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Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts- P2

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Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts- P2: The advances in computer entertainment, multi-player and online games, technology-enabled art, culture and performance have created a new form of entertainment and art, which attracts and absorbs their participants. The fantastic success of this new field has influenced the development of the new digital entertainment industry and related products and services, which has impacted every aspect of our lives.

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Nội dung Text: Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts- P2

  1. 16 G. Lekakos et al. Fig. 4 Method selection in MoRe Fig. 5 Ranked list of movie recommendations Recommendation Algorithms Pure Collaborative Filtering Our collaborative filtering engine applies the typical neighbourhood-based algorithm [8], divided into three steps: (a) computation of similarities between the target and the remaining of the users, (b) neighborhood development and (c) computation of prediction based on weighted average of the neighbors’ ratings on the target item.
  2. 1 Personalized Movie Recommendation 17 For the first step, as formula 1 illustrates, the Pearson correlation coefficient is used. P Xi X Yi Y i r D rP (1) 2P 2 Xi X Yi Y i i where Xi and Yi are the ratings of users X and Y for movie I , while X, Y refer to the mean values of the available ratings for the users X and Y . However, in the MoRe implementation we used formula 2, given below, which is equivalent to formula 1 but it computes similarities faster since it does not need to compute the mean rating values. n represents the number of commonly rated movies by users X and Y . P P P n XiYi Xi Y i i i i rDs  Ã2 s  Ã2 (2) P 2 P P 2 P n Xi Xi n Yi Yi i i i i Note that in the above formulas if either user has evaluated all movies with identical ratings the result is a “divide by zero” error and therefore we decided to ignore users with such ratings. In addition, we devaluate the contribution of neighbors with less than 50 commonly rated movies by applying a significance weight of n=50 , where n is the number of ratings in common [32]. At the neighborhood development step of the collaborative filtering process we select neighbors with positive correlation to the target user. In order to increase the accuracy of the recommendations, prediction for a movie is produced only if the neighbourhood consists of at least 5 neighbors. To compute an arithmetic prediction for a movie, the weighted average of all neighbors’ ratings is computed using formula 3. P .J i N J /rKJ J 2Neighbours N Ki D K C P (3) jrKJ j J N where Ki is the prediction for movie i , K is the average mean of target user’s ratings, N Ji is the rating of neighbour J for the movie i , J is the average mean of neighbour 0 J s ratings and rKJ is the Pearson correlation measure for the target user and her neighbor J . Pure Content-Based Filtering In the content-based prediction we consider as features all movie contributors (cast, directors, writers, and producers), the genre, and the plot words. Features that appear
  3. 18 G. Lekakos et al. in only one movie are ignored. Each movie is represented by a vector, the length of which is equal to the number of non-unique features of all available movies. The elements of the vector state the existence or non-existence (Boolean) of a specific feature in the description of the movie. To calculate the similarity of two movies, we use the cosine similarity measure computed in formula 4. ai and bi are the values of the i -th elements of vectors E E a and b. P ai bi E D E E a b i cos.E ; b/ a D rP rP (4) E kE k kbk a ai2 bi2 i i The algorithm we use to produce recommendations is an extension of the top-N item-based algorithm that is described by Karypis in [33]. Since the movie set does not change dynamically when the system is online, the similarities between all pairs of movies in the dataset are pre-computed off-line and for each movie the k-most similar movies are recorded, along with their corresponding similarity values. When a user that has rated positively (i.e four or five) a set U of movies, asks for recom- mendations, a set C of candidate movies for recommendation is created as the union of the k-most similar movies for each movie j 2 U , excluding movies already in U . The next step is to compute the similarity of each movie c 2 C to the set U as the sum of the similarities between c 2 C and all movies j 2 U . Finally, the movies in C are sorted with respect to that similarity Figure 6 graphically represents the content- based prediction process. Note that typically content-based recommendation is based upon the similarities between item’ features and user’s profile consisting of preferences on items’ fea- tures. Instead, Karypis computes similarities between items upon all users’ ratings completely ignoring item features. This approach is also known as item-to-item cor- relation and is regarded as content-based retrieval. We extend Karypis’ algorithm by utilizing the movies’ features rather than the user’ ratings to find the most similar movies to the ones that the user has rated positively in the past and therefore we preserve the term content-based filtering. Since we are interested in numerical