Đề thi TOEFL tháng 10/2002
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Nội dung Text: Đề thi TOEFL tháng 10/2002
- , Section One: Listening Comprehension 1. (A) She wants the man to make a (C) The woman is wrong about who won the reservation for her. game. (B) They don't need a reservation tonight. (D) The players could have won if they'd tried (C) They should make reservations for next harder. weekend. (D) She thinks the restaurant will be crowded 9. (A) The woman already knew about the tonight. increase in fees. (B) The dorms will be cheaper than off-campus 2. (A) Get her watch fixed. housing. (B) Purchase a watch for the man. (C) The woman thinks the man should move out (C) Cancel the next meeting. of the dorm. (D) End the meeting early. (D) The woman is pleased she won't have to pay the higher fees. 3 (A) Take the class with a different professor (B) Take a class in a different subject. 10. (A) He didn't know that David was having a (C) Ask the professor if she can take the class. problem. (D) Complete the required courses this term. (B) The woman doesn't know much about accounting. 4. (A) He isn't sure who won the game. (C) David hasn't started working on his project (B) The game won't be played until next week. yet. (C) It started raining after the game was over. (D) David is going to ask the woman for help. (D) It probably will rain next week. 11. (A) Invite his family to go to Alaska with 5. (A) The book had been misplaced on the him. shelf. (B) Get advice on how to organize the trip. (B) He can probably get a copy of the book for (C) Make a flight reservation as soon as the woman. possible. (C) He will call the warehouse to see if the book (D) Borrow money from his family. is available. (D) The woman should check to see if other 12. (A) He'd like to go for a walk another time. bookstores have the book.. (B) He doesn't want to walk in the rain. (C) He's on his way to check out a book.. 6. (A) He used to have problems doing the (D) He only has time for a short walk. assignments. (B) The woman should become a tutor. 13. (A) She doesn't speak French very well. (C) The woman won't have difficulty in her next (B) She may be too busy to help. class. (C) She didn't attend the French Club meeting (D) The woman needs help with her yesterday. assignments. (D) She hadn't heard about the activities fair. 7. (A) Buy the cheaper ice cream. 14. (A) She needs to relax. (B) Buy the brand of ice cream he usually buys. (B) The man should try harder to concentrate. (C) Choose an ice cream that tastes good. (C) She has almost finished the reading (D) Get ice cream at a different store. assignment. (D) The music will bother her. 8. (A) He didn't enjoy the game because the team lost. 15. (A) Speak to his previous employer. (B) He's impressed by the efforts of the team. (B) Get a job working on campus. -1-
- (C) Attend the career services workshop. (C) The woman should borrow another sweater. (D) Get a job application form from her. (D) He'll go home and get another scarf. 16. (A) She will wash the sweater. 25. (A) She understands why the man seems (B) The sweater has the wrong label. unhappy. (C) The man can get another sweater. (B) She will help the man change his diet. (D) The manufacturer will repair the sweater. (C) The man should see a doctor. (D) The doctor has already explained the 17. (A) He's very busy Friday night. problem to her. (B) He hasn't seen his parents for a long time. (C) He's sorry that he missed dinner. 26. (A) The number of people who voted was (D) He accepts the woman's invitation. very low. (B) The vote was very close. 18. (A) Discuss her report with the man. (C) Congressman Baker didn't run for office. (B) Give the man her history notes. (D) She was not pleased with the results. (C) Work on an assignment. (D) Answer the man's questions. 27. (A) He's sorry that the woman didn't like the book. 19. (A) She's going to spend the whole year in (B) He can order the math book for the woman. New York. (C) It's too late for the woman to get a refund. (B) She plans to travel somewhere other than (D) The woman bought the book less than ten New York. days ago. (C) She decided not to take a vacation this year. (D) She won't be able to travel until later in the 28. (A) He was pleased with the art in the year. collection. (B) He prefers small art exhibits to large ones. 20. (A) She doesn't think that she looks like the (C) He hasn't visited the art gallery yet. student. (D) He doesn't enjoy going to art galleries. (B) Many of her students look alike. (C) She isn't related to the student. 