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Tham khảo tài liệu 'luyện thi tốt nghiệp - practice 3', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. LUYỆN THI TỐT NGHIỆP - PRACTICE 3 QUESTIONS 1 - 3: Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group. Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. Mark your choice on the answer sheet. 1. A. science B. client C. review D. variety 2. A. prepare B. care C. share D. cage 3. A. pay B. clay C. essay D. said QUESTIONS 4-5: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the word whose main stress is on the syllable in the position which is different from that of the others. Identify your choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 4. A. design B. essay C. caring D. special 5. A. escape B. marry C. prepare D. recount Questions 6 - 30: These are incomplete sentences. Choose A, B, C or D as your best choice to complete each sentence and then identify your answer by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. 6. In the past the earth was ………. to be flat. A. created B. evolved C. believed D. built 7. We'll talk about those ………. problems are related to psychology. A. what B. which C. whose D. who 8. In my opinion Anderson's reputation as an artist is very ………. . A. overrated B. overpowered C. overstated D. overlooked 9. The city is determined to rid itself of problems with drainage, waste, air and noise pollution ………. to make Vietnam's aged capital a clean and green city. A. so that B. in order that C. to order D. so as 10. The city administration plans to invest VND 26 billion to ………. polluted water. A. solve B. treating C. solving D. treat 11. You will find John ………. difficult to understand at first, as he has a slight impediment in his speech. A. rather B. hardly C. over D. enough 12. They searched ………. for the missing documents but they were never found. A. to and fro B. high and low C. up and down D. back to back 13. If one ………. a killing, one must expect to suffer the consequences. A. creates B. makes C. commits D. shows 14. The habit of taking cold baths in winter is said to be ………. to the English. A. individual B. personal C. intelligent D. peculiar 15. You'd better not argue with them, ………. you'll be fined. A. if B. in case C unless D. otherwise 16. ………. from automobiles causes a large percentage of all air pollution. A. Exhaust B. Pollution C. Gas D. Air 17. Those ………. showed signs of psychological effects behaved very differently. A. how B. who C. where D. whose 18. Heavily polluted plants will be closed down only if the matter is ………. of by the Prime Minister. A. disapproved B. disapproving C approved D. approving 19. Flood ………. from the heavy rain destroyed the crops in the region. A. resulted B. to result C. results D. resulting 20. Increasing industrialization is challenging the province to ………. every effort to control pollution. A. do B. create C. make D. give 21. ………. are still living, others are dead. A. Some types of germs B. While some types of germs C. There are some types of germs D. But some types of germs 22. You won't be allowed to teach here ………. you show your qualification. A. since B. unless C. for D. while 23. Did the man say he ………. already sent the application form? A. should B. would C. have D. had 24. In the United States,………. is generally the responsibility of municipal government. A. for water treatment B. water treatment C. where water treatment D. in which water treatment 25. It would be hard to process the data ………. using a computer. A. for B. with C. since D. without 26. "This room is filled with smoke". "Yes, this is a ………. room." A. smoke-filled B. smoke-filling C. filling-smoke D. smoking-filled 27. Well talk about the questions ………. logical thought. A. require B. requiring C. required D. are requiring 28. You have learned many things useful there, ………. you? A. have B. do C. haven't D. don't 29. Most folk songs are ballads ………. have simple words and tell simple stories. A. what B. although C. when D. that 30. My brother got ………. with doing the same thing for days in his office. A. boring B. bored C. boringly D. boredom QUESTIONS 31 - 35: Read the followi ng passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space. Identify your
  2. choice by circling letter A, B, C or D on the answer sheet. Most people work to earn a living, and produce goods and services. Goods are (31) ………. agricultural (like maize and milk) or manufactured (like cars and paper). Services are such things (32) ………. education, medicine, and commerce. Some people provide products. An example can be a man who produces goods such as rice. Some provide services. In a hotel, services can range from cleaning, washing to arranging tours within and outside the city where (33) ………. , Other people provide both goods and services. For example, in the same garage a man may buy a car or some service which helps him to maintain his car. The work people do is called economic activity. All economic activities together make up the economic system of a town, a city, a country, or the world. Such an economic system is the sum (34) ………. and what they want. The work people undertake provides either what they need or provides the money with (35) ………. they can buy essential commodities. Of course, most people hope to earn enough money to buy commodities and services which are non-essential but which provide some particular personal satisfaction, like toys for children, visits to the cinema, and books. 