ratings in order to combine content-based and collaborative filtering predictions, we extend Karypis’ algorithm (which is de- signed for binary ratings) as follows. Let MaxSim and MinSim be the maximum and minimum similarities for each movie in c 2 C to U and S i mi the similarity of a movie Mi to the set U . The numerical prediction Pri for the movie is computed by formula 5. .S i mi MinSim/ 4 Pri D C1 (5) .MaxSim MinSim/ Formula 5 above normalizes similarities from ŒMaxSim; MinSim to Œ1; 5, which is the rating scale used in collaborative filtering. For example, if S i mi D 0:8, MinSim D 0:1, and MaxSim D 0:9 then Pri D 4:5. Note that the formula applies for any similarity value (above or below one). Due to the fact that movie similarities are computed offline, we are able to produce content-based recommendations much faster than collaborative filtering
  4. 1 Personalized Movie Recommendation 19 Fig. 6 Content-based filtering prediction process recommendations. Moreover, in contrast to collaborative filtering, content-based predictions can always be produced for the specific dataset. In addition, we implemented content-based filtering using the Na¨ve Bayes algo- ı rithm. Each of the five numerical ratings is considered as a class label and prediction u for an item is computed using formula 6: m Y uD arg max P uj P ai juj (6) uj ef1;2;3;4;5g i D0 where uj is the rating provided by the user uj D 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 , P.uj / is the proba- bility that any item can be rated by the user with uj (computed by the available user ratings), m is the number of terms used in the description of the items and juj / is the probability to find in the item’s description the term ai when it has been rated with uj . The probability juj / is computed by formula 7. ni C 1 P ai juj D (7) n C jVocabularyj
  5. 20 G. Lekakos et al. where n is the total number of occurrences of all terms that are used for the descrip- tion of the items and have been rated with uj , nj is the frequency of appearance of the term ai in the n terms and jVocabularyj is the number of unique terms ap- pearing in all items that have been rated by the user. The Na¨ve Bayes algorithm has ı been successfully used in the book recommendation domain [18]. Hybrid Recommendation Methods The proposed hybrid recommendation method is implemented in two variations. The first one, called substitute, aims to utilize collaborative filtering as the main prediction method and switch to content-based when collaborative filtering predic- tions cannot be made. The use of collaborative filtering as the primary method is based on the superiority of collaborative filtering in multiple application fields, as well as in the movie domain [29, 30]. Content-based predictions are triggered when the neighborhood size of the target user consists of less than 5 users. This approach is expected to increase both the prediction accuracy as well as the prediction coverage. Indeed, the collaborative filtering algorithm described above requires at least five neighbors for the target user in order to make a prediction. This requirement increases the accuracy of the collaborative filtering method itself (compared to the typical collaborative filtering algorithm) but leads to a prediction failure when it is not met. For these items (for which prediction cannot be made) content-based prediction is always feasible and therefore the overall accuracy of the substitute hybrid algorithm is expected to improve compared to collaborative filtering as well as content-based filtering. Although this approach is also expected to improve prediction coverage, the time required to make predictions may increase due to the additional steps required by the content-based algorithm. However, this delay may be practically insignificant since the time needed to make content-based recommendations is significantly shorter than the time to produce recommendations with collaborative filtering. The second variation of the proposed hybrid approach, called switching, is based on the number of available ratings for the target user as the switching criterion. Col- laborative filtering prediction is negatively affected when few ratings are available for the target user. In contrast, content-based method deal with this problem more effectively since predictions can be produced even upon few ratings. The switching hybrid uses collaborative filtering as the main recommendation method and trig- gers a content-based prediction when the number of available ratings falls below a fixed threshold. This threshold value can be experimentally determined and for the specific dataset has been set to 40 ratings. In terms of prediction coverage the switching hybrid is not expected to differ significantly from the collaborative filtering prediction, since content-based filter- ing may be applied even if a collaborative filtering prediction can be produced, in contrast to the substitute hybrid which triggers content-based prediction upon the
