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Hệ thống Truyền Dữ liệu thố g Truyề Dữ liệu theo Mạng Điều khiển

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Vietnam Giới thiệu đôi điều về : Mạ khiể ( Controller Area Network) ) MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 01 .HÃÛ THÄÚNG MAÛNG CAÏC HÄÜP ÂIÃÖU KHIÃØN Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 10 .HT. MAÛNG SONG SONG VAÌ NÄÚI TIÃÚP Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 11 .CAÏC PHÆÅNG TIÃÛN TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU Vietnam K-line = Dáy dáùn âiãûn loaûi thæåìng Fibre optic = Dáy caïp quang MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 12 .TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU BÀÒNG DÁY DÁÙN THÆÅÌNG Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 13 ....

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Hệ thống Truyền Dữ liệu thố g Truyề Dữ liệu theo Mạng Điều khiển

  1. Vietnam Giới thiệu đôi điều về : Hệ thống Truyền Dữ liệu thố g Truyề Dữ liệ y theo Mạng Điều khiển Mạ khiể ( Controller Area Network) ) MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 01
  2. HÃÛ THÄÚNG MAÛNG CAÏC HÄÜP ÂIÃÖU KHIÃØN Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 10
  3. HT. MAÛNG SONG SONG VAÌ NÄÚI TIÃÚP Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 11
  4. CAÏC PHÆÅNG TIÃÛN TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU Vietnam K-line = Dáy dáùn âiãûn loaûi thæåìng Fibre optic = Dáy caïp quang MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 12
  5. TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU BÀÒNG DÁY DÁÙN THÆÅÌNG Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 13
  6. TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU BÀÒNG DÁY CAÏP QUANG Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 14
  7. TÄÚC ÂÄÜ TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU Vietnam Dáy dáùn loaûi thæåìng : 9,6 Kilobits / giáy MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 15
  8. TÄÚC ÂÄÜ TRUYÃÖN DÆÎ LIÃÛU Vietnam Dáy caïp quang : 5,6 Megabits / giáy MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 16
  9. VÇ SAO TÄÚC ÂÄÜ TRUYÃÙN DÆÎ LIÃÛU KHAÏC NHAU ? Vietnam Täúc âäü truyãön dæî liãûu caìng nhanh thç giaï thaình chi tiãút caìng âàõt MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 17
  10. CONTROLLER-AREA-NETWORK OF MERCEDES-BENZ C200 KOMPRESSOR (W203) Vietnam CAN Class B CAN Class C Non-networked D2B optical K1 Front signal acquisition and K16 Trailer connection unit K12 Electronic ignition switch (EIS) ECMs K14 COMAND/Audio 10/ actuation (TCU) K13 Instrument cluster (IC) K29 AHBA Audio 30/ module with fuse and relay box (SAM / K17 Special vehicle K24 Electronic transmission control K30 TV tuner Audio 30 APS SRB-V) multifunction (ETC or SEQ) K31 Fixed installation CTEL K2 Rear signal acquisition and actuation g q control module (SVMCM) ( ) K25 Engine control module ( g (ECM) ) ( (MINNA, emergency call) g y ) module with fuse and relay box (SAM / K18 Stationary heater K26 Electronic selector lever module K32 Linguatronic (VCS) SRB-H) K19 Heizmatic (CAAC / AAC (ESM) K33 Portable CTEL adapter K3 Left seat control module (SCM) optional) K27 Distributor CAN class C FFS left (interface) K4 Right seat control module (SCM) K20 Distributor CAN class B K28 Electronic stability program K34 Sound amplifier K5 Left front door control module (DCM) FFS right (ESP) K35 CD changer K6 Right front door control module K21 Distributor CAN class B ( (DCM) ) FFS left K7 Left rear door control module (DCM) K22 Distributor CAN class B K8 Right rear door control module cockpit (DCM) K23 ARMINCA K9 Overhead operating unit (OOU) K10 Upper control panel (UCP) K11 Lower control panel (LCP) K12 Electronic ignition switch (EIS) K13 Instrument cluster (IC) K14 COMAND / Audio 10 / Audio 30 / Audio 30 APS K15 Parktronic system (PTS) Standard Optional MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 51
