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Job satisfaction, theories, consequences, strategies, and their attributes in libraries: an overview

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This paper is mainly highlights for Personal Characteristics, Theories, Two Levels, Five Step Method, Three Dimensions, Components, Consequences, Causes, Employee Satisfaction Determinants, tips, Facets, Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Work Values, Application, Strategies, Attributes and so on.

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Nội dung Text: Job satisfaction, theories, consequences, strategies, and their attributes in libraries: an overview

  1. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (IJM) ISSN 0976-6502 (Print) ISSN 0976-6510 (Online) A STUDY IJM Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 ©IAEME Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) JOB SATISFACTION, THEORIES, CONSEQUENCES, STRATEGIES, AND THEIR ATTRIBUTES IN LIBRARIES: AN OVERVIEW Dr. M. Muthu SLIA, Central Library, IIT Madras, Chennai-36, Tamilnadu, India. Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed Librarian, Jamal Institute Of Management, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli-620020 Dr. K. Senthilnayagam Librarian, AVC College (Autonomous), Mannampandal, Mailadurai-609305, Tamilnadu, india. ABSTRACT Job satisfaction is a complex phenomenon that can be variably interpreted. It is the absence of pain, oppressiveness and intolerance and also indeed enjoyment of work. It is one of the most enduring elusive constructs used in the study of industrial relations. Job satisfaction studies are based on emotional response of employees which is related with some socio cultural, organizational and personal factors variables like pay promotion, supervision, benefits, contingent rewards, operating procedures, co-workers, nature of work, working condition, social status etc., This paper is mainly highlights for Personal Characteristics, Theories, Two Levels, Five Step Method, Three Dimensions, Components, Consequences, Causes, Employee Satisfaction Determinants, tips, Facets, Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Work Values, Application, Strategies, Attributes and so on. Key words/Descriptors: Jobs Satisfaction, Library, Theories, Dimensions, Consequences, Causes, Employee Satisfaction Determinants, Application, Strategies, Attributes. Cite this Article: Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam. Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview. International Journal of Management, 7(2), 2016, pp.237-246. 1. INTRODUCTION The ratio of digital library in the developing countries, particularly in India is quite low in almost every profession. Lack of job opportunity for library professionals is a big hindrance for the economical and social development of India. In the digital era, the job satisfaction is one of the vital issues which are responsible for the poor employability of library professionals. Statistically, discrimination within the job and different job related factors like; pay promotion, working condition, social status security, recognition etc are major determinant, which decides satisfaction as a whole. In case of their job satisfaction, it is important because the result of the relationship between psychological factors and 237 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  2. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication work Outcome of individuals are the most significant aspects of the human life. The way librarians in research and academic institutions perceive motivation influences their level of satisfaction and commitment. While job satisfaction and commitment have been the topic of many studies, but the present studies are presents new information and a new perspective, describing job satisfaction, motivation and commitment of librarian particularly in the context of modern libraries. 2. DEFINITION  Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction has been defined in many different ways. Some believe it is simply how content an individual is with his or her job, in other words, whether or not they like the job or individual aspects or facets of jobs, such as nature of work or supervision.  Business dictionary: Contentment (or lack of it) arising out of interplay of employee's positive and negative feelings toward his or her work.  The degree of pleasure an employee derives from his or her job  Hulin & Judge (2003): Job satisfaction is an employee’s affective reaction to a job is based on a comparison of the actual outcomes derived from the job with those outcomes that are deserved or expected  Davis (2004): feeling of job satisfaction can change with time and circumstances 3. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND JOB SATISFACTION  Age: in general, increases with age  Malcontents have stopped working  Older workers have greater chance of fulfillment  Gender: inconclusive results  Race: whites are happier  Cognitive Ability: slight negative relationship between level of education and satisfaction  Use of Skills  Job Congruence  Personality: less alienation and internal locus of control lead to higher satisfaction  Occupational Level: the higher the status level the greater the satisfaction 4. THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION 1.3.1. Fulfillment theory: receiving more of something on the job is better 1.3.2. Discrepancy theory: the perceived gap between what one wants from the job and what one perceives it is offering 1.3.3. Equity theory: perceived equity in the employee’s outcome/input ratio compared to others 5. EFFECT OF JOB SATISFACTION ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE  Satisfaction and Productivity  Satisfied workers are more productive AND more productive workers are more satisfied  Worker productivity is higher in organizations with more satisfied workers  Satisfaction and Absenteeism  Satisfied employees have fewer avoidable absences  Satisfaction and Turnover  Satisfied employees are less likely to quit  Organizations take actions to retain high performers and to weed out lower performers 238 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  3. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication  Potential Effects of Job Satisfaction  Job Performance  Health and Well Being  Life Satisfaction 6. TWO LEVELS OF JOB SATISFACTION  Global Job Satisfaction - Overall Good Feelings  Job Facet Satisfaction - Selected Dimensions 7. FIVE STEP METHOD FOR DEFINING JOB SATISFACTION- (ROB TAUB 2014):  Determine What Job Satisfaction Means to You  Define Factors for Your Job Satisfaction  Consider Other Successes outside the Workplace  Identify Success Attributes  Divide Motivated and Unmotivated Successes 8. THREE DIMENSIONS TO JOB SATISFACTION- (RIEGEL, 1995)  A strong desire to remain a member of a particular organization  A willingness to exert high levels of efforts on behalf of the organization  A define belief in and acceptability of the values and goals of the organization 9. THREE COMPONENTS  Affective Commitment: Psychological attachment to organization  Continuance Commitment: Costs associated with leaving the organization  Normative Commitment: Perceived obligation to remain with the organization 10. CONSEQUENCES OF JOB DISSATISFACTION-(HENNE & LOCKE, 1985) 10.1. Action Alternatives  Performance  Protest  Withdrawal 10.2. Psychological Alternatives  Change perception  Change values  Change reaction  Toleration 11. CONSEQUENCES OF CHOICES  Life satisfaction  Mental Health  Physical Health 239 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  4. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication 12. CAUSES OF JOB SATISFACTION  Need Fulfillment: Satisfaction is based on the extent to which a job satisfies a person’s needs  Discrepancies: Satisfaction is determined by the extent to which an individual receives what he or she expects from a job  Value Attainment: Satisfaction results from the extent to which a job allows fulfillment of one’s work values  Equity: Satisfaction is a function of how “fairly” an individual is treated at work  Trait/Genetic Components: Satisfaction is partly a function of personal traits and genetic factors 13. ENVIRONMENT/JOB FEATURES  Skill variety  Task identity  Task significance  Autonomy  Feedback 14. ROLE VARIABLES  Ambiguity  Conflict  Work-family conflict 15. PERSON VARIABLES  Negative affectivity  Locus of Control  Gender  Age  Culture  Genetics  Life satisfaction 16. TEN PSYCHOLOGICAL JOB SATISFACTION FACTORS- (ALINA VRABIE, 2014)  Achievement  Feedback  Control  Small daily hassles  Organizational support  Recognition  Physical work environment  Flexibility  Relationship to immediate supervisor  Work-life balance 240 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  5. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication 17. EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION DETERMINANTS  Opportunities to Use Skills and Abilities  Job Security  Compensation/Pay  Communication between Employees and Senior Management  Relationship with Immediate Supervisor 18. FACTORS CREATING JOB SATISFACTION: WHAT MOTIVATES NOW? (DAVID SPICER, 2010)  Interesting work  Job security  Full appreciation of work done  Good wages  Promotion and growth in the organization  Personal or company loyalty to employees  Feelings of being in on things  Tactful discipline  Good working conditions  Sympathetic help with personal problems 19. FIVE TOP TIPS FOR MANAGERS  Show your appreciation in meaningful ways  Acknowledge the efforts of others – this is even more important given the pressures that the current economic environment places on employees  Spend time with employees explaining the organization’s current position thereby helping to keep them informed about the safety of their job  Be bold. Promise no redundancies, even if revenues or profits are hit – sending a clear signal on the job security front  Move people round the organization to meet short-term needs – this will help meet challenges now and put your business in an even stronger position when the up-turn does come 20. CORE ELEMENTS OF JOB SATISFACTION  Skill Variety  Task Identity  Task Significance  Autonomy  Feedback 21. NINE FACETS OF JOB SATISFACTION-(PAUL SPECTOR)  Pay- amount and fairness or equity of salary  Promotion- opportunities and fairness of promotions  Supervision- fairness and competence at managerial tasks by one’s supervisor  Benefits - insurance, vacation, and other fringe benefits  Contingent rewards- sense of respect, recognition, and appreciation 241 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  6. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication  Operating procedures- policies, procedures, rules, perceived red tape  Coworkers- perceived competence and pleasantness of one’s colleagues  Nature of work- enjoyment of the actual tasks themselves  Communication- sharing of information within the organization (verbally or in writing) 22. MEASURES OF JOB SATISFACTION-(FIELDS, 2002)  Career Satisfaction  Global Job Satisfaction  Job Descriptive Index (JDI)  Job Diagnostic Survey  Job in General Scale  Job Satisfaction Index  Job Satisfaction Relative to Expectations  Job Satisfaction Survey  Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire  Overall Job Satisfaction 23. INTRINSIC VS. EXTRINSIC WORK VALUES 23.1. Intrinsic Values  Being creative  Challenging work  Interesting work  Learning new things  Making important contributions  Responsibility and autonomy 23.2. Extrinsic Values  High pay  Job benefits  Job security  Social contacts  Status in wider community  Time for hobbies  Time with family 24. APPLICATION OF JOB SATISFACTION IN THE LIBRARIES  Achievement  Advancement  Autonomy  Library Policies  Interpersonal/Social Relations  Job Security 242 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  7. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication  Recognition  Salary/Benefits  Working Conditions  Work-life Balance Practices 25. SEVEN STRATEGIES FOR INCREASE JOB SATISFACTION IN LIBRARIES  Know Thyself  Keep Challenging Yourself  Cross Learn  Improve Other Areas of Your Lives  Stay Positive  Know the Role of Work in Your Life  Work Allows for the Search of Purpose 26. STRATEGIES OF MOTIVATING WORKERS  Salary, Wages and Conditions of Service  Money  Staff Training  Information Availability and Communication 27. COMMITMENT  Turnover  Absenteeism  Customer Satisfaction  Competitive Advantage  Work Motivation  Organizational Citizenship 28. BUILDING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT  Maintain fairness, values, and integrity  Provide some job security  Support organizational comprehension - communicate  Involve employees in decisions  Build trust 29. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES IN LIBRARIES THE CURRENT THINKING IS  Flexible and adaptable to change  Few levels of formal hierarchy  Loose boundaries among functions and units  Work unit is teams  Focus on end user services 243 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
  8. International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 - 6510(Online), Volume 7, Issue 2, February (2016), pp. 237-246 © IAEME Publication 30. ATTRIBUTES OF JOB SATISFACTION-(LEIGH, 2011)  Autonomy, Independence  Benefits  Career Advancement  Career Development  Communication up/down  Compensation Pay  Culture  Feeling Safe  Flexibility  Job Security  Management Recognition  Meaningfulness  Networking  Relationships  Variety of Work  Work Itself 31. CONCLUSION Job Satisfaction is one important aspect a library should look after for because it has a significant correlation with job performance. Librarians are interested in the job satisfaction of library employees on the general assumption that a high level of satisfaction will lead to a high level of job performance. Perceiving the close connection between job satisfaction and high quality library service, librarians seek to identify those factors that may be related to the satisfaction of staff members. The present study was designed to replicate our earlier investigation into job satisfaction within the context of the work environments in which librarians find them. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Adams, J. S. (1965). Inequity in social exchange. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in experimental and social psychology (pp. 276-299). New York, NY: Academic Press. [2] Adeyemo, D.A. & Aremu, A.O. (1999). Career commitment among secondary school teachers in Oyo state, Nigeria. The Role of biographical mediators. Nigerian Journal of Applied Psychology 5 (2), 184-194. [3] Adeyemo, D.A. (1997). Relative influence of gender and working experience on job satisfaction of primary school teachers. The Primary School Educators, 1, 1, 86-89. [4] Adeyemo, D.A. (2000). Job involvement, career commitment, organizational commitment and job satisfaction of the Nigerian police. A multiple regression analysis. Journal of Advance Studies in Educational Management 5(6), 35-41. [5] Adeyinka Tella, (2007), “Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Organisational Commitment of Library Personnel in Academic and Research Libraries in Oyo State, Nigeria”, Library Philosophy and Practice. [6] Alexander, J.A; Liechtenstein, R.O, & Hellmann, E. (1998). A causal model of voluntary turn-over among nursing personnel in long term psychiatric setting. Research in Nursing and Health 21 (5), 415-427. [7] Application of Job Satisfaction in the Workplace, Retrieved from: [] Accessed on 30.03.2015. 244 Dr. M. Muthu, Mr. N. Seeni Mohamed and Dr. K. Senthilnayagam, “Job Satisfaction, Theories, Consequences, Strategies, and their Attributes in Libraries: An Overview” – (ICAM 2016)
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