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Đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2017-2018 có đáp án - Trường THPT Lý Thái Tổ

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Nhằm phục vụ quá trình học tập, giảng dạy của giáo viên và học sinh, Đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2017-2018 có đáp án - Trường THPT Lý Thái Tổsẽ là tư liệu ôn tập hữu ích, giúp các bạn hệ thống lại kiến thức đã học. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi sắp tới.

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi giữa HK1 môn Tiếng Anh 12 năm 2017-2018 có đáp án - Trường THPT Lý Thái Tổ

SỞ GD& ĐT BẮC NINH<br /> TRƯỜNG THPT LÝ THÁI TỔ.<br /> <br /> KỲ THI GIỮA KỲ I NĂM HỌC 2017-2018<br /> Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH 12<br /> Ngày thi : 04/11/2017<br /> Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút;<br /> (50 câu trắc nghiệm)<br /> Mã đề thi<br /> 132<br /> <br /> (Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu)<br /> Họ, tên thí sinh:.....................................................................SBD/Lớp............................<br /> Câu 1: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.<br /> A. villages<br /> B. likes<br /> C. notes<br /> D. wipes<br /> Câu 2: Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.<br /> A. jumped<br /> B. grabbed<br /> C. remarked<br /> D. announced<br /> Câu 3: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.<br /> A. capacity<br /> B. conversation<br /> C. disappearance<br /> D. sympathetic<br /> Câu 4: Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.<br /> A. register<br /> B. regular<br /> C. request<br /> D. reference<br /> Câu 5: Choose the underlined part among A , B , C or D that needs correcting.<br /> The education children are received during their primary years is crucial for both their personal<br /> A<br /> B<br /> C<br /> development and their country as a whole.<br /> D<br /> Câu 6: Choose the underlined part among A , B , C or D that needs correcting.<br /> Teachers often use eye contact in the classroom to decide who is prepared to answer a question, or that<br /> A<br /> B<br /> C<br /> D<br /> didn't complete his homework assignment.<br /> Câu 7: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined<br /> word(s)<br /> My parents always disapproved of my smoking. They even told me once it would stop me growing taller.<br /> A. objected to<br /> B. refused<br /> C. supported<br /> D. denied<br /> Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> Câu 8: I don’t feel like______ to the cinema now.<br /> A. go<br /> B. to have gone<br /> C. going<br /> D. to go<br /> Câu 9: Everyone here has been to London,________?<br /> A. haven’t they<br /> B. hasn’t he<br /> C. hasn’t they<br /> D. has he<br /> Câu 10: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined<br /> word(s)<br /> He has not been offered the job because he cannot meet the requirements of the company.<br /> A. see<br /> B. encounter<br /> C. satisfy<br /> D. qualify<br /> Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.<br /> Câu 11: It is a universal fact that pointing________ other people is considered to be rude.<br /> A. on<br /> B. to<br /> C. for<br /> D. at<br /> Câu 12: -“ It’s raining.”-“ OK._________take a taxi then.”<br /> A. I am going to<br /> B. I’ll<br /> C. I can<br /> D. I would<br /> Câu 13: In many families the important decisions are_________ by women.<br /> A. done<br /> B. arrived<br /> C. made<br /> D. given<br /> <br /> Trang 1/5 - Mã đề thi 132<br /> <br /> Câu 14: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in<br /> meaning to the underlined word(s)<br /> DR. Jones suggested that final examinations be discontinued, an innovation I heartily support.<br /> A. change<br /> B. test<br /> C. entrance<br /> D. inner part<br /> Câu 15: Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> His brother _______ from university until 1970.<br /> A. graduated<br /> B. doesn’t graduated<br /> C. graduates<br /> D. didn’t graduate<br /> Câu 16: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.<br /> I _______ well recently. I _______ to see my doctor yesterday. He said that I _______ some rest.