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- Page 102 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM eye socket 102 or working on a computer screen. Also called (NOTE: For other terms referring to the eyelids, see words beginning with blephar-, blepharo-.) asthenopia eye socket eyetooth eye socket / ai sɒkit/ noun same as orbit eyetooth / aitu θ/ noun a canine tooth, one of two pairs of pointed teeth next to the incisors eyestrain eyestrain / aistrein/ noun tiredness in the mus- (NOTE: The plural is eyeteeth.) cles of the eye with a headache, which may be caused by an activity such as reading in bad light
- Page 103 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM F is lacking in people with haemophilia B. Also F F abbreviation Fahrenheit called Christmas factor face face /feis/ noun the front part of the head, where Factor VIII the eyes, nose and mouth are placed í verb to Factor VIII / f ktər eit/ noun a protein in plasma which promotes the clotting of blood and have your face towards or to look towards some- is lacking in people with haemophilia A thing Please face the screen. Factor XI face delivery face delivery / feis di liv(ə)ri/ noun a birth Factor XI / f ktər i lev(ə)n/ noun a protein in | | where the baby’s face appears first plasma which promotes the clotting of blood and is lacking in people with haemophilia C face lift face lift / feis lift/, face-lifting operation Factor XII / feis liftiŋ ɒpə reiʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical oper- Factor XII / f ktə twelv/ noun a protein in | ation to remove wrinkles on the face and neck plasma which promotes the clotting of blood and is lacking in some people with haemophilia. Also face presentation face presentation / feis prez(ə)n teiʃ(ə)n/ | called Hageman factor noun a position of a baby in the uterus where the face will appear first at birth fade away fade away / feid ə wei/ verb to be in the proc- | facet ess of dying (informal ) facet / f sit/ noun a flat surface on a bone faecal facet syndrome facet syndrome / f sit sindrəυm/ noun a faecal / fi k(ə)l/ adjective referring to faeces condition in which a joint in the vertebrae faecal impaction faecal impaction / fi kl(ə)l im p kʃən/ noun | becomes dislocated a condition in which a hardened mass of faeces facial facial / feiʃ(ə)l/ adjective relating to, or appear- stays in the rectum ing on, the face The psychiatrist examined the faecal incontinence faecal incontinence / fi k(ə)l in | patient’s facial expression. kɒntinəns/ noun an inability to control the facial bone facial bone / feiʃ(ə)l bəυn/ noun one of the bowel movements fourteen bones which form the face faecalith faecalith / fi kəliθ/ noun same as coprolith COMMENT: The bones which make up the faecal matter faecal matter / fi k(ə)l m tə/ noun solid face are: two maxillae forming the upper jaw; waste matter from the bowels two nasal bones forming the top part of the faeces faeces / fi si z/ plural noun solid waste matter nose; two lacrimal bones on the inside of the orbit near the nose; two zygomatic or malar passed from the bowels through the anus. Also bones forming the sides of the cheeks; two called stools, bowel movement (NOTE: For palatine bones forming the back part of the other terms referring to faeces, see words begin- top of the mouth; two nasal conchae or tur- ning with sterco-.) binate bones which form the sides of the na- Fahrenheit Fahrenheit / f rənhait/, Fahrenheit scale sal cavity; the mandible or lower jaw; and the / f rənhait skeil/ noun a scale of temperatures vomer in the centre of the nasal septum. where the freezing and boiling points of water are facial paralysis facial paralysis / feiʃ(ə)l pə r ləsis/ noun 32° and 212° under standard atmospheric pres- | same as Bell’s palsy sure (NOTE: Used in the US, but less common in facies facies / feiʃii z/ noun someone’s facial appear- the UK. Usually written as an F after the degree ance, used as a guide to diagnosis sign: 32°F (say: ‘thirty-two degrees Fahren- factor heit’).) factor / f ktə/ noun 1. something which has an influence or which makes something else take fail fail /feil/ verb 1. not to be successful in doing place 2. a substance, variously numbered, e.g. something The doctor failed to see the symp- Factor I, Factor II, in the plasma, which makes the toms. She has failed her pharmacy exams. blood coagulate when a blood vessel is injured He failed his medical and was rejected by the Factor II police force. 2. to become weaker and less likely Factor II / f ktə tu / noun same as pro- to recover thrombin failure to thrive Factor IX Factor IX / f ktə nain/ noun a protein in failure to thrive / feiljə tə θraiv/ noun same plasma which promotes the clotting of blood and as marasmus
- Page 104 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM faint 104 faint famotidine faint /feint/ verb to stop being conscious for a famotidine /fə mɒtidi n/ noun a histamine | short time and, usually, fall down í noun a loss which reduces the secretion of gastric acid and is of consciousness for a short period, caused by a used to treat ulcers temporary reduction in the blood flow to the brain Fanconi syndrome Fanconi syndrome /f n kəυni sindrəυm/ | fainting fit fainting fit / feintiŋ fit/, fainting spell noun a kidney disorder where amino acids are / feintiŋ spel/ noun same as syncope She present in the urine [Described 1927. After Guido often had fainting fits when she was dieting. Fanconi (1892–1979), Professor of Paediatrics Fairbanks’ splint Fairbanks’ splint / feəb ŋks splint/ noun a at the University of Zurich, Switzerland.] special splint used for correcting Erb’s palsy fantasy fantasy / f ntəsi/ noun a series of imaginary faith healing faith healing / feiθ hi liŋ/ noun the treatment events which someone believes really took place of pain or illness by a person who prays and may FAP FAP abbreviation familial adenomatous polypo- also lay his or her hands on the patient sis falciform falciform / f lsifɔ m/ adjective in the shape of farcy farcy / fɑ si/ noun a form of glanders which a sickle affects the lymph nodes falciform ligament falciform ligament / f lsifɔ m li əmənt/ farmer’s lung farmer’s lung / fɑ məz l ŋ/ noun a type of noun a piece of tissue which separates the two asthma caused by an allergy to rotting hay lobes of the liver and attaches it to the diaphragm fascia fascia / feiʃə/ noun fibrous tissue covering a fallen arches fallen arches / fɔ lən ɑ tʃiz/ plural noun a muscle or an organ (NOTE: The plural is fasciae.) condition in which the arches in the sole of the fasciculation fasciculation /fə sikjυ leiʃ(ə)n/ noun small foot are not high | | muscle movements which appear as trembling Fallopian tube Fallopian tube /fə ləυpiən tju b/ noun one of | skin two tubes which connect the ovaries to the uterus. fasciculus fasciculus /fə sikjυləs/ noun a bundle of nerve See illustration at UROGENITAL SYSTEM (FEMALE) | in Supplement. Also called oviduct, salpinx fibres (NOTE: The plural is fasciculi.) (NOTE: For other terms referring to Fallopian fasciitis fasciitis / f ʃi aitis/ noun an inflammation of | tubes, see words beginning with salping-, the connective tissue between muscles or around salpingo-.) [Described 1561. After Gabriele Fal- organs lopio (1523–63), Italian man of medicine. He fastigium fastigium /f stid iəm/ noun the highest tem- was Professor of Surgery and Anatomy at | perature during a bout of fever Padua, where he was also Professor of Botany.] fat fat /f t/ adjective big and round in the body Fallot’s tetralogy Fallot’s tetralogy / f ləυz te tr ləd i/ noun | You ought to eat less – you’re getting too fat. same as tetralogy of Fallot (NOTE: fatter – fattest) í noun 1. a white oily false rib false rib / fɔ ls rib/ noun one of the bottom five substance in the body, which stores energy and ribs on each side which are not directly attached protects the body against cold 2. a type of food to the breastbone which supplies protein and Vitamins A and D, familial familial /fə miliəl/ adjective referring to a fam- especially that part of meat which is white, and | ily solid substances like lard or butter produced from familial adenomatous polyposis familial adenomatous polyposis /fə miliəl animals and used for cooking, or liquid sub- | də nɒmətəs pɒli pəυsis/ noun a hereditary stances like oil If you don’t like the fat on the | | disorder where polyps develop in the small intes- meat, cut it off. Fry the eggs in some fat. (NOTE: tine. Abbreviation FAP Fat has no plural when it means the substance; familial disorder familial disorder /fə miliəl dis ɔ də/ noun a the plural fats is used to mean different types of | | fat. For other terms referring to fats, see also hereditary disorder which affects several mem- lipid and words beginning with steato-.) bers of the same family fatigue family family / f m(ə)li/ noun a group of people who fatigue /fə ti / noun very great tiredness | are related to each other, especially mother, father fr ktʃə/ noun fatigue fracture fatigue fracture /fə ti | and children stress fracture family doctor family doctor / f m(ə)li dɒktə/ noun a gen- fatty fatty / f ti/ adjective containing fat eral practitioner fatty acid fatty acid / f ti sid/ noun an organic acid family planning family planning / f m(ə)li pl niŋ/ noun the belonging to a group that occurs naturally as fats, use of contraception to control the number of chil- oils and waxes. essential fatty acid dren in a family fatty degeneration fatty degeneration / f ti di d enə reiʃ(ə)n/ family planning clinic family planning clinic / f m(ə)li pl niŋ | | noun same as adipose degeneration klinik/ noun a clinic which gives advice on con- fauces fauces / fɔ si z/ noun an opening between the traception tonsils at the back of the throat, leading to the family therapy family therapy / f m(ə)li θerəpi/ noun a type pharynx of psychotherapy where members of the family of FDA FDA abbreviation US Food and Drug Adminis- a person with a disorder meet a therapist to dis- cuss the condition and try to come to terms with it tration
- Page 105 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 105 fertile fear femoral hernia femoral hernia / femərəl h niə/ noun a her- fear /fiə/ noun a state where a person is afraid of nia of the bowel at the top of the thigh something fear of flying femoral neck femoral neck / femərəl nek/ noun the narrow febricula febricula /fe brikjυlə/ noun a low fever | part between the head and the diaphysis of the febrifuge febrifuge / febrifju d / noun a drug which pre- femur. Also called neck of the femur vents or lowers a fever, e.g. aspirin í adjective femoral nerve femoral nerve / femərəl n v/ noun a nerve preventing or lowering fever which governs the muscle at the front of the thigh febrile febrile / fi brail/ adjective referring to a fever, femoral pulse femoral pulse / femərəl p ls/ noun a pulse or caused by a fever taken in the groin febrile convulsion febrile convulsion / fi brail kən v lʃ(ə)n/ | femoral triangle femoral triangle / femərəl trai ŋ əl/ noun a noun a convulsion in a child, lasting a short time, slight hollow in the groin which contains the fem- associated with a fever oral vessels and nerve. Also called Scarpa’s tri- febrile disease febrile disease / fi brail di zi z/ noun a dis- angle | ease which is accompanied by fever femoral vein femoral vein / femərəl vein/ noun a vein run- fecundation fecundation / fekən deiʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of ning up the upper leg, a continuation of the pop- | bringing male and female reproductive matter liteal vein together. Also called fertilisation femur femur / fi mə/ noun the bone in the top part of feedback feedback / fi db k/ noun 1. information or the leg which joins the acetabulum at the hip and comments about something which has been done the tibia at the knee. Also called thighbone. See The initial feedback from patients on the new illustration at PELVIS in Supplement (NOTE: The service was encouraging. 