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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ TN NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN TEST 1

  1. been working hard. When I received your last letter .......... 11. The police have warned tourists to look out for _________ in ĐỀ THI THỬ TN NĂM 2011 I was acting in a play at school, and when I have .............. the city centre. MÔN: ANH VĂN f inished that I went on holiday with some friends. .............. A. thieves B. robbers C. I meant to send you a postcard, but I had forgot to take..... pickpockets D. burglars your address with me. How are you getting on at .............. 12. This book gives a brief _________ of the history of the old TEST 1: Find a suitable phrasal verb and fill in the blank(s) college? You didn’t say very much about this in ................ quarter of the city. with its proper form. your letter. I hope you are still like it, and don’t .................. A. reference B. article C. research D. outline 1. The plane _________ at 7.15 and _________ again at 9.00. been work all the time! I’m starting work in ....................... 13. The old ship will be _________ into the harbour. 2. His eyes were so bad that he coulldn’t _________ the number London after I shall leave school in July, and I want .......... A. pulled B. drawn C. moved D. towed plate of the car in front. to see you before then. I have know you are busy, ........... 14. I know that you’re busy, so I won’t _________ you long. 3. She really _________ her mother, physically as well as but by the time your term finishes, I’ll have ........................ A. detain B. withhold C. postpone D. retard mentally. started my job. I’ve been done so many things .................. 15. Tom gives one account of the event and Sally another; it’s 4. I don’t know how I’m going to _________ my new job. lately! I’ve just learned to drive and my parents ................. difficult to _________ the two versions. 5. Don’t _________ me _________. I put a lot of trust in you to have sometimes lend me their cars, so I often go out ....... A. identify B. reconcile C. adjust D. coincide _________ this task. w ith friends. Maybe I’ll drive to Kent and see you .............. 16. They say that he has a _________ sense of humour. 6. Why are you driving so slowly? You’d better _________ as one day. A. big B. sensible C. pleasant D. good we have only 15 minutes to spare. Love, Kate 17. I liked the car but was rather _________ off by the price. 7. What a mess! You should have your room _________ at least A. shaken B. put C. set D. held once a week. 18. The anti-war movement was in its _________ in the late TEST 4: Write an essay of about 200 words to express your 8. No wonder he’s so spoilt. He _________ in such an unhealthy 1960s. view about whether education reform should be test-oriented or environment. A. top B. summit C. heyday D. pitch ability-oriented. 9. It took me about a week _________ the accident. 19. I recognises his face, but his name _________ me. 10. His war experiences _________ him _________ a thoughtful A. misses B. deludes C. fails D. escapes TEST 5: Choose the best answer. man. 1. Hurry up! They ‘ve only got _________ seats left. 20. This museumhas more visitors than _________ any other in A. a little B. plenty of C. a lot of D. a few the world. TEST 2: Use the word in capitals to form a new word that fits in 2. She had changed so much that _________ anyone recognised A. really B. actually C. utterly D. practically the space. her. A Map Maker A. almost B. not C. hardly D. nearly TEST 6: Read the passage and choose the best answer. The _________ (PUBLISH) of the first atlas was in 1595. 3. People _________ higher wages because prices are rising all Because writing has become so important in our culture, we The man who _________ (PRODUCT) this collection of maps was the time. sometimes think of it as more real than speech. A little thought, Gerardus Mercator. Born in 1512, he spent his _________ A. demand B. enquire C. ask D. need however, will show why speech is primary and writing secondary to (YOUNG) in Flanders, where he became known as an extremely 4. I can’t _________ lend you any money; I’m broke. language. Human beings have been writing (as far as we can tell _________ (TALENT) map-maker and maker of _________ A. likely B. able C. possible D. possibly from surving evidence) for at least 5,000 years, but they have been (SCIENCE) instruments. In 1544 he was briefly _________ 5. The _________ thing about travelling by train is that you read talking for much longer, doubtlessly ever since there have been (PRISON) f or his religious _________ (BELIEVE) and, fearing for or sleep during the journey. human beings. his family’s safet, he went to live in the Rhineland, where he lived A. enjoying B. enjoyment C. enjoyed D. enjoyable When writing did develop, it was derived from and represented for the rest of his life. 6. They’d like to move to London, but their children will never speech, albeit imperfectly. Even today there are spoken languages His atlas was so successful that it was translated into a agree _________. that have no written form. Furthermore, we all learn to talk well _________ (VARY) of European languages. However, his map of A. with going B. to go C. with before we learn to write; any human child who is not severely the world is _________ (ACCURACY) because the earth is round. their going D. going handicapped physically or mentally will learn to talk: a normal As maps are flat, it is virtually _________ (POSSIBILITY) to have 7. You’d better be careful _________ the train. human being cannot be prevented from doing so.On the other hand, correct scale, area and direction on one map. A. with missing B. not to miss it takes a special effort to learn to write; in the past many intelligent C. with not missing D. not missing and useful members of society did not acquire the skill, and even TEST 3: Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word 8. Although the _________ was bad, I arrived on time. today many who speak languages with writing systems never learn which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (). If a A. car B. traffic C. circuit D. circulation to read or write, while some who learn the rudiments of those skills line has a word which should not be there, write the word at the 9. I looked up the dress in a shopping _________. do so only imperfectly. end of the line. A. guide B. directory C. list D. catalogue To affirm the primacy of speech over writing is not, however, Dear Ann, 10. Who was the first person _________ on the Moon? to disparage the latter. One advantage writing has over speech is I’m sorry I haven’t been written to you lately, but I’ve ........ A. lands B. landed C. landing D. to land that it is more permanent and makes possible the records that any 1
