − 1}. For a positive integer r —the resolution factor—define resentation hD,r , no analytical results are available. However, Ir = M0 , M0 + 1, . . . , M0 + rM − 1 , for the minimum achievable square bias, we conjecture that (30) W W 2 2νDmax Wr = W0 − max , W0 + max . bias2 r = min bias2 D,r ≈ . (36) r r min, h r D The approximate DPS subspace representation with dimen- This conjecture is substantiated by numerical Monte- sion D and resolution factor r is given by Carlo simulations using the parameters from Table 1. The Doppler shifts ν p , p = 0, . . . , P − 1, are distributed inde- r hD,r = Vα (31) pendently and uniformly on W . The results are illustrated in whose approximate basis coefficients are Figure 5. It can be seen that the square bias of the subspace representation bias2 D decays with the subspace dimension. h P −1 νp For D ≥ 2M νDmax + 1 = 2 this decay is even exponen- αr = η p γd , W r , Ir . (32) d r tial. These two properties can also be seen directly from (35) p=0 and the exponential decay of the eigenvalues λd (W , I ). The square bias bias2 D,r of the approximate subspace representa- Note that the DPS sequences are required in a higher res- h olution only for the calculation of the approximate basis co- tion is similar to bias2 D up to a certain subspace dimension. h efficients. The resulting hD,r has the same sample rate for any Thereafter, the square bias of the approximate subspace rep- resentation levels out at bias2 r ≈ (2νDmax /r )2 . Increasing choice of r . min, the resolution factor pushes the levels further down. Let the maximal allowable square error of the simulation 3.2. Bias of the subspace representation 2 be denoted by Emax . Then, the approximate subspace repre- In this subsection, the square bias of the subspace represen- sentation can be used without loss of accuracy if D and r are tation chosen such that 1 2 ! bias2 D = E h − hD bias2 D,r ≤ Emax . (33) 2 (37) h M h Good approximations for D and r can be found by and the square bias of the approximate subspace representa- tion D = argmin bias2 D ≤ Emax , r = argmin bias2 r ≤ Emax . 2 2 min, h r D 1 2 bias2 D,r = E h − hD,r (38) (34) h M The first expression can be computed using (35). Using con- are analyzed. jecture (36), the latter evaluates to For ease of notation, we assume again that W = [−νDmax , 2νDmax νDmax ], that is, we set W0 = 0 and Wmax = νDmax . However, r= . (39) the results also hold for the general case (15). If the Doppler Emax shifts ν p , p = 0, . . . , P − 1, are distributed independently and Using a 14-bit fixed-point processor, the maximum uniformly on W , the DPS subspace representation h coin- achievable accuracy is Emax = (2−13 )2 ≈ 1.5 × 10−8 . For 2 cides with the Karhunen-Lo` ve transform of h [23] and it e the example of Figure 5, where the maximum Doppler shift νDmax = 4.82 × 10−5 and the number of samples M = 2560, can be shown that the choice D = 4 and r = 2 makes the simulation as accurate M −1 1 bias2 D = λd (W , I ). (35) as possible on this hardware. Depending on the application, M νDmax h a lower accuracy might also be sufficient. d =D
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 7 100 107 106 106 Memory accesses 10−5 No. operations Bias2 105 105 10−10 104 104 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10−15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P D DPSS no. operations DPSS memory access Bias M = 2560 Bias apx min r = 1 SoCE no. operations SoCE memory access Bias apx r = 1 Bias apx min r = 2 Bias apx r = 2 Bias apx min r = 4 Figure 6: Complexity in terms of number of arithmetic operations Bias apx r = 4 (left abscissa) and memory access operations (right abscissa) versus the number of MPCs P . We show results for the sum of complex Figure 5: bias2 D (denoted by “bias”), bias2 D,r (denoted by “bias exponentials algorithm (denoted by “SoCE”) and the approximate h h apx”), and bias2 r (denoted by “bias apx min”) for νDmax = 4.82 × subspace representation (denoted by “DPSS”) using M = 2560, min, 10−5 and M = 2560. The factor r denotes the resolution factor. νDmax = 4.82 × 10−5 , and D = 4. operations where the first term accounts for (29) and the sec- 3.3. Complexity and memory requirements ond term for (32). In total, for the evaluation of the approxi- mate subspace representation (31), In this subsection, the computational complexity of the ap- proximate subspace representation (31) is compared to the Ch = MD(CM + MA) + Cα (42) SoCE algorithm (2). The complexity is expressed in num- ber of complex multiplications (CM) and evaluations of the operations are required. For large P , the approximate DPS complex exponential (CE). Additionally, we compare the subspace representation reduces the number of arithmetic number of memory access (MA) operations, which gives a operations compared to the SoCE algorithm by better complexity comparison than the actual memory re- quirements. Ch M (CE + CM) −→ . (43) We assume that all complex numbers are represented us- Ch D(CE + 3 CM) ing their real and imaginary part. A CM thus requires four multiplication and two addition operations. As a reference The memory requirements of the DPS subspace repre- for a CE we use a table look-up implementation with lin- sentation are determined by the block length M , the sub- ear interpolation for values between table elements [2]. This space dimension D and the resolution factor r . If the DPS implementation needs six addition, four multiplication, and sequences are stored with 16-bit precision, two memory access operations. Memh = 2rMD byte (44) Let the number of operations that are needed to evaluate h and h be denoted by Ch and Ch , respectively. Using the are needed. SoCE algorithm, for every m ∈ I = {M0 , . . . , M0 + M − 1} and In