2. the linking of the plural is femora.) result of an action back to the action itself -fen -fen /fen/ suffix used in names of non-steroidal Fehling’s solution Fehling’s solution / feiliŋz sə lu ʃ(ə)n/ noun anti-inflammatory drugs ibuprofen | a solution used in Fehling’s test to detect sugar in fenestra fenestra /fə nestrə/ noun a small opening in | urine [Described 1848. After Hermann Christian the ear von Fehling (1812–85), Professor of Chemistry fenestra ovalis fenestra ovalis /fə nestrə əυ vɑ lis/ noun at Stuttgart, Germany.] | | same as oval window Fehling’s test Fehling’s test / feiliŋz test/ noun a test for the fenestra rotunda fenestra rotunda /fə nestrə rəυ t ndə/ noun | | presence of aldehydes and sugars in a biological same as round window sample by means of Fehling’s solution fenestration fenestration / fenə streiʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical felon | felon / felən/ noun same as whitlow operation to relieve deafness by making a small Felty’s syndrome Felty’s syndrome / felti z sindrəυm/ noun a opening in the inner ear condition, associated with rheumatoid arthritis, in fenoprofen fenoprofen / fenəυ prəυfen/ noun a non-ster- | which the spleen is enlarged and the number of oidal, anti-inflammatory drug that is used to man- white blood cells increases [Described 1924. age the pain of arthritis After Augustus Roi Felty (1895–1963), physician fentanyl fentanyl / fentənil/ noun a narcotic drug that is at Hartford Hospital, Connecticut, USA.] a powerful painkiller female condom female condom / fi meil kɒndɒm/ noun a fermentation fermentation / f men teiʃ(ə)n/ noun a proc- | rubber sheath inserted into the vagina before ess where carbohydrates are broken down by intercourse, covering the walls of the vagina and enzymes from yeast and produce alcohol. Also the cervix called zymosis female sex hormone female sex hormone / fi meil seks ferric ferric / ferik/ adjective containing iron with a hɔ məυn/ noun same as oestrogen valency of three feminisation feminisation / feminai zeiʃ(ə)n/, feminiza- ferritin ferritin / feritin/ noun a protein found in the | tion noun the development of female characteris- liver that binds reversibly to iron and stores it for tics in a male later use in making haemoglobin in red blood femoral femoral / femərəl/ adjective referring to the cells femur or to the thigh ferrous ferrous / ferəs/ adjective containing iron with a femoral artery valency of two femoral artery / femərəl ɑ təri/ noun a con- tinuation of the external iliac artery, which runs ferrous sulphate ferrous sulphate / ferəs s lfeit/ noun a down the front of the thigh and then crosses to the white or pale green iron salt that is used in the back of the thigh treatment of iron-deficient anaemia femoral canal femoral canal / femərəl kə n l/ noun the ferrule ferrule / feru l/ noun a metal or rubber cap or | inner tube of the sheath surrounding the femoral ring that strengthens and protects the lower end of a crutch or walking stick í verb to fit a ferrule artery and vein onto a crutch or walking stick femoral head femoral head / femərəl hed/ noun the head of fertile fertile / f tail/ adjective able to produce chil- the femur, the rounded projecting end part of the thigh bone which joins the acetabulum at the hip dren. Opposite sterile
- Page 106 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM fertilisation 106 fertilisation fever sore fever sore / fi və sɔ / noun a cold sore or burn- fertilisation / f tilai zeiʃ(ə)n/, fertilization | ing sore, usually on the lips noun the joining of an ovum and a sperm to form a zygote and so start the development of an fiber fiber / faibə/ noun US same as fibre embryo fibr- fibr- /faibr/ prefix referring to fibres, fibrous fertility fertility /f tiliti/ noun the fact of being fertile. (used before vowels) | Opposite sterility -fibrate -fibrate /faibreit/ suffix used in names of lipid- fertility rate fertility rate /f tiliti reit/ noun the number of lowering drugs | births per year calculated per 1000 females aged fibre fibre / faibə/ noun 1. a structure in the body between 15 and 44 shaped like a thread 2. same as dietary fibre FESS FESS abbreviation functional endoscopic sinus fibre optics fibre optics / faibər ɒptiks/, fibreoptics surgery / faibər ɒptiks/ noun the use of thin fibres which | fester fester / festə/ verb (of an infected wound ) to conduct light and images to examine internal become inflamed and produce pus His legs organs were covered with festering sores. fibrescope fibrescope / faibəskəυp/ noun a device made festination festination / festi neiʃ(ə)n/ noun a way of of bundles of optical fibres which is passed into | walking in which a person takes short steps, seen the body, used for examining internal organs in people who have Parkinson’s disease fibrillation fibrillation / faibri leiʃ(ə)n/ noun the fluttering | fetal fetal / fi t(ə)l/ adjective referring to a fetus of a muscle fetal alcohol syndrome fetal alcohol syndrome / fi t(ə)l lkə hɒl fibrin fibrin / fibrin/ noun a protein produced by | sindrəυm/ noun damage caused to the fetus by fibrinogen, which helps make blood coagulate alcohol in the blood of the mother, which affects fibrin foam fibrin foam / fibrin fəυm/ noun a white mate- the growth of the embryo, including its facial and rial made artificially from fibrinogen, used to pre- brain development. Abbreviation FAS vent bleeding fetal dystocia fetal dystocia / fi t(ə)l dis təυsiə/ noun a dif- fibrinogen fibrinogen /fi brinəd ən/ noun a substance in | | ficult childbirth caused by a malformation or mal- blood plasma which produces fibrin when acti- presentation of the fetus vated by thrombin fetal heart fetal heart / fi t(ə)l hɑ t/ noun the heart of the fibrinolysin fibrinolysin / fibri nɒləsin/ noun an enzyme | fetus which digests fibrin. Also called plasmin fetal monitor fetal monitor / fi t(ə)l mɒnitə/ noun an elec- fibrinolysis fibrinolysis / fibri nɒləsis/ noun the removal | tronic device which monitors the fetus in the of blood clots from the system by the action of uterus fibrinolysin on fibrin. Also called thrombolysis fetal position fetal position / fi t(ə)l pə ziʃ(ə)n/ noun a fibrinolytic fibrinolytic / fibrinə litik/ adjective referring | | position where a person lies curled up on his or to fibrinolysis fibrinolytic drugs Also called her side, like a fetus in the uterus thrombolytic fetishism fetishism / fetiʃiz(ə)m/, fetichism noun a fibro- fibro- /faibrəυ/ prefix referring to fibres psychological disorder in which someone gets fibroadenoma fibroadenoma / faibrəυ di nəυmə/ noun a | | sexual satisfaction from touching objects benign tumour formed of fibrous and glandular feto- feto- /fi təυ/ prefix fetus tissue fetoprotein / fi təυ prəυti n/ noun alpha- fetoprotein fibroblast fibroblast / faibrəυbl st/ noun a long flat cell | fetoprotein found in connective tissue, which develops into fetor collagen fetor / fi tə/ noun a bad smell fibrocartilage fibrocartilage / faibrəυ kɑ təlid / noun carti- fetoscope fetoscope / fi təskəυp/ noun a stethoscope | lage and fibrous tissue combined used in fetoscopy fibrochondritis fibrochondritis / faibrəυkɒn draitis/ noun fetoscopy fetoscopy /fi tɒskəpi/ noun an examination of | | inflammation of the fibrocartilage a fetus inside the uterus, taking blood samples to fibrocyst diagnose blood disorders fibrocyst / faibrəυsist/ noun a benign tumour of fibrous tissue fetus fetus / fi təs/ noun an unborn baby from two fibrocystic months after conception until birth, before which fibrocystic / faibrəυ sistik/ adjective refer- | it is called an embryo ring to a fibrocyst FEV fibrocystic disease FEV abbreviation forced expiratory volume fibrocystic disease / faibrəυ sistik di zi z/, | | fibrocystic disease of the pancreas / faibrəυ fever fever / fi və/ noun 1. a rise in body temperature | sistik di zi z əv ðə p ŋkriəs/ noun same as She is running a slight fever. You must stay in | cystic fibrosis bed until the fever has gone down. 2. a condition fibrocyte fibrocyte / faibrəυsait/ noun a cell which when the temperature of the body is higher than usual also called pyrexia derives from a fibroblast and is found in connec- tive tissue fever blister fever blister / fi və blistə/ noun same as fibroid fibroid / faibrɔid/ adjective like fibre fever sore
- Page 107 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 107 first-degree relative fibroid tumour filiform papillae filiform papillae / filifɔ m pə pili / plural fibroid tumour / faibrɔid tju mə/ noun a | noun papillae on the tongue which are shaped like benign tumour in the muscle fibres of the uterus. threads, and have no taste buds Also called uterine fibroid, fibromyoma filipuncture fibroma filipuncture / filip ŋktʃə/ noun the procedure fibroma /fai brəυmə/ noun a small benign | of putting a wire into an aneurysm to cause blood tumour formed in connective tissue clotting fibromyoma fibromyoma / faibrəυmai əυmə/ noun same | filling filling / filiŋ/ noun a surgical operation carried as fibroid tumour out by a dentist to fill a hole in a tooth with amal- fibroplasia / faibrəυ pleiziə/ noun retrolen- fibroplasia | gam tal fibroplasia filter filter / filtə/ noun a piece of paper or cloth fibrosarcoma fibrosarcoma / faibrəυsɑ kəυmə/ noun a | through which a liquid is passed to remove any malignant tumour of the connective tissue, most solid substances in it í verb to pass a liquid common in the legs through a membrane, piece of paper or cloth to fibrosis fibrosis /fai brəυsis/ noun the process of remove solid substances Impurities are filtered | replacing damaged tissue by scar tissue from the blood by the kidneys. fibrositis fibrositis / faibrə saitis/ noun a painful FIM FIM abbreviation functional independence meas- | inflammation of the fibrous tissue which sur- ure rounds muscles and joints, especially the muscles fimbria fimbria / fimbriə/ noun a fringe, especially the of the back fringe of hair-like processes at the end of a Fallo- fibrous fibrous / faibrəs/ adjective made of fibres, or pian tube near the ovaries (NOTE: The plural is like fibre fimbriae.) fibrous capsule fibrous capsule / faibrəs k psju l/ noun finger finger / fiŋ ə/ noun one of the five parts at the fibrous tissue surrounding a kidney. Also called end of the hand, but usually not including the renal capsule thumb (NOTE: The names of the fingers are: lit- fibrous joint fibrous joint / faibrəs d ɔint/ noun a joint tle finger, third finger or ring finger, middle where fibrous tissue holds two bones together so finger, forefinger or index finger.) that they cannot move, as in the bones of the skull finger-nose test finger-nose test / fiŋ ə nəυz test/ noun a fibrous pericardium fibrous pericardium / faibrəs peri kɑ diəm/ test of coordination, where the person is asked to | noun the outer part of the pericardium which sur- close their eyes, stretch out their arm and then rounds the heart, and is attached to the main blood touch their nose with their index finger vessels fingerprint fingerprint / fiŋ əprint/ noun a mark left by a fibrous tissue fibrous tissue / faibrəs tiʃu / noun strong finger when something is touched. genetic fin- white tissue which makes tendons and ligaments gerprint and also scar tissue firm firm /f m/ noun a group of doctors and consult- fibula ants in a hospital, especially one to which a fibula / fibjυlə/ noun the thinner of the two trainee doctor is attached during clinical studies bones in the lower leg between the knee and the (informal ) ankle. Compare tibia (NOTE: The plural is fibu- lae.) first aid first aid / f st eid/ noun help given by a non- fibular medical person to someone who is suddenly ill or fibular / fibjυlə/ adjective referring to the fibula injured before full-scale medical treatment can be field of vision field of vision / fi ld əv vi (ə)n/ noun same given She gave him first aid in the street until as visual field the ambulance arrived. fight or flight reaction fight or flight reaction / fait ɔ flait ri | first-aid kit first-aid kit / f st eid kit/ noun a box with kʃən/ noun the theory that an organism which bandages and dressings kept ready to be used in is faced with a threat reacts either by preparing to an emergency fight or to escape first-aid post first-aid post / f st eid pəυst/, first-aid fil- fil- /fil/ prefix referring to a thread station / f st eid steiʃ(ə)n/ noun a place filament filament / filəmənt/ noun a long thin structure where injured people can be taken for immediate like a thread care filamentous filamentous / filə mentəs/ adjective like a first-degree burn first-degree burn / f st di ri b n/ noun a | | thread former classification of the severity of a burn, Filaria Filaria /fi leəriə/ noun a thin parasitic worm where the skin turns red | which is found especially in the lymph system, first-degree haemorrhoids first-degree haemorrhoids / f st di ri | and is passed to humans by mosquitoes (NOTE: hemərɔidz/ plural noun haemorrhoids which The plural is Filariae.) remain in the rectum filariasis filariasis / filə raiəsis/ noun a tropical disease first-degree relative first-degree relative / f st di ri relətiv/ | | caused by parasitic threadworms in the lymph noun a relative with whom an individual shares system, transmitted by mosquito bites 50% of their genes, e.g. a father, mother, sibling filiform filiform / filifɔ m/ adjective shaped like a thread or child
