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Discrepancy principle and ill-posed equations with M-accretive perturbations

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In this paper, on the base of the discrepancy principle for regularization parameter choice, the convergence rates of the regularized solution as well as its Galerkin approximations for nonlinear ill-posed problems with m-accretive perturbations are established without demanding the weak continuity of the duality mapping of the Banach spaces.

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Nội dung Text: Discrepancy principle and ill-posed equations with M-accretive perturbations

  1. Journal of Science of Hanoi National University of Education Natural sciences, Volume 52, Number 4, 2007, pp. 47- 54 DISCREPANCY PRINCIPLE AND ILL-POSED EQUATIONS WITH M- ACCRETIVE PERTURBATIONS Dr. Nguyen Buong Vietnamse Academy of Science and Technology Institute of Information Technology 18, Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Ha Noi E-mail: Ma.Vu Quang Hung Ministry of Industry 54 Hai Ba Trung Street Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi Abstract. In this paper, on the base of the discrepancy principle for regulariza- tion parameter choice, the convergence rates of the regularized solution as well as its Galerkin approximations for nonlinear ill-posed problems with m-accretive per- turbations are established without demanding the weak continuity of the duality mapping of the Banach spaces. 1 2 1 Introduction Let X be a real uniformly convex Banach space having the property of approximations (see [11]) andX ∗ , the dual space of X , be strickly convex. For the sake of simplicity, the ∗ ∗ norms of X and X will be denoted by the symbol k.k. We write hx, x i instead of x (x) ∗ for x ∗ ∗ ∈ X and x ∈ X . Let A be an m-accretive operator in X , i.e. (see [11]) i) hA(x + h) − A(x), J(h)i ≥ 0, ∀x, h ∈ X, ∗ where J is the normalized dual mapping of X , the mapping from X onto X satisfies the condition hx, J(x)i = kJ(x)kkxk, kJ(x)k = kxk, ∀x ∈ X, and ii) R(A + λI) = X for each λ > 0, where R(A) denotes the range of A, and I is the identity operator inX. 1 Key words: Accretive operators, strictly convex Banach space, Fr²chet differentiable and Tikhonov regularization. 2 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 47H17; CR: G1.8. 47
  2. NGUYEN BUONG AND VU QUANG HUNG We are interested in solving the operator equation A(x) = f, f ∈ X, (1.1) where A is an m-accretive operator in X. Note that if A is accretive (satisfies condition i) and demi-continuous or weak continuous, then it is m-accretive (see [3], [12]). The existence of solution of (1.1) is shown in [7], [11]. Without additional conditions on the structure of A, such as strongly or uniformly accretive property, equation (1.1) is, in general, ill-posed. Therefore, in order to to obtain approximative solutions for (1.1) we need to use stable methods. Among the class of stable methods there is well-known one named the Tikhonov regularization (see [10]). Its operator version is described by the following equation Ah (x) + α(x − x∗ ) = fδ , kfδ − f k ≤ δ → 0, (1.2) where α > 0, is the parameter of regularization, Ah are also the m-accretive operators satisfying the condition of approximation kA(x) − Ah (x)k ≤ hg(kxk), h → 0, (1.3) g(t) is a nonegative continuous and bounded (the image of bounded set is bounded) func- tion, and x∗ ∈ X \ S0 , the set of solutions of (1.1) which is assumed to be nonempty. The case x∗ = 0 was considered in [1]. Since the operators Ah are also m-accretive, equation (1.2) has a unique solution denoted τ by xα , τ = (δ, h), for each δ, h, α > 0. Moreover, by the similar argument as in [1] and [7], when J is sequential weak continuous and strong continuous, and S0 = {x0 } is the unique τ solution of (1.1), we can prove that xα converges to x0 , as (δ + h)/α, α → 0. Further, from (1.1)-(1.3) and the accretive property of Ah , A it is easy to obtain the estimates kxτα − x∗ k ≤ 2kx − x∗ k + (δ + hg(kxτα k))/α, (1.4) kxτα − x∗ k ≤ 2kx − x∗ k + (δ + hg(kxk))/α, (1.5) for any x ∈ S0 . In this paper, on the base of results in [2] and [6] for monotone operator A ∗ from Banach space X into X , we consider the problem of selecting the value α = α(δ, h) for the m-accretive and weakly continuous operator A in Banach space X . In particular, τ to obtain the similar result on convergence rates for xα we do not require the sequential weak continuity of J and the uniqueness of the solution of (1.1), as it has been demanded in [2]. Note that the problem of convergence and convergence rates when α is chosen a priori was investigated in [5]. Later, the symbols * and → denote weak convergence and convergence in norm, re- spectively, and the notation a ∼ b is meant that a = O(b) and b = O(a). In the following section we suppose that all above conditions are staisfied. 48
  3. Discrepancy principle and ill-posed equation with m- accretive perturbation 2 Main Results For each fixed δ, h > 0, consider the function ρ(α) = αkxτα − x∗ k. As in [1], we can prove that the function ρ(α) is continuous and monotone nondecreasing for every fixed τ. Following [6] we show that the paprameter α can be chosen by the discrepancy principle as follows. Theorem 2.1. Let Ah be continuous at the point x∗ , and satisfy the condition kAh (x∗ ) − fδ k > [K + g(kx∗ k)](δ + h)p , K > 1, 0 < p ≤ 1. (2.1) Then, there exists at least a value α such that α ≥ (K − 1)(δ + h)p /(2kx − x∗ k), and ρ(α) = [K + g(kxατ k)](δ + h)p , where xατ is the solution of (1.2) with α = α. Moreover, for the case 0 1, 0 < p ≤ 1 for sufficiently small α. Then, by virtue of (1.4) we obtain ρ(α) < (K − 1)(δ + h)p + δ + hg(kxτα k) < (K − 1)(δ + h)p + [1 + g(kxτα k)](δ + h)p < [K + g(kxτα k)](δ + h)p , δ + h < 1. (2.2) Obviously, from (1.2), the m-accretive property of Ah and the property of J we can see that kxτα − x∗ k ≤ kAh (x∗ ) − fδ k/α. Therefore, xτα → x∗ , as α → +∞. Consequently, ρ(α) = kAh (xτα ) − fδ k → kAh (x∗ ) − fδ k, as α → +∞. Now, consider the function d(α) = ρ(α) − [K + g(kxτα k)](δ + h)p for α ≥ α0 > 0. The function d(α) is also continuous, and lim d(α) = kAh (x∗ ) − fδ k − [K + g(kx∗ k)](δ + h)p . α→+∞ Thus, from (2.1 we have limα→+∞ d(α) > 0. From (2.2) it implies that there is a value of α such that d(α) < 0. Hence, the first conclusion of the theorem is proved. 49
  4. NGUYEN BUONG AND VU QUANG HUNG Further, sinceα ≥ (K − 1)(δ + h)p /(2kx − x∗ k), then (δ + h)/α ≤ 2(δ + h)1−p kx0 − x∗ k/(K − 1) for 0 < p < 1. Consequently, (δ + h)/α → 0, as τ → 0. On the other hand, from (1.5) it follows the boundness of {x τ α(δ,h) }. Therefore, x∗ − x∗ k ≤ lim inf kxτα(δ,h) − x∗ k, k˜ τ →0 where ˜∗ is an weak cluster point of the set {xτα(δ,h) }. We shall prove that x x ˜∗ 6= x∗ . Indeed, if x ˜∗ = x∗ , then from kA(xτα(δ,h) ) − fδ k ≤ hg(kxτα(δ,h) k) + ρ(α(δ, h)) ≤ hg(kxτα(δ,h) k) + [K + g(kxτα(δ,h) k)](δ + h)p → 0, as δ, h → 0, we can conclude that A(˜ x∗ ) = f . It contradicts x∗ ∈ / S0 . Therefore, kxτα(δ,h) − x∗ k ≥ µ, µ > 0. Hence, [K + g(kxτα(δ,h) k)](δ + h)p [K + g(kxτα(δ,h) k)](δ + h)p α= ≤ . kxτα(δ,h) k µ As g(t) is a bounded continuous function, and {xτα(δ,h) } is a bounded set, there is a positive p constant C such that α ≤ C(δ + h) . Therefore, α = α(δ, h) → 0, as τ → 0. Theorem is proved. As in [1], if J is continuous and sequential weak continuous, then the requirement of weak continuity of A is redundant. Now, consider the problem of convergence rates for {xτα(δ,h) }. For this purpose assume that A satisfies the condition kA(x) − A(x0 ) − J ∗ A0 (x0 )∗ J(x − x0 )k ≤ τ˜kA(y) − A(x0 )k, ∀x ∈ X, (2.3) where J∗ is normalized dual mapping of X ∗ , τ˜ is some positive constant, and x0 is a solution of (1.1). Note that condition (2.3) is