Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "phosphate fertilization on trace element nutrition pinaster grown in a sandy acid soil"
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "phosphate fertilization on trace element nutrition pinaster grown in a sandy acid soil"
- Effect of phosphate fertilization on trace element nutrition of Pinus pinaster grown in a sandy acid soil E. Saur lNRA, StationdAgronomie, C.R.B., 33140 Pont-de-la-Maye, France Introduction high organic matter content: 1 ) seedlings (6 mo old) under greenhouse conditions; 2) juveniles (a yr old) under field condi- tions; 3) adults (24 yr old) under field In the past 30 years, phosphate fertiliza- conditions. tion has been widely used by foresters in Landes de Gascogne. During this same Manganese, zinc, boron, copper and period, several growth disturbances and phosphorus were measured in leaves malformations without pathological affec- (adult and juvenile) or in shoots (seedling), tions have appeared in pines and indicators of the nutritional status. as particularly in 3 yr old pines (twisting of branches and leaders, abundant fascicle shoots, loss of apical dominance, die-back of the top and production of unlignified tis- Materials and Methods sues). The symptoms are similar to those described for other coniferous species in copper- or boron-deficiency conditions. Experiments The similarity of the symptoms and the very low trace-element contents in these Seedlings (6 mo old) sandy acid soils were consistent with a possible problem of micronutrient nutrition. 4 treatments were replicated 5 times: control 150, 300 and 750 I2 kg-ha- P triple 5 0 super- Consequently, we chose to study copper phosphate, (hectare was considered as 3 x 10 6 kg of soil to accommodate the pot study). Each and boron, in addition to zinc and manga- replicate consisted of 3.5 kg of soil potted in a 5 nese, known or suspected to be involved 1 plastic pot with 3 seedlings. Shoots were col- in deficiency in agricultural plants grown lected in October 1987. on the same soil. The aim of this study was to evaluate the consequence of phos- phate fertilization on the uptake of these 4 Juvenile pines (3 yr old) main trace elements. This paper reports 3 3 treatments were replicated 3 times in a experiments in which all the trees were randomized bloc:: control, 60 and 120 kg-ha- I P (triple superphosphate). Leaves were col- 5 0 2 grown on the same sandy acid soil with a
- lected in periment and bore out the poverty of 1987 from 10 trees for each February treatment. sandy acid soil: pH 4; organic matter = = 9.3%; P (citric acid 2%) 28 mg; Cu total = 1.2 mg; Zn total 2.4 mg; B total 8.6 = Adult pines = = (24 yr old) 10.8 mg-kg- DW. 1 mg and Mn total = 2 treatments were replicated 3 times in a randomized bloc: control and 228 kg-ha- P 12 5 0 (25 g/ slag on sowed strips (4 m wide) in 2 M TableI shows that micronutrient concen- 1963; 20 g/m phosphate rock on the space 2 trations decrease substantially with the between strips (3 m wide) in 1974). Leaves increasing age of the trees. Phosphate were collected in December 1986 from 10 trees fertilization produced a statistically signifi- for each treatment. cant effect on trace element contents, except on juvenile boron contents. These Chemical analyses effects cannot be due to trace element Protocols those described in Saur (1989). were pollution by triple superphosphate or phosphate rock containing less than 100 mg/kg Mn, Cu, B and 1000 mg/kg Zn Statistical analyses (Swaine, 1962; Juste, personal communi- Student’s t-test as modified by Bonferroni was cation). Moreover, soil analysis showed no used to compare means concerning seedlings and juveniles (Bachacou ef al., 1981 ). Adult ele- consistent differences in micronutrient ment contents could not be statistically ana- concentration attributable to the phos- lyzed because only composite samples (repre- phate fertilization in both experiments with sentative of the replications comprising a seedlings and juveniles. In the adult ex- treatment) of the leaves were analyzed chemi- cally. periment, Mn pollution by slag (containing 1.7% Mn; Juste, personal communication) was not measured in soil; consequently, variation in micronutrient levels in adult Results and Discussion leaves should be considered as the result of comon P-fertilization but not as an inter- action with P-nutrition. Root examination results showed the main char- Analytical did not reveal differences in acteristics of the soil used in the pot ex- mycorrhizal
- result of P-fertilization in infection borne out by bioelement contents (Table as a II) in seedlings under greenhouse condi- seedlings. tions contrast with common observations. The presence of phosphate strongly depressed the copper concentrations in seedlings and juveniles, demonstrating an antagonism between P nutrition and Cu Conclusion nutrition. Table II shows that micronu- trients-P interactions are not a secondary effect due to the increase of the biomass P-Zn and P-Mn synergies in seedlings resulting from P fertilization of seedlings, under greenhouse conditions, in contrast particularly with copper. with the antagonisms observed in juvenile The Cu-P antagonism has been de- pine in the field, obviously show that the scribed in other species (bean, maize, results obtained in seedlings under artifi- Bingham, orange-seedlings; tomato, cial conditions cannot be generalized to 1963), and occurs in soil because of ionic tree function under all conditions. Phos- interactions and in root media where phate fertilization decreases Cu, Zn and phosphates have a strong tendency to Mn contents in juveniles in the field; it adsorb Cu (Kabata-Pendias and Pendias, could be a determinant factor in the 1984). advent of micronutrient deficiency, particu- larly in a poor acid sand. The growth dis- Boron concentrations in seedlings turbance symptoms brought about by decreased as P-fertilization increased. phosphate fertilization in the juvenile stage Mortvedt (1968) reported a decrease in (3 yr old) could result from copper which soluble boron as a consequence of in- decreased down to 2 mg-kg- DW when 1 creased phosphate fertilization, related to boron remained at a normal physiological the interference of phosphate ions with level (14 mg DW). 1 kø- ’ boron mobility. Barlett and Picarelli (1973) described a competition between P and B in the uptake process. In this study, phosphorus nutrition References increased zinc and manganese concentra- tions in seedlings under greenhouse conditions, whereas a decrease of Zn and Bachacou J., Masson J.P. & Millier C. (1981) Mn concentrations was noted in juvenile In: Manuel de Ja programmatheque Amance. pines in the field. The Zn-P synergism Service de documentation INRA, 516 6
- Mortvedt J.J. (1968) Availability of boron in Barlett R.J. & Picarelli C.J. (1973) Availability of various boronated fertilizers. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. boron and phosphorus as affected by liming and acid potato soil. Soil Sci. 166, 77 Proc. 32, 433-437 Saur E. (1989) Alimentation oligo-minerale du pin F.T. (1963) Relation between phos- Bingham maritime en relation avec quelques caract6ris- and micronutrient in plants. Soil Sci. phorus tiques physio-chimiques des sols sableux des Soc. Am. Proc. 27, 389-391 Landes de Gascogne. Ann. Sci.. For. 46, 119-131 Kabata-Pendias A. & Pendias H. (1984) In : Swaine D.J. (1962) In: The Trace Elements Trace Elements in Soils and Plants. C.R.C. Content of Fertilizers. Technical communication Press, Boca Raton, FL, p. 15 no. 52, CAB, p. 306
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