Figure 6, Ch and Ch are plotted over the number of every p = 0, . . . , P − 1, a CE and a CM have to be evaluated, paths P for the parameters given in Table 1. Multiplications that is, and additions are counted as one operation. Memory access operations are counted separately. The subspace dimension Ch = MP CE + MP CM. is chosen to be D = 4 according to the observations of the last (40) subsection. The memory requirements for the DPS subspace representation are Memh = 80 kbyte. For the approximate DPS subspace representation with It can be seen that the complexity of the approximate dimension D, first the approximate basis coefficients α have DPS subspace representation in terms of number of arith- to be evaluated, requiring metic operations as well as memory access operations in- creases with slope D, while the complexity of the SoCE al- Cα = DP (CE + 2 CM + MA) + DP CM gorithm increases with slope M . Since in the given example (41)
- 8 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Scatterer tics [13]. If the channel bandwidth is increased, the number of resolvable MPCs increases also. The ITU channel models ϕ0 [27], which are used for bandwidths up to 5 MHz in UMTS ψ0 ϕ1 systems, specify a power delay profile with up to six delay ψ1 ϕ2 ψ2 bins. The I-METRA channel models for the IEEE 802.11n Receiver wireless LAN standard [28] are valid for up to 40 MHz and Transmitter specify a power delay profile with up to 18 delay bins. This v requires a total number of MPCs of up to P1 = 18P0 = 720. Diffuse scattering can also be modeled using a GCM by in- creasing the number of MPCs. In theory, diffuse scattering Scatterer results from the superposition of an infinite number of MPCs [29]. However, good approximations can be achieved by us- Figure 7: Multipath propagation model for a time-variant wide- ing a large but finite number of MPCs [30, 31]. In MIMO band MIMO radio channel. The signals sent from the transmitter, channels, the number of MPCs multiplies by NTx NRx , since moving at speed v, arrive at the receiver. Each path p has complex every antenna sees every scatterer from a different AoA and weight η p , time delay τ p , Doppler shift ω p , angle of departure ϕ p , AoD, respectively. For a 4 × 4 system, the total number of and angle of arrival ψ p . MPCs can thus reach up to P = 16P1 = 1.2 × 104 . We now show that the sampled time-variant wideband MIMO channel transfer function is band-limited in time, D M , the approximate DPS subspace representation al- frequency, and space. Let FS denote the width of a fre- ready enables a complexity reduction by more than one order of magnitude compared to the SoCE algorithm for P = 30 quency bin and DS the distance between antennas. The sam- pled channel transfer function can be described as a four- paths. Asymptotically, the number of arithmetic operations dimensional sequence hm,q,r ,s = h(mTS , qFS , rDS , sDS ), where can be reduced by a factor of Ch /Ch → 465. m denotes discrete time, q denotes discrete frequency, s de- notes the index of the transmit antenna, and r denotes the 4. WIDEBAND MIMO CHANNEL SIMULATION index of the receive antenna.1 Further, let ν p = ω p TS denote the normalized Doppler shift, θ p = τ p FS the normalized de- 4.1. The wideband MIMO geometry-based lay, ζ p = sin(ϕ p )DS /λ and ξ p = sin(ψ p )DS /λ the normalized channel model angles of departure and arrival, respectively. If all these in- The time-variant GCM described in Section 2.1 can be ex- dices are collected in the vectors tended to describe time-variant wideband MIMO channels. For simplicity we assume uniform linear arrays (ULA) with m = [m, q, s, r ]T , omnidirectional antennas. Then the channel can be de- (46) T f p = ν p , −θ p , ζ p , −ξ p , scribed by the time-variant wideband MIMO channel trans- fer function h(t , f , x, y ), where t denotes time, f denotes fre- quency, x the position of the transmit antenna on the ULA, hm can be written as y the position of the receive antenna on the ULA [25]. P −1 The GCM assumes that h(t , f , x, y ) can be written as a η p e j 2π f p ,m hm = , (47) superposition of P MPCs, p=0 P −1 η p e2π jω p t e−2π jτ p f e2π j/λ sin ϕ p x e−2π j/λ sin ψ p y , h( t , f , x , y ) = that is, the multidimensional form of (2). p=0 The band-limitation of hm in time, frequency, and space (45) is defined by the following physical parameters of the chan- nel. where every MPC is characterized by its complex weight η p , its Doppler shift ω p , its delay τ p , its angle of departure (AoD) (1) The maximum normalized Doppler shift of the chan- ϕ p , and its AoA ψ p (see Figure 7) and λ is the wavelength. nel νDmax defines the band-limitation in the time do- More sophisticated models may also include parameters such main. It is determined by the maximum speed of the as elevation angle, antenna patterns, and polarization. user vmax , the carrier frequency fC , the speed of light c, There exist many models for how to obtain the param- and the sampling rate 1/TS , that is, eters of the MPCs. They can be categorized as determinis- tic, geometry-based stochastic, and nongeometrical stochastic vmax fC νDmax = models [26]. The number of MPCs required depends on the TS . (48) c scenario modeled, the system bandwidth, and the number of antennas used. In this paper, we choose the number of MPCs such that the channel is Rayleigh fading, except for the line- 1 In the literature, the time-variant wideband MIMO channel is often rep- of-sight component. resented by the matrix H(m, q), whose elements are related to the sam- For narrowband frequency-flat systems, approximately pled time-variant wideband MIMO channel transfer function hm,q,r ,s by P0 = 40 MPCs are needed to achieve a Rayleigh fading statis- Hr ,s (m, q) = hm,q,r ,s .
