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Báo cáo khoa học: "Abietane and pimarane diterpene acid evolution in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris needles in relation to feeding of the pine sawfly, Diprion pini L."

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  1. Original article Abietane and pimarane diterpene acid evolution in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris needles in relation to feeding of the pine sawfly, Diprion pini L. C Geri L Buratti JP Allais M Barbier 1 Chimie des Substances Naturelles - CNRS 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette, Cedex ; Institut de 2 Station de Zoologie Forestière - INRA Ardon 45160 Olivet, France (Received 16 February 1989; accepted 30 June 1989) Summary - Abietane and pimarane resin acids extracted from the needles of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris, were analysed by reverse phase HPLC followed by GC of their methyl esters, in relation to the seasons, or the age of the trees. P sylvestris is the habitual host plant of the sawfly Diprion pini (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae) and results of the analyses were correlated with the feeding pattern of this insect in nature. An increase in resin acid concentration was observed during the growing season, but no direct relationship could be established with the feeding preferences of these insects. Young pines contained lower levels of abietane and pimarane diterpene acids than 10 or 30 year-old pines. Previous defoliation induced an increase in the neutral fraction and, although less so, in the diterpene acids in the needles formed the following year. The observed results are discussed in relation to the development of Diprion pini larvae and to previous hypotheses from other authors concerning the antifee- dant properties of the resin acids. It is concluded that, if the abietane and pimarane diterpene acids interfere with the biology of Diprion pini, they cannot, however, be considered as the most important factors in the natural equilibria of this species. Pinus sylvestris / Diprion pini / Diprionidae / sawfly / abietane and pimarane diter- pene acids / pine foliage / seasonal average variation / antifeedant property Résumé - Évolution des acides diterpéniques de types abiétique et pimarique dans le feuillage du pin sylvestre pinus sylvestris L ; impact de l’âge des aiguilles et des arbres, influence des défoliations passées. Conséquences pour le lophyre du pin Diprion pini L. Les acides résiniques de types abiétique et pimarique extraits des aiguilles du pin sylvestre, Pinus sylvestris, ont été analysés par HPLC sur phase inverse et CPG de leurs esters mé- thyliques, en fonction des saisons et de l’âge des arbres. P sylvestris est la plante hôte habituelle de Diprion pini (Hyménoptères, Diprionidés) et les résultats des analyses ont été corrélés à l’aptitude de cet insecte à se nourrir sur le feuillage de cet arbre. On note une augmentation du taux des acides résiniques à la belle saison, durant la phase de croissance des aiguilles, mais aucune relation directe n’a pu être observée pour expliquer les préférences alimentaires de cet insecte. Les jeunes pins contiennent un taux plus faible d’acides résini- ques de types abiétique et pimarique que les arbres âgés de 10 ou 20 ans. La défoliation and Correspondence reprints
  2. de l’arbre induit dans les aiguilles formées l’année suivante une augmentation du taux des- lipides neutres et, à moindre titre, des acides résiniques (plus particulièrement de l’acide abiétique). Les résultats obtenus sont discutés en fonction du choix alimentaire des larves de D pini et des hypothèses émises par d’autres auteurs concernant l’action anti-appétante des acides résiniques. En conclusion, l’aptitude de D pini à consommer le feuillage du pin sylvestre, Pinus sylvestris, ne paraît pas être directement liée aux variations de sa teneur en acides résiniques de types pimarique et abiétique. Toutefois ceci n’exclut pas toute action des ces composés dans la relation D pini - Pinus sylvestris comme le suggèrent certains résultats: taux particulièrement élevé de l’acide abiétique dans le feuillage des pins un an après une défoliation et dans les aiguilles des essences non attaquées tel Pinus pinaster. Seule une étude exhaustive des composés de la fraction acide, et de leur variations nous permettra d’apprécier le rôle effectif des acides résiniques dans les interactions Diprions-Pins sylvestres. / Pinacée / Diprion pini / Diprionidé / Tenthrède / acide pimarique Pinus sylvestris / aiguille de pin / feuillage / variation saisonnière / propriété anti- / acideabiétique appétante INTRODUCTION Diprion species living on the prion or pine, Pinus banksiana, Lambert