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Báo cáo khoa học: "A NLG-based Application for Walking Directions"

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This work describes an online application that uses Natural Language Generation (NLG) methods to generate walking directions in combination with dynamic 2D visualisation. We make use of third party resources, which provide for a given query (geographic) routes and landmarks along the way. We present a statistical model that can be used for generating natural language directions. This model is trained on a corpus of walking directions annotated with POS, grammatical information, frame-semantics and markup for temporal structure. ...

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  1. A NLG-based Application for Walking Directions Michael Roth and Anette Frank Department of Computational Linguistics Heidelberg University 69120 Heidelberg, Germany {mroth,frank} collected in a way-finding study. In contrast to Abstract previously developed NLG systems in this area (e.g. Dale et. al, 2002), one of our key features is This work describes an online application the integration of a number of online resources to that uses Natural Language Generation compute routes and to find salient landmarks. (NLG) methods to generate walking di- The information acquired from these resources rections in combination with dynamic 2D can then be used to generate natural directions visualisation. We make use of third party that are both easier to memorise and easier to resources, which provide for a given follow than directions given by a classic route query (geographic) routes and landmarks planner or navigation system. along the way. We present a statistical The remainder of this paper is structured as model that can be used for generating follows: In Section 2 we introduce our system natural language directions. This model and describe the resources and their integration is trained on a corpus of walking direc- in the architecture. Section 3 describes our cor- tions annotated with POS, grammatical pus-based generation approach, with Section 4 information, frame-semantics and mark- outlining our integration of text generation and up for temporal structure. visualisation. Finally, Section 5 gives a short conclusion and discusses future work. 1 Introduction 2 Combining Resources The purpose of route directions is to inform a person, who is typically not familiar with his cur- The route planner used in our system is provided rent environment, of how to get to a designated by the Google Maps API1. Given a route com- goal. Generating such directions poses difficul- puted in Google Maps, our system queries a ties on various conceptual levels such as the number of online resources to determine land- planning of the route, the selection of landmarks marks that are adjacent to this route. At the time along the way (i.e. easily recognizable buildings of writing, these resources are: OpenStreetMaps2 or structures) and generating the actual instruc- for public transportation, the Wikipedia WikiPro- tions of how to navigate along the route using the ject Geographical coordinates3 for salient build- selected landmarks as reference points. ings, statues and other objects, Google AJAX As pointed out by Tom & Denis (2003), the Search API4 for “yellow pages landmarks” such use of landmarks in route directions allows for as hotels and restaurants, and Wikimapia 5 for more effective way-finding than directions rely- squares and other prominent places. ing solely on street names and distance measures. All of the above mentioned resources can be An experiment performed in Tom & Denis’ work queried for landmarks either by a single GPS also showed that people tend to use landmarks rather than street names when producing route 1 directions themselves. 2 The application presented here is an early re- 3 search prototype that takes a data-driven genera- Geographical_coordinates 4 tion approach, making use of annotated corpora 5 37 Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Software Demonstrations, pages 37–40, Suntec, Singapore, 3 August 2009. c 2009 ACL and AFNLP
  2. coordinate (using the LocalSearch method in the cost of annotation; however we believe that Google AJAX Search and web tools in Wikipe- this is a reasonable trade-off, in view of the fact dia) or an area of GPS coordinates (using URL that a small annotated corpus and reasonable based queries in Wikimapia and OpenStreet- generalizations in data modelling will likely Maps). The following list describes the data for- yield enough information for the intended navi- mats returned by the respective services and how gation applications. they were integrated: 3.1 Data Collection  Wikimapia and OpenStreetMaps – Both We currently use the data set from (Marciniak & resources return landmarks in the queried Strube, 2005) to learn linguistic expressions for area as an XML file that specifies GPS our generation approach. The data is annotated coordinates and additional information. on the following levels: The XML files are parsed using a Java- Script implementation of a SAX parser.  Token and POS level The coordinates and names of landmarks are then used to add objects within the  Grammatical level (including annotations Google Maps API. of main verbs, arguments and connectives)  Wikipedia – In order to integrate land-  Frame-semantics level (including semantic roles and frame annotations in the sense of marks from Wikipedia, we make use of a community created tool called search-a- (Fillmore, 1977)) place 6 , which returns landmarks from  Temporal level (including temporal rela- Wikipedia in a given radius of a GPS tions between discourse units) coordinate. The results are returned in an HTML table that is converted to an XML 3.2 Our Generation Approach file similar to the output of Wikimapia. At the time of writing, our system only makes Both the query and the conversion are im- use of the first three annotation levels. The lexi- plemented in a Yahoo! Pipe 7 that can be cal selection is inspired by the work of Ratna- accessed in JavaScript via its URL. parkhi (2000) with the overall process designed  Google AJAX Search – The results re- as follows: given a certain situation on a route, turned by the Google AJAX Search API our generation component receives the respective are JavaScript objects that can be directly frame name and a list of semantic role filling inserted in the visualisation using the landmarks as input (cf. Section 4). The genera- Google Maps API. tion component then determines a list of poten- tial lexical items to express this frame using the 3 Using Corpora for Generation relative frequencies of verbs annotated as evok- ing the particular frame with the respective set of A data-driven generation approach achieves a semantic roles (examples in Table 1). number of advantages over traditional ap- proaches for our scenario. First of all, corpus SELF_MOTION data can be used to learn directly how certain 17% walk, 13% follow, 10% events are typically expressed in natural lan- PATH cross, 7% continue, 6% take, … guage, thus avoiding the need of manually speci- 18% get, 18% enter, 9% con- fying linguistic realisations. Secondly, variations GOAL tinue, 7% head, 5% reach, … of discourse structures found in naturally given SOURCE 14% leave, 14% start, … directions can be learned and reproduced to 25% continue, 13% make, avoid monotonous descriptions in the generation DIRECTION 13% walk, 6% go, 3% take, … part. Last but not least, a corpus with good cov- DISTANCE 15% continue, 8% go, … erage can help us determine the correct selection PATH + GOAL 29% continue, 14% take, … restrictions on verbs and nouns occurring in di- DISTANCE + rections. The price to pay for these advantages is GOAL 100% walk DIRECTION + 23% continue, 23% walk, 6 PATH 8% take, 6% turn, 6% face, … world/umkreis.php Table 1: Probabilities of lexical items for the frame 7 SELF_MOTION and different frame elements G73RGbWzKnBR50VA 38
