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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi mẫu ôn thi tn-thpt năm 2011 – đề 4', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 4

  1. ĐỀ THI MẪU ÔN THI TN-THPT NĂM 2011 – ĐỀ 4 Question 1:Read the passage and then use words given to ask and answer. One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. They are big buildings, many stores are high; in which you may buy almost anything you want, from a box of matches to a car. You can spend hours wandering about one of these stores, and you probably will lose your way while you are doing so, in spite of notices pointing the way to the lifts and entrances. If you have been in the stores so long that you feel hungry, you will not need to leave the building, for nearly all the big stores have cafes, snack-bars or restaurants. You can ring up a friend from a telephone box and you may call at the theatre agency to book a seat for an evening show. Although the shops usually close at 5.30 or 6 p. m, on Thursday the West End stores and most other shops there stay open as late as 8 o’clock. A large number of people come to town from London suburbs on Thursday for a special shopping evening. 1,Where / most / big stores / situate / London ? 2,What / can / buy / big stores ? 3,What / three / facilities / offer / by the stores ? 4,What kind / notices / you / see ? 5,Why / people / come / shop / West End / Thursday ? Question 2:Fill a suitable word into each of numbered blanks in the passage. Australia is a big country, but nearly near the sea. On hot summer days, you can see thousands of people at the beach. Many beaches have waves that are very..2..These large waves are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers. Surfing is a skill and needs learning.Don’ be able to surf prop-erly the..4..time you try. However, by practising a few times you will do it. Surfing is ..6..a new sport. Perhaps its origins need explaining. It started hundreds ..7..years ago in Hawaii. Men sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by riding the wave s. These first surfers did not..9..a board.They..10..”body surfer”. Many this type of surfing today. After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling or standing..12..them.These first surfboards were made..13..wood and the wat er made them rot after a..14..Today,surfboards are..15..of plastic or fiberglass sợi thuy tinh ̉ instead. Question 3:Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1,By the time he comes, we (already finish) moving everything. 2,We (wait) for Nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday. 3,What? Are you smoking an other cigarette? At this rate, you (smoke) a whole pack before lunch time . Don’t you think you should cut down on a little? 4,As soon as I graduate, I (return) to my home to wn. 5,When you spilled rice on the floor, I (get) the broom and (sweep) it up. 6,Are you permitted (bring) guests to the ceremony? I’d like (invite) my friend to join us. 7,Had he followed my advice before, he (not be) in danger now. 8,If you delay (pay) your bills, you will only incur more and more interest changes. 9,The highway patrol advises (take) the old route through the city because the interstate high-way is under major repair. 10,My boss regrets (fire) his secretary now that she is gone. Question 4:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,You’ve drawn up some excellent plans so I must congratulate you. / I must............ 2,”It wasn’t certainly me who took your card”, said Bob. / Bob denied.......................... 3,”I wasn’t there at the time”, he said. / He denied........................................................ 4,He always insisted that it should be written out in full. / He always insisted on......... 5,Could you turn the radio down, please ? / Would you mind....................................... 6,I remember my father taking me to the zoo. / I remember........................................ 7,People rumoured that he had been a spy. / He was................................................. 8,Her success went beyond her expectation. / Never.................................................. 9,The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition. / Only by............
  2. 10,We learned English three years ago. / It is.............................................................. Question 5:Supply the correct form of the word in brackets. Architects responsible for the..1..(construct) of many skyscrapers believe that a tall building mu st always have a certain minimum..2..(wide) but that there is no limit to its absolut e..3..(high).This means that the skyscrapers of the future are likely to be taller. Engineers agree with this, but there is..4..(agree) over the best shape for every tall, slim build ings. The effects of wind..5..(press) mean that cylindrical designs have enjoyed some..6..(popular) in recent years, and there are quite pleasing to the eye. ..7..(fortunate), however, the ideal shape is an ugly square with heavily rounded corners. Would these tall buildings of the future offer more than a..8..(wonder) view ?Some believe tall towers could contain all the..9..(require) for modern living.The..10.. (inhabit) of these vertical villages would travel up and down between their home and work zones and would..11..(rare) need to journey to ground level. Question 6: A- choose the best answer a, b, c or d which has underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1 A. noon B. tool C. blood D. spoon 2 A. how B. town C. power D. slow 3 A. new B. sew C. few D. nephew 4 A. bush B. brush C. bus D. cup 5 A. seat B. heavy C. reason D. neat B Find the word which has the main stress syllable different from the others in each group. 6 A. avoid B. gesture C. permit D. exact 7 A. involved B. equal C. machine D. eventual 8 A. furious B. wonderful C. reaction D. honesty 9 A. address B. millionaire C. believe D. mislead 10 A. estimate B. medical C. advice D. vegetables Question 7:Find another word(s) which has opposite meaning with the word(s) underlined. 1,Those who are interested in the novels, please put up your hand. 2,They made me cry a lot. 3,Do you really love going to concerts so much. 4,She decided to shorten her skirt. 5,Is the bread in the cupboard fresh ? 6,At what time will the sun rise tomorrow ? 7,When do your parents finish work ? 8,She noted down the exact time of departure. Question 8:Fill a suitable preposition to complete these sentences. 1,We had to 3 p. m, but the plane didn’t take..... till 7.00. 2,My windows look....over the garden. 3,You’d better call her...... and tell her.......this. 4,.....changing channels we can tune......our favorite programme. 5,I’ve heard such a lot......him that I’m looking forwards......seeing him very much. 6,They have lived......102 Cornwall Gardens....1969. The end ! Test 4' Question 1:Read the passage and then use words given to ask and answer. One of the features of London is the number of big stores, most of which are to be found in or near the West End. They are big buildings, many stores are high; in which you may buy almost anything you want, from a box of matches to a car.