given in [9] for studying convergence rates of the regularized solutions for nonlinear ill-posed problems involving compact operator in Hilbert spaces. Theorem 2.2. Assume that the following conditions hold: (i) A is Frechet differentiable with (2.3); (ii) There exists an element z ∈ X such that A0 (x0 )z = x∗ − x0 ; (iii) The parameter α = α(δ, h) is chosen by theorem 2.1. Then, for 0 < p < 1, we have kxτα − x0 k = O((δ + h)θ ), θ = min{1 − p, p/2}. Proof. From (1.1)-(1.3) and the conditions of the theorem it follows kxτα − x0 k2 = hxτα − x0 , J(xτα − x0 )i 1 = hfδ − Ah (xτα ), J(xτα − x0 )i + hx∗ − x0 , J(xτα − x0 )i α 50
  5. Discrepancy principle and ill-posed equation with m- accretive perturbation 1 ≤ (δ + hg(kx0 k))kxτα − x0 k + hz, A0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα − x0 )i. (2.4) α Since hz, A0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα − x0 )i ≤ kzkkA0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα − x0 )k where kA0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα − x0 )k = kJ ∗ A0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα − x0 )k τ + 1)kA(xτα ) − f k ≤ (˜ τ + 1)(kAh (xτα ) − fδ k + δ + hg(kxτα k)) ≤ (˜ τ + 1)(αkxτα − x∗ k + δ + hg(kxτα k)), ≤ (˜ from (2.4) it implies that 1 kxτα − x0 k2 ≤ (δ + hg(kx0 k))kxτα − x0 k α τ + 1)(αkxτα − x∗ k + δ + hg(kxτα k)). + kzk(˜ Because α = α(δ, h) is chosen by theorem 2.1 with 0 < p < 1, we can obtain kxτα − x0 k2 ≤ C1 (δ + h)1−p kxατ − x0 k + C2 (δ + h)p , 0 < δ + h < 1, where Ci are the positive constants. Now, by using the implication a, b, c ≥ 0, s > t, as ≤ bat + c =⇒ as = O(bs/(s−t) + c) we have got kxτα − x0 k = O((δ + h)θ ). Theorem is proved. Now, consider the problem of approximating (1.2) by the sequence of finite-dimensional problems Anh (x) + α(x − xn∗ ) = fδn , x ∈ Xn , (2.5) where fδn = Pn fδ , xn∗ = Pn x∗ , Anh = Pn Ah Pn , Pn is the linear projection from X onto Xn , Pn x → x, ∀x ∈ X, kPn k ≤ c, where c is some positive constant, and {Xn } is the sequence of finite-dimensional subspaces of X such that X1 ⊂ X2 ... ⊂ Xn ... ⊂ X. Without loss of generality, assume that c = 1. It is clear that Anh is m-accretive. The aspects of existence and convergence of the solution xτα,n of (2.5) to the solution xτα of (1.2), for each α > 0, has been studied in [11]. The question under which condition the sequence {xτα,n } converges to the solution x0 , as α, δ → 0 and n → +∞ will be showed in the rest of the paper. As in [6] we can show that the solution xτα,n is continuous with respect to α on [α0 , ∞), α0 > 0 τ and xα,n → xn∗ , as α → +∞. Thus, the function ρ ˜(α) := kAh (xτα,n ) − fδ k is also contin- uous with respect to α, and lim ρ˜(α) = kAh (xn∗ ) − fδ k α→+∞ 51
  6. NGUYEN BUONG AND VU QUANG HUNG for each δ, h > 0 and n. Therefore, on the base of (2.1) and of xn∗ → x∗ , as n → ∞, we can verify that the relation kAh (xτα,n ) − fδ k > [K + g(kxn∗ k)](δ + h)p (2.6) holds for sufficiently large n. Set γn = γn (x0 ), γn (x) = k(I − Pn )xk, x ∈ X. In addition, suppose that J satisfies the condition ˜ kJ(y) − J(x)k ≤ C(R)ky − xkν , 00 , is a positive increasing function on ˜ = max{kxk, kyk} R (see [8]). We can propose the following a posteriori parameter choice strategy based on the dis- crepancy principle. The rule: Let c1 , c2 > 1 and K1 > K . Then (i) choose α = α(δ, h, n) ≥ α0 := (c1 (δ + h) + c2 γn )p such that (2.6) and kAh (xτα,n ) − fδ k ≤ [K1 + g(kxn∗ k)](δ + h)p (2.8) hold; (ii) if there is no α ≥ α0 such that (2.8) holds, then choose α = α0 . Note that the similar rule for a compact operator A in Hilbert space X has been inves- tigated in [4]. Theorem 2.3. Suppose that the following conditions hold: (i) A is Frechet differentiable with condition (2.3); (ii) There exists an element z∈X such that A0 (x0 )z = x∗ − x0 ; (iii) The papameter α is chosen by the rule. Then, kxτα,n − x0 k = O((δ + h + γn )θ + γnν/2 ). n n Proof. Set