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 9 (2) The maximum normalized delay of the scenario θmax To ease notation, we drop the explicit dependence of (d vm ) (W , I ) on W and I when it is clear from the con- defines the band-limitation in the frequency domain. It is determined by the maximum delay τmax and the text. Further, we define the multidimensional DPS vector sample rate 1/FS in frequency v(d) (W , I ) ∈ CL as the multidimensional DPS sequence (d vm ) (W , I ) index-limited to I . In particular, if every element θmax = τmax FS . (49) m ∈ I is indexed lexicographically, such that I = {ml , l = 0, 1, . . . , L − 1}, then (3) The minimum and maximum normalized AoA, ξmin and ξmax define the band-limitation in the spatial do- T v(d) (W , I ) = vm0) (W , I ), . . . , vmL)−1 (W , I ) . (d (d (57) main at the receiver. They are given by the minimum and maximum AoA, ψmin and ψmax , the spatial sam- All the properties of Theorem 1 also apply to multidi- pling distance DS and the wavelength λ: mensional DPS sequences [19]. The only difference is that m has to be replaced with m and Z with ZN . DS DS ξmin = sin ψmin ξmax = sin ψmax . , (50) λ λ Example 1. In the two-dimensional case N = 2 with band- The band-limitation at the transmitter is given simi- limiting region W and index set I given by larly by the normalized minimum and maximum nor- W = − νDmax , νDmax × 0, θmax , malized AoD, ζmin and ζmax . In summary it can be seen that hm is band-limited to (58) Q Q I = {0, . . . , M − 1} × − −1 . ,..., W = − νDmax , νDmax × 0, θmax 2 2 (51) × ζmin , ζmax × ξmin , ξmax . Equation (54) reduces to Thus the discrete time Fourier transform (DTFT) Q/ 2 −1 M −1 sin 2π νDmax (m − n) e2πi( p−q)θmax − 1 (d) vn, p −2π j f ,m N H (f ) = f ∈C , π (n − m) 2πi( p − q) hm e , (52) n=0 p=− Q/ 2 m∈ZN (d = λd vm,) . q vanishes outside the region W , that is, (59) H (f ) = 0, f ∈ W. / (53) Note that due to the nonsymmetric band-limiting region W , the solutions of (59) can take complex values. Examples of 4.2. Multidimensional DPS sequences two-dimensional DPS sequences and their eigenvalues are given in Figures 8 and 9, respectively. They have been cal- The fact that hm is band-limited allows one to extend the con- culated using the methods described in Appendix A. cepts of the DPS subspace representation also to time-variant wideband MIMO channels. Therefore, a generalization of the one-dimensional DPS sequences to multiple dimensions is 4.3. Multidimensional DPS subspace representation required. We assume that for hardware implementation, hm is calcu- Definition 5. Let I ⊂ ZN be an N -dimensional finite index lated blockwise for M samples in time, Q bins in frequency, set with L = |I | elements, and W ⊂ (−1/ 2, 1/ 2)N an N - NTx transmit antennas, and NRx receive antennas. Accord- dimensional band-limiting region. Multidimensional discrete ingly, the index set is defined by (d prolate spheroidal (DPS) sequences vm ) (W , I ) are defined as the solutions of the eigenvalue problem Q Q I = {0, . . . , M − 1} × − −1 ,..., 2 2 (d vm ) (W , I )K (W ) (m − m) = λd (W , I )vm ) (W , I ), (60) (d m ∈I × 0, . . . , NTx − 1 × 0, . . . , NRx − 1 . m ∈ ZN , (54) The DPS subspace representation can easily be extended to multiple dimensions. Let h be the vector obtained by in- where dex limiting the sequence hm (47) to the index set I (60) and sorting the elements lexicographically. In analogy to the f ,m −m K (W ) (m − m) = e 2π j df . (55) one-dimensional case, the subspace spanned by {h} is also W spanned by the multidimensional DPS vectors v(d) (W , I ) de- They are sorted such that their eigenvalues λd (W , I ) are in fined in Section 4.2. Due to the common notation of one- descending order and multidimensional sequences and vectors, the multidi- mensional DPS subspace representation of h can be defined λ0 (W , I ) > λ1 (W , I ) > · · · > λL−1 (W , I ). (56) similarly to Definition 2.