29. (A) He'd like to invite the woman for lunch.. (D) Her daughter isn't in her class. (B) He didn't expect to join the woman for lunch. 21. (A) The woman will probably not be able to (C) He can help the woman solve the math get the call she's waiting for. problem. (B) The woman's phone call isn't important. (D) He wants to postpone his lunch meeting (C) He'll call the phone company for the with the woman. woman. (D) He'll try to repair the "woman's phone. 30. (A) Vote for the man. (B) Read the man's speech. 22. (A) He also plans to drop a class. (C) Introduce the man to the class president. (B) He also waited in line for a long time today. (D) Tell her friends to vote in the election. (C) He doesn't know where to go to drop a class. (D) He missed the deadline for dropping a class. 31. (A) The early history of bookbinding. (B) How old books become valuable. 23. (A) The man should use a new printer. (C) Economical ways to protect old books. (B) The man's primer isn't set up correctly. (D) Why some books deteriorate. . (C) There is nothing wrong with the man's printer. 32. (A) They are often handled improperly by (D) She can't help the man right away. readers. (B) The paper is destroyed by chemicals. 24. (A) The woman should wear his scarf to the (C) The ink used in printing damages the paper. game. (D) The glue used in the binding loses its (B) It will be cold at the game. strength. 2
- 33. (A) They are difficult to read. 42. (A) To show how politics have changed over (B) They are slowly falling apart. the years. (C) They were not made from wood pulp. (B) To point out that T-shirts often provide (D) They should be stored in a cold place. personal information. (C) To illustrate how the printing on clothing 34. (A) It's very expensive. has improved. (B) It hasn't proven to be totally effective. (D) To support that T-shirts are a form of art. (C) It can be damaging to some books. (D) It can't be used on books published before 43. (A) Places where T-shirts are not acceptable. 1850. (B) Images that are currently printed on T-shirts. (C) Names of people who have made T-shirts 35. (A) Get some books for the man to look at. popular. (B) Ask the man to look over her notes. (D) Ways that T-shirts represent American (C) Continue her research in the library. culture. (D) Find more information on how books are preserved. 44. (A) Successful business practices. (B) Famous inventors. 36. (A) To plan an exhibit of the student's (C) Public health concerns. artwork. (D) Unsuccessful inventions. (B) To discuss different whaling techniques. (C) To prepare for a visit to a museum. 45. (A) They drank from public water fountains. (D) To review information for an examination. (B) They passed around a cup of water. (C) They drank from personal tin cups that they 37. (A) Iron from old ships. carried with them. (B) Wood found floating in the ocean. (D) They bought a paper cup of water. (C) Seashells of unusual shapes and colors. (D) The bones and teeth of whales. 46. (A) To demonstrate the importance of public health laws. 38. (A) To occupy their free time. (B) To point out that without luck businesses (B) To bring good luck. will not succeed. (C) To earn extra money. (C) To explain how traveling led to new (D) To take part in art competitions. inventions. (D) To illustrate the importance of having the 39. (A) They were used in the home. right product at the right time. (B) They were used to decorate the ship. (C) They were used to catch whales. 47. (A) How grasshoppers find food. (D) They were sold to art dealers. (B) How grasshoppers fight other insects. (C) How grasshoppers communicate with each 40. (A) The importance of anthropology to other. modern society, (D) How grasshoppers escape from danger. (B) A good source of information about a society. (C) Attitudes toward culture in the 1940's. 48. (A) To correct a common misunderstanding (D) The relationship between anthropology and about grasshoppers. the military. (B) To help explain how well grasshoppers can jump. 41. (A) Students might not consider them to be (C) To compare the size of grasshopper with an important part of culture. that of other insects. - (B) They symbolize the rebellion of youth in the (D) To show how quickly grasshoppers respond 1950's. to danger. (C) They are discussed in the student's textbook. (D) They have been worn for hundreds of years. 49. (A) They detect nerve impulses transmitted 3
