Graduation thesis International Business Administration: The impact of job satisfaction on employees’ job performance: A study of white-collar millennials in Ho Chi Minh City
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With investigation of both theories and empirical research together with survey conduction, the purpose of this thesis is to examine primarily whether or not the enjoyment when doing jobs can influence the effectiveness through accomplishing these subsequent objectives: to review theoretical framework and researches which have relationships with contain information examing the impact of job satisfaction on job performance of millennials white-collar employees in Ho Chi Minh City companies.
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Nội dung Text: Graduation thesis International Business Administration: The impact of job satisfaction on employees’ job performance: A study of white-collar millennials in Ho Chi Minh City
- FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY CAMPUS ---------***-------- GRADUATION THESIS Major: International Business Administration THE IMPACT OF JOB SATISFACTION ON EMPLOYEES’ JOB PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF WHITE-COLLAR MILLENNIALS IN HO CHI MINH CITY GT Code KL93 Author: Nguyễn Hy Student ID: 1601025076 Class: K55CLC1 Intake: 55 Supervisor: PhD. Lê Tuấn Bách Ho Chi Minh City, May 2020
- i TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................IV LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ........................................................................ V CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 1 1.1. Rationale of the research ......................................................................... 1 1.2. Research background............................................................................... 5 1.2.1. In the world .................................................................................... 5 1.2.2. In Vietnam ..................................................................................... 6 1.3. Objectives of the research ........................................................................ 7 1.4. Subject and scope of the research ............................................................ 8 1.4.1 Subject ............................................................................................ 8 1.4.2. Scope ............................................................................................. 8 1.5. Research methods ..................................................................................... 8 1.6. Research contribution .............................................................................. 9 1.7. Research structure ................................................................................. 10 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 1 ...................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................ 11 2.1. Job satisfaction ....................................................................................... 11 2.1.1. Definition of job satisfaction ........................................................ 11 2.1.2. Measurements of job satisfaction .................................................. 12 2.2. Employee’s job performance ................................................................. 14 2.2.1. Definition of employee’s job performance .................................... 14 2.2.2. Measurements of employee’s job performance ............................. 14 2.2.3 The impact of job satisfaction on job performance ........................ 15 2.3. The Millenials ......................................................................................... 16 2.3.1. Definition of Millennials generations ........................................... 16 2.3.2. Characteristics of Millennials in general ....................................... 17 2.3.3. Millenials at work......................................................................... 17 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 2 ...................................................................... 18 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY .......................................................................... 19 3.1. Research model design ........................................................................... 19
- ii 3.2 Research model selection and Hypothesis Development ........................20 3.2.1 Research model selection ...............................................................20 3.2.2. Hypothesis Development ..............................................................22 3.2.3 Variable Definition ........................................................................25 3.2.4 Statistical Research Model .............................................................27 3.3. Questionnaire design ..............................................................................28 3.4. Data collection and analysis ...................................................................33 3.4.1. Data collection and processing ......................................................33 3.4.2 Data analysis techniques ................................................................34 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 3 ......................................................................38 CHAPTER 4. RESEARCH RESULTS ...................................................................39 4.1. Descriptive Statistics ...............................................................................39 4.1.1. Statistical