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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Importance of water consumption for calcium utrition of tre"
- of water consumption for calcium Importance nutrition of trees Vigouroux C. Bussi 2 1 Berger A. J.F. 1 Botanique et Pathologie V6g6tale-ENSA, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, and INRA, 1NRA, 2 SRIV, Domaine-de-Gotheron, 26320 St-Marcel-les-Valence, France Introduction calcareous and demineralized water, each applied at 2 levels of irrigation. Limed and natural soils were also compared to esti- Because ofthe relationship between mate the effect of an increase of the avail- susceptibility to a bacterial die- peach tree ability of calcium in the soil. This paper back and the edaphic conditions of the reports the results. orchards (Vigouroux and Huguet, 1977), it is necessary to specify the effect of the tree’s calcium nutrition on this relationship. Materials and Methods An initial profile analysis in acid predis- posing soils suggested several factors inducing an inability to provide an ade- Peach tree scions (Prunus persica L. Batch, cv May-Crest on GF305 rootstock) were cultivated quate water supply that might result in a for 1 yr, each one in a 250 1 container filled with predisposing effect on the trees to acid soil. The soil was a pebbly loamy sandy bacterial dieback. Preliminary experiments material originating from the 0-30 cm horizon of were then conducted in large weighable the old fluvial-glacial RISS terrace of the Rhone containers to confirm and quantify these valley (Bornand, 1978). Water pH was 6.0 (for detailed characteristics see Vigouroux et al., observations. Results indicated a marked 1987). effect of water consumption on tree cal- Irrigation was provided by 4 parallel pipe cir- cium nutrition (Vigouroux et al., 1987). cuits that delivered both kinds of water, each at Unfortunately, in these preliminary ex- 2 levels. The 1st level corresponded to MET (maximum evapotranspiration) and the 2nd was periments, trees were irrigated with tap adjusted to 70% of MET to induce slight water water which was found to be calcareous. stress. Irrigation level treatments were applied Thus, it was necessary to determine the only from early July to avoid differences be- respective role of water and calcium avail- tween tree development according to treat- ments. As noted previously, the calcareous ability in the variations of the calcium water was the city tap water containing 120 mg content of the trees. For this purpose, a of Call and the demineralized water was deion- new experiment was undertaken with the ized by a large resin device (Sadon Co., same acid soil and the same container Demino 5000 model). One gram of CaO/kg of culture conditions but using 2 treatments: soil was added to the soil to be amended.
- There were 6 treatments: 2 irrigation levels a slight failing of the irrigation device to supplied with calcareous water on the control which delivered, for the low level of cal- soil or supplied with deionized water on the careous water, a smaller amount of water control and on the limed soil. For each treat- than planned. Iln fact, this accidental effect ment, 12 trees were used; each one was ana- further confirms the general result. lyzed separately. The effect of the treatment on the total cal- cium content of the tree tissues was estimated by the mineral analysis of twig bark (the tissue in which develops Pseudomonas syringae pv Discussion and Conclusion persicae, the infectious agent of the studied disease). For each tree, 14 small twigs, well spread on the crown (Cummings, 1973), were As already established for various plants sampled for analysis in early December. After (Epstein, 1972; Bangerth, 1979; Kirkby, removing the bark and drying, calcium content 1979; Clarkson and Hanson, 1980), water was determined by flame photometry. flow associated with water consumption appears to have a dramatic influence on uptake and transportation of calcium to Results the top of trees, like peach, independently of the available amount of this cation in the soil solution (above some minimum Mean values of the twig calcium contents threshold). presented in Table I. Under all condi- are tions tested, higher irrigation and water Some observations in experimental consumption were associated with a signi- plots in an open field confirm these results ficant and clear-cut increase of the cal- obtained with container material. We also cium content. In comparison, both kinds of think that this is probably true for all spe- calcium supply induced no noticeable cies including forest trees, and this sug- variation of the content. At the low level gests important indirect effects of drought on a tree’s development and survival of irrigation, a significatively lower Ca content was noted with the calcareous because of the! importance of calcium for water compared with deionized water in physiological processes, including resis- acid soil but this result is to be associated tance to parasites.
- References infuence of potassium and magnesium fertiliza- tion. J. Am. Soc. Hortic. Sci. 98, 474-477 Epstein E. (1972) In: Mineral Nutrition of Bangerth B. (1979) Calcium-related physiologi- Plants: Principales and Perspectives. John cal disorders of plants. Annu. Rev. Phytopa- Willey & Sons, New York, pp. 412 2 thol. 17, 97-112 2 Kirkby E.A. (1979) Maximizing calcium uptake Bornand M. (1978) Alteration des materiaux flu- by plants. Commun. Soil. Sci. Plant Anal. 10, vio-glaciaires; gen6se et 6volution des sols sur 89-113 3 terrasses quaternaires dans la moyenne vall6e & Huguet C. (1977) Influence du Vigouroux A. du Rhone. Ph.D. Université Thesis, des substrat de culture sur la sensibilit6 du p cher g Sciences et du Mont- Techniques Languedoc, au d6p6rissement bact6rien. C.R. Acad. Agric. pellier Fr. 63, 1095-1103 Clarkson D.T. & Hanson J.B. (1980) The min- Vigouroux A., Berger J.F. & Bussi C. (1987) La eral nutrition of higher plants. Annu. Rev. Plant sensibilit6 du pecher au d6p6rissement bact6- PhysioL 31, 239-298 France: incidence de certaines caract6- rien en du sol et de l’irrigation. Relation avec Cummings G.A. (1973) The distribution of ele- ristiques la nutrition. Agronomie 7, 483-495 ments in ’Elberta’ peach tree tissues and the

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