- 10 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 100 0.1 10−1 vm , q 10−2 (0) 0 Eigenvalue 10−3 −0.1 10−4 10 0 20 q 10−5 10 −10 m 0 10−6 (a) 10−7 0 20 40 60 80 100 d 0.1 Figure 9: First 100 eigenvalues λd , d = 0, . . . , 99, of two- vm , q (1) dimensional DPS sequences for M = Q = 25, M νDmax = 2, and 0 Qθmax = 5. The eigenvalues are clustered around 1 for d ≤ D − 1, and decay exponentially for d ≥ D , where the essential dimension −0.1 of the signal subspace D = |W ||I | + 1 = 41. 10 0 20 q 10 −10 Definition 6. Let h be a vector obtained by index limiting m 0 a multidimensional band-limited process of the form (47) (b) with band-limit W to the index set I . Let v(d) (W , I ) be the multidimensional DPS vectors for the multidimensional band-limit region W and the multidimensional index set I . Further, collect the first D DPS vectors v(d) (W , I ) in the ma- 0.1 trix vm , q (2) V = v(0) (W , I ), . . . , v(D−1) (W , I ) . 0 (61) The multidimensional DPS subspace representation of h with −0.1 subspace dimension D is defined as 10 0 20 hD = Vα , (62) q 10 −10 m 0 where α is the projection of the vector h onto the columns of (c) V: α = VH h . (63) 0.1 The subspace dimension D has to be chosen such that the bias of the subspace representation is small compared to vm , q (3) the machine precision of the underlying simulation hard- 0 ware. The following theorem shows how the multidimen- sional projection (63) can be reduced to a series of one- −0.1 dimensional projections. 10 0 20 Theorem 3. Let hD be the N -dimensional DPS subspace rep- q 10 −10 resentation of h with subspace dimension D, band-limiting re- m 0 gion W , and index set I . If W and I can be written as Cartesian (d) products Figure 8: The real part of the first four two-dimensional DPS se- W = W0 × · · · × WN −1 , (64) (d quences vm,)q , d = 0, . . . , 3 for M = Q = 25, M νDmax = 2, and I = I0 × · · · × IN −1 , (65) Qθmax = 5.
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 11 where Wi = [W0,i − Wmax,i , W0,i + Wmax,i ], and Ii = given by Theorem 3. These results are a generalization of the {M0,i , . . . , M0,i + Mi − 1}, then for every d = 0, . . . , D − 1, results of Section 3.3. We assume that the one-dimensional DPS sequences v(di ) (Wi , Ii ), i = 0, . . . , N − 1, have been pre- there exist d0 , . . . , dN −1 such that the N -dimensional DPS basis calculated. Further, we assume that D = D0 · · · DN −1 , where vectors v(d) (W , I ) can be written as Di = max di is the maximum number of one-dimensional v(d) (W , I ) = v(d0 ) W0 , I0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ v(dN −1 ) WN −1 , IN −1 . DPS vectors in dimension i needed to construct the N - (66) dimensional vectors v(d) (W , I ), d = 0, . . . , D − 1. Let the number of operations that are needed to evaluate Further, the basis coefficients of the approximate DPS subspace h (47) and hD (67) be denoted by Ch and ChD , respectively. representation For the SoCE algorithm, h D = Vα Ch = |I |P (CE + CM). (67) (70) For the approximate DPS subspace representation with are given by dimension D, firstly the N -dimensional DPS basis vectors P −1 need to be calculated from the one-dimensional DPS vectors (N −1) (0) α= ηp γ p ⊗ · · · ⊗ γ p , (68) (cf. (66)), requiring p=0 CV = (N − 1)|I |D CM. (71) where γ(i,)d = γdi ( f p,i , Wi , Ii ) are the one-dimensional approxi- p Secondly, the approximate basis coefficients α have to be mate basis coefficients defined in (29). Additionally, resolution evaluated according to (68), requiring factors ri can be used to improve the approximation. N −1 Proof. See Appendix B Cα = Di (CE + CM + MA) + ND CM P. (72) i=0 The band-limiting region W (51) and the index set I In total, for the evaluation of the approximate subspace rep- (60) of the channel model (47) fulfill the prerequisites of resentation (67), Theorem 3 with ChD = |I |D(CM + MA) + CV + Cα (73) Wmax,0 = νDmax , W0,0 = 0, M0,0 = 0, M0 = M , operations are required. θmax Q W0,1 = Wmax,1 = M0,1 = − M1 = Q , , , Asymptotically for P → ∞, the N -dimensional DPS sub- 2 2 space representation reduces the number of arithmetic oper- ζmax − ζmin ζmax + ζmin ations compared to the SoCE algorithm by the factor W0,2 = Wmax,2 = , , 2 2 |I |(CE + CM) Ch M0,2 = 0, M2 = NTx , −→ . (74) N −1 Ch i=0 Di (CE + CM) + ND CM ξmax − ξmin ξmax + ξmin W0,3 = Wmax,3 = , , The memory requirements of the DPS subspace repre- 2 2 sentation are determined by the size of the index set I , the M0,3 = 0, M3 = NRx . number of DPS vectors Di , and the resolution factors ri . If (69) the DPS sequences are stored with 16-bit precision, N −1 Thus, Theorem 3 allows us to use the methods of Section 3.1 Memh = 2ri Ii Di byte (75) to calculate the basis coefficients of the multidimensional i=0 DPS subspace representation approximately with low com- plexity. The resolution factors ri , i = 0, . . . , N − 1, have are needed. to be chosen such that the bias of the subspace representa- tion is small compared to the machine precision Emax of the 4.5. Numerical examples underlying simulation hardware. A necessary but not suffi- Section 3 demonstrated that an application of the approx- cient condition for this is to use the methods of Section 3.2 for each dimension independently, that is, to choose ri = imate DPS subspace representation to the time-domain of 2Wmax,i /Emax . However, it has to be verified numerically that wireless channels may save more than an order of magnitude in complexity. In this subsection, the multidimensional ap- the multidimensional DPS subspace representation achieves proximate DPS subspace representation is applied to an ex- the required numerical accuracy. ample of a time-variant frequency-selective channel as well as an example of a time-variant frequency-selective MIMO 4.4. Complexity and memory requirements channel. A comparison of the arithmetic complexity is given. In this subsection, we evaluate the complexity and memory We assume a 14-bit fixed-point hardware architecture, that is, a maximum allowable square error of Emax = (2−13 )2 ≈ 2 requirements of the N -dimensional SoCE algorithm and the −8 1.5 × 10 . N -dimensional approximate DPS subspace representation,