Jack (Schuh and Benjamin, 1984a, b); they pine, Pinus sylvestris L, is an Scots were also tested on Pristiphora erich- economically important European pulp- sonii, Hartig larvae living on Larix lari- wood and lumber conifer. Diprion pini cinia, Du Roi (K Koch) (Wagner et al, L (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae), a wide- 1983). All these authors concluded that spread pine sawfly living in European resin acids could be the compounds af- coniferous forests, is able to cause fecting sawfly larval development. serious damage to Scots pines during its outbreaks. Thus, thousands of hec- If abietane and pimarane diterpere tares can be defoliated in less than acids interfere with larval mortality and feeding behaviour in D pini, the quali- 2 years (Dusaussoy and Geri, 1966; tative and quantitative evolutions of Eichhorn, 1982; Geri et al, 1982; Geri and Goussard, 1984; Geri, 1988). these compounds in the foliage should be correlated to the habitual feeding D pini does not feed on young, but pattern of this insect. on mature, foliage, as is the case for many Diprionidae and even other Previous analyses of Pinus sylvestris sawfly species (All and Benjamin, needle resin acids reported the pre- 1975a, b; All et al, 1975; Ikeda et al, sence of labdane diterpene acids such 1977a, b. Wagner et al, 1979; Niemela as manoyl oxid acid (Bardyshev et al, et al, 1982). As previously shown, 1981), pinificolic acid (Enzell and young foliage has a deterrent effect on Theander, 1962), dehydropinifolic acid sawflies and affects larval survival of D (Norin et al, 1971, 1980), 4-epi-imbri- al, 1985, 1988). pini (Geri cataloic acid (Tobolski and Zinkel, et 1982), and of classical pimarane and Previous results suggested that resin abietane diterpene acids such as pi- acids could be involved in the de- maric, isopimaric, sandaracopimaric, of young foliage. Thus, terrence abietic, palustric, levopimaric, dehy- abietane and pimarane diterpene acids droabietic and neoabietic acids (Norin, were tested for antifeedant activity 1972; Tobolski and Zinkel, 1982). against the larvae of various Neodi-
  3. (Geri et al, 1985, 1987). Systematic This paper attempts to correlate the analyses were caried out on selected temporal distribution of abietane and Scots pine foliage during a period pimarane diterpene acids in extracts ranging from June to September. from Scots pine needles with the ability of D pini to feed on the pine foliage. D pini lives preferably on old trees, Abietane and pimarane diterpene acids the young pines being attacked only were selected because they were usu- during outbreaks (Geri and Goussard, ally tested in sawfly feeding bioassays 1984; Geri, 1988). The same phenom- (Wagner et al, 1983; Schuh and Ben- in Sweden observed on enon was jamin, 1984a, b). pine defoliated by Neodiprion Scots sertifer, Geoff. (Larsson and Tenow, 1984). As a consequence of these pre- SOME BIOLOGICAL DATA vious observations, analyses were also carried out on the foliage of trees of In France, Diprion pini chiefly attacks different ages. Pinus sylvestris but Pinus nigra Arnold Furthermore, long lasting resistance ssp. laricio is also weakly damaged at induced by defoliation (Haukioja and the end of such outbreaks. P pinaster Hakala, 1975; Haukioja, 1980) could Aiton is almost never attacked. Exotic play a crucial role in the collapse of species such as P contorta Dougl and leaf feeder populations. For example, P radiata D Don show some damage needle quality of Larix decidua re- (Geri, 1988). Diterpene acid analysis mained low for defoliators 4 years after was carried out on the mature foliage defoliation, inducing a decrease in the of these species to find out if the dam- success of the insect Zeiraphera dini- age could be correlated to pimarane Guenée (Benz, 1974; Baltensweiler ana and abietane resin acid rates. al, 1977; Fischlin and Baltensweiler, et Diprion pini is usually bivoltine in the 1979). Quantitative resin acid changes Paris Basin. The first generation after wounds in shown to occur were develops from April to July. Eggs are bark (Gref and Erics- Pinus sylvestris laid as early as mid-April and hatch be- son, 1984). We found that the develop- tween late May and early June. The ment of D pini larvae feeding on new larvae feed on the foliage of the pre- foliage of pines defoliated the previous vious years and their growth generally year was altered. We observed in par- ends at the beginning of July. At this ticular a significant decrease in female time the larvae disperse and transform fecondity (Geri et al, 1988). Newly to eonymphs, which spin cocoons on formed Scots pine needles from trees vegetation or in the duff, and then defoliated either artificially in the pre- change successively into pronymphs, vious Spring or by Diprion pini in the pupae, and adults. Adults emerge from previous Summer, were also extracted the cocoons at the end of July and give and analysed. birth to the second generation. Larvae of this second generation develop be- tween late August and October. These MATERIALS AND METHODS larvae feed on previous year as well as current year foliage. Thus as shown by previous bioassays, the new foliage of Current year needle samples were collected Scots pine is repellent to D Pini larvae in 1984 on June 27th, July 16th, August 1st, 14th and September 10th on several twigs and this repellency decreases with time
