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Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Variability of initial growth, water-use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination in seedlings of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev., a multipurpose tree of semi-arid Africa. Provenance and drought effect"

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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "Variability of initial growth, water-use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination in seedlings of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev., a multipurpose tree of semi-arid Africa. Provenance and drought effect"

  1. Original article Variability of initial growth, water-use efficiency and carbon isotope discrimination in seedlings of Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev., a multipurpose tree of semi-arid Africa. Provenance and drought effects Erwin Olivier Roupsard Hélène I. a Joly Dreyer a Campus international de Baillarguet, BP 5035, CIRAD-Forêt, 34032 Montpellier cedex 01, France Inra-Nancy, b UR Ecophysiologie forestière, Equipe bioclimatologie écophysiologie forestière, 54280 Champenoux, France. et (Received 28 May 1997; accepted 21 August 1997) Abstract - The panafrican provenances of Faidherbia albida display contrasting growth and survival rates in semi-arid zones of western Africa, when they are compared in multi-local field trials. In order to identify some potential causes for such differences, we recorded the genetic vari- ability of ecophysiological traits (including water-use efficiency, W, and carbon isotope dis- crimination, Δ) in seven provenances from contrasting habitats of western and south-eastern Africa. Provenance and drought effects were tested on potted seedlings in a greenhouse. After 6 months, the total dry mass of the well-irrigated seedlings ranged from 31 to 86 g, and the total water-use from 8 to 18 kg. Both initial growth and water consumption were strongly correlated with leaf area. W displayed a significant inter-provenance variability, and exhibited the highest values in the south-east African provenances, which were the most vigourous, but also presented the poorest survival rates in field trials. It was negatively correlated with the leaf-to-total dry mass ratio, LMR, and to A. The mild drought significantly reduced gas-exchange rates, leaf area, growth, water-use, specific leaf area, and Δ, in all provenances. It also increased the intrinsic water-use efficiency, A/g, and the root-to-total dry mass ratio, but did not affect W or LMR. No provenance x drought interaction was found in any variable. The initial rate of leaf area estab- lishment probably plays a major role in explaining the contrasting water-use strategies of the provenances. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.) isotope discrimination / Faidherbia albida / intraspecific efficiency / carbon water-use variability * Correspondence and reprints E-mail:
  2. Résumé - Variabilité de la croissance initiale, de l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau, et de la discrimination isotopique du carbone de plantules de Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev., un arbre à usages multiples d’Afrique semi-aride. Effets provenance et sécheresse. Les provenances panafricaines de Faidherbia albida présentent des taux de croissance et de survie très inégaux dans les essais multilocaux pratiqués dans les zones sèches d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Afin d’identifier l’origine de ces différences, nous avons enregistré la variabilité génétique de carac- tères écophysiologiques (incluant l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau, W, et la discrimination iso- topique du carbone, Δ) de semis issus de sept provenances d’Afrique occidentale et australe. Les effets provenance et sécheresse ont été testés en serre, sur des plantules en pot. La biomasse totale par plante des témoins bien irrigués a varié entre 31 et 86 g, et la consommation d’eau entre 8 et 18 kg. La croissance initiale et la consommation d’eau étaient toutes deux corrélées à la surface foliaire. W a montré des différences significatives entre provenances, les valeurs étant plus élevées pour les provenances les plus vigoureuses. W était corrélée négativement à LMR (rap- port biomasse foliaire/biomasse totale), ainsi qu’à Δ. La sécheresse a réduit significativement les échanges gazeux, la surface foliaire, la consommation d’eau, SLA (rapport surface sur masse foli- aire), et Δ. Elle a également augmenté l’efficience intrinsèque d’utilisation de l’eau (A/g), RMR (biomasse racinaire sur totale), mais n’a pas affecté W, ni LMR. Aucune variable n’a présenté d’interaction provenance x sécheresse. La vitesse d’installation de la surface foliaire est apparue essentielle pour comprendre les stratégies d’utilisation de l’eau de ces provenances. (© Inra/Elsevier, Paris.) efficience d’utilisation de l’eau / discrimination isotopique du carbone / Faidherbia albida / sécheresse / variabilité intraspécifique Abbreviations RDM: root dry mass (g); RLA: root dry mass-to-leaf area ratio (g m); -2 b: 13 discrimination coefficients for dif- 2 CO a, RMR: root-to-total dry mass ratio; fusion through stomata and fixation in C 3 R R R carbon isotope ratio of the ,,: plant air maize plants, respectively; plant, the atmosphere, and of maize (grown A: net CO assimilation rate (μmol m s-2-1 ); 2 among the seedlings), respectively; A/g: intrinsic water-use efficiency (μmol mol ); -1 SDM: stem + branch