- to a grasshopper's legs. 50. (A) The number of impulses transmitted to (B) They sense how far a grasshopper has the grasshopper's legs. jumped. (B) The age of the grasshopper. (C) They detect changes in air pressure. (C) The number of sensory organs the (D) They help a grasshopper find food. grasshopper has. (D) The size of the nerves that control walking. Section Two: Structure and Written Expression 1. Among the 450 artworks in the White 6. Ohio, the center of_____ the Hopewell House art collection __ . culture, has the greatest concentration of ancient (A) as is Mary Cassatt's Young Mother and burial mounds in the United States. Two Children (A) called (B) is Mary Cassatt's Young Mother and Two (B) what is called Children (C) that is called (C) which is Mary Cassatt's Young Mother (D) is called and Two Children (D) Mary Cassatt's Young Mother and Two 7. ____ , such as jazz, are often Children played from memory rather than from a written score. 2. An unconsolidated aggregate of silt (A) Of some types music particles is also termed silt, _____ a (B) Music some of types consolidated aggregate is called siltstone. (C) Some types of music (A) which (D) Types of music some (B) why (C) whereas 8. During the 1850', reform movements (D) whether ___temperance and the abolition of slavery gained strength in the United States. 3. In 1864 the American Shakespearean actor (A) advocating Edwin Booth gained critical acclaim when he (B) they had advocated ____ Hamlet at the Winter Garden (C) to advocating Theatre in New York City. (D) to advocate when (A) perform (B) performed 9. Many meteorites are thought to have (C) had been performing origin ated from ___ that once existed (D) having performed between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. (A) where a planet or planets 4. ____ are chiefly derived from (B) a planet or planets so petroleum. (C) which a planet or planets (A) Plastics today (D) a planet or planets (B) There are plastics today (C) Because today plastics today 10. The modern automobile is a (D) Due to plastics today composed of more than 14,000 parts. (A) complex technical system 5. Most tangerine trees and their flowers and (B) system of complex technical fruits resemble ____the orange, although (C) complex technical system that tangerines are generally smaller. (D) system is technically complex (A) of those (B) which of those 11. over 100 years since the (C) those of invention of the square-bottomed paper bag. (D) which are of (A) Now is (B) Now it has 4
- (C) There is now 14. The invention of the compound (D) It is now microscope (which allowed much higher magnification through multiple lenses) 12. The novelist John Dos Passes developed a style of fiction incorporating several made _____ the great strides in life documentary devices ____ to his works. sciences. (A) lent realism (A) it possible (B) that lending realism (B) possibly (C) to lend realism (C) possible (D) of whos e realism lent (D) it was possible 13. In Earth's infancy, its surface was warm 15. Hares generally have longer ears and hind enough for life ____ the young Sun legs than rabbits and move by jumping was fainter than it is today. ____ running. (A) in spite of (A) rather to be (B) whether (B) rather than (C) neither of which (C) are rather (D) even though (D) as rather 16. Lake trout, fish usually finding in deep, cool lakes, are greenish gray and are A B covered with pale spots. C D 17. During the first 20 years of the space age, the United States spent more than 90 A B billion dollars onto its civilian and military space programs. C D 18. Vitamins A and C and most of the B vitamins are retain in foods that have A B C been canned. D 19. Ella Baker spent her adult life working for social change by lecturing, writing, A B teacher, and organizing adult literacy programs. C D 20. Gold can combined with silver in any proportion, but alloys with 50 to 60 percent A B C silver are the_strongest. D 21. The camera obscura, a lensless precursor of the photographic camera, consists_of A a darkened chamber, with light pass into it through a single tiny hole. B C D 22. Lumber production was the main industry in Michigan until the early 1900's, A B C which the automobile industry was established in Detroit. D 23. Twenty minutes of vigorous exercise every day is very effect in helping a person A B C to maintain physical fitness. D 5