<br /> A. do not sleep / went / would need<br /> B. have not slept / went / needed<br /> C. did not sleep /go / will need<br /> D. had not slept / went / had needed<br /> Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> Câu 17:According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree, _________<br /> A. my education will be employed by the university.<br /> B. employment will be given to me by the university.<br /> C. the university will employ me.<br /> D. I will be employed.<br /> Câu 18: Many parents do not let their children make a decision _______ their future career.<br /> A. on<br /> B. in<br /> C. about<br /> D. out<br /> Câu 19: The car turned over, but luckily it didn’t suffer serious _________.<br /> A. damages<br /> B. injuries<br /> C. damage<br /> D. injury.<br /> Câu 20: Scientists are now only beginning to understand the factors ______ cigarette addiction.<br /> A. cause.<br /> B. causing<br /> C. they cause<br /> D. causes<br /> Câu 21: Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.<br /> John last went to the barber’s over six months ago.<br /> A. John has not cut his hair for over six months<br /> B. It is over six months since John got his hair cut<br /> C. John had his hair cutting six months ago D. The last time John cut his hair was over six months ago<br /> Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> Câu 22: There is ___ public concern in Shelton following the discovery on Tuesday evening of a metal<br /> container filled with poisonous liquid.<br /> A. consider<br /> B. consideration<br /> C. considerable D. considerably<br /> Câu 23: It _______ that learning a foreign language _______ a lot of time.<br /> A. says / is taken B. is saying / has been taken C. is said / takes<br /> D. was said / was taken<br /> Câu 24: Choose the underlined part among A , B , C or D that needs correcting.<br /> Meal time is a great time for family members to talk about that is going on in their lives.<br /> A<br /> B<br /> C<br /> D<br /> Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> Câu 25: Phone me before ten; ______ I’ll be too busy to talk to you.<br /> A. however<br /> B. otherwise<br /> C. unless<br /> D. moreover<br /> Câu 26: “What’s your hometown_______?” “ My hometown? Oh, it’s a pretty nice place.”<br /> A. for<br /> B. look<br /> C. look like<br /> D. like<br /> Câu 27: The guide book______ explains everything.<br /> A. whose we bought<br /> B. for which we bought<br /> C. who we bought<br /> D. that we bought<br /> Câu 28: In the US the first stage of compulsory education _______ as elementary education.<br /> A. to be generally known<br /> B. is generally known<br /> C. generally known<br /> D. is generally knowing<br /> Câu 29: – Jenny: ‘ Is it alright if I use your bike?’<br /> Trang 2/5 - Mã đề thi 132<br /> <br /> – Peter: ‘________.’<br /> A. Sure, go ahead.<br /> B. I don’t care.<br /> C. I accept it.<br /> D. Oh, forget it.<br /> Câu 30: Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.<br /> Barry continued to smoke even though we had advised him to quit.<br /> A. Barry took our advice so he stopped smoking.<br /> B. If we had advised Barry, he would have quit smoking.<br /> C. Barry did not quit smoking because of our advice.<br /> D. Despite being told not to smoke, Barry continued to do.<br /> Câu 31: Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.<br /> “ Don’t forget to lock all the doors when you go out, John!” said his mother.<br /> A. John’s mother suggested him to lock all the doors when he went out.<br /> B. John’s mother reminded him to lock all the doors when he went out.<br /> C. John’s mother recommended him to lock all the doors when he went out.<br /> D. John’s mother remembered him to lock all the doors when he went out.<br /> Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> Câu 32: Was your choice of research topic acceptable________ your instructor?<br /> A. for<br /> B. to<br /> C. on<br /> D. upon<br /> Câu 33: The mother told her son_______ so impolitely.<br /> A. didn’t behave<br /> B. to behave<br /> C. not behave<br /> D. not to behave<br /> Câu 34: Choose the best answer among (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentences.<br /> – Ben: ‘_______________’. - Jane: ‘No problem.’<br /> A. Congratulations! How wonderful!<br /> B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned<br /> C. Thank you for being honest with me<br /> D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?<br /> Câu 35: Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined<br /> word(s)<br /> It was a very wonderful opportunity for us to catch.