  2. civilization must have. Thus, if speaking makes us human, writing 6. Paula grew up in Uruguay. (spent / 4) 5. I suggest that you _________ the matter _________ makes us civilized. Paula ............................................... Uruguay. ( =discuss) w ith your boss first of all. 1. The author argues that 7. We’re going in the direction of Madrid. (for / 3) 6. D id the workers _________ (=execute) the fore-man’s A. writing has become too important in today’s society. We ........................................... Madrid. instructions carefully? B. speech is more basic to language than writing 8. Let’s drop in on Julia while we are here. (surprise / 5) 7. Is the committee going _________ (=reject) Ed’s application C. everyone who learns to speak must learn to write. Let’s ..................................................... Julia while we are f or admission? D. all languages should have a written form. here. 8. H ow many people do you expect _________ (=appear) at 2. According to the passage, writing 9. You can come and stay with us whenever you are in London. the meeting tonight? A. is imperfect, but less so than speech. (up / 4) 9. There are some nice ties here. Why don’t you _________ B. represents speech, but not perfectly. We ........................................... whenever you are in London. ( =select) one or two? C. developed from imperfect speech. 10. Fishing is a good hobby. When did you start doing it? (take / 10. _________ it _________ (=stop) right this minute! You’re D. is represented perfectly by speech. 5) making too much noise. 3. In the author’s judgement, Fishing is a good hobby. When .............................. A. writing has more advantages than speech. .............................? TEST 10: Use the word in capitals to form a new word that fits B. speech is essential but writing has important benefits. in the space. C. speech conveys ideas less accurately than writing does. Genius TEST 8: Fill in each blank with a suitable word. D. writing is more real than speech. We all know stories about people with _________ (EXCEPT) The History of Football 4. In order to show that learning to write requires effort, the Football, or soccer, which is so popular all over the world, (1) memories who have the ability to remember hundreds of numbers author gives the example of _________ back to the Middle Ages. At that time, it was very after hearing them only once. Now _________ (EXPERIENCE) are A. people who learn the rudiments of speech. different from the game we play today. Any number of (2) saying that such feats can be taught. B. people who speak many languages. _________ could take part and the matches usually developed into a For example, most people can _________ (REPETITION) C. intelligent people who couldn’t write. f ree-for-all. In its modern (3) _________, football is less than 200 about nine numbers if they are read out one a second. In one D. severely handicapped children. years old. experiment, ten hours’ training _________ (PRODUCTION) only a 5. According to the author, one mark of civilized society is In 1846, the first rules to (4) _________ the game were drawn small _________ (IMPROVE), but the results after practising for a that it up at Cambridge University. The number of players was (5) thousand hours were _________ (AMAZE): some people remember A. affirms the primacy of speech over writing. _________ to 11 per side, which made things much more orderly 80 or even 100 numbers. Similarly, most adults can _________ B. affirms the primacy of writing over speech. than before. Later, in 1863, the Football Association was (6) (IDENTITY) only about five out of a set of 21 colours that are only C. teaches its children to speak perfectly. _________ up to help (7) _________ the game in Britain. slightly _________ (DIFFER). But after 80 training hours one D. keeps written records. The game is played on a grass or artificial pitch with a (8) person could recognise 18 of them. Studies of 76 major _________ _________ net at each end. The (9) _________ is to move the ball (COMPOSITION) show that it took at least ten years of _________ around the field, (10) _________ the feet or head, until a player is in (MUSICIAN) training before any of them could write a major work. TEST 7: Complete the transformations, using exactly the a (11) _________ to put the ball into the net and score a goal. Psychologists are therefore raising the possibility that genius is the number of words in brackets, including the word given. 1. Fifty years ago, cars were much slower than they are Professional football is not only the most (12) _________ product of teaching nowadays. (nearly / 5) spectator sport in the world,but also more people actually play Fifty years ago, cars were ........................................ they are f ootball (13) _________ than any other team sport. In 1904 FIFA, nowadays. the world governing body of football was (14) _________. It 2. The concerts I had attended had been better than that one. (to organises the World Cup tournament every four years. Other kinds / 5) of football are popular, but less (15) _________, for example It was the worst concert ......................................... . American football or Australian Rules football. 3. People wear casual clothes where I work. (up / 4) People ............................................. where I work. TEST 9: Find a suitable phrasal verb and fill in the blank(s) 4. It’s a lot easier to learn a language by visiting the country w ith its proper form. where it’s spoken. (much / 4) 1. That company is going _________ (=erect) a new building You can learn a language ........................................ ................. on this plot of land. you visit the country wher it’s spoken. 2. Mr Foster’s new job seems _________ (=occupy) all of his 5. You can get away with wearing jeans nearly every-where spare time. nowadays. (wear / 4) 3. Everyone must _________ (=submit) his income tax on time. It ............................................... jeans nearly every-where 4. That woman certainly tried very hard _________ (=display) nowadays. her jewellery. 2



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