- 24. It was not until after Emily Dickinson's death in 1886 that, hidden away in her A B bureau, overly one thousand unpublished poems were discovered, C D 25. Rocks form within Earth are called intrusive or plutonic rocks because the A B magma from which they form often intrudes into neighboring rock. C D 26. Most fish swim by moving their tails from side to side , with little relatively body A B C D undulation. 27. In its life expectancy, although in most other things, the Sun is a typical star. A B C D 28. Machines need energy to function, whether it is animal or human muscle, wind or A B waters currents, or heat-generated energy, such as steam. C D 29. The modern violin, the smallest and versatile instrument in the violin family, is A B tuned in fifths and produces tones ranging over four and a half octaves. C D 30. Norman Rockwell was a meticulous artist who paintings portrayed family A B incidents and well-defined characters with a wealth of supporting details. C D 31. By the late twelve century, stained glass had emerged in Europe as an integral A B C D part of Gothic architecture. 32. The United States, a nation with a highly diversified economy, is a major A B exporter of grain, fruit, chemical, aircraft, and cars. C D 33. Canada began cultivation wheat intensively in 1910, which led to a demand for A B tools, machines, housing, and building supplies. C D 34. Magnesium has little structural strength and must be alloyed with another metals A B such as aluminum and zinc when it is to be subjected to stress. C D 35. Orchid seeds take up to eighteen months to mature before they sprout, and the A B young plants may need another two years to reach at the flowering stage. C D 36. The oldest public edifice in Washington D.C., the White House was originally A B constructed in the 1790's, also has been rebuilt or extensively remodeled C three times since. D 37. Mitosis is the normal process by which a cell divides, each new cell ending up A B C with a same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. 6
- D 38. There are a series of large-scale wind patterns all over Earth are called prevailing A B winds that have a direct effect on weather and climate. C D 39. 1n June, 1846, near Sacramento, California, a number of new settlers rebelled in A B C the Bear Flag Revolt and proclaiming California an independent republic. D 40. A mutation is result of a definite biochemical change in a gene that causes the A B offspring to vary in some characteristic from the parents. C D Section Three: Reading Comprehension Question I~9 The first birds appeared during late Jurassic times. These birds are known from four very good skeletons, two incomplete skeletons, and an isolated feather, all from the Solnhofen limestone of Bavaria, Germany. This fine-grained rock, which is extensively quarried for lithographic stone, was evidently deposited in a shallow (5) coral lagoon of a tropical sea, and flying vertebrates occasionally fell into the water and were buried by the fine limy mud, to be preserved with remarkable detail In this way, the late Jurassic bird skeletons, which have been named Archaeopteryx, were fossilized. And not only were the bones preserved in these skeletons, but so also were imprints of the feathers. If the indications of feathers had not been preserved in (10)association with Archaeopteryx, it is likely that these fossils would have been classified among the dinosaurs, for they show numerous theropod characteristics. Archaeopteryx were animals about the size of a crow, with an archeosaurian type of skull, a long neck, a compact body balanced on a pair of strong hind limbs, and a long tail. The forelimbs were enlarged and obviously functioned as wings. (15) Modern birds, who are the descendants of these early birds, are highly organized animals, with a constant body temperature and a very high rate of metabolism. In addition, they are remarkable for having evolved extraordinarily complex behavior patterns such as those of nesting and song, and the habit among many species of making long migrations from one continent to another and back (20)each year. Most birds also have very strong legs, which allows them to run or walk on the ground as well as to fly in the air. Indeed, some of the waterbirds, such as ducks and geese, have the distinction of being able to move around proficiently in the water, on land, and in the air, a range in natural locomotor ability that has never been attained (25)by any other vertebrate. 1. According to the author, all of-the following (A) confused with others evidence relating to the first birds was found (B) gradually weakened EXCEPT (C) protected from destruction (A) nesting materials (D) lost permanently (B) four skeletons in good condition (C) two fragmented skeletons 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the (D) a single feather Archaeopteryx were classified as birds on the basis of 2. The word "preserved" in line 8 is closest in (A) imprints of bones meaning to (B) imprints of feathers 7