31. A. either B. both C. neither D. only 32. A. else B. for C. with D. as 33. A. are the guests staying B. the guests are staying C. are staying the guests D. staying the guests are 34. A. what people do B. of total what people do C. total of what people do D. of what people do in total 35. A. that B. without which C. the money D. which QUESTIONS 36 - 40: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by circling letter A, B, C or D as the correct answers and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. A greenhouse is a building whose sides and roof are made of glass so that the temperature inside is magnified. And it's used to grow plants that need high temperatures. This is to illustrate an example of how man could be causing changes to the climate. These changes result from increasing the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, thus raising the surface temperature of the Earth. And this is known as the "Greenhouse Effect." C02 is a normal component of the atmosphere and until recently has not been considered an air pollutant. But average global CO2 concentrations have been increasing since 1860, with particularly sharp increase in 1958. The main reason for this continuous increase in C02 build-up is the burning of fossil fuels. During the past 100 years, the C02 content of the atmosphere has already risen by about 15% - from about 290 to about 340 parts per million. And it's still rising. Although the C02 content of the atmosphere is only about 0.032%, it's a major factor in determining average global temperature. Incoming sunlight consists of many wavelengths including some very dangerous ones. But ozone in the upper atmosphere and water vapor and C02 in the lower atmosphere filter out or destroy most of the harmful wavelengths, so what reaches the Earth is mostly visible light. It's absorbed by land, sea and cloud and is reradiated in the atmosphere as longer wavelength infrared radiation, or heat, as the Earth cools. Much of this infrared radiation is absorbed by C02. The C02 then radiates a portion of the absorbed heat energy back to the Earth to warm the atmosphere. Rather like the glass in a greenhouse or a car window on sunny day, C02 in the atmosphere acts as a one-way filter that allows visible light to enter the Earth's atmosphere, but prevents longer wavelength heat radiation from leaving. Assuming that energy is arriving from the sun at a constant rate, then as the level of C02 increases, the average surface temperature of the earth should rise. 36. What is the purpose of using a greenhouse? A. to give an example of atmospheric changes caused by man B. to magnify temperature to grow plants requiring high temperatures C. to give an example of buildings whose sides and roof are made of glass D. to indicate the rising level of C02 in the earth's atmosphere 37. What is mainly discussed in paragraph 1? A. The sides and roof of a greenhouse are made of glass B. Plants need high temperatures to grow C. What is the "Greenhouse Effect"? D. A greenhouse is used for growing plants 38. Why is C02 considered an air pollutant? A. C02 is a normal component of the atmosphere B. Global C02 concentrations have been increasing C. C02 is a by-product of the burning of fossil fuels D. C02 raises the surface temperature of the Earth 39. What is not true according to the information from the passage? A. The level of C02 has risen by as much as 15% B. The sun emits some very dangerous wavelengths C. A portion of sunlight is filtered out before entering the Earth D. C02 allows sunlight to enter and leave the Earth's atmosphere 40. What is the best title for the passage? A. The "Greenhouse Effect" and how C02 warms the atmosphere B. The level of C02 at present compared with that in the past C. Ozone and water vapor with filtering out harmful wavelengths D. The "Greenhouse Effect" used for growing plants QUESTIONS 41 - 45: Choose one option A, B, C or D corresponding to the sentence which has the same meaning as the original one and mark your choice on the answer sheet 41. These convicts were sent to Australia as punishment for their crimes. A. These criminals were punished and sent to Australia. B. These convicts punished themselves for their crimes by going to Australia. C. They sent these convicts to Australia, then punished them. D. Because of their crimes, these convicts were sent to Australia as punishment. 42. If students have problems, you can ask questions to check their understanding.
  3. A. I advice you to ask questions to check their understanding. B. It's better to check their understanding by asking questions. C. Questions can be asked to check their understanding if students have problems. D. Asking questions to check their understanding if they have problems. 43. I don’t think Jerry will win the tennis match. A. In my opinion, Jerry will not likely to win the tennis match. B. I will never think Jerry will win the tennis match. C. The fact is that Jerry won’t win the tennis match. D. Jerry will win the tennis match , I don’t think that 44. After days of searching, the captain found a fine harbor. A. The captain found a fine harbor; then he searched for days. B. The captain had searched for days before he could find a fine harbor. C. It took the captain some time to search for a fine harbor. D. The captain spent many days on exploring the fine harbor in the new place. 45. There are many factors contributing to air pollution. A. Air pollution results in many consequences. B. Air pollution is the result of burning forests. C. Factors contributing to air pollution are numerous. D. Air pollution is contributing to these phenomena. QUESTIONS 46 - 50: In these sentences, each one has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase which must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling letter A, B, C or D and then mark your choice on the answer sheet. 46. The aim of this exercises is to practise using will for a future fact or prediction. 47. Heavily polluted factories will be closed down sooner or latest. 48. Tell students are going to hear three short conversations about food. 49. I will never forget what has he done to me. 50. Sue enjoyed the film is so much that she said she would go to the movie to see it again.



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