Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "In situ measurement of leaf water use efficiency of lilac (Syringa vulgaris): comparison with crop plants"
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "In situ measurement of leaf water use efficiency of lilac (Syringa vulgaris): comparison with crop plants"
- In situ measurement of leaf water use efficiency of lilac (Syringa vulgaris): comparison with crop plants O. Bethenod, J. Pilarski* P. Quetin INRA, Station de Bioclimatologie, Thiverval-Grignon, France 78850 predawn water potential reached be- Introduction their tween 0.2 and 0.6 MPa, the minimal xylem water potential did not fall below -1.3 MPa In order to understand the regulation be- for potato and -1.6 MPa for maize and tween the net COg assimilation rate (A) lilac at Grignon. In this case, C remains i and the transpiration rate (E), leaf gas constant throughout the day (Bethenod et measured in the field; leaf exchange al., 1988). was efficiency (WUE) of lilac (Syrin- water use (1973) proposed to represent this Jones ga vulgaris) was compared to those of regulation by the curve of A versus C i maize (Zea mays L.) and potato (Sola- called the demand function (Farquahar tuberosum L.). and Sharkey, 1982). If C is placed on the a num C axis, the leaf C0 conductance (g is 2 i ) c Bierhuizen and Slatyer (1965) pointed the slope of the straight line joining C to a out that, for a given water saturation deficit the corresponding C on the demand func- i (vpd), WUE (AlE), at the leaf level tion: this defines the supply function. Our depends upon the intercellular CO 2 first aim was to study the proportionality concentration (C and stomatal conduc- ) i between A and g in order to show how , c tance (g A= C E= 1.6 9c ): a cc - (g Ci); demand function and supply function (vpd); AlE=(C C vdp; with - )/1.6 ai adjust to each other. But beyond a limit on C C0 concentration in air. a2 = the demand function, C increases and i A direct estimate of WUE is therefore WUE decreases because of large g c the slope of the relationship be- given by values; A then remains at its maximal tween A and g,. All 3 species considered value (A The second aim of this work ). max here are able to maintain their xylem was to compare the A values for the max water potential: regardless of the value studied species. Present * address: Polish Academy of Sciences, Laboiratory of Photosynthesis, St Jana 22, 31-018 Cracow, aboratory Poland.
- Materials and Methods Results grown in the field Lilac, potato and maize Normalized net assimilation (/!) is plotted were Grignon, 40 km west of Paris. at photosynthetic photon flux density versus Measurements were made with a Parkinson (PPFD) in Fig. 2. Note that the lilac data leaf chamber (A.D.C.). The gas circuit was show a low scatter. For potato, the high modified: pressurized dry air from cylinders pro- scatter could indicate water stress; but this vided a C0 concentration in the chamber 2 is not apparent from leaf water potential higher than that in natural air. Two gas-flow controllers (Tylan) ensured a constant flow rate data (Bethenod et al., 1988). This scatter at both reference and chamber levels. can be induced by: 1) individual variability C0 net assimilation (A) data were normal- 2 2) changes in A between morning and and ized at 338 jlmol for C according to 1 mol- ’ , a evening at the same level of incident Bethenod et al. (1988) for C leaves; for C 4 3 PPFD. The maximum values for potato leaves, A is approximately the same above 320 about the same as those for lilac. jlmol C0 Fig. 1 shows 3 hypothetical 1 mol- . ’2 are adjustments between demand and supply func- increases slightly when PPFD de- i C tions. The data shown in following figures cor- below 500 ymol-m- (Fig. 3). 1 -s- 2 respond to a typical day for each species. Each creases symbol represents a leaf on different plants in 4 g,. Up to Fig. disp:lays ,4! versus the field for maize and potato, and of 2 trees in values between 0.20 and 0.23 a hedge for lilac. g!
- scribed (Schulze by hyperbolic , 1 s 2 m- ’ mol the g dependence of A is c a curve c and Hall, 1982; Kuppers. 1984), which almost linear and the slope of this line may be reduced to both asymptotes (Per- represents C Beyond these values, . i -C a eira et al., 1987). The regulated phase A does not increase for both C plants, 3 and the maximum assimilation phase although g can be large for lilac. Conse- . could be summarized by these 2 asymp- quently, 2 phases exist in this A - g rela- c totes (Fig. 5). H is the point where the tionship: a C regulated phase for g! below i maximum of demand function crosses the 0.2 mol and a maximum assimila- , 1 s 2 m- ’ C;regulation line. We can observe that, if tion phase for g above 0.23 mol!m-2!s-!. c WUE of maize is higher than the WUE of lilac or potato, the junction occurs within the same range of values of g e e2 (0.2::=;;g mol.m- for the 3 plants ) 1 s- ’
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