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Báo cáo khoa học: "Crown architecture in relation to productivity of Populus clones in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A."

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  1. Crown architecture in relation to productivity of Populus clones in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. 1 Hinckley J.G. Isebrands R. Ceulemans T.M. P.E. Heilman R.F. 1tettler and R.F. Stettle ! University of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Seattle, WA 98195, U.S.A., 2 University of Antwerp, Department of Biology, B-2610 Wilrijk-Antwerp, Belgium, 3 Western Washington Research and Extension Center, Puyallup, WA 98371, U.S.A., and 4 USDA-Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, Rhinelander, WI 54501, U.S.A. Materials and Methods Introduction Twelve different Populus clones were grown at Productivity is intimately related, in addi- a 1 x 1 m spacing in a 0.36 ha plantation, esta- tion to process-related aspects, to crown blished in February 1985 at Puyallup, Washing- architecture and canopy density. There- ton (47°12’ N, 122°19’ W), as part of a joint fore, it is important to adequately describe University of Washington/Washington State University Poplar Project. Lay-out, description and quantifiy different components of management of the plantation have pre- and architecture to better understand crown viously been described (Ceulemans et al., and optimize productivity in tree planta- 1 s8s). tions, particularly in plantations grown intensive- Five of these 12 clones were more ly studied, i.e., 1 Populus deltoides (eastern under short-rotation intensive culture cottonwood) clone from IL (III-005), 2 P. tricho- (SRIC). The present communication brief- carpa (black cottonwood) clones (clones 1-12 ly summarizes the various crown architec- from Chilliwack, B.C., and clone 12-106 from tural productivity components that were OR) and 2 hybrid clones between both central species, clones 11-11 and 44-136, obtained by determined for a number of Populus Heilman and Stettler (1985). clones, grown under SRIC, and reports Besides growth and productivity, different some preliminary data on leaf area distri- physiological, morphological and structural bution and leaf area density. The relation- characteristics were studied during the first 3 (of a total of 4) yr of the experimental field planta- ship between light interception and leaf tion. At the beginning (May-June), middle area of the same clones has been de- (July-August) and end (September-October) of scribed elsewhere in this volume by Sca- the third growing season (1987), detailed infor- mation on branching patterns and branch rascia-Mugnozza et al. (1989). * correspondence to Antwerp, Belgiurr12. * address all Please . 2 Belgium Please
  2. Results and Discussion characteristics was collected on representative trees of each of the 5 clones. Number of branches, branch length and diameter, and the angles of origin and termination were deter- clor!al differences in number of Significant mined for both proleptic and first-order sylleptic branches. All branches on a given year’s height branches, branch length and diameter, growth increment (HGI) were counted and mea- and branch angles caused striking dif- sured. Dry weight (DW) of proleptic and syllep- ferences in form. Although clone 111-005 tic branches, current terminal and the remain- had the lowest number of branches over- der of the stem were determined, as well as DW and leaf area (LA) of leaves of current ter- all, its branchiness index (i.e., the ratio of minal, proleptic and sylleptic branches. Leaf total branch DW to total stem DW) was areas of large, representative samples were highest as compared to the other clones. measured with a Lambda (LiCor Inc., U.S.A.) Branch length and branch diameter were leaf area meter.
  3. highly correlated withinall clones, as were Conclusion leaf and branch surface areas, which confirms observations by Burk et al., Data on other growth determinants (cano- (1983). For all clones, sylleptic branches py density, rates of photosynthesis and were smaller (both in length and diameter) respiration, patterns of translocation and than proleptic branches, and had less LA growth analysis) have meanwhile been per branch. collected for the same clones and will be integrated with the information on crown Except for P. trichocarpa clone 1-12, architecture and leaf area distribution, in which had nearly the same amount of syl- order to provide a stronger basis for leptic and proleptic branches in each understanding and optimizing yields in HGI, all clones had significantly more SRIC of Populus. This information on sylleptic than proleptic branches. How- functional and structural productivity com- ever, total biomass of sylleptic branches ponents of poplar will be published in the was about the same as that of proleptic open literature in the near future. branches for the R trichocarpa and hybrid clones in the middle of the season, but was only 1/5 the biomass of proleptic Acknowledgments branches in clone 111-005. The ratio of total LA on sylleptic branches to LA on prolep- Research performed under subcontract no. tic branches was lower in the hybrid 19X-43382C with Oak Ridge National Laborato- clones when compared to the 2 parental ry under Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. Contract DE-AC05-840R21400 with the U.S. species, early and late in the growing sea- Department of Energy. R.C. acknowledges sup- son (Fig. 1 However, in the middle of the port from the Fulbright-Hays program, the Bel- growing season, the ratio was highest in gian National Science Foundation and NATO. the hybrid clones. In clone 111-005 total LA on proleptic branches was always higher than that of their sylleptic counterparts. References The relative proportion of LA on sylleptic Burk T.E., Nelson N.D. & lsebrands J.G. (1983} branches to LA on proleptic branches in Crown architecture of short-rotation, intensively the hybrid clones was intermediate be- cultured Populus. 111. A model of first-order tween that of the 2 parental species at branch architecture. Can. J. For. Res. 13, 1107- 11166 both the and end of the growing beginning Ceulemans R., Stettler R.F., Hinckley T.M., Heil- season, but exceeded them throughout man P.E. & lsebrands J.G. (1989) Crown archi- July and August (Fig. 1). In the middle of tecture and leaf demography in intensively cul- the growing season, 35-40% of the total tured hybrid Populus clones. !n: Proceedings LA were carried on sylleptic branches in of the l0th North American Forest Biology Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., 20-22 July 1988. hybrid clones 44-136 and 11-11, respec- (Lester D.T., ed.) tively. The LA on the current terminal of Heilman P.E. & Stettler R.F. (1985) Genetic each of the 5 clones remains a minor part variation and productivity of Populus trichocar- of the total LA of the tree, until the end of pa and its hybrids. 11. Biomass production in a the growing season. These clonal dif- four-year plantation. Can. J. For. Res. 15, 376- 383 ferences in leaf area distribution and leaf Scarascia-Mugnozza G.E., lsebrands J.G., area density help explain the substantial Hinckley TM. & Stettler R.F. (1989) Dynamics differences in light interception and bio- of light interception, leaf area and biomass pro- mass production of these poplar clones duction in Populus clones in the establishment (Scarascia-Mugnozza et aL, 1989). year. Ann. Sci. For. 46 suppl., 515s-518s



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