- Page 108 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM first intention 108 first intention flare first intention / f st in tenʃən/ noun the flare /fleə/ noun red colouring of the skin at an | healing of a clean wound where the tissue forms infected spot or in urticaria again rapidly and no prominent scar is left flashback flashback / fl ʃb k/ noun a repeated and very first-level nurse first-level nurse / f st lev(ə)l n s/, first- vivid memory of a traumatic event level Registered Nurse / f st lev(ə)l flat foot flat foot / fl t fυt/, flat feet / fl t fi t/ noun red istəd n s/ noun a nurse who has passed a condition in which the soles of the feet lie flat qualifying examinations, is registered as such on the ground instead of being arched as usual. with the Nursing and Midwifery Council and can Also called pes planus act in an independent decision-making role. Com- flatulence flatulence / fl tjυləns/ noun gas or air which pare second-level nurse collects in the stomach or intestines causing dis- fission fission / fiʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of dividing into comfort two or more parts COMMENT: Flatulence is generally caused by fissure fissure / fiʃə/ noun a crack or groove in the indigestion, but can be made worse if the skin, tissue or an organ person swallows air (aerophagy). fistula fistula / fistjυlə/ noun a passage or opening flatulent flatulent / fl tjυlənt/ adjective having flatu- which has been made unusually between two lence, or caused by flatulence organs, often near the rectum or anus flatus flatus / fleitəs/ noun air and gas which collects fit fit /fit/ adjective strong and physically healthy in the intestines and is painful She exercises every day to keep fit. The doctors flea flea /fli / noun a tiny insect which sucks blood decided the patient was not fit for surgery. (NOTE: and is a parasite on animals and humans fitter – fittest) í noun a sudden attack of a dis- flecainide flecainide /fle keinaid/ noun a drug that helps order, especially convulsions and epilepsy She | had a fit of coughing. He had an epileptic fit. to correct an irregular heartbeat The baby had a series of fits. í verb 1. to provide flex flex /fleks/ verb to bend something a piece of equipment for someone to wear She flexibilitas cerea flexibilitas cerea /fleksi bilitəs siəriə/ noun was fitted with temporary support. 2. to have con- | a condition in which, if someone’s arms or legs vulsions The patient has fitted twice. (NOTE: fit- are moved, they remain in that set position for ting – fitted. Note also: you fit someone with an some time appliance.) flexion flexion / flekʃən/ noun the act of bending a joint fitness fitness / fitnəs/ noun the fact of being strong Flexner’s bacillus Flexner’s bacillus / fleksnəz bə siləs/ noun a and healthy Being in the football team demands | bacterium which causes bacillary dysentery a high level of physical fitness. He had to pass a fitness test to join the police force. flexor flexor / fleksə/, flexor muscle / fleksə 5-hydroxy-tryptamine m s(ə)l/ noun a muscle which makes a joint 5-hydroxy-tryptamine / faiv hai drɒksi | bend. Compare extensor triptəmi n/ noun a compound which exists in blood platelets and is released after tissue is flexure flexure / flekʃə/ noun 1. a bend in an organ 2. a injured, and is a neurotransmitter important in fold in the skin sleep, mood and vasoconstriction. Also called floaters floaters / fləυtəz/ plural noun same as muscae serotonin volitantes fixated fixated /fik seitid/ adjective referring to a per- floating kidney | floating kidney / fləυtiŋ kidni/ noun same as son who has too close an attachment to another nephroptosis person, often to a parent floating rib floating rib / fləυtiŋ rib/ noun one of the two fixator fixator /fik seitə/ noun a metal rod placed | lowest ribs on each side, which are not attached to through a bone to keep a part of the body rigid the breastbone flaccid flaccid / fl ksid, fl sid/ adjective soft or flooding flooding / fl diŋ/ noun same as menorrhagia flabby floppy baby syndrome floppy baby syndrome / flɒpi beibi flaccidity flaccidity /fl k siditi, fl siditi/ noun the | | sindrəυm/ noun same as amyotonia congenita state of being flaccid flora flora / flɔ rə/ noun bacteria which exist in a par- Flagyl Flagyl / fl d ail/ a trade name for metronida- ticular part of the body zole florid florid / flɒrid/ adjective with an unhealthily flail flail /fleil/ verb to thrash around with uncontrol- glowing pink or red complexion lable or violent movements, particularly of the arms flowmeter flowmeter / fləυmi tə/ noun a meter attached flail chest to a pipe, e.g. as in anaesthetic equipment, to flail chest / fleil tʃest/ noun a condition in measure the speed at which a liquid or gas moves which the chest is not stable, because several ribs in the pipe have been broken flu flap flap /fl p/ noun a flat piece attached to some- flu /flu / noun 1. same as influenza 2. a very bad thing, especially a piece of skin or tissue still cold (informal ) (NOTE: Sometimes written ’flu to attached to the body at one side and used in grafts show it is a short form of influenza.)
- Page 109 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 109 food intolerance infection (NOTE: The plural is foci.) í verb 1. to flucloxacillin flucloxacillin /flu klɒksəsilin/ noun a drug | adjust a lens until an image is clear and sharp 2. related to penicillin and effective against strepto- to see clearly He has difficulty in focusing on coccal infections and pneumonia the object. fluconazole fluconazole /flu kɒnəzəυl/ noun a drug used | focus group focus group / fəυkəs ru p/ noun a discussion to treat fungal infections such as candidiasis group of lay people brought together under pro- fluctuation fluctuation / fl ktʃu eiʃ(ə)n/ noun the feeling | fessional guidance to discuss issues such as care of movement of liquid inside part of the body or foetal foetal / fi t(ə)l/ adjective another spelling of inside a cyst when pressed by the fingers fetal (NOTE: The spelling foetal is common in fluid fluid / flu id/ noun 1. a liquid 2. any gas, liquid general use in British English, but the spelling or powder which flows fetal is the accepted international spelling for fluid balance fluid balance / flu id b ləns/ noun the main- technical use.) tenance of the balance of fluids in the body during foetoscope foetoscope / fi təskəυp/ noun another spell- dialysis or other treatment ing of fetoscope fluke fluke /flu k/ noun a parasitic flatworm which foetoscopy foetoscopy /fi tɒskəpi/ noun another spelling settles inside the liver, in the bloodstream and in | of fetoscopy other parts of the body foetus foetus / fi təs/ noun another spelling of fetus flunitrazepam flunitrazepam / flu nai tr zip m/ noun a | (NOTE: The spelling foetus is common in gen- tranquilliser that, because of its association with eral use in British English, but the spelling fetus ‘date rape’ cases, is a controlled drug in the UK is the accepted international spelling for techni- fluorescence fluorescence /flυə res(ə)ns/ noun the sending | cal use.) out of light from a substance which is receiving folacin folacin / fəυləsin/ noun same as folic acid radiation folic acid folic acid / fəυlik sid/ noun a vitamin in the fluorescent fluorescent /flυə res(ə)nt/ adjective referring | Vitamin B complex found in milk, liver, yeast and to a substance which sends out light green vegetables such as spinach, which is essen- fluoride fluoride / flυəraid/ noun a chemical compound tial for creating new blood cells of fluorine and sodium, potassium or tin fluo- follicle follicle / fɒlik(ə)l/ noun a tiny hole or sac in the ride toothpaste body fluorine fluorine / flυəri n/ noun a chemical element follicle-stimulating hormone follicle-stimulating hormone / fɒlik(ə)l found in bones and teeth (NOTE: The chemical stimjυleitiŋ hɔ məυn/ noun a hormone pro- symbol is F.) duced by the pituitary gland which stimulates ova fluoroscope fluoroscope / flυərəskəυp/ noun an apparatus in the ovaries and sperm in the testes. Abbrevia- which projects an X-ray image of a part of the tion FSH body onto a screen, so that the part of the body follicular follicular /fə likjυlə/, folliculate /fə likjυlət/ can be examined as it moves | | adjective referring to follicles fluoroscopy fluoroscopy /flυə rɒskəpi/ noun an examina- | folliculitis folliculitis /fə likjυ laitis/ noun inflammation tion of the body using X-rays projected onto a | | screen of the hair follicles, especially where hair has been shaved fluoxetine fluoxetine /flu ɒksəti n/ noun a drug that | fomentation fomentation / fəυmen teiʃ(ə)n/ noun same as increases serotonin in the brain and is used to treat | anxiety and depression poultice flush /fl ʃ/ noun a red colour in the skin í verb flush fomites fomites / fəυmiti z/ plural noun objects 1. to wash a wound with liquid 2. (of person) to touched by someone with a communicable dis- turn red ease which can then be the means of passing on the disease to others flutter flutter / fl tə/, fluttering / fl təriŋ/ noun a fontanelle rapid movement, especially of the atria of the fontanelle / fɒntə nel/ noun the soft cartilage | heart, which is not controlled by impulses from between the bony sections of a baby’s skull the sinoatrial node food allergen food allergen / fu d ləd en/ noun a sub- flux flux /fl ks/ noun an excessive production of liq- stance in food which produces an allergy uid from the body food allergy food allergy / fu d ləd i/ noun an allergy to focal focal / fəυk(ə)l/ adjective referring to a focus a specific food such as nuts, which causes a severe focal distance reaction that may lead to life-threatening anaphy- focal distance / fəυk(ə)l distəns/, focal lactic shock length / fəυk(ə)l leŋθ/ noun the distance between the lens of the eye and the point behind food canal food canal / fu d kə n l/ noun the passage | the lens where light is focused from the mouth to the rectum through which food focal epilepsy focal epilepsy / fəυk(ə)l epilepsi/ noun epi- passes and is digested lepsy arising from a localised area of the brain food intolerance food intolerance / fu d in tɒlərəns/ noun an | focus focus / fəυkəs/ noun 1. the point where light adverse reaction to some foods such as oranges, rays converge through a lens 2. the centre of an eggs, tomatoes and strawberries