description of determinants affecting Job Satisfaction...39 4.1.2. Statistical description of Job Satisfaction - Job Performance .........40 4.1.3. Demographic statistical description ...............................................41 4.2. The impact of demographic factors on Job satisfaction........................43 4.2.1. Job satisfaction level between two groups of ages .........................44 4.2.2. Job satisfaction level between two groups of genders ....................44 4.2.3. Job satisfaction level among different work positions ...................44 4.2.4. Satisfaction among different working time at current company .....45 4.3. Impact of job satisfaction on job performance ......................................45 4.3.1 Statistical Results ...........................................................................45 4.3.2. Interpretation and Discussion ........................................................58 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 4 ......................................................................64 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................65 5.1. Conclusion of research question ............................................................65 5.2. Recommendations for enterprises to enhance job satisfaction and performance of millennials white-collar employees in Ho Chi Minh City ..66 5.2.1. Recommendations for “Nature of Work” factor ............................66 5.2.2. Recommendations for “Pay and Benefits” factor ..........................67 5.2.3. Recommendations for “Training and promotion opportunities” ....69 5.3. Research limitation and further reseaches ............................................70 5.3.1. Research limitation .......................................................................70 5.3.2. Proposal for further reseaches .......................................................71
- iii SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 5 ...................................................................... 72 SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH ............................................................. 73 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 75 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................. 80
- iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Full forms ANOVA Analysis of Variance CFA Confirmatory Factor Analysis Df Degree of Freedom EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis GDP Gross Domestic Product HCMC Ho Chi Minh City JDI Job Descriptive Index JSS Job Satisfaction Survey KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSQ Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire SEM Structural Equation Modeling VND Vietnam Dong
- v LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES FIGURES Figures Page Figure 1.1 GDP Growth Percentage in Asia in 2019 1 Figure 1.2 FDI inflows into Vietnam in the period of 2009 – 2017 2 Figure 1.3 Vietnamese labour productivity in 2011 – 2017 3 Figure 1.4 Vietnamese labour productivity compared with countries in 3 area Figure 3.1 Research process 19 Figure 3.2 Proposed research model 21 Figure 3.3 Statistical research model 27 Figure 3.4 Questionnaire design process 28 Figure 4.1 Age structure of survey respondents 41 Figure 4.2 Gender structure of survey respondents 41 Figure 4.3 Education level structure of survey respondents 42 Figure 4.4 The structure of working time at current companies 42 Figure 4.5 Working position structure of survey respondents 43
- vi TABLES Tables Page Table 3.1 Research Hypotheses 32 Table 3.2 Model’s suitability indicators 37 Table 4.1 Statistical description table of independent variables 40 Table 4.2 ANOVA test results 44 Table 4.3 Initial result of EFA analysis for independent variables 47 Table 4.4 Final result of EFA analysis for independent variables 48 Table 4.5 EFA initial result for Job Satisfaction – Job Performance 49 Table 4.6 EFA final result for Job Satisfaction – Job Performance 50 Table 4.7 Standardized Regression Weights – CFA Test Result 52 Table 4.8 Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted 53 Table 4.9 Regression Weight – SEM Model on 1st try 54 Table 4.10 Regression Weight – SEM Model on 2nd try 55 Table 4.11 Standardized Regression Weight – SEM Model on 2nd try 55 Table 4.12 Bootstrap testing results 58 Table 4.13 Examination of research hypotheses 63
- 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter as the beginning research provides a clear introduction of many fundamental aspects, consisting of rationale, research background and methods, aims and objectives, subject and scope, contribution as well as topic structure. The chapter also presents a general perspective on the contents of the remaining four ones. 1.1. Rationale of the research The Vietnam economy has skyrocketed over the last years, which makes Vietnam be one of the most considerable growth in percentage of GDP growth in 2019 (just behind Lao and Cambodia). Figure 1.1 GDP Growth Percentage in Asia in 2019 (Unit: %) 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 4 2 1 Source: Asian Development Bank, 2019 Besides, Vietnam economy also receives many valuable investments from foreign organizations and enterprises, and the total inflows into Vietnam value recorded at the end of 2019, including newly and additionally registered capital as well as additional existing capital ones, reach 38 billion USD, which raised by 7.2%