dry mass (g); C C mole fraction of CO in the atmosphere 2 ,: ai SLA: specific leaf area (m kg 2 -1); and in the substomatal chambers, respectively Subscripts Hdenote values measured L and (μmol mol ); -1 under high and low irradiance, respectively; DIA: diameter at collar (mm); SMR: shoot-to-total dry mass ratio; Φ proportion of net assimilated carbon lost : c TDM: total dry mass (g); through respiration, allocation to symbionts or TLA: total leaf area (m ); 2 exudation; TWU: total water-use, including transpiration proportion of water lost independently of Φw: and soil evaporation (kg); photosynthesis; FWU: final water-use during the last days of W: water-use efficiency, or total dry mass-to- the experiment (g 3d ); -1 ); -1 0 H2 kg total water-use ratio (g DM g: stomatal conductance to water vapour A: plant carbon isotope discrimination (‰). (mmol m s -2 -1 ); H: final height (cm); k: plant carbon content (%); 1. INTRODUCTION LAR: leaf area-to-total ratio dry mass 2-1 (mkg ); LDM: leaf dry mass (g); Faidherbia albida (Del.) A. Chev. (syn. LMR: leaf-to-total dry mass ratio; Acacia albida Del., Mimosoideae) is a v: water vapour mole fraction difference wide spread African leguminous tree of between substomatal evaporation sites and great value for agroforestry, distributed in atmosphere (mmol mol); -1 arid to semi-arid regions [37]. Mature trees PFD: PAR incident photosynthetic photon flux density (μmol m s -2 -1 ); of Faidherbia albida are famous for their
  3. peculiar reverse phenology. The adults are efficient root system giving access to deep in leaf, growing and fruiting during the water reservoirs (-30 m, [6]), rather than dry season, and leaves are shed after the on intrinsic drought tolerance. As a matter first rains of the wet season. These fea- of fact, we observed rapid stomatal clo- tures are highly valuable for agroforestry sure and leaf shedding on potted plants systems: this multi-purpose tree provides during the onset of water stress (unpub- fodder during dry seasons, and does not lished data). Juveniles in the field probably compete for water or light with tradition- have to cope with severe water deficits ally associated crops during the wet sea- before reaching the water-table, and their initial shoot growth is usually very slow. son. For instance, heights reached after 5.5 Contrasting habitats are reported for years were only around 200 cm for the this species: agroforestry parklands in best provenances during two field trials western Africa, or natural riparian ecosys- in Burkina-Faso [I].Their survival could tems in southern and eastern Africa. The thus rely on the efficiency of the root wide distribution of F. albida implies a growth [32], and on the water-use strat- large genotypic variability: this was con- egy adopted before reaching groundwa- firmed by genetic studies [22]. Panafrican ter. seeds were collected, and several multi- local field trials were dedicated to the Initial growth, root development and selection of the most interesting prove- economy of young F. albida are water nances [2, 15, 30-32]. These field trials therefore expected to be crucial features consistently revealed a better initial shoot for explaining the contrasting perfor- growth of the south-east African versus mances of the provenances during multi- the west African provenances. However, local field trials, and for orientating the when such trials were conducted in arid current selection programmes. This state- zones, the south-east African provenances ment incited us to record ecophysiological were usually overcome during the fol- traits associated with growth and transpi- lowing years and displayed a severe mor- ration, in seedlings from seven panafrican tality [1, 2]. In addition, the rankings of provenances, displaying contrasting provenances for initial growth and for sur- growth strategies. Their response to lim- vival were strongly modified depending ited water-supply was assessed. The water- on the localization of the trials. This sug- use efficiency (W) was measured concur- gests the occurrence of important geno- rently with other classical selection criteria. type x environment interactions for ini- The use of W as a selection criterion for tial growth [2, 30] and for survival ability provenances or genotypes can be of inter- [2] under semi-arid conditions. est if several conditions are met: i) the occurrence of a significant intraspecific We tested the hypothesis that the con- variability in initial growth as well as in W; trasting vigour and survival observed on ii) no negative interactions between Wand juveniles in the field could find expres- growth; iii) the strong heritability in W sion in different water-use strategies. Very [18]; and iv) a good knowledge of geno- few results were available on the water type x environment interactions influenc- relations of F. albada, and the genetical ing W. The present study was aimed at variability of ecophysiological traits testing the first two conditions in F. albida. related to water economy remains unex- plored. F. albida is most probably a The experiments were run in a green- drought avoiding species displaying a house at Inra-Nancy (France). Measure- phreatophytic strategy [35]. Optimal ments focused on growth features, water- growth of the trees probably relies on an use efficiency, and photosynthetic