  4. The resin acids were converted by dia- of the 10 year-old pines from a 5 same ca. Olivet, INRA Forest Labo- zomethane to the corresponding methyl pine plantation at esters and analysed by Gas Chromatogra- near Orléans (France). This plantation ratory, phy (Varian series 1 400, Flame lonisation is an homogenous plantation growing from Detector) on an Alltech RSL 150 Megabore wild seeds (the most likely origin being from column (15 m x 0.53 mm). The oven Hagueneau forest). All the trees of this plan- temperature was programmed between 120 tation were normally attacked by Diprions °C and 180 °C at 6 °C/mn, from 180 °C to during the last outbreak but were free of 195 °C at 1 °C/mn and from 195 °C to 255 sawflies for at least three years. Their foliage °C at 2 °C/mn. Individual resin acids were was used for feeding and breeding experi- identified by direct comparison and cochro- ments which have been reported in other pa- matography with authentic samples (Helix pers (Geri, 1986; Geri et al, 1988). On May Biotech. Ltd, Vancouver, Canada) and by 1 H 22th, 1984, samples of foliage formed in N M R after NO TLC isolation. Absolute 1982 and 1983 were also collected. Ag 3 amounts of resin acids were estimated by The role of tree age studied using was peak area triangulation, compared with resin 5, 10 and 30 year-old pines (from the Olivet acid standard solutions and corrected by plantation for the first 2 and from the Orléans reference to an internal standard of methyl- forest for the latter) from which one year-old palmitate. The reported data are the aver- needles were collected on May 28th and ages of at least 3 different determinations June 6th, 1984. The defoliation effect was carried out on the same material. investigated on 10 year-old pines (Olivet pine plantation) which were partly defoliated by man during the spring of 1983 or by D pini larvae during the Summer of 1983. The RESULTS foliage from artificially current year defoliated pine was collected on July 19th, 1984 and from the naturally defoliated pine Lipids, acid fractions, abietane and pi- 1984. September 10th, on marane diterpene acid rates in Scots frozen and The collected needles were pine foliage in relation to the needle kept at -20 °C until extraction and analysis. age, are listed in table I. Lipids in- Fifty g (fresh weight) of each sample were in the current year foliage ground using a Waring Blendor and ex- crease tracted 3 times with methanol/dichloro- the growing season (from 2.45% during methane 1/1 (v/v). The solutions were filtered to 7.1 % dw). The acid fraction contain- through a glass fritted filter and the crude ing the pimarane and abietane resin extracts were dried in a Bûchi rotavapor at acids follows a parallel evolution from ambient temperature. The needle dry weight 0.84% to 2.03% (dw). These acids are (dw) is the sum of the crude extract and ex- principally represented by pimarane tracted needle dry weights. acids (mainly sandaracopimaric acid) The crude extract was fractionated into while the abietane acids (except for the acid and neutral fractions by agitation with 2% NaOH, followed by dichloromethane ex- 08/01/84 sample) represent only 25%- traction. After the neutral organic phase 50% of their rates. The total level of elimination, the NaOH aqueous phase was these acids increases from early Spring acidified with 1.2 N HCl and the acids ex- to late Summer (from 0.030 ‰ to tracted with dichloromethane. 0.130 ‰ dw). However, the different The acid fraction was chromatographed groups do not show the same evolu- reverse phase HPLC (Perkin Elmer 2A by tion: pimarane resin acids gradually in- pump with LC 75 UV-Visible detector at 241 nm) on a Whatman Partisil M9 10-50 C8 crease during the growing season in column (500 x 9.4 nm). The elution mixture contrast to abietane resin acids which methanol/water/isopropanol/orthophos- was maintain the same level throughout (ex- phoric acid 350/150/50/0,1 (v/v) at 3 ml/mn. cept in August, which had a higher The pimarane and abietane diterpene acids value). We did not manage to detect flowed out together after 50 min.