<br /> A. break<br /> B. destroy<br /> C. hold<br /> D. miss<br /> Câu 36: Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.<br /> She raised her hand high so that she could attract her teacher's attention.<br /> A. Because her teacher attracted her, she raised her hand high.<br /> B. To attract her teacher's attention, she raised her hand high.<br /> C. Though she raised her hand high, she could not attract her teacher's attention<br /> D. She had such a high raising of hand that she failed to attract her<br /> Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.<br /> Câu 37: My roommate’s hand writing is very bad, so he had me_______ his paper for him last night.<br /> A. to type<br /> B. type<br /> C. to have typed<br /> D. typed<br /> Câu38: It has been estimated that if we intend to stay above the starvation level, _____the food supply.<br /> A. so we will have to double<br /> B. and it must double<br /> C. which it must be double<br /> D. we must double<br /> Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:<br /> The development of genetically modified (GM) plants and animals had led to a huge global controversy.<br /> Opponents say that GM “Frankenfoods” are a threat to our well-being, and proponents say that the risks are<br /> minimal. There is one aspect of the war over GM that is often overlooked. Anyone who wears a cotton shirt<br /> these days is using a GM crop. Cotton is the only major non-food GM crop at present, but others are<br /> coming.<br /> GM cotton plants that is not food has not stopped the most passionate GM opponents from objecting.<br /> If GM cotton is grown in a field next to fields of non-GM cotton, they argue, then how to keep genes from<br /> being transferred from field to field. This danger, however, is not as compelling to the public as possible<br /> health hazards in food, so there is no great fury over GM cotton.<br /> GM cotton seeds produce higher yields, and they do without the need for pesticides. Planting of GM<br /> Trang 3/5 - Mã đề thi 132<br /> <br /> cotton has increased fivefold since 1997; three-quarter of cotton in America, and over half in China, is now<br /> GM. Farmers like it because it increases their profits.<br /> Other options for non-food GM include new variety of flowers with different colors or scents, tougher<br /> grasses for lawns, and plants designed to soak up pollutants from the soil. The paper industry provides<br /> another example of potential for GM to help produce better and cheaper products. Paper is made from pulp,<br /> and pulp is generally made from trees. Researchers in New Zealand and Chile have been working on insectresistant pines, and a Japanese firm has combined carrot genes with tree genes to make them grow better in<br /> poor soil.<br /> Another interesting case is that of tobacco. It is not food crop, but it is consumed, and GM tobacco<br /> plants with both more and less nicotine have been created. The tobacco plant, however, is an ideal target for<br /> GM, since its genetics are very well understood and it produces a lot of leaves. The value of the drugs that<br /> could be produced by GM tobacco is so high, many farmers could switch from growing tobacco for<br /> cigarettes to growing it for medicine. Since medical cost is rising, consumers would also be happy to use<br /> drugs produced in bulk by GM tobacco.<br /> Câu 39: Why does the author mention a cotton shirt in paragraph 1?<br /> A. To show that cotton is one of the most popular materials for clothing.<br /> B. To give an example of a common GM product that is not a food.<br /> C. To give an example of a controversy surrounding GM products.<br /> D. To show that the risk of GM products are minimal.<br /> Câu 40: The word “that” in line 3 refers to<br /> A. war<br /> B. aspect<br /> C. GM<br /> D. risk<br /> Câu 41: The word “compelling” in line 8 is closest in meaning to<br /> A. interesting<br /> B. annoying<br /> C. dangerous<br /> D. obvious<br /> Câu 42: Which country plants the most GM cotton mentioned in the passage?<br /> A. America<br /> B. Japan<br /> C. Chile<br /> D. China<br /> Câu 43: It can be inferred from the passage that GM tobacco<br /> A. is already in the market.<br /> B. produces drugs that are very expensive.<br /> C. makes cigarettes harmless to smokers.<br /> D. can have lower or higher levels of nicotine.