  4. grown for 6 months in a greenhouse at performance. We tested the potential were use Inra-Nancy (France), under natural daylight. of carbon isotope discrimination as a tool Each provenance comprised 20 seedlings in for investigating intraspecific variability individual pots which were distributed accord- of W in this species. Our objectives were: randomized design and ing completely to a to assess the variability of growth, water redistributed after every watering. consumption, and of a large range of eco- physiological variables among F. albida provenances, including W; 2.2. Evapotranspiration to check for drought effects, and prove- nance x drought interactions; to derive some interpretations of the Planted pots, and control (plant-free) pots field trials results, and to propose maintained at field capacity (water con- were some ggby weighing and adjust- 2O-1 Hsoil ) tent 0.25 prospects for future selection. = ing every 3rd day. Direct soil evaporation was limited with a waxy cardboard cover. Maxi- mal soil evaporation was estimated from the 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS water losses of five control pots (during the same period of the following year, at the same 2.1. Experimental set-up place, within a similar F. albida trial). The total 6-month evaporation of the control pots was Seven panafrican Faidherbia albida prove- 860 ± 88 g (mean ± SD) as compared to the selected (table I). They displayed nances were range 6 160-18 100 g recorded with seedlings. contrasting initial growth and survival rates Since plant-free pots remained closer to field during field trials in dry zones in Burkina-Faso capacity than the planted ones and were not [I].Each provenance was prepared from shaded by canopies, this value certainly over- bulked seed-lots including a minimum of 20 estimated the actual soil evaporation from progenies, and provided by various institutes. planted pots. We checked that subtracting this In April 1994, seeds were soaked in H 4 SO 2 maximal evaporation value from the measured 98 % for 20 min, bubbled for 24 h, and then evapotranspiration values (TWU) did not in individual 5 L containers, filled with a sown change the ranking and the provenance and 1/2 v/v non-sterile peat/sand mixture. Pots were drought effects for W (water-use efficiency). fertilized with oligo-elements (Kenieltra, We therefore computed W using non-corrected France), and Nutricote100 (slow release gran- ules, N/P/K 13/10/10, Fertil, France). Seedlings estimates of transpiration.
  5. spectrometry in the ’Laboratoire central 2.3. Drought CNRS’ (Solaize, France). d’analyses, Half of the seedlings were submitted to shortage during the last 2 months, by water letting the soil water content decline freely 2.6. Photosynthesis and carbon down to 0.15 g and maintaining it -1 soil H2O g isotope discrimination close to this level, as described above. In order to compute carbon isotope dis- crimination (Δ), we used the expression of Far- quhar and Richards [8]: 2.4. Gas exchange analysis Leaf-gas exchange was measured after the of drought. Net CO assimilation rates 2 onset (A) and stomatal conductance for water vapour R and Rare the carbon isotope ratios of air plant (g) were measured in situ. During bright days, the plant and the atmosphere, respectively, and between 12 and 15 h, a twig with approxi- δ is the carbon isotope composition relative to mately ten fully-expanded leaves was inserted the Pee Dee Belemnite Standard. into a portable LiCor 6200 chamber (LiCor, Lincoln, USA). Mean (± SD) climate condi- We checked that R was constant during air tions in the chamber were: air temperature: the experiment. In order to estimate R maize , air 29.3 ± 3.0 °C; v, water vapour molar fraction grains were sown at four dates in similar pots, ; -1 mol Ca: 9.2 deficit: 23.8 4.8 mmol 358.8 ± ± among the F. albida seedlings, and their fourth μmol mol Results were split into two groups . -1 leaf collected 2.5 months later (4 sowing and of irradiance: high (1 020 ± ± 90.3 μmol m s -2 -1 ) harvest dates, 2-4 repetitions/harvest date). and low irradiance (349 ± 32.4 μmol m s -2-1 ). maize δ values did not vary much during the 6 The computation of C (CO molar fraction in i2 months, (n 13; mean = -11.36 ± 0.45 ‰). = the substomatal chambers, μmol mol was ) -1 This mean value of δ was thus used for maize performed according to Von Caemmerer and estimating δ equation (4) [24]: air from Farquhar [34]. A andg were reported to the projected leaf area, owing to the lack of infor- mation about the relative contribution of the Our experimental value of δ (-8.69 ‰) air two faces of these amphistomatous leaves to close to typical values (-8.00 ‰, [10]). was exchange. gas At instantaneous scale, the intrinsic an efficiency A/g (i.e. the ratio of net water-use CO assimilation to leaf conductance to water 2 2.5. Growth variables and carbon vapour) usually provides a good estimation of isotope analysis C (the set-point for gas-exchange), and a /C i influences Δ. Instant and simplified relation- ships for C plants were presented by Farquhar 3 Height and water consumption of all pot- et al. [9]: ted seedlings were monitored till the age of 6 months. The plants were harvested and oven- dried (80 °C, 48 h), and the dry mass of each compartment (leaves, roots, branches + stems) measured. Leaf area was measured with a ΔT (ΔT Devices, Hoddesdon, UK). area-meter where A/g is the intrinsic water-use efficiency; Total leaf area (TLA) of the plants was esti- C is the mole fraction of CO in the atmo- 2 a mated from the specific leaf area (SLA) of a sphere;1.6 is the ratio of conductance for HO 2 sample of 30 randomly selected leaves per and CO Δ is the carbon isotope discrimina- ; 2 tion; and a, b: 13 discrimination coeffi- 2 CO plant. cients for diffusion through stomata (a 4.4),= then ground to a fine powder. Plants were and fixation (b 27) in C plants [9]. 3 = Samples of total dry mass were burned in a pure O atmosphere, for the quantitative con- Δ in the accumulated biomass, therefore, 2 version of C into CO The determination of provides a time-integration of C and A/g. . 2 , a /C i the 13 isotope ratio (R) was made by mass C 12 C/ A/g is also expected to influence W, the time-