- 2 when comparing to the same period in 2018 and this is also the highest recorded value in the last 10 years. This actually brings Vietnam economy into both opportunities and challenges, especially in private sector ones where the competition happens fiercely day by day. Figure 1.2 FDI inflows into Vietnam in the period of 2009 – 2017 (Unit: billion USD) 35,88 24 23,6 24,5 23 22 19 16 15 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: Ministry of Planning and Investment, 2017 In addition to this significant economic development, in terms of human resources or personnel aspect, according to a survey in the second quarter, 2016 of JobStreet.com, Vietnam has more than 13.000 employees, of which nearly 85% of employees surveyed feel dissatisfied with current jobs. Also, according to the Vietnam Economic Annual Report 2018, Vietnam's labor productivity experience relatively considerable growth which has been expressed by the fact that with the economic growth in 2018 of 7,08 %, the labor productivity of the whole economy at current prices in 2018 was estimated at 102,2 million VND/labor (equivalent to US $ 4.521 / labor which increased by 6% compared to 2017. Generally, in the period of 2011-2018, the labor productivity increased by an average of 4,88% / year. (General Statistics Bureau, 2018). Nevertheless, Vietnamese productivity still ranked lowest in Asia. The average productivity level in Vietnam increased by 36%, however, Vietnam's labor productivity only equal to 1/18 Singapore, 1/16 of Malaysia and 1/3
- 3 of Thailand and China (General Statistics Bureau); this makes enterprises in VietNam in general or the economic center like Ho Chi Minh City in particular, consider again the relationship between job satisfaction and employee’s job performance and how to effectively maximize these factors. Figure 1.3 Vietnamese labour productivity in 2011–2017 (Unit: million VND per labour) 93,2 79,4 84,5 74,7 68,7 63,1 55,2 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Million VND per labour Source: General Statistics Bureau, 2017 Figure 1.4 Vietnamese labour productivity compared with countries in area 15,7 Singapore 14,1 14,3 6,6 Malaysia 2,9 5,7 2,9 Thailand 2,9 2,7 2,6 Indonesia 2,6 2,4 1,9 Philippines 1,9 1,8 1 Vietnam 1 1 2016 2014 2010 Source: General Statistics Bureau, 2016
- 4 Additionally, before solving that problem, businesses need to determine their employees belonging to what kind of generation, which can be The Baby Boomers, GenX, Gen Z or espcially Gen Y (Millennials). According to the Socio-Economic Situation Report (General Statistics Bureau, 2016), the Millennials accounts for the majority (about 51%) of the Vietnamese labor force. In addition, the Millennials has many different characteristics compared to the previous ones, especially in the fashion of life, of thinking and ways of doing business... making many firms difficult because of facing risks such as low performance or job-hopping. Therefore, if an enterprise wishes to understand its employees, to implement appropriate human resources strategies to fulfill employees’ needs, maintain and promote, retain talents so as to improve the business results of the company, the clear understanding about the impact of job satisfaction on Millenials employee’s job performance is a must- have. This research is also a worldwide trend when it is forecasted that the Millennials will reach 75% of the global workforce by 2025. With those above notable emerging and existing problems, however, the studies drawing solutions or giving a comprehensive understanding about them have been relatively limited, which just appeared and got attention in abroad with some studies, and in Vietnam, just be around satisfaction, not mentioned clearly and concretely the job performance and the relationship between them, especially for the Millennials white-collar. Realizing the importance of above issues, the author decided to conduct the research on the topic “The impact of job satisfaction on employees’ job performance: A study of white-collar millennials in Ho Chi Minh City” in order to examine, evaluate and display the comprehensive picture about this consequence to support businesses as well as corporations build and implement proper personnel management with the aim of maximizing not only human capital capabilities but also business performance.
- 5 1.2. Research background 1.2.1. In the world Since the late 1950s, the impact of job satisfaction on employees’ job performance has been a topic being much interested and studied all over the world. To examine this issue, most authors like Brayfield & Crockett (1955), Herzberg et al. (1957) and Pushpakumari (2008) have used both primary and secondary data collection methods, through that building and analyzing models to draw conclusions. Specifically, the following outstanding research papers are included. Firstly, this impact received inconsistent and weak results from the first periods, especially which happened before 21st century. In details, prior to raising the “Motivation - Hygiene factor theory” in 1964, Herzberg et al. (1957), although having a positive look about this relationship, the correlations they examined were generally low and came to the conclusion that further attention to satisfaction in relation to employee’s job performance need to be warranted. Besides, despite finding that people derive intrinsic value from work, with the studies of Iaffaldano and Muchinsky (1985) as well as Brown and Peterson (1993), the relationship between job performance and job satisfaction has also been found to be inconsistent and weak, which was the same results with the research “Employee Attitudes and Employee Performance” (Brayfield & Crockett, 1955). On the other hand, the effect of Job Satisfaction