- 12 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Table 2: Simulation parameters for the numerical experiments in 100 the frequency domain. Parameter Value 10−2 Width of frequency bin FS 15 kHz Number of frequency bins Q 256 10−4 Maximum delay τmax 3.7 μs ≈ 1/ 18 Maximum norm. delay θmax Bias2 10−6 4.5.1. Time and frequency domain 10−8 Numerical accuracy@14 bit Table 2 contains the simulation parameters of the numerical experiments in the frequency domain. The parameters in the 10−10 time domain are chosen according to Table 1. We assume a 0 20 40 60 80 100 typical urban environment with a maximum delay spread of D τmax = 3.7 milliseconds given by the ITU Pedestrian B chan- nel model [27]. Bias apx By omitting the spatial domains x and y in (47), we ob- Bias tain a time-variant frequency-selective GCM Figure 10: bias2 D for the subspace representation in the time and h P −1 frequency domain with νDmax = 4.82 × 10−5 , M = 2560, θmax = η p e j 2π f p ,m hm = , (76) 0.056, and Q = 256. The resolution factors are fixed to r0 = 2 and p=0 r1 = 512. The thin horizontal line denotes the numerical accuracy of a fixed-point 14-bit processor. where m = [m, q]T and f p = [ν p , θ p ]T . Since (76) is band- limited to Table 3: Simulation parameters for the numerical experiments in the spatial domains. W = − νDmax , νDmax × 0, θmax (77) Parameter Value and we wish to calculate (76) in the index set Spacing between antennas DS λ/ 2 m Q Q Number of Tx antennas NTx 8 I = {0, . . . , M − 1} × − −1 , ,..., (78) Number of Rx antennas NRx 8 2 2 [−5◦ , 5◦ ] AoD interval [ϕmin , ϕmax ] we can apply a two-dimensional DPS subspace representa- [−5◦ , 5◦ ] AoA interval [ψmin , ψmax ] tion (Definition 6) to (76). Further, we can use Theorem 3 to Normalized AoD bandwidth ζmax − ζmin 0.087 calculate the basis coefficients α of the subspace representa- Normalized AoA bandwidth ξmax − ξmin 0.087 tion. For a given maximum allowable square bias Emax = 2 −13 2 (2 ) , the estimated values of the resolution factors in the spacing DS = λ/ 2 and NTx = NRx = 8 antennas each. Fur- time and frequency domain are r0 = 2νDmax /Emax ≈ 2 and ther we assume that there is only one cluster of scatterers in r1 = θmax /Emax ≈ 512 (rounded to the next power of two). the scenario which is not in the vicinity of the transmitter The square bias or receiver (see Figure 11) and we assume no line-of-sight component. The AoD and AoA are assumed to be limited by 1 2 bias2 D = E hD − hD (79) [ϕmin , ϕmax ] = [ψmin , ψmax ] = [−5◦ , 5◦ ], which has been ob- h MQ served in measurements [32]. of the two-dimensional exact and the approximate DPS sub- A four-dimensional DPS subspace representation is ap- plied to the channel transfer function (47) with W and I de- space representation is plotted in Figure 10 against the sub- space dimension D. It can be seen that bias2 D ≈ Emax at a 2 fined in (51) and (60). Following the same procedure as in h subspace dimension of approximately D = 80. The maxi- the previous subsection, for a numerical accuracy of 14 bits mum number of one-dimensional DPS vectors is D0 = 4 and the estimated values of the resolution factors and the num- D1 = 23. ber of one-dimensional DPS vectors in the spatial domains are r2 = (ζmax − ζmin )/Emax ≈ 512, r3 = (ξmax − ξmin )/Emax ≈ 512 (rounded to the next power of 2), and D2 = D3 = 5. 4.5.2. Time, frequency, and spatial domain Table 3 contains the simulation parameters of the numerical 4.5.3. Hybrid DPS subspace representation experiments in the spatial domain. The remaining parame- ters are chosen according to Tables 1 and 2. We assume uni- Last but not least, we propose a hybrid DPS subspace repre- form linear arrays at the transmitter and the receiver with sentation that applies a DPS subspace representation in time
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 13 1014 1012 Φ Ψ No. operations 1010 Tx Rx 108 Figure 11: Scenario of a mobile radio channel with one cluster of scatterers. The AoD and the AoA are limited within the intervals Φ = [ϕmin , ϕmax ] and Ψ = [ψmin , ψmax ], respectively. 