<br /> Câu 44: According to the passage, why are researchers developing GM trees?<br /> A. To improve or make paper less expensive. B. To produce more fruit.<br /> C. To find a way to make paper without pulp. D. To replace trees cut down for paper.<br /> Câu 45: What is the topic of the paragraph?<br /> A. Controversial GM products.<br /> B. The hazards of GM products.<br /> C. Non-food GM products.<br /> D. GM cotton and tobacco.<br /> Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase:<br /> New year celebrations date as far back as 2000 BC in Mesopotamia. Yet, the actual date has changed a<br /> number of times. There was always a problem because New Year was ( 46)____ by the movements of the<br /> Su and moon which allowed room for error. To ( 47)_____ a long short story, it wasn’t until 1582, when the<br /> calendar we use today was (48)____, that January 1st became New year’s Day in most cultures. Some<br /> cultures, however, celebrate the New Year at various times, according to their calendar and religious<br /> traditions. (49)____, the Chinese celebrate it between the 21 st of January and the 19th of February. In<br /> (50)____ with most of the world who celebrate at the beginning of the year, the Jewish people celebrate it in<br /> September or early October.<br /> Câu 46: A. calculated<br /> B. assumed<br /> C. supposed<br /> D. considered<br /> Câu 47: A. break<br /> B. change<br /> C. cut<br /> D. turn<br /> Câu 48: A. realized<br /> B. recognized<br /> C. known<br /> D. introduced<br /> Câu 49: A. However<br /> B. Otherwise<br /> C. Therefore<br /> D. For example<br /> Câu 50: A. contrary<br /> B. opposite<br /> C. contrast<br /> D. difference<br /> ------------------------------------- ----------- HẾT ---------Trang 4/5 - Mã đề thi 132<br /> <br /> STT<br /> <br /> Mã 347<br /> <br /> 1<br /> 2<br /> 3<br /> 4<br /> 5<br /> 6<br /> 7<br /> 8<br /> 9<br /> 10<br /> 11<br /> 12<br /> 13<br /> 14<br /> 15<br /> 16<br /> 17<br /> 18<br /> 19<br /> 20<br /> 21<br /> 22<br /> 23<br /> 24<br /> 25<br /> <br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> B<br /> C<br /> B<br /> A<br /> A<br /> C<br /> B<br /> C<br /> B<br /> D<br /> C<br /> C<br /> A<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> D<br /> B<br /> C<br /> B<br /> B<br /> A<br /> <br /> Mã 132 Mã 639<br /> A<br /> B<br /> A<br /> C<br /> B<br /> D<br /> C<br /> C<br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> B<br /> C<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> B<br /> B<br /> C<br /> C<br /> C<br /> B<br /> <br /> B<br /> B<br /> A<br /> A<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> C<br /> B<br /> D<br /> C<br /> C<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> B<br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> B<br /> C<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> D<br /> <br /> Mã 853<br /> <br /> STT<br /> <br /> Mã 347<br /> <br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> D<br /> C<br /> B<br /> B<br /> C<br /> C<br /> C<br /> B<br /> D<br /> C<br /> C<br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> B<br /> C<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> <br /> 26<br /> 27<br /> 28<br /> 29<br /> 30<br /> 31<br /> 32<br /> 33<br /> 34<br /> 35<br /> 36<br /> 37<br /> 38<br /> 39<br /> 40<br /> 41<br /> 42<br /> 43<br /> 44<br /> 45<br /> 46<br /> 47<br /> 48<br /> 49<br /> 50<br /> <br /> A<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> C<br /> C<br /> B<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> D<br /> D<br /> B<br /> A<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> D<br /> C<br /> D<br /> B<br /> <br /> Mã 132 Mã 639<br /> D<br /> D<br /> B<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> B<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> A<br /> A<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> D<br /> C<br /> <br /> A<br /> C<br /> A<br /> B<br /> A<br /> B<br /> B<br /> C<br /> C<br /> C<br /> A<br /> C<br /> D<br /> D<br /> C<br /> B<br /> D<br /> D<br /> B<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> D<br /> <br /> Mã 853<br /> D<br /> D<br /> B<br /> A<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> D<br /> B<br /> B<br /> A<br /> A<br /> D<br /> A<br /> C<br /> A<br /> B<br /> A<br /> C<br /> B<br /> <br /> Trang 5/5 - Mã đề thi 132<br /> <br />



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