  5. The abietane and pimarane diter- any trace of levopimaric, or palustric pene acid contents determined in the acids. In early Spring, 1 or 2 year-old extracts of 5, 10, and 30 year old pine foliage, as well as current year foliage, foliage are reported in table II. Old contained similar amounts of resin pines (10 and 30 year-old) contain acids (between 0.012 ‰ and 0.03 ‰ higher levels of diterpene acids in their dw). foliage and an evolution occurs with There is no obvious connection be- time, the pimarane resin acids being a low rate of pimarane and tween more abundant in 10 year-old speci- abietane diterpene acids and the ability mens and abietane resin acids becom- of D pini to feed on pine foliage as ing more abundant in old pines. The shown by observations in nature or with oldest Scots pine are more easily at- laboratory experiments as summarised tacked by Diprions than the youngest, in tableI (these observations were re- so that the feeding ability appears to ported in other papers - Geri et al, be correlated with a high level of diter- 1986, 1987). In Spring these diterpene pene resin acids. Such preferences for acid rates are low both in the previous older trees were noticed by Geri and year foliage which is not antifeedant Goussard (1984) for P sylvestris and and in the new foliage which is an- also observed for pines attacked by tifeedant, while they are high in late Neodiprion sertifer Geoffr in Southern Summer and Autumn in the current year and Central Sweden (Larson and foliage which can be consumed by the Tenow, 1984). Diprions. Nevertheless, in the 1 or 2 The abietane and pimarane diter- year-old pine foliage, these rates are pene acid rates determined in the new particularly low with regard to the total foliage of P sylvestris after a previous lipid fraction.
  6. defoliation are listed in table III. These and September samples respectively). results show an increase in the total Nevertheless, the average of abietane lipids compared with normal foliage. In and pimarane diterpene acids relative fact, this phenomenon is due to a high to the needle dry weight is also about increase in the neutral lipids which twice as high in previously defoliated doubled (from 2.18% to 5.14% and new foliage collected in July and Sep- from 5.07% to 10.93% dw for the July tember than in undefoliated pine
  7. with the observed rates in the other periods. This in- needles from the same species (73.5 in P pinaster for ex- be mainly due to to seems crease ample). abietic and neobietic acids while pi- diterpene acids decreased marane slightly in the September experiment. DISCUSSION Levopimaric and palustric acids were also observed in these lipid fractions as shown in table III. The acid fraction level (0.76% to 2.03% dw) found in Scots pine needles is Abietane and pimarane diterpene acid rates of the main French pine spe- about the same as that found by Enzell cies on which D pini can develop more and Theander, 1962, (0,043% dw), or or less easily are given in table IV. The by Norin et al, 1971, (1,86% dw). How- ability of this insect to live on a partic- ever, pimarane and abietane diterpene ular pine species is hard to correlate acids represent only a small part of this with the presence (or absence) of any fraction (about 0.1 % to 1 % of these characteristic resin acid. All species acids). have about the same acid fraction Tobolski and Zinkel, 1982, found a level, namely 0.05 to 0.12% of foliage higher resin acid rate which evolved dw. However, Scots pine foliage con- from 33.4 mg/g to 45.7 mg/g dw tains less abietane and pimarane diter- (namely 3.3% to 4.57% dw) in the ex- pene acids than other species (20 ppm tracts of Scots pine needles. In their reported for P sylvestris, 112 ppm for studies, pimarane and abietane diter- P pinaster and 42, 47, and 55 ppm for pene acids represented from 13%-40% P radiata, P contorta and P laricio re- of the total resin acids. Thus they, re- spectively). Moreover, we observed that ported values which are 10-40 times the Scots pine abietane resin acid level higher than our data. It is difficult to un- is particularly low (3.8 ppm) compared derstand the difference between pre-