  6. 1 Personalized Movie Recommendation 21 “failure” of collaborative filtering to make predictions. Although the two variations above follow the exactly the same approach having collaborative filtering as their main recommendation method, they differ in the switching criterion. Experimental Evaluation The objective of the experimental evaluation is to compare the two versions of the hybrid algorithm against each other as well as against the base algorithms (collaborative and content-based filtering). The comparison is performed in terms of predictive accuracy, coverage and actual time required for real-time predic- tions. Moreover, since pure collaborative filtering, implemented in MoRe, adopts a neighborhood-size threshold (5 neighbors) we will examine its performance against the typical collaborative filtering method without the neighborhood size restriction. We will also demonstrate that the number of features used to describe the movies plays an important role in the prediction accuracy of the content-based algorithm. The evaluation measures utilized for estimating prediction accuracy is the Mean Absolute Error (MAE). The Mean Absolute Error [2] is a suitable measure of pre- cision for systems that use numerical user ratings and numerical predictions. If r1 ; : : : ; rn are the real values of user in the test, p1 ; : : : ; pn are the predicted values for the same ratings and E D "1 ; : : : ; "n D fp1 r1 ; : : : ; pn rn g are the errors, then the Mean Absolute Error is computed by formula 8. P n j"i j ˇ ˇ iD0 MAE D ˇE ˇ D (8) n In the experimental process the original dataset is separated in two subsets ran- domly selected: a training set containing the 80% of ratings of each available user and a test set including the remaining 20% of the ratings. Furthermore, available user ratings have been split in the two subsets. The ratings that belong to the test set are ignored by the system and we try to produce predictions for them using only the remaining ratings of the training set. To compare the MAE values of the different recommendation methods and to verify that the differences are statistically signif- icant we apply non-parametric Wilcoxon rank test, in the 99% confidence space (since normality requirement or parametric test is not met). The MAE for the pure collaborative filtering method is 0.7597 and the coverage 98.34%. The MAE value for collaborative filtering method (without the neighbor- hood size restriction) is 0.7654 and the respective coverage 99.2%. The p-value of the Wilcoxon test (p D 0:0002) indicates a statistically significant difference suggesting that the restriction to produce prediction for a movie only if the neigh- bourhood consists of at least 5 neighbours lead to more accurate predictions, but scarifies a portion of coverage.
  7. 22 G. Lekakos et al. Table 1 Number of features Threshold Number and prediction accuracy Case (movies) MAE of features 1 2 0.9253 10626 2 3 0.9253 10620 3 5 0.9275 7865 4 10 0.9555 5430 5 15 0.9780 3514 The pure content-based predictor presents MAE value 0.9253, which is signif- icantly different (p D 0:000) than collaborative filtering. The coverage is 100%, since content-based predictions ensures that prediction can always be produced for every movie (provided that the target user has rated at least one movie). In the above experiment we used a word as a feature if it appeared in the description of at least two movies. We calculated the accuracy of the predictions when this threshold value is increased to three, five, ten and fifteen movies, as shown in Table 1. Comparing cases 1 and 2 above we notice no significant differences, while the difference between 2 and 3, 4, 5 (p D 0:0000 for all cases) cases are statistically significant. Thus, we may conclude that the number of features that are used to represent the movies is an important factor of the accuracy of the recommendations and, more specifically, the more features are used, the more accurate the recommendations are. Note that Na¨ve Bayes algorithm performed poorly in terms of accuracy with ı MAE D 1:2434. We improved its performance when considered ratings above 3 as positive ratings and below 3 as negative (MAE D 1:118). However, this error is still significantly higher than the previous implementation and therefore we exclude it from the development of the hybrid approaches. Substitute hybrid recommendation method was designed to achieve 100% cover- age. The MAE of the method was calculated to be 0.7501, which is a statistically im- portant improvement of the accuracy of pure collaborative filtering (p < 0:00001). The coverage of the switching hybrid recommendation method is 98.8%, while the MAE is 0.7702, which is a statistically different in relevance to substitute hy- brid and pure collaborative filtering methods (p D 0:000). This method produces recommendations of less accuracy than both pure collaborative filtering and sub- stitute hybrid, has greater coverage than the first and lower that the latter method, but it produces recommendations in reduced time than both methods above. Even though recommendation methods are usually evaluated in terms of accuracy and coverage, the reduction of execution time might be considered more important for a recommender system designer, in particular in a system with a large number of users and/or items. Table 2 depicts the MAE values, coverage and time required for real-time pre- diction (on a Pentium machine running at 3.2 GHz with 1 GB RAM) for all four recommendation methods. Note that the most demanding algorithm in terms of resources for real-time pre- diction is collaborative filtering. If similarities are computed between the target and