  11. CONTROLLER-AREA-NETWORK OF MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS (W211) Vietnam CAN B Gateways MOST CAN C A1 Instrument cluster (IC) N 69/1 Driver-side door control module N 73 Electronic ignition (Media Oriented Systems Transport- A1 Instrument cluster (IC) A6 Stationary heater (DCM-D) switch (EIS) Bus) N 3/9 CDI engine control module N2/7 Supplemental restraint systems (ARMADA) N 69/2 Passenger-side door control N 93 Central gateway A 2/6 CD changer N 3/10 ME engine control module N10/1 Driver-side signal acquisition and actuation module (DCM-P) (CGW) A 40/3 Heat unit (HU) (ECM) module (SAM-D) N 69/3 Left rear door control module N 93/1 Audio gateway N 40/7 TV receiver N 15/3 Electronic transmission control N10/2 Rear signal acquisition and actuation g q ( (DCM- LR)) ( (AGW) ) N 41/1 Navigation module (COMAND) ( (ETC)) module (SAM-R) N 69/4 Right rear door control module N 41/3 Voice control system (VCS) N 15/5 Electronic selector lever module N10/11 Passenger-side signal acquisition and (DCM-RR) N 112 Telecommunication (ESM) actuation module N 70 Overhead control panel (OCP) N 15/6 Automated manual transm. (SAM-P) N 72 Lower control panel (LCP) (SEQ) N 22 Automatic air conditioning (ACC) control and N 72/1 Upper control panel (UCP) N 47/5 Electronic stability program operating module N 80 Steering column module (SCM) (ESP) N 25/5 Heated seats (HS) ( ) N 82 Battery control module ( y (BCM)) N 51 Semi-active air suspension p N 25/7 Heated seats (HS) N 88 Tire pressure monitor (TPM) (SAS) N 26/9 Special vehicle multifunction control module N 99 Steering wheel heater (SWH) N 63/1 Distronic (DTR) (SVMCM) N 121 Remote trunk release (RTR) N 71 Headlight range adjustment N 28/1 Trailer recognition (AAG) (HRA) N 32/1 Driver-side front seat adjustment with N 80 Steering column module (SCM) memory (SCM-D) N 32/2 Passenger-side front seat adjustment with g j memory (SCM-P) N 62 Parktronic system (PTS) MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 51
  12. CAN-BUS LAÌ GÇ ? Vietnam CAN-Bus = HT truyãön dæî liãûûu theo maûûng âiãöu khiãøn y MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 18
  13. HÃÛ THÄÚNG MAÛNG CAN - BUS Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 19
  14. THÆÏ TÆÛ TRUYÃÙN THÄNG TIN Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 20
  15. CÁÚU TAÛO CUÍA MÄÜT DÆÎ LIÃÛU Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 21
  16. TÊN HIÃÛU CAN-High vaì CAN-Low Vietnam Hãû thäúng CAN luän coï 2 dáy : CAN-High vaì CAN-Low Hai dáy CAN thæåìng xoàõn vaìo nhau : âãø chäúng nhiãùu soïng radio, tia læía , bu-gi, soïng âiãûn thoaûi di âäüng vaì caïc cuäün dáy tæì træåìng . Hai dáy CAN-High vaì CAN-Low coï thãø trao âäøi dæî liãûu truyãön khi mäüt trong hai dáy bë hoííng . MBV Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 22
  17. TÊN HIÃÛU CAN-High vaì CAN-Low Vietnam TRÃN MAÏY HIÃÛN SOÏNG MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 23
  18. ÂIÃÛN AÏP CAN-High TRÃN XE DU LËCH MB Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 24
  19. ÂIÃÛN AÏP CAN-Low TRÃN XE DU LËCH MB Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 25
  20. ÂIÃÛN AÏP CUÍA HT. CAN TRÃN XE TAÍI MB (Actros) Vietnam MBV – Training Qualification Dept. 22.08.2011 26



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