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Báo cáo khoa học: "Greenhouse production of nectarines for early harvest in France: a cultivation system with shallow rest or no rest"

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  1. Greenhouse production of nectarines for early harvest in France: a cultivation system with shallow rest or no rest P. Balandier R. Rageau Bioclimatologie, INRA, Domaine-de-Crouelle, M0.?9 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex, Laboratoire de France at bud development: these particu- Introduction closely lar buds seemed to experience a low level of dormancy; however, this approach was The greenhouse cultivation system was rather indirect. A first study on nectarine started in France 5 yr ago. The aim of this trees grown in a greenhouse was carried system was to supply the market with out by Rageau and Ridray (1989), with the peaches earlier than the southern Euro- following conclusion: no dormancy in the pean countries do already. Although the leaf buds and slight dormancy in the current system (modified ’Bellini system’) flower buds. These conclusions still have has had favorable economic results, the to be confirmed, especially for the flower environmental conditions were determined buds. empirically and are probably not optimal. The feasibility of heating the greenhouse earlier or increasing the temperature is often questioned but, unfortunately, there Materials and Methods is a lack of basic knowledge about tree physiology, especially in experiments such Experiments were carried out with 3 yr old nec- as this one which involves the severe cut- tarine trees (cv Armking grafted onto peach rootstock ’GF 30!3’) which had been ’classically’ ting back of the trees in summer. trained in containers for greenhouse production Arias and Crabbe (1975) studying cher- (Rageau and Ridray, 1989). In June 1987, after ry trees, Barnola and co-workers (1976) the May harvest, 3 of the trees were taken out- side; they were not cut back (treatment 0); in studying hazelnut trees and Dreyer and August, these trees suffered a brief, but severe Mauget (1986) studying walnut trees water stress. The other treatments were: G: 4 found that buds on shoots or parts of trees were kept at a low temperature until shoots which started growing as a result January 18th and then afterwards at a tempera- ture above 15°C; G/0: 3 trees were taken out- of severe summer pruning or water stress side on November 20th; H and H on I,10 : I,15 never reached a high level of dormancy. December 22nd, 4 trees were put into tempera- Erez (1987) carried out a similar experi- ture-conditioned boxes (2 at 10°C, 2 at 15°C) ment on peach trees grown under forced and then they were put back into the green- conditions in Israel, but looked more house on January l8th; H HII. and Hn, 10’ , II 18 : o 2
  2. trees under normal cultivation conditions January l8th, 6 trees were put into tempera- on ture-conditioned boxes (2 at 10°C, 2 at 18°C (>700 h). With the 0 treatment, there is and 2 at 20°C) and then put back into the one of two possibilities: either a ’peak’ greenhouse on January 28th for H and on 20 jj value occurred but was not recorded, for February 4th for H and H 8’ 1 , II 10 , II lack of suitable sampling date in October, The leaf bud growth capacity was worked out actually it did not occur (a possible using the ’one node cuttings’ method; it was or quantified by the arithmetic mean (mean time of explanation is that it is a consequence of bud burst, MTB) of the individual burst time summer water stress). With moving the lapse under normal conditions, using a sample trees from the greenhouse to outside (a of about 100 buds on 20 shoots, for each sam- few degrees (°C) cooler), the MTB with pling date. the G/0 treatment first decreased at a From 15 shoots about 100 flower buds were sampled, from which floral primordia were more rapid rate, then afterwards at a slow- removed and immediately weighed. The mean er rate than with the G treatment. weight (W) of the fresh bud and the corre- sponding logarithm (LW) were calculated for each sampling date. A number was given to of flower buds Growth (Figs. 2 capacity each segment representing the growth between and 3) two dates plotted in Fig. 2; the slope a of each segment (relative growth rate during this period) and the mean temperature (T) were calculated. On the trees, at the end of the experiments, Plotting a against T seemed to fit a single using a large sample (about 500) each leaf bud response curve, the same as the curve was recorded as ’burst’ or ’not burst’. drawn by Rageau (1982) with Redhaven peach trees, during the post-dormancy period. Nevertheless, for many treat- Results ments, the a values corresponding to the early part of the growth curves were rather Growth capacity of leaf buds (Fig. 1) low, especially with the H, treatments (the very low value corresponding to the seg- ment 1 of the H treatment seemed to For all considered treatments, the regis- 20 , II stem from a sampling or a measurement tered MTB values never reached the condition problem). ’peak’ values generally recorded for peach 5 00!
  3. the trees Leaf bud breaking ments: G/0: 88% (a); G: 74% (b); H : 10 , I on 62% (c); H 64% (c); HII, 77% (b); : 1s , l : 1O H 69% (b, c), H 76% (b) (signifi- .1B: II : 20 I. I cantly different values - 5% level - are difference between the bud There was a referred to with different letters). for the different treat- breaking percents
  4. Discussion and Conclusion References The buds of the nectarine trees ’classical- Arias O. & Crabbe J. (1975) Alterations de I’état de dormance ult6rieur des bourgeons obtenus ly’ trained for greenhouse production par diverses modalit6s de decapitation estivale, experienced only slight dormancy true a rdalis6es sur de jeunes plants de Prunus which could be detected for the leaf buds avium L. C.R. Acad. Sci. Ser. D 280, 2449-2452 by comparing the G and G/0 MTB curves Barnola P., Champagnat P. & Lavarenne S. (1976) Taille en vert des rameaux et dormance and for the flower buds the dormancy was des bourgeons chez le noisetier. C.R. Seances detected by the ’low’ a values corre- Acad. Agric. Fr. 16, 1163-1171 sponding to the December and early Dreyer E. & Mauget J.C. (1986) Consequences imm6diates et diff de p6riodes de s6che- r6es 6 January growth curves. This dormancy resse estivale sur le développement de jeunes seemed easy to overcome, even with the noyers (Juglans regia L. cv -Pedro-): dyna- H, experimental conditions which did not mique de croissance et de dormance automno- lead to any problems at the agronomic hivernale des bourgeons. Agronomie 6, 639- 650 level (good fruit yield). There is no definite Erez A. (1987) Use of the rest avoidance tech- conclusion that no problems would exist if nique in peaches in Israel. Acta Hortic. 199, the greenhouse were to be heated earlier; 137-144 for example, differences in the leaf bud Rageau R. (1982) Etude experimentale des iois d’action de la temperature sur la croissance des sprouting on the trees took place between bourgeons floraux du pecher (Prunus persica L. the December and the January heating Batsch) pendant la post-dormance. C.R. treatments and could be much more Seances Acad. Agric. Fr. 68, 709-718 8 important with earlier heating. Further stu- Rageau R. & Ridray G. (1989) Nectarine culti- vation in greenhouse for early harvest in dies are needed to obtain more precise France: a management system with rest avoid- information on the ability of the buds and, ance. International Peach Symposium I.S.H.S., more particularly the floral ones, to grow 1988, Clemson, SC, U.S.A. Acta Hortic. in during early autumn. press



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