106 104 and frequency domains, and computes the complex expo- 100 101 102 103 104 nentials in the spatial domain directly. Therefore, the four- P dimensional channel transfer function hm (47) is split into NTx NRx two-dimensional transfer functions hmr describing s, DPSS time DPSS time + freq. + space SoCE time SoCE time + freq. + space the transfer function between transmit antenna s and receiver DPSS time + freq. Hybrid antenna r ; SoCE time + freq. P −1 hmr := hm ,s,r = s, η p e− j 2πζ p s e j 2πξ p r e j 2π f p ,m Figure 12: Complexity in terms of number of arithmetic opera- p=0 tions versus the number of MPCs P . We show results for the SoCE (80) η k ,l p algorithm (denoted by “SoCE”) and the approximate DPS subspace for m ∈ I , f p ∈ W , representation (denoted by “DPSS”) for one, two, and four dimen- sions. Also shown is the complexity of the four-dimensional hybrid where the band-limit region W and the index set I are DPS subspace representation (denoted by “Hybrid”). the same as in the two-dimensional case (cf. (77) and (78)). Then, the two-dimensional DPS subspace representation can be applied to each hmr , s = 0, . . . , NTx − 1, r = 0, . . . , NRx − 1, s, (cf. Section 4.1), complexity savings are still possible. The independently. asymptotic complexity savings are Ch /Ch → 1.9 × 104 . How- ever, in the region P < 2 × 103 MPCs, the four-dimensional 4.5.4. Results and discussion DPS subspace representation requires more complex oper- ations than the corresponding SoCE algorithm. Thus, even A complexity comparison of the SoCE algorithm and the ap- though we choose a “best case” scenario with only one clus- proximate DPS subspace representation for one, two, and ter, a small angular spread and a low numerical accuracy, four dimensions is given in Figure 12. It was evaluated us- there is hardly any additional complexity reduction if the ing (70) and (73). Also shown is the complexity of the DPS subspace representation is applied in the spatial domain. four-dimensional hybrid DPS subspace representation. It can The hybrid DPS subspace representation on the other be seen that for time-variant frequency-flat SISO channels, hand exploits the savings of the DPS subspace representa- the one-dimensional DPS subspace representation requires tion in the time and frequency domain only. From Figure 12 fewer arithmetic operations for P > 2 MPCs. The more it can be seen that it has fewer arithmetic operations than the MPCs are used in the GCM, the more complexity is saved. four-dimensional DPS subspace representation and the four- Asymptotically, the number of arithmetic operations is re- dimensional SoCE algorithm for 60 < P < 2 × 103 MPCs. duced by Ch /Ch → 465. Thus the hybrid method is preferable for channel simulations For time-variant frequency-selective SISO channels, in this region. Further, this method also allows for an efficient the two-dimensional DPS subspace representation requires parallelization on hardware channel simulators [33]. fewer arithmetic operations for P > 30 MPCs. However, as noted in Section 4.1, channel models for systems with the given parameters require P = 400 paths or more. For such 5. CONCLUSIONS a scenario, the DPS subspace representation saves two orders of magnitude in complexity. Asymptotically, the number of We have presented a low-complexity algorithm for the com- arithmetic operations is reduced by a factor of Ch /Ch → puter simulation of geometry-based MIMO channel mod- 6.8 × 103 (cf. (74)). The memory requirements are Memh = els. The algorithm exploits the low-dimensional subspace 5.83 Mbyte (cf. (75)). spanned by multidimensional DPS sequences. By adjusting For time-variant frequency-selective MIMO channels, the dimension of the subspace, it is possible to trade compu- the four-dimensional DPS subspace representation requires tational complexity for accuracy. Thus the algorithm is ide- fewer arithmetic operations for P > 2 × 103 MPCs. Since ally suited for fixed-point hardware architectures with lim- MIMO channels require the simulation of up to 104 MPCs ited precision.
- 14 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing where the kernel K (W ) is given by (55). Let v(d) (W , I ) and We demonstrated that the complexity reduction depends λd (W , I ), d = 0, . . . , L − 1, denote the eigenvectors and eigen- mainly on the normalized bandwidth of the underlying fad- values of K(W ) : ing process in time, frequency, and space. If the bandwidth is very small compared to the sampling rate, the essential subspace dimension of the process is small and the com- K(W ) v(d) (W , I ) = λd (W , I )v(d) (W , I ), (A.2) plexity can be reduced substantially. In the time domain, the maximum Doppler bandwidth of the fading process is much where smaller than the system sampling rate. Compared with the SoCE algorithm, our new algorithm reduces the complexity λ0 (W , I ) ≥ λ1 (W , I ) ≥ · · · ≥ λL−1 (W , I ). (A.3) by more than one order of magnitude on 14-bit hardware. The bandwidth of a frequency-selective fading process It can be shown that the eigenvectors v(d) (W , I ) and the is given by the maximum delay in the channel, which is a eigenvalues λd (W , I ) are exactly the multidimensional DPS factor of five to ten smaller than the sampling rate in fre- vectors defined in (57) and their corresponding eigenvalues. quency. Therefore, the DPS subspace representation also re- If the DPS sequences are required for m ∈ I , they can be / duces the computational complexity when applied in the fre- extended using (54). quency domain. To achieve a satisfactory numerical accuracy, The multidimensional DPS vectors can theoretically be the resolution factor in the approximation of the basis coef- calculated for an arbitrary passband region W directly from ficients needs to be large, resulting in high memory require- the eigenproblem (A.2). However, since the matrix K(W ) ments. On the other hand, it was shown that the number of has an exponentially decaying eigenvalue distribution, this memory access operations is small. Since this figure has more method is numerically unstable. influence on the run-time of the algorithm, the approximate If W can be written as a Cartesian product of one- DPS subspace representation is preferable over the SoCE al- dimensional