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Tham khảo tài liệu 'kiểm tra hki năm 2011', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: KIỂM TRA HKI NĂM 2011

  1. KIỂM TRA HKI NĂM 2011 d – Adjectives. Rule : Adjectives are usually formed by combining suffixes at the end of nouns and verbs such as : Y – AL – FUL – LESS – IC – IVE – OUS – ABLE – IBLE – ARY – ORY – LY – ISH – SOME – ENT ... 1. NOUN + Y = ADJECTIVE. Blood – Bloody Greed – Greedy Storm – Stormy Bush – Bushy Health – Healthy Sand – Sandy Cloud – Cloudy Luck – Lucky Sleep – Sleepy Dirt – Dirty Mud – Muddy Sun – Sunny Dust – Dusty Noise – Noisy Stead – Steady Dream – Dreamy Rain – Rainy Taste – Tasty Flower – Flowery Risk – Risky Thirst – Thirsty Fog – Foggy Salt – Salty Wealth – Wealthy Fun – Funny Smoke – Smoky Worth – Worthy Grass – Grassy Snow – Snowy Wool – Wooly 2. NOUN + AL = ADJECTIVE. Additional Exceptional Moral Accidental Grammatical Mortal Brutal Geographical National Classical Global Occasional Chemical Governmental Original Conditional Historical Parental Confidential Habitual Political Continental Industrial Practical Educational Logical Professional Emotional Legal Psychologycal Environmental Musical Residential Experimental Medical Traditional 3. NOUN + FUL = ADJECTIVE Beautiful Harmful Thankful Boastful Helpful Truthful Careful Hopeful Tuneful Colourful Joyful Powerful Cheerful Merciful Successful Dutiful Meaningful Useful Delightful Painful Youthful Forceful Peaceful Tasteful Grateful Thoughtful Tearfu l 4. NOUN + LESS = ADJECTIVE Generally speaking, some adjectives ending in “ FUL” are contrary to ones ending in “ LESS”.“ LESS” means “ Without” EX : Careful – Careless / Powerful – Powerless / Useful – Useless / Painful – Painless . Therefore, their meaning s are opposite. 5. NOUN + IC = ADJECTIVE Alcoholic Diplomatic Optimistic Artistic Energetic Pessimistic Automatic Enthusiastic Photographic Chaotic Heroic Journalistic Democratic Historic Sympathetic 6. VERB / NOUN + IVE = ADJECTIVE Active Defensive Imaginative Alternative Destructive Intensive Attractive Effective Offensive Competitive Explosive Productive Constructive Excessive Protective Creative Successive Repetitive Decisive Extensive Sensitive
  2. 7. NOUN + OUS = ADJECTIVE Advantageous Curious Marvellous Adventurous Disastrous Mysterious Ambitious Dangerous Nervous Anxious Famous Industrious Cautious Furious Religious Conscious Glamourous Ridiculous Cou rageous Generous Suspicious Courteous Luxurious Various 8. VERB + ABLE = ADJECTIVE Acceptable Fashionable Noticeable Admirable Honourable Predictable Adorable Hospitable Recognizable Advisable Imaginable Remarkable Available Knowledgeable Reasonable Capable Manageable Sociable Comfortable Miserable Suitable Enjoyable Memorable Valuable 9. VERB + IBLE = ADJECTIVE Accessible Eligible Possible Defensible Flexible Responsible Divisible Horrible Sensible Audible Terrible Visible Edible Legible Admisible 10. NOUN + ARY / ORY = ADJECTIVE Advisory Literary Extraordinary Complementary Neccessary Temporary Complimentary Imaginary Voluntary 11. NOUN + LY = ADJECTIVE Cosly Lively Neighbourly Cowardly Lonely Monthly Friendly Lovely Timely 12. NOUN + ISH = ADJECTIVE Bookish Childish Oldish Biggish Reddish Selfish Blackish Greenish Stylish 13. VERB + ENT = ADJECTIVE Absent Insistent Confident Convenient Persistent Intelligent Different Patient Silent Existent Obedient Violent 14. SOME ADJECTIVES ENDING IN “ ANT” Abundant Extravagant Relevant Brilliant Ignorant Reluctant Constant Important Significant Elegant Instant Tolerant 15. SOME ADJECTIVES ENDING IN ‘ SOME” and “ LIKE” Bothersome Quarellsome Childlike Loathesome Troublesome Warlike 16. ADJECTIVES ENDING IN “ED” OFTEN DESCRIBE PERSON WHILE ONES ENDING IN “ ING” OFTEN DESCRIBE THING. Amused – Amu sing Disappointed – Disappointing Bored – Boring. Amazed – Amazing Discouraged – Discouraging Tired – Tiring. Astonished – Astonishing Encouraged – Encouraging Surprised – Surprising Convinced – Convincing Embarassed – Embarassing Interested – Interesting Depressed – Depressing Excited – Exciting Fascinated – Fascinating



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