- Page 110 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM food poisoning 110 food poisoning ing autopsies on murdered people or taking blood food poisoning / fu d pɔiz(ə)niŋ/ noun an samples from clothes illness caused by eating food which is contami- foreskin nated with bacteria foreskin / fɔ skin/ noun the skin covering the top of the penis, which can be removed by cir- foot foot /fυt/ noun the end part of the leg on which a cumcision. Also called prepuce person stands forewaters forewaters / fɔ wɔ təz/ plural noun fluid foramen foramen /fə reimən/ noun a natural opening | which comes out of the vagina at the beginning of inside the body, e.g. the opening in a bone through childbirth when the amnion bursts which veins or nerves pass (NOTE: The plural is formaldehyde foramina.) formaldehyde /fɔ m ldihaid/ noun a gas | with an unpleasant smell that is a strong disinfect- foramen magnum foramen magnum /fə reimən m nəm/ | ant. When dissolved in water to make formalin, it noun the hole at the bottom of the skull where the is also used to preserve medical specimens. brain is joined to the spinal cord formalin formalin / fɔ məlin/ noun a solution of formal- foramen ovale foramen ovale /fə reimən əυ vɑ lei/ noun an | | dehyde in water, used to preserve medical speci- opening between the two parts of the heart in a mens fetus formication formication / fɔ mi keiʃ(ə)n/ noun an itching COMMENT: The foramen ovale usually clos- | feeling where the skin feels as if it were covered es at birth, but if it stays open the blood from with insects the veins can mix with the blood going to the arteries, causing cyanosis. formula formula / fɔ mjυlə/ noun 1. a way of indicating forced expiratory volume a chemical compound using letters and numbers, forced expiratory volume / fɔ st ek | e.g. H2SO4 2. instructions on how to prepare a spirət(ə)ri vɒlju m/ noun the maximum drug amount of air that can be expelled in a given time. Abbreviation FEV formulary formulary / fɔ mjυləri/ noun a book that lists forceps medicines together with their formulae forceps / fɔ seps/ noun a surgical instrument with handles like a pair of scissors, made in dif- fornix fornix / fɔ niks/ noun an arch (NOTE: The plural ferent sizes and with differently shaped ends, is fornices.) used for holding and pulling fornix cerebri fornix cerebri / fɔ niks seribrai/ noun a sec- forceps delivery forceps delivery / fɔ seps di liv(ə)ri/ noun tion of white matter in the brain between the hip- | childbirth where the doctor uses forceps to help pocampus and the hypothalamus. See illustration the baby out of the mother’s uterus at BRAIN in Supplement fore- fore- /fɔ / prefix in front foscarnet foscarnet /fɒs kɑ nət/ noun an antiviral drug | forearm administered by intravenous injection that is forearm / fɔ rɑ m/ noun the lower part of the effective against herpesviruses that are resistant to arm from the elbow to the wrist acyclovir. It is especially used for people with forebrain forebrain / fɔ brein/ noun the front part of the AIDS. brain in an embryo fossa fossa / fɒsə/ noun a shallow hollow in a bone or forefinger forefinger / fɔ fiŋ ə/ noun the first finger on the skin the hand, next to the thumb foster children foster children / fɒstə tʃildrən/ plural noun foregut foregut / fɔ t/ noun the front part of the gut children brought up by people who are not their in an embryo own parents foreign foreign / fɒrin/ adjective 1. not belonging to foster parent foster parent / fɒstə peərənt/ noun a woman your own country foreign visitors a foreign or man who brings up a child born to other parents language 2. referring to something that is found Fothergill’s operation Fothergill’s operation / fɒðə ilz ɒpə where it does not naturally belong, especially | reiʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to correct something found in the human body that comes prolapse of the uterus [After W. E. Fothergill from a source outside the body a foreign object (1865–1926), British gynaecologist.] foreign matter foundation hospital foundation hospital /faυn deiʃ(ə)n foreign body foreign body / fɒrin bɒdi/ noun a piece of | hɒspit(ə)l/ noun in the UK, a type of hospital material which is not part of the surrounding tis- that is independent of its Local Health Authority sue and should not be there, e.g. sand in a cut, dust in financial matters in the eye or a pin which has been swallowed fourchette fourchette /fυə ʃet/ noun a fold of skin at the The X-ray showed the presence of a foreign body. | back of the vulva forensic forensic /fə rensik/ adjective relating to the use | fovea fovea / fəυviə/, fovea centralis / fəυviə sen of science in solving criminal investigations or | trɑ lis/ noun a depression in the retina which is settling legal cases the point where the eye sees most clearly. See forensic medicine forensic medicine /fə rensik med(ə)s(ə)n/ | illustration at EYE in Supplement noun the branch of medical science concerned FP10 FP10 / ef pi ten/ noun in the UK, an NHS pre- with finding solutions to crimes against people and which involves procedures such as conduct- scription from a GP
- Page 111 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 111 frontal lobotomy fracture balsam, which can be inhaled as a vapour to fracture / fr ktʃə/ verb 1. (of bone) to break relieve bronchitis or congestion The tibia fractured in two places. 2. to break a bone He fractured his wrist. í noun a break in friction friction / frikʃ(ə)n/ noun the rubbing together a bone rib fracture or fracture of a rib of two surfaces fragile-X syndrome fragile-X syndrome / fr d ail eks friction fremitus friction fremitus / frikʃən fremitəs/ noun a sindrəυm/ noun a hereditary condition in which scratching sensation felt when the hand is placed part of an X chromosome is constricted, causing on the chest of someone who has pericarditis mental impairment friction murmur friction murmur / frikʃən m mə/ noun the fragilitas ossium fragilitas ossium /frə d ilitəs ɒsiəm/ noun sound of two serous membranes rubbing together, | a hereditary condition where the bones are brittle heard with a stethoscope in someone who has and break easily, similar to osteogenesis imper- pericarditis or pleurisy fecta Friedländer’s bacillus Friedländer’s bacillus / fri dlendəz bə | frame frame /freim/ noun 1. the particular size and siləs/ noun the bacterium Klebsiella pneumo- shape of someone’s body 2. the main part of a niae which can cause pneumonia [Described building, ship or bicycle, etc., which holds it 1882. After Carl Friedländer (1847–87), patholo- together the bicycle has a very light frame gist at the Friedrichshain Hospital, Berlin, Ger- I’ve broken the frame of my glasses 3. a solid sup- many.] port for something. walking frame, Zimmer Friedman’s test Friedman’s test / fri dmənz test/ noun a test frame for pregnancy [After Maurice H. Friedman framycetin framycetin /fr maisətin/ noun an antibiotic (1903–91), US physician.] | fraternal twins fraternal twins /frə t n(ə)l twinz/ plural Friedreich’s ataxia Friedreich’s ataxia / fri draiks ə t ksiə/ | | noun same as dizygotic twins noun an inherited nervous disease which affects freckle freckle / frek(ə)l/ noun a harmless small brown- the spinal cord and is associated with club foot, an ish patch on the skin that becomes more noticea- unsteady walk and speech difficulties. Also called ble after exposure to the sun. Freckles are often dystrophia adiposogenitalis [Described 1863. found in people with fair hair. Also called lentigo After Nicholaus Friedreich (1825–82), Professor í verb to mark something, or become marked of Pathological Anatomy at Würzburg, later Pro- with freckles fessor of Pathology and Therapy at Heidelberg, freeze Germany.] freeze /fri z/ verb to anaesthetise part of the body (informal ) They froze my big toe to frigidity frigidity /fri d iditi/ noun the fact of being una- | remove the nail. ble to experience orgasm, sexual pleasure or sex- Freiberg’s disease ual desire Freiberg’s disease / fraib z di zi z/ noun | osteochondritis of the head of the second metatar- fringe medicine fringe medicine / frin med(ə)sin/ noun sus [Described 1914. After Albert Henry Freiberg types of medical practice which are not usually (1869–1940), US surgeon.] taught in medical schools, e.g. homeopathy or fremitus fremitus / fremitəs/ noun vibrations or trem- acupuncture (informal ) bling in part of someone’s body, felt by the doc- frog plaster frog plaster / frɒ plɑ stə/ noun a plaster cast tor’s hand or heard through a stethoscope made to keep the legs in an open position after an frenectomy frenectomy /frə nektəmi/ noun an operation operation to correct a dislocated hip | to remove a frenum Fröhlich’s syndrome Fröhlich’s syndrome / fr liks sindrəυm/ frenotomy frenotomy /frə nɒtəmi/ noun an operation to noun a condition in which someone becomes | split a frenum obese and the genital system does not develop, caused by an adenoma of the pituitary gland frenum frenum / fri nəm/, frenulum / frenjυləm/ [Described 1901. After Alfred Fröhlich (1871– noun a fold of mucous membrane under the 1953), Professor of Pharmacology at the Univer- tongue or by the clitoris sity of Vienna, Austria.] frequency frequency / fri kwənsi/ noun 1. the number of frontal frontal / fr nt(ə)l/ adjective referring to the times something takes place in a given time the forehead or to the front of the head. Opposite frequency of micturition 2. the rate of vibration in occipital oscillations frontal bone Freudian frontal bone / fr nt(ə)l bəυn/ noun a bone Freudian / frɔidiən/ adjective understandable forming the front of the upper part of the skull in terms of Freud’s theories, especially with regard to human sexuality í noun someone who behind the forehead is influenced by or follows Freud’s theories or frontal lobe frontal lobe / fr nt(ə)l ləυb/ noun the front methods of psychoanalysis lobe of each cerebral hemisphere friable friable / fraiəb(ə)l/ adjective easily broken up frontal lobotomy frontal lobotomy / fr nt(ə)l ləυ bɒtəmi/ | into small pieces noun formerly, a surgical operation on the brain friar’s balsam friar’s balsam / fraiəz bɔ lsəm/ noun a mix- to treat mental illness by removing part of the ture of various plant oils, including benzoin and frontal lobe
- Page 112 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM frontal sinus 112 frontal sinus fundus fundus / f ndəs/ noun the bottom of a hollow frontal sinus / fr nt(ə)l sainəs/ noun one of organ such as the uterus two sinuses in the front of the face above the eyes and near the nose fungal fungal / f ŋ əl/ adjective relating to, or caused front passage by, fungi a fungal skin infection front passage / fr nt p sid / (informal ) 1. same as urethra 2. same as vagina fungate fungate / f ŋ eit/ verb (of some skin cancers) frostbite to increase rapidly at a late stage of tumour for- frostbite / frɒstbait/ noun an injury caused by mation very severe cold which freezes tissue fungicide fungicide / f ŋ isaid/ noun a substance used frozen shoulder frozen shoulder / frəυz(ə)n ʃəυldə/ noun to kill fungi stiffness and pain in the shoulder, caused by fungiform papillae inflammation of the membranes of the shoulder fungiform papillae / f ŋ ifɔ m pə pili / | joint after injury or a period of immobility, when noun rounded papillae on the tip and sides of the deposits may form in the tendons tongue, which have taste buds frozen watchfulness fungoid frozen watchfulness / frəυz(ə)n fungoid / f ŋ ɔid/ adjective like a fungus wɒtʃfəlnəs/ noun an expression of petrified fear fungus fungus / f ŋ əs/ noun an organism such as on a child’s face, especially in children who have yeast or mould, some of which cause disease been abused (NOTE: The plural is fungi. For other terms refer- fructose fructose / fr ktəυs/ noun fruit sugar found in ring to fungi, see words beginning with myc-, honey and some fruit, which together with glu- myco-.) cose forms sucrose funiculitis funiculitis /fju nikjυ laitis/ noun inflamma- | | frusemide frusemide / fru səmaid/ noun same as furo- tion of the spermatic cord semide funiculus funiculus /fju nikjυləs/ noun one of the three | FSH parts of the white matter in the