intervals (i.e., W is a hyper-cube), gorithm for a frequency-selective fading-process. The bandwidth of the fading process in the spatial do- main is determined by the angular spread of the channel, W = W0 × · · · × WN −1 , (A.4) which is almost as large as the spatial sampling rate for most scenarios in wireless communications. Therefore, applying where Wi = [W0,i − Wmax,i , W0,i + Wmax,i ], and the index-set the DPS subspace representation in the spatial domain does I is written as not achieve any additional complexity reduction for the sce- narios of interest. As a consequence, for the purpose of wide- I = I0 × · · · × IN −1 , (A.5) band MIMO channel simulation, we propose to use a hybrid method which computes the complex exponentials in the where Ii = {M0,i , . . . , M0,i + Mi − 1}, the defining kernel K (W ) spatial domain directly and applies the subspace represen- for the multidimensional DPS vectors evaluates to tation to the time and frequency domain only. This method also allows for an efficient parallelization on hardware chan- W0,i +Wmax,i W0,N −1 +Wmax,N −1 nel simulators. K (W ) (u) = e 2π j f 0 u0 ··· W0,i −Wmax,i W0,N −1 −Wmax,N −1 · · · e2π j fN −1 uN −1 df0 · · · dfN −1 (A.6) APPENDICES N −1 K (Wi ) ui , = A. CALCULATION OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL i=0 DPS SEQUENCES where u = [u0 , . . . , uN −1 ]T ∈ I . This means that the kernel In the one-dimensional case (N = 1), where W = [W0 − K (W ) is separable and thus the matrix K(W ) can be written as Wmax , W0 + Wmax ] and I = {M0 , . . . , M0 + M − 1}, the DPS a Kronecker product sequences can be calculated efficiently [17, 20]. The efficient and numerically stable calculation of multidimensional DPS K(W ) = K(W0 ) ⊗ · · · ⊗ K(WN −1 ) , (A.7) sequences with arbitrary W and I is not trivial and has not been treated satisfactorily in the literature. In this section a where K(Wi ) , i = 0, . . . , N − 1, are the kernel matrices cor- new way of calculating multidimensional DPS sequences is responding to the one-dimensional DPS vectors. Now let derived if their passband region can be written as a Cartesian λdi (Wi , Ii ) and v(di ) (Wi , Ii ), di = 0, . . . , Mi − 1, denote the product of one-dimensional intervals. eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of K(Wi ) , i = 0, . . . , N − 1, Indexing every element m ∈ I lexicographically, such respectively. Then the eigenvalues of K(W ) are given by [34, that I = {ml , l = 0, 1, . . . , L − 1}, we define the matrix K(W ) Chapter 9] by λd (W , I ) = λd0 W0 , I0 · · · λdN −1 WN −1 , IN −1 , Kk,W ) = K (W ) mk − ml , ( (A.8) k, l = 0, . . . , L − 1, (A.1) di = 0, . . . , Mi − 1, i = 0, . . . , N − 1 l
- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 15 and the corresponding eigenvectors are given by C. LIST OF SYMBOLS t, f , x, y : Time, frequency, antenna location v(d) (W , I ) = v(d0 ) W0 , I0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ v(dN −1 ) WN −1 , IN −1 , at transmitter, and antenna location at receiver di = 0, . . . , Mi − 1, i = 0, . . . , N − 1. h(t , f , x, y ): Channel transfer function (A.9) TS , FS , DS : Duration of a sample, width of a frequency bin, and spacing The eigenvalues λd (W , I ) and the eigenvectors v(d) (W , I ) between antennas are index by d = [d0 , . . . , dN −1 ]T ∈ I . The multidimen- m, q, s, r : Discrete time index, frequency index, sional DPS vectors v(d) (W , I ) are obtained by reordering the antenna index at transmitter, antenna eigenvectors v(d) (W , I ) and eigenvalues λd (W , I ) according index at receiver to (A.3). Therefore, we define the mapping d = σ (d), such hm,q,r ,s : Sampled channel transfer function that λd (W , I ) = λσ (d) (W , I ) is the dth largest eigenvalue. Fur- M , Q: Number of samples in ther define the inverse mapping d = δ (d) = σ −1 (d), such time and frequency that for a given order d of the multidimensional DPS vec- NTx , NRx : Number of transmit antennas, tor v(d) (W , I ), the corresponding one-dimensional DPS vec- number of receive antennas tors can be found. When a certain multidimensional DPS h: Vector of index-limited sequence of a given order d is needed, the eigenvalues λd , transfer function d = 0, . . . , L − 1, have to be calculated and sorted first. P: Number of MPCs Then the one-dimensional DPS sequences corresponding to d = δ (d) can be selected. ηp: Complex path weight ωp, νp: Doppler shift and normalized Doppler shift of the pth MPC B. PROOF OF THEOREM 3 ωDmax , νDmax : Maximum Doppler shift, maximum normalized Doppler shift For I given by (65), h can be written as τp, θp: Delay and normalized delay of the pth MPC P −1 η p e(0) ⊗ · · · ⊗ e(N −1) , τmax , θmax : Maximum delay, maximum h= (B.1) p p normalized delay p=0 ϕp, ζp: AoD and normalized AoD of the pth MPC where e(i) = [e2π j f p,i M0,i , . . . , e2π j f p,i (M0,i +Mi −1) ]T . Further, since p ϕmax , ϕmin : Maximum and minimum AoD W is given by (64), the results of Appendix A can be used and ζmax , ζmin : Maximum and minimum V can be written as normalized AoD ψp, ξp: AoA and normalized AoA of V = V0 ··· VN −1 , (B.2) the pth MPC ψmax , ψmin : Maximum and minimum AoD where every Mi × Di matrix Vi contains the one-dimensional ξmax , ξmin : Maximum and minimum DPS vectors vd (Wi , Ii ) in its columns. normalized AoD Using the identity fC , c : Carrier frequency, speed of light vmax : Maximum velocity of user ··· AN −1 b0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ bN −1 A0 W: Band-limiting region I: Index set (B.3) (d vm ) (W , I ): = A0 b0 ⊗ · · · ⊗ AN −1 bN −1 , dth one-dimensional DPS sequence (d vm ) (W , I ): dth multidimensional DPS sequence the basis coefficients α can be calculated by v(d)(W , I ): One-dimensional or multidimensional DPS vector λd (W , I ): Eigenvalue of dth DPS sequence P −1 e(0) ⊗ · · · ⊗ e(N −1) α = VH h = VH −1 η p VH ··· D, D : Subspace dimension and essential p p N 0 subspace dimension p=0 Ud (ν), Ud (ν): DPS wave function and approximate P −1 DPS wave function η p VH e(0) ⊗ · · · ⊗ VH −1 e(N −1) . = 0p p N dth basis coefficient and αd , αd : p=0 approximate basis coefficient of DPS (N −1) (0) =:γ p =:γ p subspace representation of h (B.4)