  6. formed into integrated water-use efficiency. A can thus be logarithm (In) or square-root (root) conditions. Homogeneous to match these correlated with W during short periods of time, were defined using Bonferroni’s test. provided that v, &Phi; and &Phi; are non-disrup- , c w groups tive elements, according to the general model developed by Farquhar and Richards [8], and Farquhar et al. [10]: 3. RESULTS 3.1. Height growth where W is the transpiration efficiency; v is t the water vapour mole fraction difference Germination time and growth kinetics between substomatal evaporation sites and atmosphere; &c is the proportion of net assim- Phi; similar among provenances. Plants were ilated carbon lost through respiration, allocation showed typical sigmoid-shaped height to symbionts or exudation; &Phi; is the proportion w growth curves during the 6-month exper- of water lost independently of photosynthesis; iment (figure 1). The differences in initial k is the carbon content relatively to total growth expected between provenances biomass and 2/3 is the molecular mass ratio of were achieved: the most vigorous ones, C to HO. 2 Man and Gih (south-eastern Africa) reached more than 100 cm, i.e. nearly twice the height of the smallest (Dos and 2.7. Statistical analysis Kon; western Africa). The slow-down of growth was synchronized in all prove- The inter-provenance variability was anal- ysed using the following two methods. nances, irrespective of the height and biomass accumulated, and was therefore All measured variables were described glob- ally for their structure (correlations, main probably nutritionally pot-bound not or sources of variation). A principal component induced. Nevertheless, it could not be analysis (PCA) was performed on 17 time-inte- unequivocally attributed to environmen- grated growth and six instantaneous gas- tal (temperature, photoperiod) or genetical exchange variables, using centred-reduced val- effects. Drought reduced height growth ues, corresponding to the means of the 14 (7 of all provenances by around 6-14 %, with provenances x 2 watering regimes) treatments. The reliability of this PCA was assessed as fol- the exception of Mor (only1 %). lows: distribution of individuals the on even principal component plots; axes characterized by a homogeneous set of individuals; &2and Sigma;r 2 &Sigma;coslarger than 0.5 (for the correlations 3.2. Provenance effects between variables and individuals with the main axes, respectively). The most relevant variables were analysed A large inter-provenance variability separately (ANOVA) to test the significance found for most variables (table IIa, was of provenance and drought effects. The whole b). Provenance effects were all significant statistical display was completely randomized (P < 0.05) to highly significant and bivariate (provenance x 7; water-supply (P < 0.001), with a few exceptions, i.e. x 2), with 7-10 replications for the whole the carbon fraction in dry matter (k) and experiment. It was trivariate for gas-exchange analysis, since a third factor (irradiance x 2) the intrinsic water-useefficiency (A/g). was tested, with 3 to 8 replications. The Intra-provenance variability cumulated ANOVA was computed for each variable with with error (1-r remained quite high for ) 2 the SAS statistical package (SAS Institute Inc., most variables, e.g. 39 % for TDM, 69 % 1988) using the General Linear Model. Vari- for A, and 50 % for W. Several rankings of ance homogeneity and distribution of residues provenances could be established. were checked, and variables eventually trans-
  7. 3.2.1. Vigour Figure 2 illustrates the ranking obtained among provenances for total dry mass (TDM), total water-use (TWU), and water- efficiency (W): use [Man, Gih] &ge; [Mat, Kag] &ge; [Mor] &ge; [Dos, Kon] Means decreased from the south-east- African provenances (Gih, Man) to ern the western ones (Mat, Kag, Mor, Dos, Kon). However, there was no correlation between this ranking and the amount of rainfall reported in the geographic origin of the provenances (table I). The above rank- ing was also valid for variables of vigour, including the dry mass of each compart- ment (RDM: root; SDM: shoot; LDM: leaf), H (height), TLA (total leaf area), DIA (diameter at collar), and SLA (spe- cific leaf area). Two important variables
  8. 3.3. Drought effects yielded an opposite ranking: LMR (leaf-to- total dry mass ratio) and &Delta; (carbon iso- only applied during the Drought was tope discrimination). growth period. The last third of the magnitude of the variability among The intensity was estimated drought stress of well-irrigated provenances was means from the reduction in soil water content, 2.8 for TDM and 2.2 for TWU. The mag- from 0.25 (control) to 0.15 (dry) g 2O H nitude was lower for LMR (1.6) and W gPredawn leaf water potential of . -1 soil (1.36), and weak for &Delta; (1.05, correspond- droughted seedlings did not differ signif- ing to a maximum difference of 1.1per icantly from the control (data not shown), mil units). which demonstrates that water stress remained mild. The inter-provenance rank- 3.2.2. Gas-exchange rate ings presented above remained