  3. You can spend hours wandering about one of these stores, and you probably will lose your way while you are doing so, in spite of notices pointing the way t o the lifts and entrances. If you have been in the stores so long that you feel hungry, you will not need to leave the building, for nearly all the big stores have cafes, snack-bars or restaurants. You can ring up a friend from a telephone box and you may call at the theatre agency to book a seat for an evening show. Although the shops usually close at 5.30 or 6 p. m, on Thursday the West End stores and most other shops there stay open as late as 8 o’clock. A large number of people come to town from Londo n suburbs on Thursday for a special shopping evening. 1,Where / most / big stores / situate / London ? 2,What / can / buy / big stores ? 3,What / three / facilities / offer / by the stores ? 4,What kind / notices / you / see ? 5,Why / people / come / shop / West End / Thursday ? Question 2:Fill a suitable word into each of numbered blanks in the passage. Australia is a big country, but nearly near the sea. On hot summer days, you can see thousands of people at the beach. Many beaches have waves that are very..2..These large waves are known as surf and the people who ride them are called surfers. Surfing ['sɜ:fiη]môn lướt sóng is a skill and needs learning.Don’ be able to surf properly ['prɔpəli] một cách đúng đắn the..4..time you try. However, by practising a few times you will do it. Surfing is ..6..a new sport. Perhaps its origins ['ɔridʒin] nguồn gốc need explaining. It started hundreds ..7..years ago in Hawaii. Men sea to catch fish and found they could come back to land very quickly by riding the waves. These first surfers did not..9..a board.They..10..”body surfer”. Many this type of surfing today. After a while people started to use boards and rode the waves by lying, kneeling [ni:l] quỳ, quỳ xuống ( (cũng) to kneel down) to kneel to somebody quỳ gối trước ai, quỳ lạy ai or standing..12..them.These first surfboards were made..13..wood and the water made them rot after a..14..Today, surfboards are..15..of plastic o r fiberglass instead. ['faibəglɑ:s] sợi thuỷ tinh a fibreglass racing yacht thuyền buồm đua làm bằng sợi thủy tinh Question 3:Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1,By the time he comes, we (already finish) moving everything. 2,We (wait) for Nancy for over three hours before she finally arrived yesterday. 3,What? Are you smoking an other cigarette? At this rate, you (smoke) a whole pack before lunch time. Don’t you think you should cut down on a little? *at this (that) rate [reit] nếu thế, nếu như vậy; trong trường hợp như vậy *to cut down - chặt, đốn (cây); gặt (lúa) giảm bớt, cắt bớt (chi tiêu...) 4,As soon as I graduate, I (return) to my home town. 5,When you spilled [spil] làm đổ rice on the floor, I (get) the broom [bru:m] cái chổi and (sweep) it up. 6,Are you permitted (bring) guests to the ceremony ['seriməni]? I’d like (invite) my friend to join us. 7,Had he followed my advice before, he (not be) in danger now. 8,If you delay (pay) your bills, you will only incur more and more interest changes. *incur [in'kə:] làm cho tự mình phải gánh chịu (cái gì xấu); chịu, gánh, mắc 9,The highway patrol nhóm người tuần tra quốc lộ advises (take) the old route lộ trình through the city because the interstate high-way is under major repair. * interstate [,intə'steit] tính từ giữa các tiểu bang ( Mỹ) 10,My boss regrets (fire) his secretary now that she is gone. Question 4:Rewrite these sentences, beginning as shown. 1,You’ve drawn up some excellent plans so I must congratulate you. / I must............ 2,”It wasn’t certainly me who took your card”, said Bob. / Bob denied.......................... 3,”I wasn’t there at the time”, he said. / He denied........................................................ 4,He always insisted that it should be written out in full. / He always insisted on.........
