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Land utilization and seed selection of cotton crop by cotton growing farmers of Khandesh region

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Cotton crop is cultivated in maximum countries of the world. Cotton is one of the oldest finest fibers. These fibers are most often spun in to thread and used to make a soft, breathable textile.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 6, Issue 10, Oct 2015, pp. 27-34, Article ID: IJM_06_10_005 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication ___________________________________________________________________________ LAND UTILIZATION AND SEED SELECTION OF COTTON CROP BY COTTON GROWING FARMERS OF KHANDESH REGION Dr. Sanjaykumar Jagannath Patil Assistant Professor Indira Institute of Management, Pune, MS ABSTRACT Cotton crop is cultivated in maximum countries of the world. Cotton is one of the oldest finest fibers. These fibers are most often spun in to thread and used to make a soft, breathable textile. Cotton is one of the principal crops of India and plays a vital role in the country’s economic growth. The cotton cultivation sector engages around 6 million farmers directly and involved about 40 to 50 million people relating to cotton cultivation, cotton trade and its processing indirectly. Cotton is cultivated on about 10.31 million hectares of land in the country which account 30% of the global cotton area and contributes to 22% of global cotton production. India is the second largest producer of cotton after China. The increments in disposable income have accelerated consumption demand as well as export demand of cotton and to achieve this increased demand accelerated the expectation of higher yield of cotton. This higher yield expectation increases the importance of proper seeds selection of cotton crop. Cotton seed selection plays very important role in the yield of cotton crop production. Generally seeds selection is based on basic knowledge and experience of cotton growing farmers. In Khandesh region three types of cotton seeds are used namely traditional seeds, Hybrid seeds and Bt. Cotton. The selection of these types depends on various characteristics and market condition of the seed market at the time of sowing season. Those characteristics are higher yield, better quality, short duration, pest & dieses resistant, easy availably and popular brand. Key words: Cotton Seed, Land Utilization, Seed Types, Seed Selection, Indian Cotton 27
  2. Dr. Sanjaykumar Jagannath Patil Cite this Article: Dr. Sanjaykumar Jagannath Patil. Land Utilization and Seed Selection of Cotton Crop by Cotton Growing Farmers of Khandesh Region, International Journal of Management, 6(10), 2015, pp. 27-34. 1. INTRODUCTION Cotton is one of the principal crops of India and plays a vital role in the country’s economic growth by providing substantial employment and making significant contributions to export earnings. The cotton cultivation sector not only engages around 6 million farmers, but also involved another about 40 to 50 million people relating to cotton cultivation, cotton trade and its processing. India was the center of the cotton industry for over 3000 years. This all began in the Indus Valley region. In the Old World cotton was first cultivated in Mohenjo-Daro and Harapp. Indian Cotton had a long Trade history as well as Economic importance as compared with rest of the world. The increments in disposable income have accelerated consumption demand as well as export demand of cotton and to achieve this increased demand Indian Government have initiated many schemes such as better production technology, improved hybrid seeds, proper use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and proper water management. Sowing is very important and critical work of any farmers. It is the time and decision combination to put inputs for his dreams of prosperity. For the cotton growing farmer’s decision of proper seed selection was very critical issue due to various risks and factors of climate are related with yield. Cotton growing farmers are selecting cotton seeds with their knowledge and previous experience as well as with consultation of other cotton growing farmers and agriculture experts. Mostly cotton growing farmers are selected those cotton seeds which are suitable to their soil types and available resources from their previous cotton cultivation experience. 2. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK In India, cotton crop is grown throughout the country. However, there are nine major cotton producing states, viz. Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. These states contribute about 90% to the National cotton production. Based on cotton cultivation, India is divided into three major zones. A. North zone (Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan), B. Central zone (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat) C. South zone (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu). A. North Zone The cotton cultivation in this zone is almost totally in irrigated condition during Kharip season on Indo-Gangetic alluvial and sandy soils. The climate during sowing season is with high temperature and the growing period is of six month. The productivity of this zone is higher than other cotton growing zones. The North Zone contributes 15.81% of total cotton area and 16.90% of total production of the country. 28
  3. Land Utilization and Seed Selection of Cotton Crop by Cotton Growing Farmers of Khandesh Region B. Central Zone The cotton cultivation of this zone is maximum rainfed with only 23% irrigated area. The soil of zone is black soil which is subjected to runoff, erosion and nutrient losses. The climatic condition of this zone is hot semi-arid. The Central Zone contributes nearly 65% of total cotton area and 52% of total production of the country. C. South Zone The cotton cultivation in Southern Zone is under both irrigated and rainfed conditions. The soil of this zone is black and red with poor fertility. In this zone cotton is grown as single crop or in inter cropping pattern. Cotton rice rotation is most accepted practice in this zone. The South Zone contributes 18.49% of total area and 31.17% of total production of country. 3. MAHARASHTRA’S AREA UNDER COTTON CROP Maharashtra accounts for about 34% of the area under cotton and about 20% of cotton production in the country. The State has 41.25 lakh hectares of land under Cotton cultivation in 2011-12. About 96% of the cotton area is rainfed. The crop is grown in Kharif season and sowing is generally done with the onset of monsoon. The cotton growing area of the Maharashtra is divided into four major regions and area under cotton cultivation was as below-  Vidarbha region – Nearly 16 lakh ha. (Yoetmal, Amravati, Akola, Buldana, Washim, Wardha and Nagpur),  Marathwada region - Nearly 10 lakh ha. (Nanded, Hingoli, Parbhani, Aurangabad and Jalna)  Khandesh region - 5 lakh ha. (Jalgoan, Dhule and Nandurbar)  Deccan Canal area - 25,000 ha. (Ahmednagar & Satara) 4. COTTON SEED SELECTION Cotton seed selection plays very important role in the yield of cotton crop production. Generally seeds selection is based on basic knowledge and experience of cotton growing farmers. For different soil conditions and environment specific varieties of cotton are recommended by experts for maximum cotton crop production. In Khandesh region three types of cotton seeds are used namely traditional seeds, Hybrid seeds and Bt. Cotton. The selection of these types depends on various characteristics and market condition of the seed market at the time of sowing season. Those characteristics are higher yield, better quality, short duration, pest & dieses resistant, easy availably and popular brand. 5. OBJECTIVES  To study the land utilization pattern for cotton crop production in Khandesh Region.  To study the Seed selection and preferences of cotton growing farmers for Cotton seeds selection in Khandesh Region.  To study the impact of land utilization on cotton seed selection in Khandesh Region.  To study the impact of seed characteristics on cotton seed selection. 29
  4. Dr. Sanjaykumar Jagannath Patil  To find out the co-relations between land utilized and seed selected for cotton crop production in Khandesh Region. 6. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 6.1. Research Design It is a descriptive research study which is concerned with describing the various characteristics of Cotton Growing Farmers such as education, occupation, total land, land under cotton crop, production cost, total income, income from cotton crop. This study was conducted in the Cotton Growing Farmers of Khandesh Region. The universe is whole Khandesh Region i.e. Jalgaon, Dhule and Nandurbar Districts of Maharashtra. (India). The 450 samples were selected in two stages as a Stratified Proportionate Sampling technique and Non-probability convenience sampling technique. Structured Questionnaire was used for collecting responses of Cotton Growing Farmers. The Primary data was collected by Questionnaire and Schedule methods. The Secondary data was collected from Text Books, Journals and Websites. The data was analyzed with SPSS (20) software. 7. DATA ANALYSIS  The Land under Cotton Cultivation: 160 143 140 120 No. of farmers 106 100 80 71 60 60 40 38 32 20 0 0 – 2 Acre 2 – 5 Acre 5 – 7 Acre 7 – 10 Acre 10 – 20 Acre Above 20 Acre  The Type of Cotton seeds selected for sowing: 450 426 400 350 No. of Farmers 300 250 200 150 100 78 50 30 0 Traditional Hybrid BT Cotton 30
