Digital Image Processing: Unitary Transforms - Duong Anh Duc
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Digital Image Processing: Unitary Transforms - Duong Anh Duc present about Unitary Transforms; Energy conservation with unitary transforms; Karhunen-Loeve transform; Optimum energy concentration by KL transform; Basis images and eigenimages; Sirovich and Kirby method; Gender recognition using eigenfaces.
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Nội dung Text: Digital Image Processing: Unitary Transforms - Duong Anh Duc
- Digital Image Processing Unitary Transforms 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 1
- Unitary Transforms Sort samples f(x,y) in an MxN image (or a rectangular block in the image) into colunm vector of length MN Compute transform coefficients c Af where A is a matrix of size MNxMN 1 *T H The transform A is unitary, iff A A A Hermitian conjugate If A is real-valued, i.e., A1=A*, transform is „orthonormal“ 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 2
- Energy conservation with unitary transforms For any unitary transform c Af we obtain 2 H H H 2 c c c f A Af f Interpretation: every unitary transform is simply a rotation of the coordinate system. Vector lengths („energies“) are conserved. 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 3
- Energy distribution for unitary transforms Energy is conserved, but often will be unevenly distributed among coefficients. Autocorrelation matrix H H H H Rcc E cc E Af f A AR ff A Mean squared values („average energies“) of the coefficients ci are on the diagonal of Rcc 2 H Ec i Rcc i ,i AR ff A i ,i 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 4
- Eigenmatrix of the autocorrelation matrix Definition: eigenmatrix of autocorrelation matrix Rff is unitary The columns of form an orthonormalized set of eigenvectors of Rff, i.e., Rff 0 0 1 is a diagonal matrix of eigenvalues. 0 MN 1 Rff is symmetric nonnegative H definite,H hence i 0 for all i R ff R ff R ff R ff Rff is normal matrix, i.e., , hence unitary eigenmatrix exists 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 5
- Karhunen-Loeve transform Unitary transform with matrix A= H where the columns of are ordered according to decreasing eigenvalues. Transform coefficients are pairwise uncorrelated Rcc = ARffAH = HRff = H = Energy concentration property: No other unitary transform packs as much energy into the first J coefficients, where J is arbitrary Mean squared approximation error by choosing only first J coefficients is minimized. 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 6
- Optimum energy concentration by KL transform To show optimum energy concentration property, consider the truncated coefficient vector b IJc where IJ contain ones on the first J diagonal positions, else zeros. Energy in first J coefficients for arbitrary transform A J 1 E Tr Rbb Tr I J Rcc I J Tr I J AR ff A H I J akT R ff ak* k 0 where akT is the k th row of A. Lagrangian cost function to enforce unit-length basis vectors J 1 J 1 J 1 L E k 1 akT ak* akT R ff ak* k 1 akT ak* k 0 k 0 k 0 Differentiating L with respect to aj yields neccessary condition R ff a*j * j j for all j a J 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 7
- Basis images and eigenimages For any unitary transform, the inverse transform H f A c can be interpreted in terms of the superposition of „basis images“ (columns of AH) of size MN. If the transform is a KL transform, the basis images, which are the eigenvectors of the autocorrelation matrix Rff , are called „eigenimages.“ If energy concentration works well, only a limited number of eigenimages is needed to approximate a set of images with small error. These eigenimages form an optimal linear subspace of dimensionality J. 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 8
- Computing eigenimages from a training set How to measure MNxMN autocorrelation matrix? Use training set 1 , 2 , , L Define training set matrix S 1 , 2 , , L and calculate 1 L H 1 H R l l SS L l 1 L Problem 1: Training set size should be L >> MN If L < MN, autocorrelation matrix Rff is rank - deficient Problem 2: Finding eigenvectors of an MNxMN matrix. Can we find a small set of the most important eigenimages from a small training set L
- Sirovich and Kirby method Instead of eigenvectors of SSH, consider the eigenvectors of SHS, i.e., H S Svi v i i Premultiply both sides by S: SS Svi i Svi H By inspection, we find that Svi are eigenvectors of SSH For this gives rise to great computational savings, by Computing the LxL matrix SHS Computing L eigenvectors Sv of SHS i Computing eigenimages corresponding to the L0 L largest eigenvalues according as Svi 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 10
- Example: eigenfaces The first 8 eigenfaces obtained from a training set of 500 frontal views of human faces. Can be used for face recognition by nearest neighbor search in 8-d „face space.“ Can be used to generate faces by adjusting 8 coefficients. 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 11
- Gender recognition using eigenfaces Task: Male or female? Eigenimages from a data base of 20 and 20 female training images 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 12
- Gender recognition using eigenfaces (cont.) Recognition accuracy using 8 eigenimages 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 13
- Block-wise image processing Subdivide image into small blocks Process each block independently from the others Typical blocksizes: 8x8, 16x16 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 14
- Separable blockwise transforms Image block written as a square matrix f (NxN coefficients) c = A .f.A T This can only be done, if transform is separable in x and y, i.e., (N xN ) 2 AT = A A 2 Inverse transform f = A*.c.AH 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 15
- Haar transform Haar transform matrix for sizes N=2,4,8 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 Hr2 2 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 Hr8 Hr4 8 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 Can be computed by taking sums and differences Fast algorithms by recursively applying Hr2 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 16
- Haar transform example Original Cameraman 256x256 Haar transform 256x256 of Cameraman 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 17
- Haar transform example Original Einstein 256x256 Haar transform 256x256 of Einstein 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 18
- Haar transform example Original Lena 512x512 Haar transform 512x512 of Lena 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 19
- Hadamard transform Transform matrices can be recursively generated 1 1 1 Hd 2 Hr2 2 1 1 Hd 4 Hd 2 Hd 2 Hd 8 Hd 4 Hd 2 Hd 2 Hd 2 Hd 2 Example 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note that Hadamard 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Coefficients need Hd 8 reordering to concentrate 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 energy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21/11/15 Duong Anh Duc - Digital Image Processing 20

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