  4. 5,Could you turn the radio down, please ? / Would you mind....................................... 6,I remember my father taking me to the zoo. / I remember........................................ 7,People rumoured that he had been a spy. / He was................................................. 8,Her success went beyond her expectation. / Never.................................................. 9,The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition. / Only by............ 10,We learned English three years ago. / It is.............................................................. Question 5:Supply the correct form of the word in brackets. Architects responsible for the..1..(construct) of many skyscrapers believe that a tall building must always have a certain minimum..2..(wide) but that there is no limit to its absolute ['æbsəlu:t] hoàn toàn ..3..(high).This means that the skyscrapers ['skai, skreipə] of the future are likely to be taller. Engineers agree with this, but there is..4..(agree) over the best shape for every tall, slim build ings. The effects of wind..5..(press) mean that cylindrical [si'lindrikəl] hình trụ designs have enjoyed some..6..(popular) in recent years, and there are quite pleasing to the eye. ..7..(fortunate), however, the ideal shape is an ugly square with heavily rounded corners. Would these tall buildings of the future offer more than a..8..(wonder) view ?Some believe tall towers could contain all the..9..(require) for modern living.The..10.. (inhabit) of these vertical ['və:tikl] thẳng đứng, đứng villages would travel up and down between their home and work zones and would..11..(rare) need to jo urney to ground level. Question 6: A- choose the best answer a, b, c or d which has underlined part pronounced differently from the others. C. blood [blʌd] 1 A. noon [nu:n] B. tool tu:l] D. spoon [spu:n] danh từ danh từ danh từ danh từ trưa, buổi trưa dụng cụ, đồ dùng cái thìa máu, huyết (nghĩa bóng) đỉnh cao (cầm tay dùng là m nhựa (cây); nước ngọt như spoon-bait nhất (trong sự vườn..) to be born with a (hoa quả...) nghiệp...) garden tools silver spoon in one's sự tàn sát, sự chém dụng cụ làm vườn mouth giết, sự đổ máu công cụ (bất cứ cái gì có bố mẹ giàu có; 2 được dùng để làm sướng từ trong trứng hoặc đạt được cái gì) sướng ra; 3 A. how [hau] C. power ['pauə] B. town [taun] D. slow [slou] C. few [fju:] 4 A. new [nju:] B. sew [sou] D. nephew ['nevju:] C. bus [bʌs] A. bush [bu∫] danh từ B. brush [brʌ∫] D. cup [kʌp] danh từ xe buýt bụi cây, bụi rậm 5 danh từ danh từ to go by bus bàn chải tách, chén C. reason ['ri:zn] ( A. seat [si:t] sự chải reason for something / D. neat [ni:t] ngăn nắp B. heavy ['hevi] ( + doing something; with) chất nặng, chứa reason to do đầy, nặng trĩu something) lý do for one/some reason or other vì lý do này hoặc lý do khác B Find the word which has the main stress syllable different from the others in each group. A. avoid [ə'vɔid] B. gesture ['dʒest∫ə] C. permit ['pə:mit] 6 D. exact [ig'zækt] danh từ tính từ ngoại động từ danh từ giấy phép đúng về mọi chi tránh, tránh xa, ngăn điệu bộ; cử chỉ tiết; chính xác to grant a permit ngừa To make a rude cấp giấy phép what were his exact to avoid smoking gesture
  5. tránh hút thuốc lá Làm một cử chỉ export permit words? khiếm nhã giấy phép xuất khẩu nguyên văn nó nói to avoid bad company tránh xa bạn bè xấu sự cho phép[pə'mit] thế nào? Communicating by ngoại động từ gesture I don't know the Giao tiếp với nhau cho phép, cho cơ hội; 7 exact price of that A. involved [in'vɔlvd] bằng cử chỉ thừa nhận (ai) air-conditioner yêu cầu; đòi hỏi tính từ B. equal ['i:kwəl] C. machine [mə'∫i:n] rắc rối, phức tạp tính từ người hành động một D. eventual bị mắc míu, bị liên luỵ, như nhau về kích cỡ, cách vô ý thức, không [i'ventjuəl] bọ dính líu, bị dính dáng lượng, giá trị, mức suy nghĩ; người làm tính từ để hết tâm trí vào, bị độ...; ngang; bằng việc như cái máy kết quả cuối cùng 8 thu hút vào (công việc là; sau rốt nhau gì...) they are of equal D. honesty ['ɔnisti] C. reaction [ri:'æk∫n] height danh từ chúng nó cao ngang