valid in the dry treatment and no provenance x Provenance effects were significant for water-supply interactions were detected. the stomatal conductance (g) and the net Drought nevertheless affected almost all assimilation per unit leaf area (A), but not growth and gas exchange variables (table for the intrinsic water-use efficiency (A/g) IIa, b), with the exception of W, LMR and k. Drought reduced all vigour variables, (table IIb). A and g were lower in the most from -47 % for FWU (final water-use) to vigorous provenances (Gih, Man, south- -8 % for height. LDM was reduced by east Africa) but the ranking for gas 15 %, TDM by 16.5 %, and as a result, exchange was not fully converse to the LMR was kept almost constant. Drought one for vigour: reduced SLA in all provenances, but very slightly (-8.5 % globally and -20 % in Gih). The effects on W and its determi- nants resulted in an unexpected discrep- In situ measurements revealed rather high ancy: W remained unaffected by drought, levels of A and g per unit leaf area (around while &Delta; was reduced. Drought reduced 15-20 &mu;mol m s and up to -2 -1 g (-28 and -29 %, under high and low irra- 600 mmol msrespectively). The mag- -2-1, diance, respectively) and A (-14 and nitude of variation for A or g (high Hwet Hwet 17 %), and as a result enhanced A/g - irradiance, well-watered) was close to1.6. (+14 % and 11%). The increase of A/g It was still 1.36 for A/g but no signif- Hwet induced by drought was consistent with icant provenance effect could be detected the observed reduction of &Delta;. The root-to- in this trait. Thicker leaves displayed total mass ratio (RMR) was moderately higher A values: 59 % percent of the vari- increased by drought (globally +9 %). The ability in A could be attributed to SLA. Hwet stability of LMR and the increase of RMR clearly demonstrated a diversion of the 3.2.3. Root biomass fraction biomass allocation from stems and twigs to roots during drought. RMR was The root-to-total biomass ratio (RMR) increased in Mat, Kon and Dos by 25, 17 independent of vigour and gas was and 10 %, respectively, but much less in exchange rate, and was not correlated with the other provenances. the amount of rainfall in the geographical origin of provenances, the ranking of 3.4. Main sources of variability, and provenances was: correlations between variables [Gih] &ge; [Kon, Mor, Dos, Man][Mat, Kag] The correlations between 17 time-inte- The 1.5 for magnitude was . wet RMR variables and six instanta- grated growth
  9. neous gas-exchange variables are shown in content), A (net assimilation in high bon H the correlation matrix, computed for the light) and A/g (intrinsic water-use effi- L means of the 14 treatments (7 provenances ciency, in low light), were poorly repre- sented, and displayed &2 values ranging Sigma;r x 2 watering regimes, table III). The main components of variability were defined from 0.25 to 0.5. Three corresponding by the variables best correlated with axis groups of intercorrelated variables are 1, 2 and 3 of the PCA (figure 3a). The detailed below: [vigour] and [gas- reliability of the procedure was attested exchange rates], corresponding to axisI as follows: 75.1 % of the total variability and axis 2, respectively, and [root biomass was accounted for by the first two axes, fraction] (third axis, not illustrated). These and 8.3 % by axis 3. All variables were three groups of variables were not corre- well represented (&Sigma;r > 0.5). RMR, k (car- 2 lated together, by definition.
  10. Vigour group (Axis 1; 52.4 % 3.4.1. variables, and &Delta; poorly and negatively 2 (n=14; 0.10.28). r < 0.42; 0.012 < P < < of total variability explained) The 14 provenances x watering regimes clearly segregated along the vigour axis Variables best correlated with axis 1 of the PCA presented in figure 3b, and 2 (with r > 0.80) were, in decreasing order: most of them were well represented on TDM, TWU, LMR (negatively corre- the principal component axis1/axis2 plot lated), RDM, H, SDM, LDM, TLA and 2 (&Sigma;cos > 0.5). DIA (diameter at collar). As a result, this axis was considered to represent globally 3.4.2. Gas-exchange rate group the vigour of the seedlings. All these vari- (axis 2; 22.7 % of total variability ables were also strongly correlated together (n 14; 0.64 < r < 0.97; 2 explained) = P < 0.001). Figure 4 illustrates this point Gas-exchange variables, best correlated with correlations between TLA, TDM and with axis 2 (r > 0.7) were, in decreasing 2 TWU, and clearly shows the strong impact order: A (net assimilation under low irra- of TLA in explaining vigour differences L diance), g and g (stomatal conductance between provenances. Fast growing plants H L to water vapour under both irradiance lev- displayed larger, but also thinner leaves, els). They were independent of the vigour since SLA was positively correlated with axis. Stomatal conductance was positively these vigour variables (n 14; = 0.32 < r < 0.70; 0.001 < P < 0.03). W 2 correlated with A, and both were nega- tively correlated with A/g. &Delta; was posi- was positively correlated (n 14; = 0.57 < r < 0.86; P < 0.002) with vigour 2 tively correlated with g under both irradi-