on Work Performance is considered as strong, even positive in other research. For instance, employee performance is described as an explicit consequence of satisfying the needs of employees in the enterprises by stating that "it was typically assumed by most people associated with the human relations movement that job satisfaction was positively associated with job performance. In fact, human relations might be described as an attempt to increase productivity by satisfying the needs of employees" (Work and Motivation, Vroom, 1964). Moreover, when it comes to this modern century – the 21st, this impact has again affirmed strongly positive with the support from a lot of of research findings. Notably, with the recent paper having close topic to this research, studying the employees in private sector organizations in Sri Lanka “The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance: An Empirical Analysis” (2008), Pushpakumari
- 6 confirmed firmly that: There is a significant impact of job satisfaction on job performance of employees working in private-sector organizations. In general, succeeding studies around the world have begun to explore employee satisfaction issues early and made significant discoveries about factors that affect employee satisfaction. Nevertheless, there have not been many articles focusing on Millennials white-collar employees, namely job satisfaction of Millennials White- collar employees. Besides, previous abroad studies have also shown an influence of employees’ job satisfaction on their individual job performance but no studies have shown particularly millennials white-collar workers subject. 1.2.2. In Vietnam Being researched much worldwide, however, in Vietnam, the issue of the effect of job satisfaction on job performance or job performance separately have not been received much attention. There is few researches mentioning this topic, although job satisfaction has still been studied individually. Concretely, in terms of Job Satisfaction subject, many valuable studies remarks reliable relevant findings across from the North to the South Vietnam which can be listed as “Đo lường mức độ thỏa mãn công việc trong điều kiện Việt Nam” which conducted in Ho Chi Minh City (Tran Kim Dung, 2005), “Đánh giá các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến sự hài lòng công việc của nhân viên khối văn phòng tại Hà Nội – Ứng dụng phân tích bằng mô hình cấu trúc tuyến tính” which prioritizing white-collar Ha Noi (Dao Trung Kien, 2014) and also “Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến sự thỏa mãn công việc của nhân viên khối văn phòng ở TPHCM” (Chau Van Toan, 2009). Almost notable research, the amusement in job of Vietnamese as well as staffs in Ho Chi Minh city above average but not very strong; and factors having most significance on Job Performance are frequently Job Nature as well as Pay and Benefits. Nevertheless, with Job Performance as separate topic as well as when it comes to the influence of Job Satisfaction on Job Performance, the number of official papers is really limited, which are only listed some as “Would Better Earning, Work Environment, and Promotion Opportunities Increase Employee Performance? An Investigation in State and Other Sectors in Vietnam” indicating positive impact of salary - benefits, work environment and chances for advancement, not only happens
- 7 on job satisfaction, but also employees’ individual performance; the studies like “Job Stress, Involvement, Satisfaction and Performance of Employees in Garment 10 Corporation in Vietnam” (Viet Duc Than & Cuong Hung Pham & Long Pham, 2016) and “Determinants of job satisfaction on its impact on Job Performance in PVI HaNoi” (Phan Ngoc Tram, 2017) with the unique conclusion of the significantly positive relationship between the satisfaction when doing jobs and employees’ individual performance. In summary, the above studies help managers at the enterprises realize the need to strengthen job satisfaction as well as job performance of workers in compaship. However, none of the research focuses on Millennials' employees born from 1981 to 1996, who have new and complex personalities in their perceptions, lifestyles and ways of working. Facing the situation that Millennials is gradually becoming a core workforce, it is essential to study the factors that influence the satisfaction and job performance of this generation, especially white-collar employees working for private-sector enterprises which has seen the significant growth in the last recent years. In addition, the relationship between Satisfaction and Performance must also be considered more carefully and more detailed to find out whether Millennials white- collar employee who is satisfied with his or her job will contribute the most valuable outcome or not. Overall, the research conducted in Viet Nam mentioning Job Satisfaction quite abundant, but still rare regarding Job Performance as individual and the relationship between them. However, almost of those all come to the posititve findings which are firm foundation for further deep investigation. 1.3. Objectives of the research With investigation of both theories and empirical research together with survey conduction, the purpose of this thesis is to examine primarily whether or not the enjoyment when doing jobs can influence the effectiveness through accomplishing these subsequent objectives: Firstly, to review theoretical framework and researches which have relationships with contain information examing the impact of job satisfaction on job performance of millennials white-collar employees in Ho Chi Minh City companies.