  5. Land Utilization and Seed Selection of Cotton Crop by Cotton Growing Farmers of Khandesh Region The cotton growing farmers were selected type of cotton seeds single or in combination with other types, so the percentile frequency for Traditional, Hybrid and BT-cotton was calculated separately. Response Frequency Percentage Traditional 78 17.3 Hybrid 30 6.7 BT Cotton 426 94.7  Reasons for Selecting Cotton seeds for sowing: 450 400 350 400 No. of Farmers 300 250 307 200 150 205 100 125 50 64 5 0 Higher Yield Better Easy Short Pest & Other Seeds Quality Availability Duration Disease are Costly Resistant The cotton growing farmers selected cotton seeds for one or more reasons solely or combine, so the frequencies were calculated separately for each reason. HYPOTHESES TESTING The four hypotheses were considered based on cotton seed type used by Cotton Growing farmers of Khandesh region and role of the seed characteristics of cotton seeds in Traditional type, Hybrid type and Bt. Cotton type seed selection. H1: Cotton seed type has significance impact on land utilization for cotton crop production. H2: Cotton Seed characteristics plays important role in Traditional type seed selection for cotton crop production. H3: Cotton Seed characteristics plays important role in Hybrid type seed selection for cotton crop production. H4: Cotton Seed characteristics plays important role in Bt. Cotton type seed selection for cotton crop production. Hypotheses were tested by using Regression Analysis and ANOVA. The confidence level is taken as 95% for the above hypotheses. 31
  6. Dr. Sanjaykumar Jagannath Patil Model Summary Hypothesis R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the F Sig. Square Estimate H1 .587a .345 .341 3.487 78.329 .000b H2 .695a .483 .476 .274 68.855 .000b H3 .592a .350 .342 .203 39.832 .000b H4 .720a .518 .512 .157 79.386 .000b For the clear correlation for Variables considered R Square values should range from 0 to 1. The R Squared vales for these hypotheses are 0.34, 0.48, 0.34 and 0.51 respectively. So we can clearly interpret that there exist correlation in Variables considered. H1: Cotton seed type has significance impact on land utilization for cotton crop production. The hypothesis is proved as the significance value is less than 0.05 H2: Cotton Seed characteristics plays important role in Traditional type seed selection for cotton crop production. The hypothesis is proved as the significance value is less than 0.05 H3: Cotton Seed characteristics plays important role in Hybrid type seed selection for cotton crop production. The hypothesis is proved as the significance value is less than 0.05 H4: Cotton Seed characteristics plays important role in Bt. Cotton type seed selection for cotton crop production. The hypothesis is proved as the significance value is less than 0.05 Further after proving and accepting all the four hypotheses, we will go for Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). ANOVAs are useful in comparing three, four or more means. ANOVA Test Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Regression 2857.435 3 952.478 78.329 .000b H1 Residual 5423.323 446 12.160 Total 8280.758 449 Regression 31.115 6 5.186 68.855 .000b H2 Residual 33.365 443 .075 Total 64.480 449 Regression 9.812 6 1.635 39.832 .000b H3 Residual 18.188 443 .041 Total 28.000 449 Regression 11.772 6 1.962 79.386 .000b H4 Residual 10.948 443 .025 Total 22.720 449 In the first hypothesis on the basis of statistical analysis performed the results shows that land utilization i.e. land under cotton crop cultivation has influence (significance impact) on Cotton seed type selected for sowing. The result checked for three types of Cotton seed type those are Traditional Type, Hybrid Type and Bt. Cotton seed Type. In second, third and fourth hypothesis on the basis of statistical analysis performed the results shows that cotton seed type such as Traditional Type seed, 32