- (C) the neck structure (D)crows (D) skeletons 7. The word "constant" in line 16 is closest in 4. The word "they" in line 11 refers to meaning to (A) indications (A) comfortable (B) fossils (B) combined (C) dinosaurs (C) consistent (D) characteristics (D) complementary 5. Why does the author mention "a crow" in 8. The author mentions all of the following as line 12? examples of complex behavior patterns evolved (A) to indicate the size of Archaeopteryx by birds EXCEPT (B) To specify the age of the Archaeopteryx (A) migrating fossils (B) nesting (C) To explain the evolutionary history of (C)singing Archaeopteryx .(D) running (D) To demonstrate the superiority of the theropod to Archaeopteryx 9. The word "attained" in line 24 is closest in meaning to 6. It can be inferred from the passage that (A) required theropods were (B) achieved (A) dinosaurs (C) observed (B) birds (D) merited (C) Archaeopteryx Questions 10-19 Newspaper publishers in the United States have long been enthusiastic users and distributors of weather maps. Although some newspapers that had carried the United States Weather Bureau's national weather map in 1912 dropped it once the novelty had passed, many continued to print the daily weather chart provided by (5) their local forecasting office. In the 1930's, when interest in aviation and progress in air-mass analysis made weather patterns more newsworthy, additional newspapers started or resumed the daily weather map. In 1935, The Associated Press (AP) news service inaugurated its WirePhoto network and offered subscribing newspapers morning and afternoon weather maps redrafted by the AP's Washington, B.C., office (10)from charts provided by the government agency. Another news service, United Press International (UPI), developed a competing photowire network and also provided timely weather maps for both morning and afternoon newspapers. After the United States government launched a series of weather satellites in 1966, both the AP and UPI offered cloud-cover photos obtained from the Weather Bureau. (15) In the late 1970's and early 1980's, the weather map became an essential ingredient in the redesign of the American newspaper. News publishers, threatened by increased competition from television for readers' attention, sought to package the news more conveniently and attractively. In 1982, many publishers felt threatened by the new USA Today, a national daily newspaper that used a page-wide, (20)full-color weather map as its key design element. That the weather map in USA 21 Today did not include information about weather fronts and pressures attests to the largely symbolic role it played. Nonetheless, competing local and metropolitan newspapers responded in a variety of ways. Most substituted full-color temperature maps for the standard weather maps, while others dropped the comparatively drab (25)satellite photos or added regional forecast maps with pictorial symbols to indicate rainy, snowy, cloudy, or clear conditions. A few newspapers, notably The New York Times, adopted a highly informative yet less visually prominent weather map that 8
- was specially designed to explain an important recent or imminent weather event. Ironically, a newspaper's richest, most instructive weather maps often are (30)comparatively small and inconspicuous. 10. What does the passage mainly discuss? (C) interferes with (A) The differences between government and (D) gives evidence of newspaper weather forecasting in the United States. 15. The word "others" in line 24 refers to (B) The history of publishing weather maps in (A) newspapers United States newspapers (B) ways (C) A comparison of regional and national (C) temperature maps weather reporting in the United States. (D) weather maps (D) Information that forms the basis for weather forecasting in the United States 16. The word "drab" in line 24 is closest in meaning to 11. The word "resumed" in line 7 is closest in (A) precise meaning to (B) poor (A) began again (C) simple (B) held back (D) dull (C) thought over (D) referred to 17. In contrast to the weather maps of USA Today, weather maps in The New York Times 12. According to the passage, one important tended to be reason why newspapers printed daily weather (A) printed in foil color maps during the first half of the twentieth (B) included for symbolic reasons century was (C) easily understood by the readers (A) the progress in printing technology (D) filled with detailed information (B) a growing interest in air transportation (C) a change in atmospheric conditions 18. The word "prominent" in line 27 is closest (D) the improvement of weather forecasting in meaning to techniques (A) complex (B) noticeable 13. What regular service