A. furious ['fjuəriəs] danh từ sự phản tác dụng, sự 9 nhau tính từ tính lương thiện phản ứng lại B. wonderful tính trung thực; ( furious with ['wʌndəfl] tính chân thật somebody / at C. believe [bi'li:v] to something) giận dữ, điên tính từ believe in tiết kỳ lạ, phi thường, kỳ D. mislead somebody/something diệu, gây ra sửng sốt, [mis'li:d] cảm thấy chắc chắn A. address [ə'dres] rất ngạc nhiên ngoại động từ, thì ai/cái gì tồn tại danh từ quá khứ và động I believe in God địa chỉ tính từ quá khứ là B. millionaire Tôi tin có Chúa [,miljə'neə] my home/business misled do you believe in danh từ address is 191 Hoang ( to mislead ghosts? nhà triệu phú, người Van Thu Street somebody about / anh có tin là có ma hay địa chỉ nhà/cơ quan của giàu bạc triệu as to something) 10 không? tôi là 191 phố Hoàng làm cho ai có một ý to believe in Văn Thụ niệm hoặc ấn tượng somebody/something; bài nói chuyện; bài diễn sai về ai/cái gì to believe in doing văn something ( số nhiều) lời tỏ tình; tin ai/cái gì; lời tán tỉnh D. vegetables C. advice [əd'vais] ['vedʒtəbl] danh từ B. medical tính từ thực vật lời khuyên, lời chỉ bảo A. estimate ['estimit - ['medikl] y khoa 'estimeit] danh từ sự đánh giá, sự ước lượng Question 7:Find another word(s) which has opposite meaning with the word(s) underlined. 1,Those who are interested in the novels, please put up your hand. 2,They made me cry a lot. 3,Do you really love going to concerts so much. 4,She decided to shorten her skirt. 5,Is the bread in the cupboard fresh ? 6,At what time will the sun rise tomorrow ? 7,When do your parents finish work ? 8,She noted down the exact time of departure. Question 8:Fill a suitable preposition to complete these sentences. 1,We had to 3 p. m, but the plane didn’t take..... till 7.00.
  6. 2,My windows look....over the garden. 3,You’d better call her...... and tell her.......this. 4,.....changing channels we can tune......our favorite programme. 5,I’ve heard such a lot......him that I’m looking forwards......seeing him very much. 6,They have lived......102 Cornwall Gardens....1969. The end ! Key 4 Question 1 1,Where are most of the big stores situated in London ? +In or near the West End. 2,What can you buy in the big stores ? +Almost anything you want, from a box of matches to a car. 3,What are three facilities offered by the stores ? (sn) ®iÒu thuËn lîi, tiÖn nghi +All the big stores have the cafes, snack-bars and restaurants. +There is a telephone box for you to ring up a friend. +You may call at the theatre agency to book a seat for an evening show. 4,What kind of notices can you see ? +We can see notices pointing the way to the lifts and entrances, 5,Why do people come to shop in the West End on Thursday ? +Because on that day most of the shops there stay open as late as 8 o’clock. Question 2: 1,Australian 2,high 3,expect 4,first 5,how 6,not 7,of 8,out 9,use 10,w ere 11,still 12,on 13,of 14,while 15,made Question 3: 1,shall have already finished 2,had been waiting 3,will have smoked 4,am going to return 5,got / swept 6,to bring / to invite 7,wouldn’t be 8,paying 9,taking 10,having fired Question 4: 1,I must congratulate you on having drawn up some excellent plans. 2,Bob denied having taken my card. 3,He denied having been there at that time. 4,He always insisted on its being written out in full. 5,Would you mind turning the radio down, please ? 6,I remember being taken to the zoo by my father. 7,He was rumored to have been a spy. 8,Never had she expected that she was so successful. 9,Only by united opposition can we eliminate world terrorism. 10,It is three years since we last learnt English Question 5: 1,construction 2,width 3,height 4,disagr eement 5,pressure 6,popularity 7,unfortunately 8,wonderful 9,requirements 10,inhabitants 11,rarely Question 6 A, 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-a 5-b B, 6-b 7-b 8-c 9-b 10-c Question 7: 1,bored with 2,laugh 3,hate 4,to lengthen 5,stale 6,set 7,start 8,approximate Question 8: 1,in / off 2,out 3,up / about 4,by / into 5,about / to 6,at / since



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