  8. 1 Personalized Movie Recommendation 23 Table 2 MAE, coverage, run time and prediction time for the MAE Coverage prediction recommendation methods Pure Collaborative 0.7597 98.34% 14 sec Filtering Pure Content-based 0.9253 100% 3 sec Recommenda- tions Substitute hybrid 0.7501 100% 16 sec recommendation method Switching hybrid 0.7702 98.8% 10 sec recommendation method the remaining users at prediction time then its complexity is O .nm/ for n users and m items. This may be reduced at O .m/ if similarities for all pairs or users are pre-computed with an off-line cost O n2 m . However, such a pre-computation step affects one of the most important characteristics of collaborative filtering, which is its ability to incorporate the most up-to-date ratings in the prediction process. In domains where rapid changes in user interests are not likely to occur the off-line computation step may be a worthwhile alternative. Conclusions and Future Research The above empirical results provide useful insights concerning collaborative and content-based filtering as well as their combination under the substitute and switch- ing hybridization mechanisms. Collaborative filtering remains one of the most accurate recommendation meth- ods but for very large datasets the scalability problem may be considerable and a similarities pre-computation phase may reduce the run-time prediction cost. The size of target user’s neighbourhood does affect the accuracy of recommendations. Setting the minimum number of neighbors to 5 improves prediction accuracy but at a small cost in coverage. Content-based recommendations are significantly less accurate than collabora- tive filtering, but are produced much faster. In the movie recommendation domain, the accuracy depends on the number of features that are used to describe the movies. The more features there are, the more accurate the recommendations. Substitute hybrid recommendation method improves the performance of collab- orative filtering in both terms of accuracy and coverage. Although the difference in coverage with collaborative filtering on the specific dataset and with specific conditions (user rated at least 20 movies, zero weight threshold value) is rather in- significant, it has been reported that this is not always the case, in particular when increasing the weight threshold value [32]. On the other hand, the switching hybrid
  9. 24 G. Lekakos et al. recommendation method fails to improve the accuracy of collaborative filtering, but significantly reduces execution time. The MoRe system is specifically designed for movie recommendations but its collaborative filtering engine may be used for any type of content. The evaluation of the algorithms implemented in the MoRe system was based on a specific dataset which limits the above conclusions in the movie domain. It would be very interesting to evaluate the system on alternative datasets in other domains as well in order to examine the generalization ability of our conclusions. As future research it would also be particularly valuable to perform an experi- mental evaluation of the system, as well as the proposed recommendations methods, by human users. This would allow for checking whether the small but statistically significant differences on recommendation accuracy are detectable by the users. Moreover, it would be useful to know which performance factor (accuracy, cov- erage or execution time) is considered to be the most important by the users, since that kind of knowledge could set the priorities of our future research. Another issue that could be subject for future research is the way of the recom- mendations presented to the users, the layout of the graphical user interface and how this influences the user ratings. Although there exist some studies on these is- sues (e.g. [34]), it is a fact that the focus in recommender system research is on the algorithms that are used in the recommendation techniques. References 1. D. Goldberg, D. Nichols, B.M. Oki, and D. Terry, “Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Information Tapestry,” Communications of the ACM Vol. 35, No. 12, December, 1992, p.p. 61-70. 2. U. Shardanand, and P. Maes, “Social Information Filtering: Algorithms for Automating “Word of Mouth”,” Proceedings of the ACM CH’95 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, Colorado, 1995, p.p. 210-217. 3. B. N. Miller, I. Albert, S. K. Lam, J. Konstan, and J. Riedl, “MovieLens Unplugged: Experiences with an Occasionally Connected Recommender System,” Proceedings of the In- ternational Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, 2003. 4. W. Hill, L. Stead, M. Rosenstein, and G. Furnas, “Recommending and Evaluating Choices in a Virtual Community of Use,” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1995, p.p. 174-201. 5. Z. Yu, and X. Zhou, “TV3P: An Adaptive Assistant for Personalized TV,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2004, p.p. 393-399. 6. D. O’Sullivan, B. Smyth, D. C. Wilson, K. McDonald, and A. Smeaton, “Improving the Quality of the Personalized Electronic Program Guide,” User Modeling and User Adapted Interaction;Vol. 14, No. 1, 2004, p.p. 5-36. 7. S. Gutta, K. Kuparati, K. Lee, J. Martino, D. Schaffer, and J. Zimmerman, “TV Content Recommender System,” Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, 2000, p.p. 1121-1122. 8. P. Resnick, N. Iacovou, M. Suchak, P. Bergstrom, and J. Riedl, “GroupLens: An Open Ar- chitecture for Collaborative Filtering of NetNews,” Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 1994, p.p. 175-186.