- 8 Secondly, to determine the impact level of job satisfaction on job performance of millennials white-collar workers contributing for enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City. Thirdly, by the way, to find out factors affecting job satisfaction of targeted subject in Ho Chi Minh City and discrepancy in influence level among distinctive demographic factors. Finally, to suggest possible solutions for businesses in Ho Chi Minh City to boost and strengthen job satisfaction of millennials white-collar and develop practical personnel strategies to enhance and strengthen employee’s job performance and business results. 1.4. Subject and scope of the research 1.4.1 Subject The research focuses on the impact of job satisfaction on job performance of millennials white-collar employees working in companies in Ho Chi Minh City The research targets millennials white-collar employees, especially the ones born from 1985-1997, currently working for companies in Ho Chi Minh City. 1.4.2. Scope The scope of space: companies in Ho Chi Minh City The scope of time: The research has been undertaken from January to May 2020, in which primary data obtained through survey conducted from Feb 22nd to Mar 9th, 2020 1.5. Research methods This thesis uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In terms of qualitative method, this research goes through process of asking people in forms of both focus group and in-depth interviews about their viewpoints and feeling of link between job satisfaction and employee’s job performance as well as the factors impacting enjoyment in job separately, to more thoroughly understand the prevailing insights of targeted subjects through that can optimize the determinants chose to build each measurement scale and whole model research further.
- 9 Besides, to check out those relationships in more logical and explicit way, the quantitative method is employed. With the preliminary model, scale and hypotheses built from previous studies, the statistics are conducted by the method of non- probability convenience sampling of respondents. Primary data are achieved through an online structured questionnaire which consists of close questions with explicit choices. This research utilizes the Five-point Likert scale, SPSS and AMOS software to measure the value and meaning of variables. Additionally, statistical analysis techniques including Cronbach’s Alpha, EFA, CFA, Pearson’s correlation, SEM Model as well as ANOVA Test are employed to inspect the reliability of the scale, proposed model and figure out impact of job satisfaction on job performance of millennials white-collar employees working in Ho Chi Minh City, together with investigating impact of some potential elements influencing that satisfaction. 1.6. Research contribution Theorectically, the paper focuses on a relatively modern subject which no previous studies domestically and internationally mentioned before, which is millennials white-collar employees. With self-composed model, this contributes more comprehensive empirical understanding about impact of enjoyment when doing jobs on job effectiveness and distinguished characteristics of each element when examined on millennials white-collar in Ho Chi Minh City – the most prosperous economic center in Vietnam, which can fill the gap in huam resources related research aspect between Vietnam and the world outside. On the other hand, when it comes to practical aspect, as clarified in the rationale section, the Millennials generation plays an important part in the contemporary business development and sustainability. Due to diversity in the personal attributes and mindset when compared to previous generations like Gen X, Baby Boomers or the later one like Gen Z as well as when compared to blue-collar workers, millennials white-collar ones appear to have their own typical set of job satisfaction as well as the way to perform job productively. Therefore, this paper will be the reliable resources for managers or leaders to carefully refer and catch up more effectively with millennials employees through that can review and make appropriate
- 10 modifications and improvements to current human resources policies with aim of enhancing business performance in contemporary competition context. 1.7. Research structure The structure of the research is divided into five chapters as follows: - Chapter 1: Introduction - Chapter 2: Literature review - Chapter 3: Methodology - Chapter 4: Research results - Chapter 5: Conclusion and recommendations SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 1 With the aim of thorough investigating “The impact of job satisfaction on employees’ job performance: A study of white-collar millennials in Ho Chi Minh City”, this beginning chapter represents briefly the whole research content which points out explicitly the emerging serious problems about the personnels in Viet Nam as well as Ho Chi Minh together with not abundant related research globally and locally. Furthermore, this chapter also gives general perspective in terms of methods comprising not only mainly quantitative but also qualitative, subject and scope as well as contribution and structure topic.
- 11 CHAPTER 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Job satisfaction 2.1.1. Definition of job satisfaction Job satisfaction is a complicated concept with many different meanings depending on each person's conception in scientific research. If according to Locke (1976), job satisfaction is defined as “a pleasurable or positive emotional state”, which is “a function of the perceived relationship between what one wants from a job and what one perceives it is offering.”, Job satisfaction is described as a result of employee's perception of how well their job provides those things that are considered as important according to Mitchell and Lasan (1987). The fact that jobs satisfaction is the most vital and constantly studied attitude, is generally admitted in the organizational behavior field. Besides, Griffin & Bateman (1986) and Hackman & Oldman (1979) also suggest that job satisfaction may be defined as: “a cluster of positive and negative dispositions which are acquired and learned through experience, positive or negative attitudes based upon a person’s genetic inheritance, an outcome of an individual’s construction of his or her workplace reality, experience and mutuality of colleagues and supervisor’s evaluation, and an individual’s job characteristics and the extent to which an individual attempts to fit in with these characteristics according to his requirements from a job.” Moreover, one of job satisfaction descriptions often cited in studies is the definition of Spector (1985). According to him, job satisfaction is defined as degree to which people love (being satisfied) or not liking (not satisfied) work. Therefore, job satisfaction affects how employees feel about different aspects of the job. Or recently, in the study of Theresa & Henry (2016), job satisfaction is considered as a result of employees’ perception of how well their job provides those things which are viewed as important, which the author found that was most appropriate based on the characteristics of Millennials' generation that the author decided, among many other concepts of job satisfaction used in many related research projects around the world. This definition will be used throughout the study.