  8. vious observations and the present re- and Ericson, 1984), wood analyses or sults. One could, perhaps, explain about 0.74% dw - and Holm- (Yildrim - these discrepancies by genetic diver- bon, 1977). These results cannot be gences between North American, North compared with our data since we have European and Central European spe- only analysed the needles. Like Greff cies. Larsson et al, 1984, stated that and Ericsson, 1984 and Gref and the resin acid rates could be charac- Tenow, 1987, we observed an increase teristic of some clones; they reported of pimarane and abietane diterpene the existence of clones with high levels acids during the growing season while of resin acids (5.2% dw) and of others Tobolski and Zinkel, 1982 found an op- poorer in resin acids (1.52% dw). The posite pattern. first contained twice as much abietic, In studies on the predominant role levopimaric, and palustric acids than of resin acids in the control of sawfly the latter, but, unfortunately, these populations, different authors (Ohigashi authors did not give any data on the et al, 1981; Wagner et al, 1983; Shuh levels of pimarane diterpene acids. Cli- and Benjamin, 1984a, b) reported that matic factors such as humidity, abietane and pimarane resin acids temperature, or sunlight are not negli- added to mature foliage inhibited larval gible; indeed, recently, Gref and Tenow, feeding and growth. They concluded 1987, reported that needles from sunny that these resin acids may contribute sites contained more resin acids than significantly to the natural deterrence of needles from the shade (2.24% dw for the current season foliage against Di- the first and 1.37% dw for the second); prions. Their conclusions are drawn in this study as in that of the previous from experimental results and a pre- authors, the level of pimarane diterpene vious observation by Ikeda et al, 1977, acids is not mentioned. who found in P banksiana foliage a Moreover, all these authors worked diterpene acid (13-keto 8(14)-podocar- acidic fraction which contained pene 18-oic acid) which deterred larval on an such as labdane diterpene feeding of N rugifrons and N swanei. compounds acids and their oxidised derivatives in This compound occurred at high levels addition to the pimarane and abietane in Spring in the new foliage and diterpene acids. We have shown that decreased throughout the growing sea- pimarane and abietane resin acids rep- son. resent only a small part of the total acid With D pini, the nutritional experi- fraction, mainly composed of labdanic ments that we made, gave doubtful re- acids and of hydroxylated derivatives sults (Geri et al, 1985). In addition we of diterpene acids (Buratti et al, 1987). found an increase of the amount of 13- In our study, the isolation of the total keto 8(14)-podocarpene 18-oic acid in acids by HPLC allows us to obtain the P sylvestris foliage during the grow- abietane and pimarane diterpene acids season (Buratti et al, 1988). Now, ing together; the more polar hydroxylated have shown that the pimarane and we diterpene acids such as the labdane abietane diterpene acids increase from diterpene acids, are separated by the early Spring to Autumn. That is to say chromatography. same that the increase of the supposed de- Other data concerning P sylvestris terrents correspond with the feeding result from pine seedling bark analyses season of D pini larvae - a rather con- between 0.8% and 3% dw - (Gref tradictory statement. After these obser- -
  9. tacked pine contains the highest rate vations it is difficult to conclude that of abietane diterpene acids. these acids have a determinant role in the choice of foliage during Diprion at- From all these results, we can con- tacks. If such a relationship existed, it clude that, if the abietane and pi- marane diterpene acids of Scots pine would be advisable to observe the cor- needles can interfere in the D pini relation between high levels of these compounds in the pine needles and the development, they probably cannot be considered as determinant factors for incapacity of D pini to live on them. the natural equilibria of this species. It We observed that D pini reared on is noticeable however that pimarane Scots pine, defoliated the previous diterpene acids increase regularly year, developed more quickly resulting during the growing season, an evolu- in less weight gain and reduced fecun- tion which is modified little by previous dity (Geri et al, 1988). Niemela et al defoliations while the amount of 1984, reported that Neodiprion sertifer abietane diterpene acids is greatly developed more quickly on pines which modified by defoliations. partly defoliated the previous were Summer while Microdiprion pallipes showed a higher mortality. There is no REFERENCES doubt that defoliation can have an in- fluence on the defoliators which develop on the pines the following year. All JN, Benjamin DM (1975a) Deterrents in Most certainly, if the factors which in- Jack pine, Pinus banksiana, influencing