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  12. Chapter 2 Cross-category Recommendation for Multimedia Content Naoki Kamimaeda, Tomohiro Tsunoda, and Masaaki Hoshino Introduction Nowadays, Internet content has increased manifold not only in terms of Web site categories but also other categories such as TV programs and music content. As of 2008, the total number of Web sites in the world exceeded 180 million [1]. Including satellite broadcasting programs, there are thousands of channels in the TV pro- gram category. Consequently, in several categories, information overload and the size of database storage are often acknowledged as problems. From the viewpoint of such problems, there is a need for personalization technologies. By using such technologies, we can easily find favorite content and avoid storing unnecessary con- tent, because these technologies can select content that interests the user among a large variety of content. Recommendation services are one of the most popular applications that are based on personalization technologies. Most of these services provide recommenda- tions for individual categories. By applying recommendation technologies to several different categories, user experience can be improved. By using user preferences in- volving several categories, the system can figure out more profound nature of user’s taste and user’s view point to select content. Moreover, it becomes easier to find similar content from other categories. In this article, this kind of recommendation is referred to as “cross-category recommendation.” The purpose of this article is to introduce cross-category recommendation tech- nologies for multimedia content. First, in order to understand how to realize the recommendation function, multimedia content recommendation technologies and cross-category recommendation technologies are outlined. Second, practical ap- plications and services using these technologies are described. Finally, difficul- ties involving cross-category recommendation for multimedia content and future prospects are mentioned as the conclusion. N. Kamimaeda ( ), T. Tsunoda, and M. Hoshino Sec. 5, Intelligence Application Development Dept., Common Technology Division, Technology Development Group, Corporate R&D, Sony Corporation, Tokyo, Japan e-mail:;; B. Furht (ed.), Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts, 27 DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-89024-1 2, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
  13. 28 N. Kamimaeda et al. Technological Overview Overview The technological overview is described in two parts: multimedia content recomm- endation technologies and cross-category recommendation technologies. The relationship between these technologies is shown in Figure 1. Multimedia recommendation technologies involve basic technologies that can be used to realize recommendation functions for each category. Cross-category rec- ommendation technologies involve technologies to realize cross-recommendation among categories based on multimedia recommendation technologies. These two technologies have been explained in the following sections. Multimedia Content Recommendation In this section, an overview of recommendation technologies for multimedia con- tent is described. There are two types of such technologies: collaborative filtering (CF) and content-based filtering (CBF). First, basic technologies about CF are de- scribed. Second, we explain CBF technologies in detail, because in this article, we mainly explain cross-category recommendation technologies using CBF technolo- gies. After that, typical cases of multimedia content recommendation systems are mentioned. Finally, how to realize cross-category recommendation based on CBF technologies is described. Fig. 1 Two types of recommendation technologies