  11. leaf area ratio, which is potentially an esti- positively with A (n 14; L ances, = mator of the total soil-to-leaf hydraulic 0.18 < r < 0.72; P < 0.01), and negatively 2 conductance), and g, A/g or W. with A/g (n 14; r 0.38; P 0.02). 2 H = = = The two watering regimes clearly seg- regated along the gas-exchange axis of the 4. DISCUSSION PCA presented in figure 3b. The drought effect was indicated by the direction of 4.1. Provenance effects the arrows, resulting in a reduction of vigour, of gas-exchange rates and of &Delta;, 4.1.1. Variability in vigour and in an increase of A/g. and allocation patterns 3.4.3. Root biomass fraction A large inter-provenance variability of (axis 3; 8.3 % of total variability initial growth was found in F. albida explained) seedlings under optimal water supply. The principal components of this variability Root-to-total dry mass ratio (RMR) was were variables defining vigour, including correlated with axis 3, with r 0.53, and 2 = total dry mass (TDM), leaf-to-total dry not with vigour and gas-exchange vari- mass ratio (LMR, negatively correlated) ables. and compartment biomasses (RDM, LDM, SDM for roots, leaves and stems + branches, respectively), total leaf area 3.5. Correlation between (TLA), height (H), and diameter at collar water-use efficiency (W) (DIA). The magnitude of the total vari- and its determinants ability of the control plants was close to 2.8 for TDM, and 2.1 for TLA. The two W was positively correlated with south-east African provenances (Man, vigour, e.g. TDM and TWU (figures 2 and Gih) displayed a higher vigour than the 3) and negatively with LMR and &Delta;. LMR west African ones. This ranking is con- and W were both unaffected by drought, sistent with the information gathered dur- and a single negative correlation (n 14; ing diverse field trials or on potted = 2 r 0.86; P < 0.001) between mean prove- = seedlings, which showed better initial values of W and LMR could be nance growth for diverse south-east African drawn (figure 5a). On the opposite, two provenances [1, 15, 25, 30-32]. This different negative regression lines between observation suggests the occurrence of an W and &Delta; were evidenced for the two important genetical determinism for vigour watering regimes (figure 5b) (n 7; in this species. Slow-growing provenances = wet 2 r = and r dry 2 0.69 0.92; = however exhibited better survival rates each 0.001 < P < 0.021). In individual during field trials in semi-arid zones [1, provenance, negative, but not always sta- 2]. tistically significant, correlations between The physiological basis of such vigour Wand &Delta; were found (data not shown). differences was investigated using the cor- No correlation was found between A/g relations between dry matter accumilation and W, but a negative one was found (TDM) and k (carbon content), A (net between A/g (measured under high irra- wet assimilation rate), TLA (total leaf area), diance, on the wet plants) and &Delta; (n 7; = LMR (leaf-to-total mass ratio) and &Phi;c 2 r P 0.05) (figure 6). 0.56; = = (proportion of assimilated carbon lost We did not find any positive correla- through respiration, allocation to sym- tion between RLA (root dry mass-to-total bionts or exudation). TDM was neither
  12. thus the key determinant of correlated to k, nor to A. Fast growing TLA was provenances displayed higher LDM and by the different provenances. water-use SLA (specific leaf area). As a result, 95 % Gas-exchange rates (A and g) were not of the variability of TDM was explained correlated to vigour. Inter-provenance dif- by TLA. However, higher LDM was not ferences in the intrinsic water-use effi- due to a higher biomass allocation to the ciency A/g, that is in C were detected, , a /C i leaves, since LDM was negatively corre- but remained unsignificant, due mainly to lated to LMR and LAR (leaf-to-total high intra-provenance variability a biomass ratio, and leaf area-to-total dry 2 (1-r 63 %). = mass ratio, respectively). Therefore, the differences in TDM could not be explained 4.1.2. Variability in water-use by differences in LMR and A. A negative efficiency (W) and carbon correlation between biomass and LAR was isotope discrimination (&Delta;) similarly evidenced by Virgona et al. [33], with sunflower. These findings oppose to those obtained for 24 herbaceous species Recorded values of W were within the by Poorter and Remkes [28]. A current range of values published for diverse hypothesis under investigation is that they plants grown in pots. Under very similar find their origin in differences of &Phi; and , c conditions (adjacent greenhouse), Guehl et that these carbon losses are larger in slow- al. [12] obtained values of W ranging between 4 and 7 g kg with seedlings of -1 growing provenances. Pinus pinaster and Quercus robur. Ismail of variation in TWU The and Hall [19] reported similar levels magnitude 2.2 among prove- (4.2-4.5) for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). (total water-use) was nances. TWU and FWU (final water-use) A number of reports presented much lower were positively correlated to TDM and values for potted plants in the field (from TLA, but not to stomatal conductance (g). 1.5 up to 2 with three provenances of