  3. For frame-evoking elements and each associated to generate walking directions for routes com- semantic role-filler in the situation, the gram- puted by an online route planner. We outlined matical knowledge learned from the annotation the advantages of a data-driven generation ap- level determines how these parts can be put to- proach over traditional rule-based approaches gether in order to generate a full sentence (cf. and implemented a first-version application, Table 2). which can be used as an initial prototype exten- sible for further research and development. SELF_MOTION Our next goal in developing this system is to walk  walk + PP enhance the generation component with an inte- walk + grated model based on machine learning tech- PP  along + NP [building PATH] niques that will also account for discourse level NP  the + building get + get  get + to + NP phenomena typically found in natural language [building GOAL] NP  the + building directions. We further intend to replace the cur- take + take  take + NP rent hard-coded set of mapping rules with an [left DIRECTION] NP  a + left automatically induced mapping that aligns physical routes and landmarks with the semantic Table 2: Examples of phrase structures for the frame representations. The application is planned to be SELF_MOTION and different semantic role fillers used in web experiments to acquire further data 4 Combining Text and Visualisation for alignment and to study specific effects in the generation of walking instructions in a multimo- As mentioned in the previous section, our model dal setting. is able to compute single instructions at crucial The prototype system described above will be points of a route. At the time of writing the ac- made publicly available at the time of publica- tual integration of this component consists of a tion. set of hardcoded rules that map route segments to frames, and landmarks within the segment to role Acknowledgements fillers of the considered frame. The rules are This work is supported by the DFG-financed in- specified as follows: novation fund FRONTIER as part of the Excel-  A turning point given by the Google Maps lence Initiative at Heidelberg University (ZUK API is mapped to the SELF_MOTION frame 49/1). with the actual direction as the semantic role direction. If there is a landmark adja- References cent to the turning point, it is added to the Dale, R., Geldof, S., & Prost, J.-P. (2002). Generating frame as the role filler of the role source. more natural route descriptions. Proceedings of the  If a landmark is adjacent or within the 2002 Australasian Natural Language Processing Workshop. Canberra, Australia. starting point of the route, it will be mapped to the SELF_MOTION frame with Fillmore, C. (1977). The need for a frame semantics the landmark filling the semantic role in linguistics. Methods in Linguistics , 12, 2-29. source. Marciniak, T., & Strube, M. (2005). Using an annotated corpus as a knowledge source for  If a landmark is adjacent or within the language generation. Proceedings of the Workshop goal of a route, it will be mapped to the on Using Corpora for Natural Language SELF_MOTION frame with the landmark Generation, (pp. 19-24). Birmingham, UK. filling the semantic role goal. Ratnaparkhi, A. (2000). Trainable Methods for  If a landmark is adjacent to a route or a Surface Natural Language Generation. Proceedings route segment is within a landmark, the of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing respective segment will be mapped to the Conference. Seattle, WA, USA. SELF_MOTION frame with the landmark Tom, A., & Denis, M. (2003). Referring to landmark filling the semantic role path. or street information in route directions: What difference does it make? In W. Kuhn, M. Worboys, 5 Conclusions and Outlook & S. Timpf (Eds.), Spatial Information Theory (pp. 384-397). Berlin: Springer. We have presented the technical details of an early research prototype that uses NLG methods 39
  4. Figure 1: Visualised route from Rohrbacher Straße 6 to Hauptstrasse 22, Heidelberg. Left: GoogleMaps directions; Right: GoogleMaps visualisation enriched with landmarks and directions generated by our system (The directions were manually inserted here as they are actually presented step-by-step following the route) Finally, we conclude the demonstration with a Script Outline presentation of our system in action. During the presentation, the audience will be given the pos- Our demonstration is outlined as follows: At first sibility to ask questions and propose routes for we will have a look at the textual outputs of which we show our system’s computation and standard route planners and discuss at which output (cf. Figure 1). points the respective instructions could be im- proved in order to be better understandable or System Requirements easier to follow. We will then give an overview of different types of landmarks and argue how The system is currently developed as a web- their integration into route directions is a valu- based application that can be viewed with any able step towards better and more natural instruc- JavaScript supporting browser. A mid-end CPU tions. is required to view the dynamic route presenta- Following the motivation of our work, we will tion given by the application. Depending on the present different online resources that provide presentation mode, we can bring our own laptop landmarks of various sorts. We will look at the so that the only requirements to the local organ- information provided by these resources, exam- isers would be a stable internet connection (ac- ine the respective input and output formats, and cess to the resources mentioned in the system state how the formats are integrated into a com- description is required) and presentation hard- mon data representation in order to access the ware (projector or sufficiently large display). information within the presented application. Next, we will give a brief overview of the cor- pus in use and point out which kinds of annota- tions were available to train the statistical gen- eration component. We will discuss which other annotation levels would be useful in this scenario and which disadvantages we see in the current corpus. Subsequently we outline our plans to acquire further data by collecting directions for routes computed via Google Maps, which would allow an easier alignment between the instruc- tions and routes. 40


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