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- Florian Kaltenberger et al. 17 [28] V. Erceg, L. Schumacher, P. Kyritsi, et al., “TGn channel mod- Since October 2003, Thomas Zemen has been with the Telecom- els,” Tech. Rep. IEEE P802.11, Wireless LANs, Garden Grove, munications Research Center, Vienna, working as a Researcher Calif, USA, May 2004. in the strategic I0 project. His research interests include orthog- [29] V. Degli-Esposti, F. Fuschini, E. M. Vitucci, and G. Falciasecca, onal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multiuser detec- “Measurement and modelling of scattering from buildings,” tion, time-variant channel estimation, iterative MIMO receiver IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 55, no. 1, structures, and distributed signal processing. Since May 2005, pp. 143–153, 2007. Thomas Zemen leads the project “Future Mobile Communica- tions Systems-Mathematical Modeling, Analysis, and Algorithms [30] T. Pedersen and B. H. Fleury, “A realistic radio channel model for Multi Antenna Systems” which is funded by the Vienna Science based on stochastic propagation graphs,” in Proceedings of the and Technology Fund (Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und 5th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Mod- Technologiefonds—WWTF). Dr. Zemen teaches “MIMO Commu- elling (MATHMOD ’06), Vienna, Austria, February 2006. [31] O. Norklit and J. B. Andersen, “Diffuse channel model nications” as external lecturer at Vienna University of Technology. and experimental results for array antennas in mobile envi- Christoph W. Ueberhuber received the ronments,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Dipl.-Ing. and Ph.D. degrees in technical vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 834–840, 1998. mathematics and the Venia Docendi Ha- [32] N. Czink, E. Bonek, X. Yin, and B. Fleury, “Cluster angular bilitation degree in numerical mathematics spreads in a MIMO indoor propagation environment,” in Pro- from the Vienna University of Technology, ceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Personal, In- Vienna, Austria, in 1973, 1976, and 1979, door and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC ’05), vol. 1, respectively. He has been with the Vienna pp. 664–668, Berlin, Germany, September 2005. University of Technology since 1973 and is [33] F. Kaltenberger, G. Steinb¨ ck, G. Humer, and T. Zemen, “Low- o currently a Professor of numerical math- complexity geometry based MIMO channel emulation,” in ematics. He has published 15 books and Proceedings of European Conference on Antennas and Propaga- more than 100 papers in journals, books, and conference pro- tion (EuCAP ’06), Nice, France, November 2006. ceedings. His research interests include numerical analysis, high- [34] T. K. Moon and W. Stirling, Mathematical Methods and Algo- performance numerical computing, and advanced scientific com- rithms, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 2000. puting. Florian Kaltenberger was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1978. He received his Diploma (Dipl.-Ing. degree) and his Ph.D. degree both in technical mathematics from the Vi- enna University of Technology in 2002 and 2007, respectively. During the summer of 2001, he held an internship position with British Telecom, BT Exact Technologies in Ipswich, UK, where he was working on mo- bile video conferencing applications. After his studies, he started as a Research Assistant at the Vienna Univer- sity of Technology, Institute for Advanced Scientific Computing, working on distributed signal processing algorithms. In 2003, he joined the wireless communications group at the Austrian Research Centers GmbH, where he is currently working on the development of low-complexity smart antenna and MIMO algorithms as well as on the ARC SmartSim real-time hardware channel simulator. His research interests include signal processing for wireless communi- cations, MIMO communication systems, receiver design and im- plementation, MIMO channel modeling and simulation, and hard- ware implementation issues. Thomas Zemen was born in M¨ dling, Aus- o tria, in 1970. He received the Dipl.-Ing. de- gree (with distinction) in electrical engi- neering from Vienna University of Technol- ogy in 1998 and the Ph.D. degree (with dis- tinction) in 2004. He joined Siemens Aus- tria in 1998, where he worked as Hard- ware Engineer and Project Manager for the radio communication devices department. He was engaged in the development of a ve- hicular GSM telephone system for a German car manufacturer. From October 2001 to September 2003, Mr. Zemen was delegated by Siemens Austria as a Researcher to the mobile communications group at the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna (ftw.).
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