  13. observations that the variability for Wand Eucalyptus camaldulensis, [16]; 2.5 up to &Delta; is relatively moderate in F. albida. 3.7 for peanut cultivars [38]). Experi- mental differences in water vapour pres- sure deficits (v) or water losses not asso- ciated to photosynthesis (e.g. soil 4.2. Determinants of W and &Delta; evaporation) make any direct comparison 4.2.1. Correlations between A/g, unreliable. The range of W we found W and &Delta; among provenances was around 1.35. Guehl et al. [13] reported a 1.25 range among several Pinus pinaster prove- Differences in &Delta; were significant between provenances, confirming the nances, 1.4 among full-sib families of the occurrence of differences in C Though best provenance of the same species, and . a /C i &Delta; is an integrator of A/g variations, it must Johnson et al. [21]reported 1.85 in be kept in mind that &Delta; values can be also Agropyron desertorum. influenced by differences in carbon allo- cation (&Delta; of roots or shoots are usually &Delta; of provenances ranged from 20.7 to smaller: [17, 41]), by respiration, or by 21.8 &permil; (well-watered plants). This is a canopy effects. Nevertheless, &Delta; was neg- rather small interval (1.1&permil;), close to the atively correlated with A/g (high irra- HW difference observed among three prove- diance conditions, well-watered treatment) nances of Pinus pinaster (1.3 %o [13]), or according to equation (3). among four full-sib families of Picea mar- iana (0.7-1 &permil; [11]), but smaller than Unexpectedly, W and A/g were not cor- those reported for five field-grown Cof- related. This lack of correlation leads to fee cultivars (1.6 &permil; [27]), for Pseudot- the question of the significance of instan- suga menziesii (2.7 %o, among 27 prove- taneous measurements of A and g to [40]), or for Eucalyptus explain a time-integrated variable like W. nances camaldulensis (3.6 &permil;, among three prove- Several hints can affect this significance: i) was gas exchange, measured at the end nances [16]). We conclude from these
  14. of growth, representative of the whole life- prevalent over that of g, but in F. albida, span of the seedlings? ii) measurements A was correlated with both A and g. On during the beginning of the afternoon may the contrary, many positive correlations were reported between A and vigour: in differ from those in the morning, particu- Lycopersicon sp. by Martin and Thorsten- larly under stress conditions; iii) gas exchange was measured on lateral son [23], in wheatgrass by Johnson et al. [20], and in beans by White et al. [36]. As branches, under direct irradiance, whereas the whole leaf area of the largest prove- a matter of fact, the relationship between nances could have been more shadowed: A and vigour can be completely reversed since A/g was larger under low irradiance, by changes in environment, and should whole-plant A/g could have been under- therefore be used with care [3, 5]. estimated in these vigorous provenances, It would be meaningful to look for pos- with respect to the smaller ones. More- itive correlations between W, A/g and the over, according to equation (4), W is soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance (g ): L expected to be less closely related to A/g we found no positive correlation between than &Delta;: W can also be influenced by time- W and RLA (root mass-to-leaf area ratio), variations of v, or by differences of &Phi; c but the latter is not always a good estima- and &Phi; The lack of correlation between . w . L of g tor W and A/g was therefore not a surprise. 4.2.2. Correlations between W, &Delta;, 4.3. Drought effects vigour and biomass allocation patterns Although drought was moderate, and displaying high initial Provenances imposed only at the end of the growth growth, high water consumption and poor phase, most of the variables were signifi- survival in arid zones also showed higher cantly affected, thus testifying that all W. Similar results were achieved in genetic sensitive moderate to a were provenances families of Pinus pinaster by Guehl et al. depletion. Surprisingly, we found water [13], in Eucalyptus camaldulensis [16], provenance x drought interactions, no in genotypes of Helianthus annuus [33]. or which leads to the conclusion that all The correlation between Wand leaf mass provenances presented similar sensitivi- ratio (LMR) was tight. Guehl et al. [12] ties to the stress. The validity of this con- also found a negative correlation between clusion is nevertheless limited by the fact W and LMR in Quercus petraea and Pinus that the climate was rather mild during pinaster, and Virgona et al. [33] reported our experiments, as compared to the field a similar result in sunflower. LMR could conditions of semi-arid Africa. It would thus be an interesting predictor of W in F. be appropriate to examine this interaction albida. under higher drought intensities and longer duration of stress. W was as expected negatively corre- lated with &Delta; [4, 10]. Growth and water-use were reduced by A negative relationship was evidenced Relative biomass allocation to drought. between &Delta; and vigour, similar to the one roots was improved during drought in all found by Guehl et al. [13] in Pinus provenances (at the expense of stems and pinaster, or by Donovan and Ehleringer branches, since LMR remained [5] in Crysothamnus nauseosus. A nega- unchanged). The main effect of drought tive correlation is expected between &Delta; and on dry matter production and water-use biomass when the influence of A on &Delta; is was thus mediated by reductions in total