spinal cord The FSH abbreviation follicle-stimulating hormone three parts are called the lateral, anterior and -fuge -fuge /fju d / suffix driving away posterior funiculus. fulguration fulguration / f l ə reiʃ(ə)n/ noun the removal funis | funis / fju nis/ noun an umbilical cord of a growth such as a wart by burning with an funnel chest funnel chest / f n(ə)l tʃest/ noun same as electric needle. Also called electrodesiccation pectus excavatum full thickness burn full thickness burn / fυl θiknəs b n/ noun funny bone funny bone / f ni bəυn/ noun same as ole- same as deep dermal burn cranon (informal ) fulminant fulminant / fυlminənt/, fulminating furfuraceous furfuraceous / f fjə reiʃəs/ adjective refer- / fυlmineitiŋ/ adjective referring to a dangerous | ring to skin which is scaly disease which develops very rapidly furor furor / fjυərɔ / noun an attack of wild violence, fumigation fumigation / fju mi eiʃ(ə)n/ noun the proc- | especially in someone who is mentally unwell ess of killing insects in an area with gas or smoke furosemide furosemide /fjυ rɒsəmaid/ noun a drug which function function / f ŋkʃən/ noun the particular work | causes an increase in urine production, used to done by an organ What is the function of the relieve water retention in the body. Also called pancreas? The function of an ovary is to form frusemide ova. í verb to work in a particular way The furred tongue furred tongue / f d t ŋ/ noun a condition heart and lungs were functioning normally. His when the papillae of the tongue are covered with kidneys suddenly stopped functioning. a whitish coating. Also called coated tongue functional functional / f ŋkʃən(ə)l/ adjective referring to furuncle furuncle / fjυər ŋkəl/ noun same as boil a disorder or illness which does not have a physi- cal cause and may have a psychological cause, as furunculosis furunculosis /fjυə r ŋkjυ ləυsis/ noun a | | opposed to an organic disorder condition in which several boils appear at the functional endoscopic sinus surgery same time functional endoscopic sinus surgery / f ŋkʃən(ə)l endəskɒpik sainəs s d əri/ fusidic acid fusidic acid /fju sidik sid/ noun an antibi- | noun the removal of soft tissue in the sinuses otic used to prevent protein synthesis using an endoscope. Abbreviation FESS fusiform fusiform / fju zifɔ m/ adjective referring to functional enuresis functional enuresis / f ŋkʃən(ə)l enjυ muscles which are shaped like a spindle, with a | ri sis/ noun bedwetting which has a psychologi- wider middle section which becomes narrower at cal cause each end functional independence measure fusion functional independence measure fusion / fju (ə)n/ noun the act of joining, espe- / f ŋkʃən(ə)l indi pendəns me ə/ noun a cially a surgical operation to relieve pain in the | measure of disability. Abbreviation FIM joint by joining the bones at the joint permanently so that they cannot move fundoplication fundoplication / f ndəυpli keiʃ(ə)n/ noun | Fybogel Fybogel / faibəυd el/ a trade name for ispa- the process of wrapping the fundus of the stomach round the lower end of the oesophagus ghula
- Page 113 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM G g gallop rhythm gallop rhythm / ləp rið(ə)m/ noun the g abbreviation gram rhythm of heart sounds, three to each cycle, when GABA GABA / bə/ abbreviation gamma aminobu- someone is experiencing tachycardia tyric acid gallstone gallstone / ɔ lstəυn/ noun a small stone gag gag / / noun an instrument placed between formed from insoluble deposits from bile in the the teeth to stop the mouth from closing í verb to gall bladder. calculus experience a reaction similar to that of vomiting galvanism galvanism / lvəniz(ə)m/ noun a treatment Every time the doctor tries to examine her using low voltage electricity throat, she gags. He started gagging on the galvanocautery galvanocautery / lvənəυ kɔ təri/ noun endotracheal tube. | the removal of diseased tissue using an electri- gait gait / eit/ noun a way of walking cally heated needle or loop of wire. Also called galacto- galacto- / əl ktəυ/ prefix referring to milk electrocautery galactocele gamete galactocele / ə l ktəsi l/ noun a breast gamete / mi t/ noun a sex cell, either a sper- | tumour which contains milk matozoon or an ovum gamete intrafallopian transfer galactorrhoea gamete intrafallopian transfer / mi t galactorrhoea / ə l ktə riə/ noun the exces- | | intrəfə ləυpiən tr nsf / noun a technique to sive production of milk | combine eggs and sperm outside the body and galactosaemia galactosaemia / ə l ktə si miə/ noun a con- | | then insert them into the Fallopian tubes. Abbre- genital condition where the liver is incapable of viation GIFT converting galactose into glucose, with the result gametocyte gametocyte / ə mi təυsait/ noun a cell which that a baby’s development may be affected (NOTE: | is developing into a gamete The treatment is to remove galactose from the gametogenesis gametogenesis / ə mi təυ d enəsis/ noun diet.) | | the process by which a gamete is formed galactose galactose / ə l ktəυs/ noun a sugar which | gamgee tissue gamgee tissue / md i tiʃu / noun a sur- forms part of milk, and is converted into glucose gical dressing, formed of a layer of cotton wool by the liver between two pieces of gauze galea galea / eiliə/ noun any part of the body shaped gamma aminobutyric acid gamma aminobutyric acid / mə ə like a helmet, especially the loose band of tissue | mi nəυbju tirik sid/ noun an amino acid in the scalp (NOTE: The plural is galeae.) | neurotransmitter. Abbreviation GABA gall gall / ɔ l/ noun same as bile gamma camera gamma camera / mə k m(ə)rə/ noun a gall bladder gall bladder / ɔ l bl də/ noun a sac situated camera for taking photographs of parts of the underneath the liver, in which bile produced by body into which radioactive isotopes have been the liver is stored. See illustration at DIGESTIVE introduced SYSTEM in Supplement gamma globulin gamma globulin / mə lɒbjυlin/ noun a Gallie’s operation Gallie’s operation / liz ɒpə reiʃ(ə)n/ noun protein found in plasma, forming antibodies as | a surgical operation where tissues from the thigh protection against infection are used to hold a hernia in place [Described gamma ray gamma ray / mə rei/ noun a ray which is 1921. After William Edward Gallie (1882–1959), shorter than an X-ray and is given off by radioac- Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, tive substances Canada.] gangli- gangli- / ŋ li/ prefix referring to ganglia gallipot gallipot / lipɒt/ noun a little container for ganglion ganglion / ŋ liən/ noun 1. a mass of nerve ointment cell bodies and synapses usually covered in con- gallium gallium / liəm/ noun a metallic element a nective tissue, found along the peripheral nerves radioisotope of which is used to detect tumours or with the exception of the basal ganglia 2. a cyst of other tissue disorders (NOTE: The chemical sym- a tendon sheath or joint capsule, usually at the wrist, which results in a painless swelling con- bol is Ga.)
- Page 114 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM ganglionectomy 114 gastric taining fluid (NOTE: [all senses] The plural is gastric / strik/ adjective referring to the ganglia.) stomach ganglionectomy gastric acid ganglionectomy / ŋ liə nektəmi/ noun gastric acid / strik sid/ noun hydrochlo- | the surgical removal of a ganglion ric acid secreted into the stomach by acid-forming cells gangrene gangrene / ŋ ri n/ noun a condition in gastric flu gastric flu / strik flu / noun any mild stom- which tissues die and decay, as a result of bacte- ach disorder (informal ) rial action, because the blood supply has been lost through injury or disease of the artery After she gastric juice gastric juice / strik d u s/ noun the mix- had frostbite, gangrene set in and her toes had to ture of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor be amputated. and mucus secreted by the cells of the lining gangrenous membrane of the stomach to help the digestion of gangrenous / ŋ rinəs/ adjective referring food (NOTE: Often used in the plural.) to, or affected by, gangrene gastric lavage gastric lavage / strik l vid / noun a lav- gargle gargle / ɑ (ə)l/ noun a mildly antiseptic solu- age of the stomach, usually to remove a poisonous tion used to clean the mouth í verb to put some substance which has been absorbed. Also called antiseptic liquid solution into the back of the stomach washout mouth and then breathe out air through it gastric pit gastric pit / strik pit/ noun a deep hollow gargoylism gargoylism / ɑ ɔiliz(ə)m/ noun a congenital in the mucous membrane forming the walls of the condition of the metabolism which causes stomach polysaccharides and fat cells to accumulate in the gastric ulcer gastric ulcer / strik lsə/ noun an ulcer in body, resulting in mental impairment, swollen the stomach. Abbreviation GU liver and coarse features. Also called Hurler’s gastrin syndrome gastrin / strin/ noun a hormone which is released into the bloodstream from cells in the gas gas / s/ noun 1. a substance such as nitrogen, lower end of the stomach, stimulated by the pres- carbon dioxide or air, which is neither solid nor ence of protein, and which in turn stimulates the fluid at ordinary temperatures and can expand flow of acid from the upper part of the stomach infinitely (NOTE: The plural gases is used only gastrinoma gastrinoma / when referring to different types of gas.) 2. gas stri nəυmə/ noun a tumour of | which accumulates in the stomach or alimentary the islet cells, leading to excessive gastric acid canal and causes pain gastritis gastritis / straitis/ noun inflammation of | gas and air analgesia the stomach gas and air analgesia / s ənd eər n(ə)l | d i ziə/ noun a form of analgesia used when giv- gastro- gastro- / strəυ/ prefix referring to the stom- ing birth, in which a mixture of air and gas is ach given gastrocele gastrocele / strəυsi l/ noun a condition in gas exchange gas exchange / s iks tʃeind / noun the which part of the stomach wall becomes weak and | process by which oxygen in the air is exchanged bulges out. Also called stomach hernia in the lungs for waste carbon dioxide carried by gastrocnemius gastrocnemius / strɒk ni miəs/ noun a | the blood large calf muscle gas gangrene gas gangrene / s ŋ ri n/ noun a com- gastrocolic gastrocolic / strəυ kɒlik/ adjective refer- | plication of severe wounds in which the bacte- ring to the stomach and colon rium Clostridium welchii breeds in the wound and gastrocolic reflex gastrocolic reflex / strəυkɒlik ri fleks/ then spreads to healthy tissue which is rapidly noun a sudden peristalsis of the colon produced decomposed with the formation of gas when food is taken into an empty stomach gash gash / ʃ/ noun a long deep cut made acciden- gastroduodenal gastroduodenal / strəυ dju əυ di n(ə)l/ | | tally by something sharp She had to have three adjective referring to the stomach and duodenum stitches in the gash in her thigh. í verb to make a gastroduodenoscopy gastroduodenoscopy / strəυ dju əυdi long deep cut in something accidentally She | | nɒskəpi/ noun an examination of the stomach gashed her hand on the broken glass. and duodenum gasp gasp / ɑ sp/ noun a short breath taken with dif- gastroduodenostomy gastroduodenostomy / strəυ dju əυdi ficulty His breath came in short gasps. í verb | | nɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to join the to breathe with difficulty taking quick breaths duodenum to the stomach so as to bypass a block- She was gasping for breath. age in the pylorus gas pain gas pain / s pein/ noun a pain caused by gastroenteritis gastroenteritis / strəυentə raitis/ noun | | excessive formation of gas in the stomach or inflammation of the membrane lining the intes- intestine. flatus tines and the stomach, caused by a viral infection gastr- gastr- / str/ prefix same as gastro- (used and resulting in diarrhoea and vomiting before vowels) gastroenterology gastroenterology strəυentə rɒləd i/ / | | gastrectomy gastrectomy / strektəmi/ noun the surgi- noun the study of the digestive system and its dis- | cal removal of the stomach orders