did The Associated (C) appealing Press and United Press International begin to (D) perfect offer subscribing newspapers in the 1930's? (A) A new system of weather forecasting 19. The author uses the term "Ironically" in (B) An air-mass analysis line 29 to indicate that a weather map's (C) Twice daily weather maps appearance (D) Cloud-cover photographs (A) is not important to newspaper publishers (B) does not always indicate how much 14. The phrase "attests to" in line 21 is closest information it provides in meaning to (C) reflects how informative a newspaper can be (A) makes up for (D) often can improve newspaper sales (B) combines with Question 20-30 Some animal behaviorists argue that certain animals can remember past events, anticipate future ones, make plans and choices, and coordinate activities within a group. These scientists, however, are cautious about the extent to which animals can be credited with conscious processing. (5) Explanations of animal behavior that leave out any sort of consciousness at all and ascribe actions entirely to instinct leave many questions unanswered. One example of such unexplained behavior: Honeybees communicate the sources of 9
- nectar to one another by doing a dance in a figure-eight pattern. The orientation of the dance conveys the position of the food relative to the sun's position in the sky, (10)and the speed of the dance tells how far the food source is from the hive. Most researchers assume that the ability to perform and encode the dance is innate and shows no special intelligence. But in one study, when experimenters kept changing the site of the food source, each time moving the food 25 percent farther from the previous site, foraging honeybees began to anticipate where the food source would (15) appear next. When the researchers arrived at the new location, they would find the bees circling the spot, waiting for their food. No one has yet explained how bees, whose brains weigh four ten-thousandths of an ounce, could have inferred the location of the new site. Other behaviors that may indicate some cognition include tool use. Many (20)animals, like the otter who uses a stone to crack mussel shells, are capable of using objects in the natural environment as rudimentary tools. One researcher has found that mother chimpanzees occasionally show their young how to use tools to open hard nuts. In one study, chimpanzees compared two pairs of food wells containing chocolate chips. One pair might contain, say, five chips and three chips, the other (25)our chips and three chips. Allowed to choose which pair they wanted, the chimpanzees almost always chose the one with the higher total, showing some sort of summing ability. Other chimpanzees have learned to use numerals to label quantities of items and do simple sums. 20. What does the passage mainly discuss? (A) The role of instinct in animal behavior 24. What did researchers discover in the study (B) Observations that suggest consciousness in of honeybees discussed in paragraph 2? animal behavior (A) Bees are able to travel at greater speeds than (C) The use of food in studies of animal scientists thought. behavior (B) The bees could travel 25% farther than (D) Differences between the behavior of scientists expected. animals in their natural environments and (C) The bees were able to determine in advance in laboratory experiments. where scientists would place their food. (D) Changing the location of food caused bees 21. Which of the following is NOT discussed to decrease their dance activity. as an ability animals are thought to have? (A) Selecting among choices 25. It can be inferred from the passage that (B) Anticipating events to come brain size is assumed to (C) Remembering past experiences (A) be an indicator of cognitive ability (D) Communicating emotions (B) vary among individuals within a species (C) be related to food consumption 22. What is the purpose of the honeybee (D) correspond to levels of activity dance? (A) To determine the quantity of food at a site 26. Why are otters and mussel shells included (B) To communicate the location of food in the discussion in paragraph 3? (C) To increase the speed of travel to food (A) To provide an example of tool use among sources animals (D) T identify the type of nectar that is available (B) To prove that certain species demonstrate greater ability in tool use than other species 23. The word "yet" in line 16 is closest in (C) meaning to (D) (A) however (B) since 27. The word "rudimentary" in line 21 is (C) generally closest in meaning to (D) so far (A) superior 10
