English-language Curriculum Vitae must follow the following format:
I. Personal Data
1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Age
4. Photograph
- W3.5 cm x H4.5 cm
- Must have been taken within three months
- Paste in the upper right corner of the CV
5. Sex
6. Marital Status
7. Contact Address
- Zip Code
- Contact Address
- Phone/Fax Number
- Cell Phone Number (if available)
- E-mail Address (if available)
II. Education (after high school)
III. Research
1. Research Fields
2. Thesis Titles (Ph.D., M.A./M.S., B.A./B.S.)
3. Foreign Language Test Scores (with test dates)
IV. Employment History
V. Others (skills, hobbies, etc…)
VIVReference on written examination language
Please include one of the following each statement at the bottom of your CV:
1. Research field you are applying for:
(a) Area studies (Politics of ASEAN countries)
(b) Area studies (Economies of ASEAN countries)
(c) Development economics
2. Written examination
(a) I wish to undergo the “Politics or Economics” and “Essay” exam in Japanese.
(b) I wish to undergo the “Politics or Economics” and “Essay” exam in English.
(c) I am living abroad or am non-Japanese, and wish to submit an English or
Japanese research paper in lieu of taking the written exam.