  14. 2 Cross-category Recommendation for Multimedia Content 29 Basic Technologies Involving CF Collaborative filtering methods can be categorized into the following two types. One type of CF starts by finding a set of customers whose purchases and rated items overlap the user’s purchases and rated items [2]. The algorithm aggregates items from such similar customers, eliminates items the user has already purchased or rated, and recommends the remaining items to the user. This is called user-based CF. Cluster models are also a type of user-based approach. The other type of CF focuses on finding similar items, and not similar customers. For each of the user’s purchased and rated items, the algorithm attempts to find sim- ilar items. It then aggregates the similar items and recommends them. This is called item-based CF. Two popular versions of this algorithm are search-based methods and item-to-item collaborative filtering [3]. Both CF methods cannot often work well with completely new items, items with less reusability such as TV programs, high merchandise turnover rate items, and so on. As a simple example of conventional CF, a problem in TV program recommen- dation can be encountered as follows. 1. Tom watched TV programs named X, Y, and Z. 2. Mike watched TV programs named X and Y but did not watch Z. 3. The system recommends program Z to Mike since Tom and Mike have watched the same programs X and Y, but Mike has never watched program Z before. 4. However, program Z has already been broadcast and Mike cannot watch program Z now. Although CF methods have this type of problem, CF can be easily applied to cross-category recommendation, because CF is independent of the type of item, but it depends on which items are purchased or rated together. Moreover, tech- nologies using community trends like CF are very important for cross-category recommendation. Lately, several community-based recommendation services have emerged. [4], MusicStrands (Mystrands) [5], and Soundflavor [6] are examples of community-based music recommendation services. These sites obtain the listen- ing logs or playlist data of community members; these song playlists are shared with other community members and are also used to recommend music. Basic Technologies Involving CBF Key Elements of a Content Recommendation System Using CBF A content recommendation system using CBF technologies has four key elements, as shown in Figure 2: content profiling, context learning, user preference learning, and matching. In content profiling, the machine should understand what the content is in order to recommend it. For example, jazz music has acoustic instrumentation and makes for very relaxed listening. Understanding the content seems like an oversimplifica-
  15. 30 N. Kamimaeda et al. Fig. 2 Four key elements of a CBF-based content recommendation system tion, but a machine should manage all the necessary information that represents the content. The next element is context learning. Understanding the user’s context is also important for recommending content. The user’s interest is influenced by where she/he is, the time of the day, what type of situation she/he is in, or how she/he is feeling. For example, if the user is sitting in a caf´ near a tropical seashore, she/he e may prefer to listen to Latin music with a tropical cocktail in his/her hand. Alter- natively, the user may prefer to listen to a wide range of music—classic to punk rock music—in the morning. The third element is learning the users’ preferences. Learning and understanding the user’s taste or preference is important to provide ex- cellent recommendation in order to achieve better user satisfaction. If a user always listens to songs sung by female vocalists, she/he may prefer vocal to instrumental music. The last element is matching. Matching methods are used for recommend- ing or searching relevant content. This key element measures the relevancy between the three abovementioned entities, such as that between user preference and content profile and the similarity between content. In this chapter, these four key elements are discussed in detail; however, let us briefly introduce other factors such as association discovery, trend discovery (TD), and community-based recommendation. TD is useful from the viewpoint of pro- viding recommendations because users often may wish to check the latest popular trends. For example, the TD system extracts trends from the World Wide Web (WWW) by employing a text mining technique comprising the following steps: (1) identifying frequent phrases, (2) generating histories or phrases, and (3) seeking temporal patterns that match a specific trend [7]. One research group has focused on detecting the sentimental information associated with retail products by employing natural language processing [8].
