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Entity Bean - Chuyên đề Lập trình Java & J2EE (Chương 15)

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An entity bean represents persistent data stored in one row of a database table .  When an entity bean is created, the data is written to the appropriate database table row, and if the data in an entity bean is updated, the data in the appropriate database table row is also updated

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Nội dung Text: Entity Bean - Chuyên đề Lập trình Java & J2EE (Chương 15)

  1. Entity Bean Chuyên đề Lập trình Java & J2EE Chương 15 Biên soạn: Th.S Nguyễn văn Lành 1
  2. Concepts  An entity bean represents persistent data stored in one row of a database table .  When an entity bean is created, the data is written to the appropriate database table row, and if the data in an entity bean is updated, the data in the appropriate database table row is also updated   Entity beans differ from session beans in several ways.  Entity beans are persistent: entity bean's state exists beyond the  lifetime of the application   allow shared access: may be shared by multiple clients  have primary keys: unique object identifier   may participate in relationships with other entity beans 2
  3. When to Use Entity Beans   The bean represents a business entity,  not a procedure.   For example, CreditCardEJB would be an  entity bean  CreditCardVerifierEJB would be a session  bean.   The bean's state must be persistent 3
  4. Types of persistent management  Bean-Managed Persistence  the bean developer takes responsibility for persistent storage in attributes  Container-Managed Persistence 1.1   persistent attributes are defined as attributes of the bean class and given in the deployment descriptor   Container-Managed Persistence 2.0/2.1   The bean developer works with an abstract bean class   defines abstract access methods for reading and writing of attributes (During deployment the EJB container generates a derived class that implements all the abstract methods ) 4
  5. Constitution of a entity bean  Remote interface:   defines the business methods of the bean.   Home interface:   defines the methods that allow a client to create and find an entity  bean    Enterprise Bean class:   provides the implementation for the business methods, finder  methods, home methods  Primary key class   makes it possible to identify all entity bean identities uniquely   Deployment Descriptor:   This configuration document defines the bean's runtime attributes,  such as its transaction or security attributes   Helper classes 5
  6. Remote Interface  Each method in the remote interface must match a  method in the enterprise bean class.   The signatures of the methods in the remote  interface must be identical to the signatures of the  corresponding methods in the enterprise bean  class.   The arguments and return values must be valid  RMI types.   The throws clause must include  java.rmi.RemoteException 6
  7. Home Interface  defines the methods that allow a client to create and find an entity bean  create Method  has the same number and types of arguments as its  matching ejbCreate method in the enterprise bean  class.   returns the remote interface type of the enterprise  bean.   The throws clause includes the exceptions specified  by the throws clause of the corresponding ejbCreate  and ejbPostCreate methods.   The throws clause includes the javax.ejb.CreateException & java.rmi.RemoteException 7
  8. Entity bean creation 8
  9. Home Interface  finder Method  Every finder method in the home interface corresponds to a finder  method in the entity bean class.   The name of a finder method in the home interface begins with  find, whereas the corresponding name in the entity bean class  begins with ejbFind  The number and types of arguments must match those of the corresponding method in the entity bean class.  The return type is the entity bean's remote interface type, or a collection of those types.  The exceptions in the throws clause include those of the corresponding method in the entity bean class.  The throws clause contains the javax.ejb.FinderException & java.rmi.RemoteException 9
  10. Home Interface  finder Method in bean class  All finder methods must begin with ejbFind.  You must have at least one finder method, called ejbFindByPrimaryKey.  You can have many different finder methods, each with different names and different parameters.  A finder method must return either the primary key for the entity bean it finds or a collection of primary keys if it finds more than one. 10
  11. Home Interface  home Method  Each home method definition in the home interface  corresponds to a method in the entity bean class.   In the home interface, the method name is arbitrary,  provided that it does not begin with create or find.   In the bean class, the matching method name begins  with ejbHome.   For example, in the SavingsAccountBean class the name is  ejbHomeChargeForLowBalance, but in the  SavingsAccountHome interface the name is  chargeForLowBalance  The throws clause contains the java.rmi.RemoteException 11
  12. BMP guidelines 12
  13. BMP guidelines 13
  14. BMP guidelines 14
  15. BMP guidelines 15
  16. 16
  17. Bean­DBMS synchronization 17
  18. CMP Entity Beans  CMP Entity Beans Are Subclassed  database-independent  The container generates the JDBC code by subclassing your entity bean class.  CMP Entity Beans Have No Declared Fields  CMP Entity Beans Have a Query Language  CMP Entity Beans Can Have ejbSelect() Methods 18
  19. Bean instance Pooling 19
  20. CMP Guidelines 20



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