larval feeding behaviour and survival of terfere with the development of Dipri- Neodiprion swainei and N rugifrons. Ann ons are contained in the lipid fraction Entomol Soc Am 68, 495-499 extracted from the needles, the induc- All JN, Benjamin DM (1975b) Influence of the ing factors should be looked for in the needle maturity on larval feeding prefer- neutral fraction (which increases from ence and survival of Neodiprion swainei 2.18% to 5.14% dw in July and from and N rugifrons on Jack pine, Pinus banksiana. Ann Entomol Soc Am 68, 579- 5.12 to 10.9% dw in September) rather 584 than in the acid fraction. Nevertheless, All JN, Benjamin M, Matsumara F (1975) In- the average of abietane diterpene fluence of semi purified constitutents of acids increased greatly after defoliation juvenils Jack pine, Pinus banksiana, when the pimarane diterpene acids foliage and other pine-derived chemicals either remained at about the same level on feeding of Neodiprion swainei and N rugifrons larvae. Ann Entom Soc Am 68, or decreased. 1 095-1 101 It is not possible to correlate resin Bardyshev II, Degtiarenko AS, Pertsovskii acid levels and the importance of D AL, Kruik SI (1981) The chemical com- pini attacks on the different pine spe- position of higher fatty and resin acids cies, especially if we consider (table I) contained in the needles of Pinus sylves- tris. Khim Drev 3, 102-104 that resin acid levels in Scots pine Baltensweiler W, Benz G, Bouey P, Delucchi foliage reached their highest value in V (1977) Dynamics of larch bud moth late Summer, when it is actively con- populations. Ann Rev Ent 22, 79-100 sumed by Diprions. However, P sylves- Benz G (1974) Negative Ruckkoppelung tris, the pine which is most often durch Raum und Nahrungskonkurrenz attacked by Diprions, contains the sowie zyklische Veränderungen der lowest level of abietane diterpene acids Nahrungsgrunlage als Regelprinzip in der Populations dynamik des Grauen Lar- and P pinaster, the most rarely at-
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  11. Schuh BA, Benjamin DM (1984b) Evaluation Niemela P, Mannila R, Mantsala P (1982) De- of commercial resin acids as feeding de- terrent in Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris in- terrents against Neodiprion dubiosus, N fluencing feeding behavior of the larvae lecontei, N rugifrons (Hymenoptera, of Neodiprion sertifer (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae). J Economic Ent 77, 802- Diprionidae). Ann Ent Fenn 48, 57-58 805 Niemela P, Tuomi J, Mannila R, Ojala P Tobolski JJ, Zinkel DF (1982) Variation in (1984) The effect of previous damage on needle and cortex resin acids during the quality of Scots pine foliage as food shoot development in Pinus sylvestris, P for diprionid sawflies. Z Ang Ent 98, 33- nigra, and P strobus. Forest Sci 28, 785- 43 796 Norin T (1972) Review article: Some aspects Wagner MR (1986) Influence of moisture of the chemistry of the order pinales. Phy- in induced resistance and stress tochem 11, 1 231-1 242 Ponderosa pine Pinus ponderosa Dougl. Norin T, Sundin S, Theander O (1971) The ex Laws on the pine sawfly Nediprion ful- constituents of conifer needles 4/ Dehy- viceps Cresson, complex. For Ecol dropinifolic acid, a diterpene acid from Manag 15, 43-53 the needles of Pinus sylvestris L. Acta Wagner MR, Benjamin DM, Clancy KM, Chem Scand 25, 607-610 Schuh BA (1983) Influence of diterpene Norin T, Sundin S, Theander O (1980) The resin acids on feeding and growth of constituents of conifer needles. 7/ The larch sawfly, Pristiphora erichsonii (Har- configuration of dehydropinifolic acid, a tig). J Chem Ecol 9, 119-127 diterpene acid from the needles of Pinus Wagner MR, Ikeda T, Benjamin DM, Matsu- sylvestris L. Acta Chem Scand B34, 301- mura F (1979) Host derived chemicals: 302 the basis for preferential behaviour of Ohigashi H, Wagner MR, Matsumara F, Ben- larch sawfly, Pristiphora erichsonii (Hym jamin DM (1981) Chemical basis for Tenthredinidae), on Tamarack, Larix lari- differential feeding behaviour of the larch cinia. Can Ent 111, 165-169 sawfly Pristiphora erichsonii Hartig. J Yildirim H, Holbom B (1977) Investigations Chem Ecol 7, 599-614 on the wood extractives of pine species Schuh BA, Benjamin DM (1984a) The chemi- from Turkey. II - Composition of fatty and cal feeding ecology of Neodiprion dubi- resin acids in Pinus sylvestris and P osus Schedl., N rugifrons Middl and N nigra. Acta Acad Aboensis B 37, 1-6 lecontei Fitch on Jack pine (Pinus bank- siana Lamb). J Chem Ecol 10, 1 071-1 079



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