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Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " Growth, mineral nutrient content and nitrogen metabo- ism in Laccaria laccata-inoculated and non-inoculated Douglas fir seedlings during their growth period"

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Tuyển tập các báo cáo nghiên cứu về lâm nghiệp được đăng trên tạp chí lâm nghiệp Original article đề tài: Growth, mineral nutrient content and nitrogen metabo- ism in Laccaria laccata-inoculated and non-inoculated Douglas fir seedlings during their growth period...

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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: " Growth, mineral nutrient content and nitrogen metabo- ism in Laccaria laccata-inoculated and non-inoculated Douglas fir seedlings during their growth period"

  1. nitrogen metabo- Growth, mineral nutrient content and lism in Laccaria laccata-inoculated and non-inoculated Douglas fir seedlings during their growth period M. Chalot, B. Botton J. Banvoy Université de Nancy I, Facult6 des Sciences, Laboratoire de Physiologie Végétale et Forestibre, BP 239, 54506 Vandœuvre-Iès-Nancy, France needles and roots were removed immediately Introduction after collection for amino acid, protein and enzyme determinations. Aspartate aminotrans- ferase (AAT) activity was determined spectro- Enhanced caused by ecto- plant growth photometrically and proteins were measured inoculation in the nursery is mycorrhizal using a colorimetric method. Amino acids were analyzed using an HPLC procedure. Total N well documented: thus Laccaria strains was measured by a microKjeldahl method, total have proven to be very efficient for im- P by a colorimetric method and K and Mg by proving growth of various conifers (Le atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Tacon and Bouchard, 1986). The investi- gations described herein were carried out to obtain information on physiological and biochemical modifications that can explain Results such stimulation. The present study com- pared the seasonal changes in protein and amino acid levels, aspartate amino- the end of the growing period, L. lac- By transferase activity and nutrient content in cata-inoculated seedlings were significant- both L. laccata-inoculated and non-inocu- ly higher (not shown) and had accumulat- lated Douglas fir grown in a forest nursery. ed more than 2-fold the fresh matter of the controls (Table I). In expanding shoots, N, P, K and Mg concentrations decreased rapidly until mid-August (Fig. 1 A, B, C, D) and tended to increase after growth Materials and Methods ceased. No significant difference was found in nutrient analysis of stems and After 1 yr of growth in the nursery, 12 seedlings roots between treated and untreated from both untreated and treated plots were col- plants (not shown). By contrast, statistical- lected at random, bimonthly from May to Sep- ly significant (ANOVA, P 0.05) changes = tember. Root and top fresh weights and heights were observed for leaf nutrient analysis were measured for each seedling. Parts of the
  2. between treatments and, more particularly, Concerning protein amounts and AAT by the end of the growing season (Fig. 1A, activity levels, high and significant differ- ences (ANOVA, P 0.05) were found in B, C, D). =
  3. foliar analysis between inoculated seed- As a hypothesis, we might propose that lings and controls: leaves of inoculated lower AAT activity combined with a higher Douglas fir accumulated higher protein proline amount in non-inoculated Douglas amounts (Fig. 1 F) and showed greater fir characterized seedlings in stress-induc- AAT capacities (Fig. 1 E). By contrast, ing situations. AAT is often considered as there was no difference in root analysis an indicator of physiological activity in between treatments (Fig. 1 E, F). plants affected by various internal or ex- ternal factors (Cooper and Hill-Cofting- Alanine, aminobutyric acid, glutamine, ham, 1974) and proline accumulation de- aspartic acid, arginine, proline and glu- scribed as a response to environmental tamic acid were the major components of stress factors (Bode ef al., 1985). Inocula- the free amino acid pools in root and leaf tion with efficient mycorrhizal strains might tissues. Alanine and glutamine in both root provide a way to suppress or at least to and leaf tissues appeared to be in higher attenuate stress-inducing situations. amounts in L. laccata-inoculated Douglas fir, whereas proline preferentially accumu- lated in non-inoculated seedlings (Table 11). References Discussion and Conclusion Bode J., Kuhn H.P. & Wild A. (1985) The accu- mulation of proline in needles of damaged spruce. Forstwiss. Centralbl. 104, 353-360 Growth measurements reaffirmed the well- D.R. &. Hill-Cottingham D.G. (1974) Cooper established importance of L. laccata strain Glutamic dehydrogenase and glutamic oxaloa- 238 for improving seedling growth of cetate transaminase in apple tree. Physiol. Douglas fir (Le Tacon and Bouchard, Plant. 31, 193-199 1986). Leaf nutrient content following ino- Harley J.L. (1969) In: The Biology of Mycorrhi- culation also confirmed the importance of Leonard Hill, London zae. ectomycorrhizae for nutrient uptake, as Krishna K.R. & E3agyara D.J. (1983) Changes in reviewed by Harley (1969). the free amino nitrogen and protein fractions of groundnut caused by inoculation with VA Our results also suggested that inocula- mycorrhizas. Ann. Bot 51, 399-401 tions caused changes in the biochemical Le Tacon F. & Bouchard D. (1986) Effects of dif- processes of the host tissues as demon- ferent ectomycorrhizal fungi on growth of larch, strated earlier (Nemec and Meredith, Douglas fir, Scots pine and Norway spruce 1981; Krishna and Bagyara, 1983). Thus, seedlings in fumigated nursery soil. Acta alanine, proline and glutamine contents, Oecol. Appl. 7, 389-402 protein amounts and AAT activity levels Nemec S. & Meredith F. (1981) Amino acid differed between controls and treated content of leave:> in mycorrhizal and non mycor- plants. rhizal citrus root stocks. Ann. Bot. 47, 203-222



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