x0 = Pn x0 . From (1.3) and the property J (x) = J(x), ∀x ∈ Xn , where n ∗ J = Pn JPn is the normalized dual mapping of Xn (see [7]), it follows kxτα,n − xn0 k2 = hxτα,n − xn0 , J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i 1 ≤ hfδn − Anh (xn0 ), J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i + hxn∗ − xn0 , J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i α 1 ≤ hPn (fδ − f + A(x0 ) − A(xn0 )), J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i α +hx∗ − x0 , J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i + hg(kxn0 k)kxτα,n − xn0 k. (2.9) 52
  7. Discrepancy principle and ill-posed equation with m- accretive perturbation Since xn0 → x0 , as n → +∞, we have kA(xn0 ) − A(x0 )k ≤ kA0 (x0 )(Pn − I)x0 k + o(γn ) ≤ kA0 (x0 )(Pn − I)kγn + o(γn ). Therefore, from (2.9) we obtain δ + hg(kxn0 k) + kA0 (x0 )(Pn − I)kγn + o(γn ) τ kxτα,n − xn0 k2 ≤ kxα,n − xn0 k α +hx∗ − x0 , J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i. (2.10) Obviously, from(2.7) and condition (ii) of the theorem it implies that hx∗ − x0 ,J n (xτα,n − xn0 )i = hz, A0 (x0 )∗ (J n (xτα,n − xn0 ) − J n (xτα,n − x0 ))i + hz, A0 (x0 )∗ J n (xτα,n − x0 )i ≤ kA0 (x0 )kC(R1 )kzkγnν + kzkkA0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα,n − x0 )k where R1 is some positive constant: R1 ≥ kx0 k, kxτα,n k. On the other hand, by virtue of ∗ the property of J and (2.3) we can write kA0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα,n − x0 )k = kJ ∗ A0 (x0 )∗ J(xτα,n − x0 )k ≤ (1 + τ )kA(xτα,n ) − A(x0 )k ≤ (1 + τ )[kAh (xτα,n ) − fδ k + δ + hg(kxτα,n k)]. By virtue of the rule, for δ+h 0. Hence, kxτα,n − xn0 k = O((δ + h + γn )θ + γnν/2 ). Consequently, kxτα,n − x0 k = O((δ + h + γn )θ + γnν/2 ). Theorem is proved. 53
  8. NGUYEN BUONG AND VU QUANG HUNG Remark. The symbol A in (2.3), theorems 2.2 and 2.3, and z in the last two theorems can be replaced by Ah and zh respectively. This work was supported by the National Fundamental Research Program in Natural Sciences. T i li»u [1] Alber, Ya.I., On solution by the method of regularization for operator equation of the first kind involving accretive mappings in Banach spaces, Differential equations SSSR, XI (1975), 2242-2248. [2] Alber, Ya.I. and Ryazanseva I.P., On solutions of the nonlinear problems involving monotone discotinuous mappings, Differential equations SSSR XI (1975), 2242-2248. [3] Fitzgibbon, W.E., Weak continuous accretive operators, Bull.AMS. 79 (1973), 473- 474. [4] Jin Q.N., Application of the modified discrepancy principle to Tikhonov regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., v. 36 (1999), n.2, 475-490. [5] Nguyen Buong, Convergence rates in regularization for nonlinear ill-posed equations under accretive perturbations, Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiziki 44 (2004), 397- 402. [6] Ryazanseva I.P., The regularization parameter choice for nonlinear equation involv- ing monotone perturbative operators, Izvestia Vyschix Uchebnix Zavedenii Ser. Math. SSSR 9, (1982), 49-53. [7] Ryazanseva I.P., On nonlinear operator equations involving accretive mappings, Izves- tia Vyschix Uchebnix Zavedenii Ser. Math. SSSR N. 1 (1985), 42-46. [8] Ryazantseva I.P., On an algorithm of solving nonlinear monotone equations with un- known error in the priori data, Zh. Vychisl. Matem. i Matem. Fiziki T. 29 (1989), n. 10, 1572-1576. [9] Tautenhann U., On general regularization scheme for nonlinear ill-posed problems, Technische Universitat Chemnitz-Zwickau, 10 (1994) (preprint). [10] Tikhonov A.N. and Arsenin V.Y., Solutions of ill-posed problems, New-York, Wiley 1977. [11] Vainberg M.M., Variational method and method of monotone operators, Moscow, Mir, 1972. [12] Webb J.R., On a property of dual mappings and a properness of accretive operators, Bull. London Math. Soc. 13 (1981), 235-238. 54



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