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Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 2

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  1. Đề thi tổng hợp Môn: Anh Văn – Đề 2 Pronunciation 1. a. push b. bush c. fussy d. bullet c 2. a. moon b. noon c. foot d. spoon c 3. a. another b. mother c. polish d. stomach c 4. a. new b. sew c. few d. dew
  2. b 5. a. cut b. hut c. shut d. butcher d 6. a. skip b. billion c. high d. still c 7. a. flow b. flower c. slow d. know b Find the mistakes 8. The human ear cannot hear a sound that vibrates less than 16 times the second. a. cannot b. that c. less than d. the d 9. Some tree frogs can alter their colors in order to blend to their environment. a. tree b. can alter c. in order d. to d 10. If one is invited out to a dinner, it is perfectly proper to go either with or without no a gift. a. one b . ou t c. to go d. no
  3. d Grammar and Vocabulary 11. Many people prefer living in the countryside .................. living in the city because it's quieter. a. than b. to c. more d. nor b 12. He ................. to school the day before yesterday. a. wasn’t b. not went c. hadn’t gone d. didn’t go d 13. Cleaning products are available from the hardware .................. a. partition b. departure c. portion d. department d 14. M y mother always watches soap-opera on TV. It’s her ............... program. a. enjo yed b. best c. favorite d. usual c 15. .................. poor management, the company went bankrupt. a. As far as b. According to c. As a result of d. Given that c 16. How much is ..................... on advertising in the newspaper? a. sent b. cost c. charged d. spent d
  4. 17. They listened to the news with a .................... of surprise and horror. a. mixture b. mix up c. mixing d. to drop a 18. "W hy has he given up his job?" "...................... on his present salary is impossib le." a. For him to live b. To live for him c. Him living d. He lives a 19. She regretted .................. the valuable watch. a. dropped b. to dropping c. dropping d. to drop c 20. If you ................. a picnic, remember to take some fruits with you. a. go fo r b. travel c. make d. run a 21. They walked because the y couldn't .................... to take a taxi. a. pay b. spend c. worth d. afford d 22. Unless you park your car in the right place you ................. receive a ticket. a. don't b. wouldn’t c. didn’t d. won’t d 23. .................. he is in debt, he still lives luxu riously. a. Despite b. Although
  5. c. However d. In spite of b 24. W e were astonished that her Japanese was so ............... as she had never been to Japan. a. definite b. liquid c. fluent d. national c 25. She regrets not .................. her homework on time. a. have done b. to do c. had done d. doing d 26. They expect to sell 600 tons of rice in .................. 2000. a. disputable b. equal c. serious d. fiscal d 27. They asked me .................. I would like to go out with them. a. unless b. in case c. regarding d. whether d 28. She was .................. tired after she run a long distance. a. kind of b. rather c. weakly d. real b 29. He promised that he .................. phone us as soon as he arrived his home. a. will b. should c. would d. did c
  6. 30. "Did you hear the bell ring at midnight?" "I didn’t hear anything. I was ............... that I didn’t wake up." a. very tired b. such tired c. so tired d. enough tired c 31. The Browns are said to .................. in Paris. a. living b. been living c. be living d. being living c 32. "Is this her hometown?" "No. She’s only lived here ............... " a. a few years ago b. for a few years c. since a few years d. b y a few years b 33. She would be happ y if we .................. her a bunch of flowers. a. had sent b. sent b. would send c. send b 34. Mrs. Betty asked her son to sit next to Mr. Betty. “.................. next to your father,” she said. a. Please to sit b. To sit c. Please sit d. Please sitting c 35. Is smog pollution now a serious .................. problem? a. environment b. environmentally c. environmental d. environment' c 36. I know Daisy has two sisters, but I don’t know which one is the ............. .
  7. a. elder b. higher c. higher age d. lower a 37. Running too fast can .................... heart disease. a. owing to b. because of c. lead to d. due to c 38. "Could you tell me what your address is?" "I live .............. 1873 Pearl Place." a. to b. on c. in d. at d 39. It's time the windows .................. cleaned. a. were d. be c. was d. is a 40. His son went out, but he didn’t tell ................. where he was going. a. anyone b. no one c. one d. none a 41. Tam said that many roads were .................. in Danang city. a. been built b. being built c. building d. been building b 42. M y boss needs a person with a good working .............. of Chinese. a. knowledge b. quotation c. standard d. condition
  8. a 43. Don't worry about luggage as the car has a large .................. a. bonnet b. brake c. boot d. bumper c 44. Jean’s talking to a reporter about his .............. to the moon. a. journey b. tour c. vo yage d. plan a 45. The teacher advised his pupils .................. harder. a. to work b. for working c. working d. work a 46. W e went to the Town Hall on Thursday evening. W e went ............... a. the evening b. on the evening c. evening d. in the evening d 47. He .................. a lot of money after paying taxes. a. did b. gained c. earned d. won c 48. "How do you like Vietnamese food?" "Well, it’s not bad. Now I .................. cooked rice." a. used to eat b. am used to eat c. used to eating d. am used to eating d 49. His job .................. interviewing many people. a. involves
  9. b. requests c. needs d. concerns a 50. Michael’s name and address are written on a ............ of paper. a. lump b. bar c. t ub e d. sheet d



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