  16. 2 Cross-category Recommendation for Multimedia Content 31 Content Profiling Content profiling can be considered as the addition of metadata that represents the content or indexing it for retrieval purposes. It is often referred to as tagging, la- beling, or annotation. Essentially, there are two types of tagging methods—manual tagging and automatic tagging. In manual tagging, the metadata is manually fed as the input by professionals or voluntary users. In automatic tagging, the metadata is generated and added automatically by the computer. In the case of textual content, keywords are automatically extracted from the content data by using a text mining approach. In the case of audiovisual (AV) content, various features are extracted from the content itself by employing digital signal processing technologies. How- ever, even in the case of AV content, text mining is often used to assign keywords from the editorial text or a Web site. In both manual and automatic approaches, it is important for the recommendation system to add effective metadata that can help classify the user’s taste or perception. For example, with respect to musical content, the song length may not be important metadata to represent the user’s taste. Manual Tagging Until now, musical content metadata (Figure 3) have been generated by manual tagging. All Media Guide (AMG) [9] offers a musical content metadata by pro- fessional music critics. They have over 200 mood keywords for music tracks. They classify each music genre into hundreds of subgenres. For example, rock music has over 180 subgenres. AMG also stores some emotional metadata, which is useful to analyze artist relationships, search similar music, and classify the user’s taste in detail. However, the problem with manual tagging is the time and cost involved. Pandora [10] is well known for its personalized radio channel service. This service is based on manually labeled songs from the Music Genome Project; according to their Web site, it took them 6 years to label songs from 10,000 artists, and these songs were listened to and classified by musicians. According to the AMG home page, they have a worldwide network of more than 900 staff and freelance writers specializing in music, movies, and games. Similarly, Gracenote [11] has also achieved huge commercial success as a music metadata provider. The approach involves the use of voluntary user input and the service—compact disc database (CDDB)—is a de facto standard in the music meta- data industry for PCs and mobile music players. According to Gracenote’s Web site, the CDDB already contains the metadata for 55 million tracks and 4 million CDs spanning more than 200 countries and territories and 80 languages; interestingly, Gracenote employs less than 200 employees. This type of approach is often referred to as user-generated content tagging.
  17. 32 N. Kamimaeda et al. Fig. 3 Example of a song’s metadata Automatic Tagging 1) Automatic Tagging from Textual Information In textual-content-based tagging, key terms are extracted automatically from the textual content. This technique is used for extracting keywords not only from the textual content but also from the editorial text; this explains its usability with respect to tagging the AV content. “TV Kingdom” [12] is a TV content recommendation service in Japan; it extracts specific keywords from the description text provided in the electronic program guide (EPG) data and uses it as additional metadata. This is because the EPG data provided by the supplier are not as effectively structured as metadata and are therefore insufficient for recommendation purposes [13]. TV King- dom employs the term frequency/inverse document frequency (TF/IDF) method to extract keywords from the EPG. TF/IDF is a text mining technique that identifies individual terms in a collection of documents and uses them as specific keywords. The TF/IDF procedure can be described as follows: Step 1: Calculate the term frequency (tf ) of a term in a document. freq.i; j / D frequency of occurenceof term ti indocument Dj The following formula is practically used to reduce the impact of high- frequency terms. tfji D log.1 C freq.i; j // Step 2: Calculate the inverse document frequency (idf ): idf i reflects the presumed importance of term ti for the content representation in document Dj . N idf i D ni
  18. 2 Cross-category Recommendation for Multimedia Content 33 where ni D number of documents in the collection to which term tj is assigned. N D collection size: The following formula is practically used to reduce the impact of large values. Á N idf i D log n i Step 3: The product of each factor is applied as the weight of the term in this doc- ument. wj D tfij idf i i Google [14] is the most popular example of automatic tagging based on textual information. Google’s Web robots are software modules that crawl through the Web sites on the Internet, extract keywords from the Web documents, and index them automatically by employing text mining technology. These robots also label the degree of importance of each Web page by employing a link structure analysis; this is referred to as Page Rank [15]. 