- Page 115 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 115 general hospital gastroenterostomy gauze gastroenterostomy / strəυentə rɒstəmi/ gauze / ɔ z/ noun a thin light material used to | | noun a surgical operation to join the small intes- make dressings tine directly to the stomach so as to bypass a pep- gauze dressing gauze dressing / ɔ z dresiŋ/ noun a dress- tic ulcer ing of thin light material gastroepiploic gastroepiploic / strəυepi plɔiik/ adjective gavage gavage / vɑ / noun the forced feeding of | | | referring to the stomach and greater omentum someone who cannot eat or who refuses to eat gastroepiploic artery gastroepiploic artery / strəυepi plɔiik gay gay / ei/ adjective relating to sexual activity | | ɑ təri/ noun an artery linking the gastroduodenal among people of the same sex artery to the splenic artery GDC GDC abbreviation General Dental Council Gastrografin Gastrografin / strəυ r fin/ a trade name Gehrig’s disease | Gehrig’s disease / eiri z di zi z/ noun for an enema used in bowel X-rays | same as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis gastroileac reflex gastroileac reflex / strəυ ili k ri fleks/ Geiger counter | Geiger counter / ai ə kaυntə/ noun an noun automatic relaxation of the ileocaecal valve instrument for the detection and measurement of when food is present in the stomach radiation [Described 1908. After Hans Geiger gastrointestinal gastrointestinal strəυin testin(ə)l/ / (1882–1945), German physicist who worked | adjective referring to the stomach and intestine with Rutherford at Manchester University, UK] gastrointestinal bleeding. Abbreviation GI gel gel /d el/ noun a suspension that sets into a jelly- gastrojejunostomy gastrojejunostomy strəυd id u / like solid | nɒstəmi/ noun a surgical operation to join the gelatin gelatin / d elətin/ noun a protein found in col- jejunum to the stomach lagen which is soluble in water, used to make cap- gastrolith gastrolith / strəυliθ/ noun a calculus in the sules for medicines stomach gelatinous gelatinous /d ə l tinəs/ adjective referring to gastro-oesophageal reflux gastro-oesophageal reflux / strəυ i | | gelatin or something with a texture like jelly sɒfəd iəl ri fl ks/, gastro-oesophageal gemellus gemellus /d i meləs/ noun either of the two strəυ i sɒfəd iəl ri fl ks reflux disease / | | muscles arising from the ischium. Also called di zi z/ noun the return of bitter-tasting, partly | gemellus superior muscle, gemellus inferior digested food from the stomach to the oesophagus muscle gastropexy gastropexy / strəυpeksi/ noun a surgical gender gender / d endə/ noun the fact of being of the operation to attach the stomach to the wall of the male or female sex abdomen gender reassignment surgery gender reassignment surgery / d endə gastroplasty gastroplasty / strəυpl sti/ noun surgery ri ə sainmənt s d əri/ noun surgery to change to correct a deformed stomach | someone’s sex gastrorrhoea gastrorrhoea / strə riə/ noun an excessive | gender reorientation gender reorientation / d endə ri ɔ riən flow of gastric juices | | teiʃ(ə)n/ noun the alteration of a person’s sex gastroschisis gastroschisis / strəυ saisis/ noun a split | through surgical and drug treatment in the wall of the abdomen, with viscera passing gene gene /d i n/ noun a unit of DNA on a chromo- through it some which governs the synthesis of a protein gastroscope gastroscope / strəskəυp/ noun an instru- sequence and determines a particular characteris- ment formed of a tube or bundle of glass fibres tic with a lens attached, which a doctor can pass general amnesia general amnesia / d en(ə)rəl m ni ziə/ down into the stomach through the mouth to | noun a sudden and complete loss of memory, to examine the inside of the stomach the extent that a person does not even remember gastroscopy gastroscopy / strɒskəpi/ noun an exami- | who he or she is nation of the stomach using a gastroscope general anaesthesia general anaesthesia / d en(ə)rəl nəs gastrostomy gastrostomy / strɒstəmi/ noun a surgical | | θi ziə/ noun loss of feeling and loss of sensation operation to create an opening into the stomach throughout the body, after being given an anaes- from the wall of the abdomen, so that food can be thetic introduced without passing through the mouth general anaesthetic general anaesthetic / d en(ə)rəl nəs and throat | θetik/ noun a substance given to make someone gastrotomy gastrotomy / strɒtəmi/ noun a surgical | lose consciousness so that a major surgical opera- operation to open up the stomach tion can be carried out Gaucher’s disease Gaucher’s disease / əυʃeiz di zi z/ noun | General Dental Council General Dental Council / d en(ə)rəl an enzyme disease where fatty substances accu- dent(ə)l kaυnsəl/ noun in the UK, the official mulate in the lymph glands, spleen and liver, body that registers and supervises dentists. causing anaemia, a swollen spleen and darkening Abbreviation GDC of the skin. The disease can be fatal in children. general hospital general hospital / d en(ə)rəl hɒspit(ə)l/ [Described 1882. After Philippe Charles Ernest noun a hospital which does not specialise in par- Gaucher (1854–1918), French physician and ticular types of illness or particular age groups dermatologist.]
- Page 116 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM General Household Survey 116 General Household Survey genetic disorder genetic disorder /d ə netik dis ɔ də/ noun a General Household Survey / d en(ə)rəl | | disorder or disease caused by a damaging gene haυshəυld s vei/ noun a survey of households variation that may be inherited carried out continuously by the Office for genetic engineering National Statistics genetic engineering /d ə netik end i | | niəriŋ/ noun same as genetic modification generalised generalised / d en(ə)rəlaizd/, generalized (informal ) adjective 1. spreading throughout the body. genetic fingerprint genetic fingerprint /d ə netik fiŋ əprint/ Opposite localised 2. not having a specific cause | noun the pattern of sequences of genetic material generalised anxiety disorder generalised anxiety disorder unique to an individual. Also called DNA finger- / d en(ə)rəlaizd ŋ zaiəti dis ɔ də/ noun a | | print state of continual anxiety for which there is no genetic fingerprinting genetic fingerprinting /d ə netik fiŋ ə specific cause | | printiŋ/ noun a method of revealing an individ- General Medical Council General Medical Council / d en(ə)rəl ual’s genetic profile, used in paternity queries and medik(ə)l kaυnsəl/ noun in the UK, the official criminal investigations. Also called DNA finger- body that licenses qualified doctors to practise printing medicine. Abbreviation GMC geneticist geneticist /d ə netisist/ noun a person who | General Optical Council General Optical Council / d en(ə)rəl specialises in the study of the way in which char- ɒptik(ə)l kaυnsəl/ noun in the UK, the official acteristics and diseases are inherited through the body that registers and supervises opticians genes general practice genetic modification genetic modification /d ə netik mɒdifi general practice / d en(ə)rəl pr ktis/ noun | | keiʃ(ə)n/, genetic manipulation /d ə netik a medical practice where doctors offer first-line | mə nipjυ leiʃ(ə)n/ noun the combination of medical care for all types of illness to people who | | genetic material from different sources to produce live locally, refer them to hospital if necessary and organisms with altered characteristics encourage health promotion genetics genetics /d ə netiks/ noun the study of genes, general practitioner general practitioner / d en(ə)rəl pr k | | and of the way characteristics and diseases are tiʃ(ə)nə/ noun a doctor who provides first-line inherited through the genes medical care for all types of illness to people who genetic screening genetic screening /d ə netik skri niŋ/ live locally, refers them to hospital if necessary | noun the process of testing large numbers of peo- and encourages health promotion. Abbreviation ple to see if anyone has a particular genetic disor- GP der gene replacement therapy gene replacement therapy / d i n ri | gene tracking gene tracking / d i n tr kiŋ/ noun the pleismənt θerəpi/ noun the replacement of method used to trace throughout a family the missing genes or damaging gene variations in inheritance of a gene such as those causing cystic cells by the insertion of appropriate genes to treat fibrosis or Huntington’s Chorea, in order to diag- a genetic disorder. Also called gene therapy nose and predict genetic disorders COMMENT: Gene replacement therapy has -genic -genic /d enik/ suffix referring to a product or been used successfully in animals, and is in something which produces the early stages of research in humans, but genicular genicular /d e nikjυlə/ adjective referring to may be useful in the future treatment of cyst- | the knee ic fibrosis, thalassaemia and other genetic disorders. genital genital / d enit(ə)l/ adjective referring to the reproductive organs í plural noun genitals same generic generic /d ə nerik/ adjective 1. referring to | as genital organs medicine which does not have a special trademark genitalia genitalia / d eni teiliə/ noun the genital organs or brand name given to it by its manufacturer 2. | referring to a genus The generic name of this genital organs genital organs / d enit(ə)l ɔ ənz/ plural type of bacterium is Staphylococcus. noun the external organs for reproduction, i.e. the penis and testicles in males and the vulva in -genesis -genesis /d enəsis/ suffix production or origin females. Also called genitals, genitalia gene therapy gene therapy / d i n θerəpi/ noun same as genital wart genital wart / d enit(ə)l wɔ t/ noun a wart in gene replacement therapy the genital or anal area, caused by a sexually genetic genetic /d ə netik/ adjective referring to genes transmitted virus | genetic code genito- genetic code /d ə netik kəυd/ noun the genito- /d enitəυ/ prefix referring to the repro- | characteristics of the DNA of a cell which are ductive system passed on when the cell divides and so are inher- genitourinary genitourinary / d enitəυ jυərinəri/ adjective | ited by a child from its parents referring to both the reproductive and urinary sys- genetic counselling tems. Abbreviation GU genetic counselling /d ə netik kaυnsəliŋ/ | genitourinary system genitourinary system / d enitəυ jυərinəri noun advice and support given to people if they or | sistəm/ noun the organs of reproduction and uri- their children might be affected by inherited genetic disorders nation, including the kidneys