  15. adapted [7]. We found significant differ- leaf area, as well as by decreased stom- atal conductance and net assimilation rates. ences in vigour, W and &Delta; among the seven panafrican provenances of F. albida, and Relationships between Wand A can be were able to distinguish two groups of diverse in C species, especially in situa- 3 provenances: south-east versus western tions of water limitation [16]. Drought African ones, on basis of several eco- usually decreases &Delta; and increases A/g [14, 39]. The significant reduction in &Delta; physiological traits (table IV). The vigor- observed here is consistent with the ous provenances display a rapid estab- enhancement observed in A/g, suggesting lishment during the wet seasons, that local and instant gas exchange mea- transpiring more, with the help of larger surements were truly accounted for by leaf area, than the less vigourous ones. integrated values of &Delta;. However, &Delta; was Unexpectedly, they also showed a higher not correlated with A/g in the dry treat- water-use efficiency, confirmed by a lower ment, and negatively correlated with A/g &Delta;. On the contrary, low W in slow-grow- when all treatments were confounded. ing provenances, accompanied by low Such variations were also presented by SLA and TLA, can correspond to a strat- Donovan and Ehleringer [5] on egy of achieving a higher assimilation per Chrysothamnus nauseosus, and could find unit leaf area when mild-stress occurs [16, explanation in the fact that drought was 29]. imposed lately, or that allocation of biomass to the roots was higher during Differences in vigour, total leaf area drought. and water-use probably played a main role Surprisingly, W was not affected by during field trials in semi-arid regions: the drought, contrary to &Delta; and A/g, and con- vigorous provenances of F. albida dis- sequently two different relationships were played the lowest survival rates after one found between W and &Delta; under the two or two dry seasons (sometimes below watering regimes. This apparent discrep- 30 % [2]). Vigorous initial growth is prob- ancy, which was also reported in sun- flower [33], or in cotton cultivars[16] can ably not a decisive advantage for F. albida be explained by the fact that drought raises under such conditions. Poor root growth vowing to stomatal closure and leaf tem- with respect to shoot growth has often perature increase [3], thus limiting the been suspected to be one of the causes for increase of W. Concurrently to this effect, differences in survival: Vandenbeldt [32] respiratory carbon loss may be enhanced found three-times longer roots in western during drought. However, &Delta; remains a provenances as compared to southern ones valid indicator of W under both watering during trials on sandy soils in Niger. regimes, since the rankings among prove- Marunda [25] confirmed similar tenden- nances for &Delta; were not affected by drought. cies with potted plants. Our results did not support this view. We propose a hypothe- sis to explain the poor survival of the most 4.4. Consequences for the vigorous provenances: during establish- interpretation of field trials ment, they rapidly install their leaf area, use the water available in the upper soil Studies on range-wide genetic varia- layers, and could thus be submitted to tions in &Delta; and W are rare [29, 40]. The drought stress and shed leaves earlier. As interpopulation (i.e. ecotypic) variability is a result, their reserves could limit their thought to reflect differences in the envi- ronmental conditions to which plants are survival.
  16. 4.5. Selection climate and of severe drought. Despite perspectives these positive premises, the heritability of W and &Delta; remains to be assessed, and the of the We believe the growth rooting low survival in arid conditions of vigor- system of this phreatophytic species is the ous provenances displaying high W must first component of the success of its estab- be more documented before associating lishment. During the juvenile stage, the W to other traits of selection of F. albida. water economy, which is mainly under In particular F. albida is a multipurpose control of the total leaf area, is also crucial. tree species, and one of its most impor- Concerning the possible use of W as a tant features, apart from forage yield, is selection criterion, it must be kept in mind its fruit production. that selecting for the most water efficient genotypes would lead to increase the vigour and the leaf area. This option would be dangerous if the water table is deep, 5. CONCLUSION but it could be justified otherwise. The measured genetical variability in We may conclude that i) an important W was substantial (magnitude = 1.36). The inter-provenance variability in initial fraction of intra-provenance variability and biomass allocation occurs growth (cumulated with error 1-r was high: ) 2 among provenances of F. albida; ii) vigour = it was 50 % in Wand 69 % in A, suggest- is positively correlated with total leaf area, ing that eventual selection could be oper- with transpiration, and negatively with ated on provenances and on isolated geno- LMR (leaf mass ratio); and iii) the most types. Ranking for W was consistent with vigorous provenances presented higher initial growth, and our results matched the values of W, and lower carbon isotope dis- second condition listed in the Introduc- crimination (&Delta;), but they probably display tion (no negative interaction between a lower survival in arid conditions. The growth, water-use and W). The positive relationships obtained here have never- correlations between W, TLA, and vigour, theless to be confirmed under various envi- ronments, and the heritability of W to be the predictability of W by &Delta; or LMR, are worth noting and correspond to a much assessed. If so, &Delta; is potentially a useful sought-after combination of physiologi- tool for screening genotypes of F. albida cal features [3]. We found no provenance during the juvenile stages, but subordi- x drought interactions for W and &Delta;, but nated to other main criteria: efficiency of further studies are required, in order to the rooting system and leaf area estab- assess effects of nutrient availability, of lishment.
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