- (B) original (A) study (C) basic (B) pair (D) technical (C) chimpanzee (D) ability 28. It can be inferred from the statement about mother chimpanzees and their young (lines 30. Scientists concluded from the experiment 21-23) that young chimpanzees have difficulty with chimpanzees and chocolate chips (A) communicating with their mothers that chimpanzees (B) adding quantities (A) lack abilities that other primates have (C) making choices (B) prefer to work in pairs or groups (D) opening hard nuts (C) exhibit behavior that indicates certain mathematical abilities 29. The phrase "the one" in line 26 refers to (D) have difficulty selecting when given the choices Questions 31-39 In eighteenth-century colonial America, flowers and fruit were typically the province of the botanical artist interested in scientific illustration rather than being the subjects of fine art. Early in the nineteenth century, however, the Peale family of Philadelphia established the still life, a picture consisting mainly of inanimate (5) objects, as a valuable part of the artist's repertoire. The fruit paintings by James and Sarah Miriam Peale are simple arrangements of a few objects, handsomely colored, small in size, and representing little more than what they are. In contrast were the highly symbolic, complex compositions by Charles Bird King, with their biting satire and critical social commentary. Each of these strains comminuted into and (10) well past mid-century. John F. Francis (1808-86) was a part of the Pennsylvania still-life tradition that arose, at least in part, from the work of the Peales. Most of his still lifes date from around 1850 to 1875. Luncheon Still Life looks like one of the Peales' pieces on a larger scale, kits greater complexity resulting from the number of objects. It is also (15) indebted to the luncheon type of still life found in seventeenth-century Dutch painting. The opened bottles of wine and the glasses of wine partially consumed suggest a number of unseen guests. The appeal of the fruit and nuts to our sense of taste is heightened by the juicy orange, which has already been sliced. The arrangement is additive, that is, made up of many different parts, not always (20) compositionally integrated, with all objects of essentially equal importance. About 1848, Severin Roesen came to the United States from Germany and settled in New York City, where he began to paint large, lush still lifes of flowers, fruit, or both, often measuring over four feet across. Still Life with Fruit and Champagne is typical in its brilliance of color, meticulous rendering of detail, (25) compact composition, and unabashed abundance. Rich in symbolic overtones, the beautifully painted objects carry additional meanings------butterflies or fallen buds suggest the impermanence of life, a bird's nest with eggs means fertility, and so on. Above all, Roesen's art expresses the abundance that America symbolized to many of its citizens. 31. What does the passage mainly discuss? still-life paintings (A) The artwork of James and Sarah Miriam Peale 32. Which of the following is mentioned as a (B) How Philadelphia became a center for art characteristic of the still lifes of James and in the nineteenth century Sarah Miriam Peale? (C) Nineteenth-century still-life paintings in (A) Simplicity the United States (B) Symbolism (D) How botanical art inspired the first (C) Smooth texture 11
- (D) Social commentary (C) appropriate (D) believable 33. The word "biting" in line 8 is closest in meaning to 37. Which of the following terms is defined in (A) simple the passage? (B) sorrowful (A) "repertoire" (line 5) (B) frequent (B) "satire" (line 9) (D) sharp (C) "additive" (line 19) (D) "rendering" (line 24) 34. The word "It" in line 14 refers to (A) Luncheon Still Life 38. All of the following are mentioned as (B) one of the Peales' pieces characteristics of Roesen's still lifes EXCEPT (C) a larger scale that they (D) the number of objects (A) are symbolic (B) use simplified representations of flowers 35. The word "heightened" in line 18 is closest and fruit in meaning to (C) include brilliant colors (A) complicated (D) are large in size (B) directed (C) observed 39. Which of the following is mentioned (D) increased as the dominant theme in Roesen's painting? (A) Fertility 36. The word "meticulous" in line 24 is closest (B) Freedom in meaning to (C) Impermanence (A) careful (D) Abundance (B) significant Question 40-50 Scientists have discovered that for the last 160,000 years, at least, there has been a consistent relationship between the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and the average temperature