- Page 117 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 117 gigantism genome gerontology gerontology / d erən tɒləd i/ noun the study genome / d i nəυm/ noun the set of all the | of the process of ageing and the diseases of old genes of an individual people genotype genotype / d enətaip/ noun the genetic Gesell’s developmental chart Gesell’s developmental chart / ə zels di makeup of an individual. Compare phenotype | | veləp ment(ə)l tʃɑ t/ noun a chart showing the gentamicin gentamicin / d entə maisin/ noun an antibi- | | development of motor reactions and growth pat- otic that is effective against a variety of different terns in children disease-causing organisms. Patients usually gestation gestation /d e steiʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the process receive it by injection and it can cause serious side | of development of a baby from conception to birth effects. in the mother’s womb 2. same as gestation gentian violet gentian violet / d enʃən vaiələt/ noun an period antiseptic blue dye, used to paint on skin infec- gestational age gestational age /d e steiʃ(ə)n(ə)l eid / tions and also to stain specimens. Also called | noun the age of a fetus, calculated from the crystal violet mother’s last period to the date of birth genu genu / d enju / noun the knee gestational diabetes gestational diabetes /d e steiʃ(ə)n(ə)l | genual genual / d enjuəl/ adjective referring to the daiə bi ti z/ noun a form of diabetes mellitus | knee which develops in a pregnant woman genucubital position gestation period genucubital position / d enju kju bit(ə)l gestation period /d e steiʃ(ə)n piəriəd/ | | pə ziʃ(ə)n/ noun the position of someone resting noun the period, usually of 266 days, from con- | on their knees and elbows ception to birth, during which the baby develops in the mother’s womb. Also called pregnancy genupectoral position genupectoral position / d enju pektər(ə)l | gestodene gestodene / d estədi n/ noun an oral contra- pə ziʃ(ə)n/ noun the position of someone resting | ceptive on their knees and upper chest get better get better / et betə/ verb 1. to become genus genus / d i nəs/ noun a category of related liv- healthy again after being ill He was seriously ing organisms A genus is divided into different ill, but seems to be getting better. 2. (of an illness) species. (NOTE: The plural is genera.) to stop or become less severe Her cold has got genu valgum genu valgum / d enju v l əm/ noun same better. as knock-knee getting on getting on / etiŋ ɒn/ adjective becoming eld- genu varum genu varum / d enju veərəm/ noun same as erly Her parents are getting on. bow legs GFR GFR abbreviation glomerular filtration rate geri- geri- /d eri/ prefix referring to old age GH GH abbreviation growth hormone geriatric geriatric / d eri trik/ adjective 1. referring to Ghon’s focus Ghon’s focus / ɒnz fəυkəs/ noun a spot on | old people 2. specialising in the treatment of old the lung produced by the tuberculosis bacillus people geriatric unit [Described 1912. After Anton Ghon (1866– geriatrician geriatrician / d eriə triʃ(ə)n/ noun a doctor 1936), Professor of Pathological Anatomy at | who specialises in the treatment or study of dis- Prague, Czech Republic.] eases of old people GI GI abbreviation gastrointestinal geriatrics geriatrics / d eri triks/ noun the study of the Giardia Giardia /d i ɑ diə/ noun a microscopic proto- | | diseases and disorders of old people. Compare zoan parasite which causes giardiasis paediatrics giardiasis giardiasis / d i ɑ daiəsis/ noun a disorder of | germ germ /d m/ noun 1. a microorganism which the intestine caused by the parasite Giardia lam- blia, usually with no symptoms, but in heavy causes a disease, e.g. a virus or bacterium infections the absorption of fat may be affected, Germs are not visible to the naked (informal ) causing diarrhoea. Also called lambliasis eye. 2. a part of an organism capable of develop- ing into a new organism giddiness giddiness / idinəs/ noun a condition in which German measles someone has difficulty in standing up and keeping German measles / d mən mi z(ə)lz/ noun their balance because of a feeling that everything same as rubella is turning around He began to experience germ cell germ cell / d m sel/ noun a cell which is attacks of giddiness. capable of developing into a spermatozoon or GIFT GIFT / ift/ noun a procedure in which a surgeon ovum. Also called gonocyte removes eggs from a woman’s ovary, mixes them germinal epithelium germinal epithelium / d min(ə)l epi with sperm and places them in one of her Fallo- | θi liəm/ noun the outer layer of the ovary pian tubes to help her conceive a child. Full form germ layer germ layer / d m leiə/ noun one of two or gamete intrafallopian transfer three layers of cells in animal embryos which gigantism gigantism /d ai ntiz(ə)m/ noun a condi- | form the organs of the body tion in which someone grows very tall, caused by gerontologist gerontologist / d erən tɒləd ist/ noun a spe- excessive production of growth hormone by the | cialist in gerontology pituitary gland
- Page 118 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM Gilbert’s syndrome 118 skɔ riŋ sistəm/ noun a seven-point scale for Gilbert’s syndrome Gilbert’s syndrome / ilbəts sindrəυm/ evaluating someone’s level of consciousness noun an inherited disorder where the liver does glass eye not deal with bilirubin correctly glass eye / lɑ s ai/ noun an artificial eye made of glass Gilliam’s operation Gilliam’s operation / iliəmz ɒpə reiʃ(ə)n/ | glaucoma glaucoma / lɔ kəυmə/ noun a condition of noun a surgical operation to correct retroversion | the eyes, caused by unusually high pressure of of the uterus [After David Tod Gilliam (1844– fluid inside the eyeball, resulting in disturbances 1923), physician, Columbus, Ohio, USA.] of vision and blindness gingiv- gingiv- /d ind iv/ prefix referring to the gums gleet gleet / li t/ noun a thin discharge from the gingiva gingiva /d in d aivə/ noun same as gum | vagina, penis, a wound or an ulcer (NOTE: The plural is gingivae.) glenohumeral glenohumeral / li nəυ hu mərəl/ adjective gingival gingival / d ind iv(ə)l/ adjective relating to | referring to both the glenoid cavity and the the gums humerus gingivectomy gingivectomy / d ind i vektəmi/ noun the glenohumeral joint glenohumeral joint / li nəυ hu mərəl | | surgical removal of excess gum tissue d ɔint/ noun the shoulder joint gingivitis gingivitis / d ind i vaitis/ noun inflammation glenoid glenoid / li nɔid/ adjective shaped like a small | of the gums as a result of bacterial infection shallow cup or socket ginglymus ginglymus / d iŋ liməs/ noun a joint which glenoid cavity glenoid cavity / li nɔid k viti/, glenoid allows movement in two directions only, e.g. the fossa / li nɔid fɒsə/ noun a socket in the knee or elbow. Also called hinge joint. Compare shoulder joint into which the head of the humerus ball and socket joint fits ginseng ginseng / d insen / noun a plant root widely glia glia / li ə/ noun connective tissue of the central used as a tonic and a traditional Chinese herbal nervous system, surrounding cell bodies, axons remedy and dendrites. Also called neuroglia girdle girdle / d(ə)l/ noun a set of bones making a glial cell glial cell / li əl sel/ noun a cell in the glia ring or arch glial tissue glial tissue / li əl tiʃu / noun same as glia Girdlestone’s operation Girdlestone’s operation / dəlstəυnz ɒpə glibenclamide glibenclamide / li beŋkləmaid/ noun a | | reiʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to relieve sulphonylurea drug used to treat Type II diabetes osteoarthritis of the hip [After Gathorne Robert mellitus Girdlestone (1881–1950), Nuffield Professor of gliclazide gliclazide / likləzaid/ noun an antibacterial Orthopaedics at Oxford, UK] drug used to treat Type II diabetes mellitus glabella glabella / lə belə/ noun a flat area of bone in glio- glio- / laiəυ/ prefix referring to brain tissue | the forehead between the eyebrows glioma glioma / lai əυmə/ noun any tumour of the | gladiolus gladiolus / l di əυləs/ noun the middle sec- glial tissue in the brain or spinal cord | tion of the sternum gliomyoma gliomyoma / laiəυmai əυmə/ noun a tumour | gland gland / l nd/ noun an organ in the body con- of both the nerve and muscle tissue taining cells that secrete substances such as hor- glipizide glipizide / lipizaid/ noun a drug used to mones, sweat or saliva which act elsewhere reduce the glucose level in the blood glanders glanders / l ndəz/ noun a bacterial disease of Glisson’s capsule Glisson’s capsule / lis(ə)nz k psju l/ horses, which can be caught by humans, with noun a tissue sheath in the liver containing the symptoms of high fever and inflammation of the blood vessels [After Francis Glisson (1597– lymph nodes 1677), philosopher, physician and anatomist at glandular glandular / l ndjυlə/ adjective referring to Cambridge and London, UK] glands globin globin / ləυbin/ noun a protein which com- glandular fever bines with other substances to form compounds glandular fever / l ndjυlə fi və/ noun such as haemoglobin and myoglobin same as infectious mononucleosis globule globule / lɒbju l/ noun a round drop, espe- glans glans / l nz/ noun a rounded part at the end of cially of fat the penis or clitoris. See illustration at UROGENI- globulin globulin / lɒbjυlin/ noun a protein, present in in Supplement TAL SYSTEM (MALE) blood, belonging to a group that includes antibod- glare glare / leə/ noun 1. a long stare that expresses a ies negative emotion such as anger 2. an uncomfort- globus globus / ləυbəs/ noun any ball-shaped part of ably or dazzlingly bright light 3. scattered bright the body light when examining something with a micro- scope í verb 1. to stare angrily 2. to shine globus hystericus globus hystericus / ləυbəs hi sterikəs/ | uncomfortably brightly 3. to be very obvious or noun a feeling of not being able to swallow, conspicuous caused by worry or embarrassment Glasgow coma scale glomerular Glasgow coma scale / lɑ s əυ kəυmə glomerular / lɒ merυlə/ adjective referring to | skeil/, Glasgow scoring system / lɑ s əυ a glomerulus
- Page 119 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 119 glycaemia glomerular capsule glucose glomerular capsule / lɒ merυlə k psju l/ glucose / lu kəυz/ noun a simple sugar found | noun same as Bowman’s capsule in some fruit, but also broken down from white sugar or carbohydrate and absorbed into the body glomerular filtration rate glomerular filtration rate / lɒ merυlə fil | | or secreted by the kidneys. Also called dextrose treiʃ(ə)n reit/ noun the rate at which the kid- glucose tolerance test neys filter blood and remove waste matter glucose tolerance test / lu kəυz tɒlərəns test/ noun a test for diabetes mellitus, in which glomerular tuft glomerular tuft / lɒ merυlə t ft/ noun a | someone eats glucose and his or her urine and group of blood vessels in the kidney which filter blood are tested at regular intervals. Abbreviation the blood GTT glomeruli glomeruli plural of glomerulus glue ear glue ear / lu iə/ noun a condition in which glomerulitis glomerulitis / lɒ merυ laitis/ noun inflam- | | fluid forms behind the eardrum and causes deaf- mation causing lesions of glomeruli in the kidney ness. Also called secretory otitis media glomerulonephritis glomerulonephritis / lɒ merυləυne fraitis/ | | glue-sniffing / lu snifiŋ/ noun solvent glue-sniffing noun same as Bright’s disease abuse glomerulus glomerulus / lɒ merυləs/ noun a group of | glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase / lu blood vessels which filter waste matter from the | t mik ɒksələυə si tik tr ns mineiz/ noun blood in a kidney (NOTE: The plural is glomer- | | an enzyme used to test for viral hepatitis uli.) glutamic pyruvic transaminase glutamic pyruvic transaminase / lu gloss- gloss- / lɒs/ prefix same as glosso- (used | t mik pai ru vik tr ns mineiz/ noun an before vowels) | | enzyme produced in the liver and released into the glossa glossa / lɒsə/ noun same as tongue blood if the liver is damaged glossal glossal / lɒs(ə)l/ adjective relating to the gluteal gluteal / lu tiəl/ adjective referring to the but- tongue tocks glossectomy glossectomy / lɒ sektəmi/ noun the surgical | gluteal artery gluteal artery / lu tiəl ɑ təri/ noun one of removal of the tongue the two arteries supplying the buttocks, the infe- glossitis glossitis / lɒ saitis/ noun inflammation of the | rior gluteal artery or the superior gluteal surface of the tongue artery glosso- glosso- / lɒsəυ/ prefix referring to the tongue gluteal muscle gluteal muscle / lu tiəl m s(ə)l/ noun a glossodynia glossodynia / lɒsəυ diniə/ noun pain in the muscle in the buttock. gluteus | tongue gluteal vein gluteal vein / lu tiəl vein/ noun one of two glossopharyngeal glossopharyngeal / lɒsəυf rin d i əl/ veins draining the buttocks, the inferior gluteal | adjective relating to the tongue and pharynx vein and the superior gluteal vein glossopharyngeal nerve glossopharyngeal nerve / lɒsəυf rin gluten gluten / lu t(ə)n/ noun a protein found in some | d i əl n v/ noun the ninth cranial nerve which cereals, which makes the grains form a sticky controls the pharynx, the salivary glands and part paste when water is added of the tongue gluten enteropathy gluten enteropathy / lu t(ə)n entə