  7. Land Utilization and Seed Selection of Cotton Crop by Cotton Growing Farmers of Khandesh Region Hybrid Type seed and Bt. Cotton Type seed has been influenced by Cotton seed characteristics such as Higher Yield, Better Quality, Easy Availability, Short Duration, Pest & Dieses Resistant and Other seeds Costly. Coefficients Model Beta t Sig. Constant -3.328 .001 H1 Traditional seed .547 14.015 .000 Hybrid seed .356 7.494 .000 Bt. Cotton seed .370 7.836 .000 Constant -4.162 .000 Higher yield .056 1.471 .142 Better quality .051 1.490 .137 H2 Easy availability .501 13.153 .000 Short duration .415 11.752 .000 Pest & dieses resistant .227 6.121 .000 Other seeds costly .059 1.639 .102 Constant 3.451 .001 Higher yield -.093 -2.172 .030 Better quality .154 3.994 .000 H3 Easy availability .364 8.538 .000 Short duration -.083 -2.109 .035 Pest & dieses resistant -.166 -3.996 .000 Other seeds costly .252 6.219 .000 Constant 23.123 .000 Higher yield .426 11.496 .000 Better quality -.043 -1.294 .196 H4 Easy availability -.315 -8.580 .000 Short duration .154 4.512 .000 Pest & dieses resistant .106 2.964 .003 Other seeds costly -.200 -5.743 .000 In the first hypothesis on the basis of statistical analysis performed the results shows that land utilization i.e. land under cotton crop cultivation has influence (significance impact) on Cotton seed type selected for sowing. The result checked for three types of Cotton seed type those are Traditional Type, Hybrid Type and Bt. Cotton seed Type. In second, third and fourth hypothesis on the basis of statistical analysis performed the results shows that cotton seed type such as Traditional Type seed, Hybrid Type seed and Bt. Cotton Type seed has been influenced by Cotton seed characteristics such as Higher Yield, Better Quality, Easy Availability, Short Duration, Pest & Dieses Resistant and Other seeds Costly. 8. CONCLUSION From the above hypothesis it is proved that Cotton crop seed selection is related with the land utilized for the Cotton crop plantation. The type of seed selected by Cotton Growing farmers of Khandesh region is dependent on the area of land proposed under Cotton cultivation. The Traditional seed, Hybrid seed and Bt. Cotton seed selection is dependent on area of land under cotton plantation. While selecting this Traditional, Hybrid and Bt. Cotton seeds for plantation, the seed characteristics play important role in the selection of specific Cotton seeds. In 33
  8. Dr. Sanjaykumar Jagannath Patil Traditional Type seed selection easy availability, short duration, pest & dieses resistant are important characteristics, while in Hybrid seed selection higher yield, better quality, easy availability, short duration; pest & dieses resistant and other seeds costly are important characteristics. The Bt. Cotton seed selection is depend on higher yield, easy availability, short duration; pest & dieses resistant and other seeds costly characteristics of cotton seeds. REFERENCES [1] A Research Report on “Awareness Creation to Strengthen Agricultural Marketing System and Agribusiness Development” ‘An Assessment of Level of Farmers Awareness on Agricultural Marketing’ conducted by C.C.S. National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur-Rajasthan 2010. [2] Annual Report 2011-2012, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, Retrieved on 22/04/2013 from [3] Britanica Encyclopedia accessed from [4] Bryman A, (2004), Social Research Methods, Oxford University Press, Oxford. [5] District Socio-Economic Review of Dhule (Jilha Samajik va Arthik Samalochan- 2012, Jilha-Dhule) Retrieved on 04 July 2013 from publication/dsa_dhule_2011.pdf. [6] District Socio-Economic Review of Jalgaon (Jilha Samajik va Arthik Samalochan-2012, Jilha-Jalgaon) Retrieved on 04 July 2013 from publication/dsa_jalgaon_2012.pdf [7] District Socio-Economic Review of Nandurbar (Jilha Samajik va Arthik Samalochan-2012,Jilha-Nandurbar) Retrieved on 04 July 2013 from http://mahades.maharashtra.Gov .in/files/publication/dsa_nandurbar_2011.pdf [8] Economic Survey of India 2012-13, Agriculture and Food Management, Chapter- 8,Retrievedon 20 March 2013 from 2013- 2014/es2012-13/echap-08.pdf [9] Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2012-13, Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai Retrieved on 23 March 2013 from publication/esm_2012-13_eng.pdf [10] S.L. Gupta and Hitesh Gupta (2012), Business Research Methods, McGraw Hills, New Delhi. [11] D. Srikanth, M.V.S. Murali Krishna and P. Ushasri, Studies on Exhaust Emissions of Ceramic Coated Di Diesel Engine Fuelled with Cotton Seed Biodiesel, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 5(9), 2014, pp. 315 - 322. [12] Vivek Chauhan, Mukesh Verma, Sarabjot Singh and Prince, Optimization and Analysis of Coloring of Cotton Yarn System In Mat Manufacturing Unit by Using Reliability and Availability Engineering, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 2012, pp. 217 - 225. 34



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