- 12 2.1.2. Measurements of job satisfaction In order to measure the amusement when doing jobs of personnel, two kinds of methods are discovered and developed with distinctive features. The first and more popular way is Job Facets measurements which focuses specifically on checking satisfaction of each aspect contributing to Job and the other is Global Scale which measures generally Job Satisfaction in simple opinion scale. Job Facets Measurements Firstly, Job Descriptive Index (JDI) of Smith, Kendall and Hulin (1969) is also widely used in more than 1200 studies to assess employee satisfaction at work. JDI examines job satisfaction of employees through five factors: - Nature of work: Regarding the nature of the job, the fit of the job assigned with competency and personality of the employee. - Training and advancement opportunities: Regarding awareness of training, advancement and self-development opportunities in organizations. - Leadership: Relates to the relationship between superiors, subordinates, support, superior attitude, ability and leadership style. - Colleagues: Relates to relationships, behaviors, competencies of colleagues. - Income: Related to fairness in paying employees inside and outside company. Big drawback of this is not having scale to examine job satisfaction in general. Besides, with Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) of Paul E. Spector (1985), although the model was originally built and developed specifically for the service industry, JSS is currently applicable to all kinds of enterprises and organizations, from profit to non-profit. In JSS, Spector expresses 09 factors to survey employee attitudes and satisfaction about the job and the facets of the job, including: (1) Salary, (2) Opportunity for promotion, ( 3) Supervision, (4) Contingent Rewards, (5) Coworkers, (6) Nature of work, (7) Operating conditions, (8) Communication, (9) Benefits. Thirdly, the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) of Weiss, Dawis, England and Lofquist proposed in 1967 is quite popular because compared to JDI and JSS, this is very specific and uncomplicated to comprehend, simple to apply
- 13 (Spector, 1997). MSQ uses one of the following two tables: a long table of 100 entries (1977 version and 1967 version) with each aspect being measured by a 5-point Likert scale ((1) very dissatisfied with the this aspect of the job; (2) not satisfied with this aspect of the job; (3) cannot decide whether or not satisfied with this aspect of the job; (4) satisfied with this aspect of the job ; (5) very satisfied for this aspect of the job) and a shorter measurement table of 20 items (corresponding to 20 elements) evaluating the overall level of satisfaction in each aspect. The answers for each evaluation factor are added to the total or average score, creating a total score. The lower the total score, the lower the employee's job satisfaction level at work. However, the biggest weakness of MSQ is that the questionnaire is too long. If using the shorter form of 20 questions, deviations are large and not fully reflect the feelings of the staff. Last but not least is the Adjust Job Descriptive Index which comes out in the study “Nhu cầu, sự thỏa mãn của nhân viên và mức độ gắn kết đối với tổ chức” of Tran Kim Dung in 2005, based on study of Maslow's demand pyramid model. With this exciting topic, besides 5 elements in JDI, the author has added 02 extra components ("Benefits" and "Working conditions") to suit the current conditions of Vietnam. The model consists of 07 factors having an influence on employee job satisfaction as follows: (1) Salary, (2) Working conditions, (3) Nature of work, (4) Benefits, (5) Colleagues, (6) Training and advancement opportunities, (7) Supervisor. Global Scale Measurement: Single Global Rating Single global rating is simply a response to one question. Example: all things considered, how satisfied are you with your job? Here respondents decide among the answers indicating from “highly satisfied” to “highly dissatisfied” To summarize, amusement when performing jobs is the topic receiving much interest all over the world which have been shown through lots of studies. The results for the elements having an impact on this also get great attention, which appear quite commonly and popularly as Salary, Coworkers, Nature of work, Training and advancement opportunities, Supervisor Working Conditions and Contingent Rewards.


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