of the planet. The importance of carbon dioxide in regulating the Earth's temperature was confirmed by scientists working in eastern (5) Antarctica. Drilling down into a glacier, they extracted a mile-long cylinder of ice from the hole. The glacier had formed as layer upon layer of snow accumulated year after year. Thus drilling into the ice was tantamount to drilling back through time. The deepest sections of the core are composed of water that fell as snow 160,000 years ago. Scientists in Grenoble, France, fractured portions of the core and (10)measured the composition of ancient air released from bubbles in the ice. Instruments were used to measure the ratio of certain isotopes in the frozen water to get an idea of the prevailing atmospheric temperature at the time when that particular bit of water became locked in the glacier. The result is a remarkable unbroken record of temperature and of atmospheric (15)levels of carbon dioxide. Almost every time the chill of an ice age descended on the planet, carbon dioxide levels dropped. When the global temperature dropped 9°F (5 °C), carbon dioxide levels dropped to 190 parts per million or so. Generally, as each ice age ended and the Earth basked in a warm interglacial period, carbon dioxide levels were around 280 parts per million. Through the 160,000 years of that ice (20)record, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fluctuated between 190 and 280 parts per million, but never rose much higher-until the Industrial Revolution beginning in the eighteenth century and continuing today. There is indirect evidence that the link between carbon dioxide levels and global temperature change goes back much further than the glacial record. Carbon (25) dioxide levels may have been much greater than the current concentration during the 12
- Carboniferous period, 360 to 285 million years ago. The period was named for a profusion of plant life whose buried remains produced a large fraction of the coal deposits that are being brought to the surface and burned today. 40. Which of the following does the passage isotopes from the water of the ice core to mainly discuss? determine which of following? (A) Chemical causes of ice ages (A) The amount of air that had bubbled to the (B) Techniques for studying ancient layers of surface since the ice had formed ice in glaciers (B) The temperature of the atmosphere when (C) Evidence of a relationship between levels the ice was formed of carbon dioxide and global temperature (C) The date at which water had become (D) Effects of plant life on carbon dioxide locked in the glacier levels in the atmosphere (D) The rate at which water had been frozen in the glacier 41. The word “accumulated” in line 6 is closest in meaning to_________ 46. The word "remarkable" in line 14 is closest (A) spread out in meaning to (B) changed (A) genuine (C) became denser (B) permanent (D) built up (C) extraordinary (D) continuous 42. According to the passage, the drilling of the glacier in eastern Antarctica was important 47. The word "link" in line 23 is closest in because it meaning to (A) allowed scientists to experiment with new (A) tension drilling techniques (B) connection (B) permitted the study of surface (C) attraction temperatures in an ice-covered region of Earth (D) distance (C) provided insight about climate conditions in earlier periods 48. The passage implies that the warmest (D) confirmed earlier findings about how temperatures among the periods mentioned glaciers are formed occurred (A) in the early eighteenth century 43. The phrase "tantamount to" in line 7 is (B) 160,000 years ago closest in meaning to (C) at the end of each ice age (A) complementary to (D) between 360 and 285 million years ago (B) practically the same as (C) especially well suited to 49. According to the passage, the (D) unlikely to be confused with Carboniferous period was characterized by (A) a reduction in the number of coal deposits 44. According to the passage, Grenoble, (B) the burning of a large amount of coal France, is the place where (C) an abundance of plants (A) instruments were developed for (D) an accelerated rate of glacier formation measuring certain chemical elements 50. The passage explains the origin of which of (B) scientists first recorded atmospheric levels the following terms? of carbon dioxide (A) Glacier (line5) (C) scientists studied the contents of an ice (B) Isotopes (line 11) core from Antarctica (C) Industrial Revolution (line 21) (D) (D) Carboniferous period (lines 26 45. According to the passage, scientists used 13

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