2) Automatic Tagging from Visual Information Research on content-based visual information retrieval systems has been undertaken since the early 1990s. These systems extract content features from an image or video signal and index them. Two types of visual information retrieval systems exist. One is “query by features”; here, sample images or sketches are used for retrieval purposes. The other is “query by semantics”; here, the user can retrieve visual in- formation by submitting queries like “a red car is running on the road.” Adding tags to image or video content is more complex than adding tags to tex- tual content. Certain researches have suggested that video content is more complex than a text document with respect to six criteria: resolution, production process, ambiguity in interpretation, interpretation effort, data volume, and similarity [16]. For example, the textual description of an image only provides very abstract de- tails. It is well known that a picture is worth a thousand words. Furthermore, video content—a temporal sequence of many images—provides higher-level details that a text document cannot yield. Therefore, query by semantics, which is a content-based semantic-level tagging technique, is still a complex and challenging topic. Neverthe- less, query-by-feature approaches such as QBIC and VisualSEEK achieve a certain level of performance with regard to visual content retrieval [17], [18]. This approach extracts various visual features including color distribution, texture, shape, and spa- tial information, and provides similarity-based image retrieval; this is referred to as “query by example.” In order to search for a similar image, the distance measure between images should be defined in the feature space, and this is also a complex task. A simple example of distance measure using color histograms is shown in Figure 4 in order to provide an understanding of the complexity involved in determining the simi- larity between images. This figure shows three grayscale images and their color histograms in Panel a, Panel b, and Panel c. It may appear that Image (b) is similar
  19. 34 N. Kamimaeda et al. Fig. 4 Typical grayscale image sample Fig. 5 Minkowski distance measure to Image (a) rather than Image (c). However, simple Minkowski distance reveals that Image (b) has greater similarity to Image (c) than Image (a), as shown in Figure 5. There exists a semantic gap between this distance measure and human perception. In order to overcome this type of problem, various distance measures have been proposed, such as earth mover’s distance (EMD) [19]. JSEG outlines a technique for spatial analysis using the image segmentation method to determine the typical color distributions of image segments. [20]. In addition to the global-color-based features mentioned above, image recog- nition technology is also useful for image tagging. A robust recognition algo- rithm of object recognition from multiple viewpoints has also been proposed [21]. The detection and indexing of objects contained in images enable the query-by- example service with a network-connected camera such as one on a mobile phone. Face recognition and detection technologies also have potential for image tagging. Sony’s “Picture Motion Browser” [22] employs various video feature extraction
  20. 2 Cross-category Recommendation for Multimedia Content 35 technologies including face-recognition to provide smart video browsing features such as personal highlight search and video summarization. A hybrid method merg- ing both local features from image recognition technology and global-color-based feature will enhance the accuracy of image retrieval. Many researches pursue the goal of sports video summarization because sports video has a typical and predictable temporal structure and recurring events of similar types such as corner kicks and shots at goal in soccer games. Furthermore, consistent features and fixed number of views allow us to employ less complex content model than those necessary for ordinary movie or TV drama content. Most of the solutions involve the combination of the specific local features such as line mark, global visual features and also employ audio features such as high-energy audio segment. 3) Automatic Tagging from Audio Information In addition to images, there are various approaches for achieving audio feature extraction by employing digital signal processing. In the MPEG-7 standard, audio features are split into two levels—“low-level descriptor” and “high-level descriptor.” However, a “mid-level descriptor” is also required to understand automatic tagging technologies for audio information. Low-level features are signal-parameter-level features such as basic spectral features. Mid-level features are musical-theory-level features, for example, tempo, key, and chord progression, and other features such as musical structure (chorus part, etc.), vocal presence, and musical instrument timbre. High-level features such as mood, genre, and activity are more generic. The EDS system extracts mid- and high-level features from an audio signal [23]. It involves the generation of high-level features by combining low-level features. The system automatically discovers an optimal feature extractor for the targeted high-level features, such as the musical genre, by employing a machine learning technology. The twelve-tone analysis is an alternative approach for audio feature extraction; it analyzes the audio signal based on the principles of musical theory. The baseband audio signal is transformed into the time–frequency domain and split into 1/12 octave signals. The system can extract mid- and high-level features by analyzing the progression of the twelve-tone signal patterns. Sony’s hard-disk-based audio system “Giga Juke” [24] provides smart music browsing capabilities based on features such as mood channel and similar song search by the twelve-tone analysis. Musical fingerprinting (FP) also extracts audio features, but it is used for accu- rate music identification rather than for retrieving similar music. Figure 6 shows the framework of the FP process [25]. Similar to the abovementioned feature extraction procedures, FP extracts audio features by digital signal processing, but it generates a more compact signature that summarizes an audio recording. FP is therefore ca- pable of satisfying the requirements of both fast retrieval performance and compact footprint to reduce memory space overhead. Gracenote and Shazam [26] are two well-known FP technologies and music identification service providers.



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