rɒpəθi/ glossoplegia | glossoplegia / lɒsəυ pli d ə/ noun paralysis same as gluten-induced enteropathy | of the tongue gluten-induced enteropathy gluten-induced enteropathy / lu t(ə)n in glossotomy glossotomy / lɒ sɒtəmi/ noun a surgical inci- | | dju st entə rɒpəθi/ noun 1. an allergic disease sion into the tongue | mainly affecting children, in which the lining of glottis glottis / lɒtis/ noun an opening in the larynx the intestine is sensitive to gluten, preventing the between the vocal cords, which forms the small intestine from digesting fat 2. a condition in entrance to the main airway from the pharynx adults where the villi in the intestine become gluc- gluc- / lu k/ prefix referring to glucose smaller and so reduce the surface which can absorb nutrients (NOTE: Symptoms include a glucagon glucagon / lu kə ɒn/ noun a hormone swollen abdomen, pale diarrhoea, abdominal secreted by the islets of Langerhans in the pan- pains and anaemia.) also called coeliac dis- creas, which increases the level of blood sugar by ease stimulating the breakdown of glycogen gluteus gluteus / lu tiəs/ noun one of three muscles in glucagonoma glucagonoma / lu kə ɒ nəυmə/ noun a | the buttocks, responsible for movements of the tumour of the cells of the pancreas that produces hip. The largest is the gluteus maximus, while glucagon the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are glucocorticoid glucocorticoid / lu kəυ kɔ tikɔid/ noun | smaller. any corticosteroid which breaks down carbohy- glyc- glyc- / laik/ prefix same as glyco- (used before drates and fats for use by the body, produced by vowels) the adrenal cortex glycaemia gluconeogenesis gluconeogenesis / lu kəυ ni əυ d enəsis/ glycaemia / lai si miə/ noun the level of glu- | | | noun the production of glucose in the liver from cose found in the blood. hypoglycaemia, protein or fat reserves hyperglycaemia
- Page 120 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM glycerin 120 glycerin Golgi cell glycerin / lisərin/, glycerine, glycerol Golgi cell / ɒld i sel/ noun a type of nerve / lisərɒl/ noun a colourless viscous sweet-tast- cell in the central nervous system, either with long ing liquid present in all fats (NOTE: Synthetic axons (Golgi Type 1) or without axons (Golgi glycerin is used in various medicinal prepara- Type 2) tions and also as a lubricant in items such as gomphosis gomphosis / ɒm fəυsis/ noun a joint which | toothpaste and cough medicines.) cannot move, like that between a tooth and the glyco- glyco- / laikəυ/ prefix referring to sugar jaw glycogen glycogen / laikəd ən/ noun a type of starch, gonad gonad / əυn d/ noun a sex gland which pro- converted from glucose by the action of insulin, duces gametes and also sex hormones, e.g. a tes- and stored in the liver as a source of energy ticle in males or an ovary in females glycogenesis glycogenesis / laikəυ d enəsis/ noun the gonadotrophic hormone gonadotrophic hormone / əυnədəυ | | process by which glucose is converted into glyco- trɒfik hɔ məυn/ noun one of two hormones, gen in the liver the follicle-stimulating hormone and the luteinis- glycogenolysis ing hormone, produced by the anterior pituitary glycogenolysis / laikəυd ə nɒləsis/ noun | gland which have an effect on the ovaries in the process by which glycogen is broken down to females and on the testes in males form glucose gonadotrophin glycolysis gonadotrophin / əυnədəυ trəυfin/ noun glycolysis / lai kɒləsis/ noun the metabolic | | any of a group of hormones produced by the pitu- breakdown of glucose to release energy itary gland which stimulates the sex glands at glycoside glycoside / laikəυsaid/ noun a chemical puberty. human chorionic gonadotrophin compound of a type which is formed from a sim- goni- goni- / əυni/ prefix same as gonio- (used ple sugar and another compound (NOTE: Many of the drugs produced from plants are glycosides.) before a vowel ) glycosuria gonio- glycosuria / laikəυ sjυəriə/ noun a high gonio- / ɒniəυ/ prefix referring to an angle | level of sugar in the urine, a symptom of diabetes gonion gonion / əυniɒn/ noun the outer point at mellitus which the lower jawbone angles upwards GMC GMC abbreviation General Medical Council goniopuncture goniopuncture / əυniəυ p ŋktʃə/ noun a | gnathic gnathic / n θik/ adjective referring to the jaw surgical operation for draining fluid from the eyes gnathoplasty of someone who has glaucoma gnathoplasty / n θəυ pl sti/ noun surgery | on the jaw goniotomy goniotomy / əυni ɒtəmi/ noun a surgical | gnawing operation to treat glaucoma by cutting Schlemm’s gnawing / nɔ iŋ/ adjective referring to a physi- canal cal or emotional feeling that is persistent and uncomfortable a gnawing pain gnawing anx- gonococcal gonococcal / ɒnə kɒk(ə)l/ adjective refer- | iety ring to gonococcus goblet cell goblet cell / ɒblət sel/ noun a tube-shaped gonococcus gonococcus / ɒnə kɒkəs/ noun a type of | cell in the epithelium which secretes mucus bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoea, which causes GOC GOC abbreviation General Optical Council gonorrhoea (NOTE: The plural is gonococci.) goitre gonocyte goitre / ɔitə/ noun an excessive enlargement of gonocyte / ɒnəsait/ noun same as germ cell the thyroid gland, seen as a swelling round the gonorrhoea gonorrhoea / ɒnə ri ə/ noun a sexually trans- | neck, caused by a lack of iodine (NOTE: The US mitted disease which produces painful irritation spelling is goiter.) of the mucous membrane and a watery discharge gold gold / əυld/ noun a soft yellow-coloured pre- from the vagina or penis cious metal, used as a compound in various drugs, goose bumps goose bumps / u s b mps/, goose flesh and sometimes as a filling for teeth (NOTE: The / u s fleʃ/, goose pimples / u s pimp(ə)lz/ chemical symbol is Au.) noun a reaction of the skin when someone is cold golden hour golden hour / əυld(ə)n aυə/ noun the first or frightened, the skin being raised into many lit- hour after a serious injury when the most differ- tle bumps by the action of the arrector pili mus- ence can be made to the patient’s health cles. Also called cutis anserina golfer’s elbow golfer’s elbow / ɒlfəz elbəυ/ noun inflam- gorget gorget / ɔ d it/ noun a surgical instrument mation of the tendons of the elbow used to remove stones from the bladder Golgi apparatus Golgi apparatus / ɒld i pə reitəs/ noun a gouge gouge / aυd / noun a surgical instrument like a | folded membranous structure inside the cell cyto- chisel, used to cut bone plasm which stores and transports enzymes and gout gout / aυt/ noun a disease in which unusual hormones [Described 1898. After Camillo Golgi quantities of uric acid are produced and form (1843–1926), Professor of Histology and later crystals in the cartilage round joints. Also called Rector of the University of Pavia, Italy. In 1906 podagra he shared the Nobel Prize with Santiago Ramón GP GP abbreviation general practitioner y Cajal for work on the nervous sytem.]
- Page 121 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 121 greater vestibular glands GP co-op granule granule / r nju l/ noun a very small piece of GP co-op / d i pi kəυ ɒp/ noun a group of something hard GPs who work together to provide out-of-hours granulocyte care without making any profit granulocyte / r njυləsait/ noun a type of leucocyte or white blood cell which contains graft graft / rɑ ft/ noun the act of transplanting an granules, e.g. a basophil, eosinophil or neutrophil organ or tissue to replace one which is not func- granulocytopenia tioning or which is diseased a skin graft í verb granulocytopenia / r njυləυ saitəυ | | pi niə/ noun a usually fatal disease caused by the to take a healthy organ or tissue and transplant it lowering of the number of granulocytes in the in place of diseased or malfunctioning organ or blood due to bone marrow malfunction tissue The surgeons grafted a new section of granuloma bone at the side of the skull. autograft, hom- granuloma / r njυ ləυmə/ noun a mass of | ograft granulation tissue which forms at the site of bac- terial infections (NOTE: The plural is granulo- graft versus host disease graft versus host disease / rɑ ft v səs mata or granulomas.) həυst di zi z/ noun a condition which develops | granulomatosis granulomatosis / r njυləυmə təυsis/ when cells from the grafted tissue react against | noun persistent inflammation leading to the for- the person’s own tissue, causing skin disorders. mation of nodules Abbreviation GVHD graph graph / rɑ f/ noun a diagram which shows the grain grain / rein/ noun 1. a very small piece of relationship between quantities as a line something hard such as salt 2. a measure of graph- graph- / r f/ prefix writing weight equal to 0.0648 grams. Symbol gr -graph -graph / rɑ f/ suffix a machine which records -gram -gram / r m/ suffix a record in the form of a something as pictures picture -grapher -grapher / rəfə/ suffix a technician who oper- Gram-negative bacterium Gram-negative bacterium / r m ne ətiv ates a machine which records b k tiəriəm/ noun a bacterium which takes up | -graphy -graphy / rəfi/ suffix the technique of study the red counterstain, after the alcohol has washed through pictures out the first violet dye grattage grattage / r tɑ / noun a procedure that Gram-positive bacterium | Gram-positive bacterium / r m pɒzitiv involves scraping the surface of an ulcer which is b k tiəriəm/ noun a bacterium which retains healing slowly to make it heal more rapidly | violet dye and appears blue-black when viewed gravel gravel / r v(ə)l/ noun small stones which pass under the microscope from the kidney to the urinary system, causing Gram’s stain Gram’s stain / r mz stein/ noun a method of pain in the ureter staining bacteria so that they can be identified Graves’ disease Graves’ disease / reivz di zi z/ noun same| [Described 1884. After Hans Christian Joachim as exophthalmic goitre [Described 1835. After Gram (1853–1938), Professor of Medicine in Robert James Graves (1796–1853), Irish physi- Copenhagen, Denmark. He discovered the stain cian at the Meath Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, by accident as a student in Berlin, Germany.] where he was responsible for introducing clinical grand mal grand mal / rɒn m l/ noun a type of epi- ward work for medical students.] lepsy, in which someone becomes unconscious gravid gravid / r vid/ adjective pregnant and falls down, while the muscles become stiff gravides multiparae gravides multiparae / r vidi z m lti | and twitch violently pɑ ri / plural noun women who have given birth grand multiparity to at least four live babies grand multiparity / r n m lti p riti/ noun | the fact of having given birth to more than four gravity gravity / r viti/ noun the importance or children potential danger of a disease or situation granular Grawitz tumour Grawitz tumour / rɑ vits tju mə/ noun a granular / r njυlə/ adjective made up of malignant tumour in kidney cells [Described granules 1883. After Paul Albert Grawitz (1850–1932), granular cast granular cast / r njυlə kɑ st/ noun a cast Professor of Pathology at Greifswald, Germany.] composed of cells filled with protein and fatty gray gray / rei/ noun an SI unit of measurement of granules absorbed radiation equal to 100 rads. Symbol Gy. granular leucocyte granular leucocyte / r njυlə lu kəsait/ rad noun same as granulocyte graze graze / reiz/ noun a scrape on the skin surface, granulation making some blood flow í verb to scrape the granulation / r njυ leiʃ(ə)n/ noun the for- | mation of rough red tissue on the surface of a skin surface accidentally wound or site of infection, the first stage in the greater curvature greater curvature / reitə k vətʃə/ noun a healing process convex line of the stomach granulation tissue greater vestibular glands granulation tissue / r njυ leiʃ(ə)n tiʃu / greater vestibular glands / reitə ve | | stibjυlə l ndz/ noun same as Bartholin’s noun soft tissue, consisting mainly of tiny blood vessels and fibres, which forms over a wound glands