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Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P19

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Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator’s Guide- P19:The release of the XNA platform and specifically the ability for anyone to write Xbox 360 console games was truly a major progression in the game-programming world. Before XNA, it was simply too complicated and costly for a student, software hobbyist, or independent game developer to gain access to a decent development kit for a major console platform.

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  1. 518 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE node. Once you have done this, you can load your model files from the LoadContent() methods: alien0Model = Content.Load("Models\\alien0"); alien0Matrix = new Matrix[alien0Model.Bones.Count]; alien0Model.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(alien0Matrix); alien1Model = Content.Load("Models\\alien1"); alien1Matrix = new Matrix[alien1Model.Bones.Count]; alien1Model.CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo(alien1Matrix); To orient the aliens according to their direction on the Y axis, the YDirection() method is required in the game class: float YDirection(Vector3 view, Vector3 position){ Vector3 forward = view - position; return (float)Math.Atan2((double)forward.X, (double)forward.Z); } To transform the alien models when drawing and updating them, add these meth- ods to the game class: Matrix Scale(){ const float SCALAR = 0.5f; return Matrix.CreateScale(SCALAR, SCALAR, SCALAR); } Matrix TransformAliens(bool host, bool controlledLocally, Vector3 position, Vector3 view){ // 1: declare matrices Matrix yRotation, translateOffset, rotateOffset, translation; // 2: initialize matrices yRotation = Matrix.CreateRotationY(0.0f); float offsetAngle = YDirection(view, position); rotateOffset = Matrix.CreateRotationY(offsetAngle); const float YOFFSET = 0.3f; const float Z_OFFSET = 2.0f; translateOffset = Matrix.CreateTranslation(0.0f, YOFFSET, Z_OFFSET); translation = Matrix.CreateTranslation( new Vector3(position.X, 0.0f, position.Z)); // 3: build cumulative world matrix using I.S.R.O.T. sequence // identity, scale, rotate, orbit(translate & rotate), translate return yRotation * translateOffset * rotateOffset * translation; }
  2. C H A P T E R 2 9 519 Networking To update the local position and view data each frame, add Update- GameNetwork() to your game class. Vector3.Transform() updates the view and position coordinates according to the changes of the locally controlled aliens. Once the local view and position data is calculated, these values are passed to the net- work class for distribution across the network: public void UpdateGameNetwork(){ if (network.session == null){ // update menu if no game yet UpdateGameStart(); } else{ // otherwise update network // with latest position and view data Matrix world = Scale() * TransformAliens(host, LOCAL_CONTROL, cam.position, cam.view); Vector3 position = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 view = Vector3.Zero; view.Z =-VIEWOFFSET_Z; Vector3.Transform(ref position, ref world, out position); Vector3.Transform(ref view, ref world, out view); network.UpdateNetwork(cam.position, cam.view); } } To update your game, call UpdateGameNetwork() at the end of the Update() method in the game class: UpdateGameNetwork(); This generic DrawModels() routine will draw your models: void DrawModels(Model model, Matrix[] matrix, Matrix world){ foreach (ModelMesh mesh in model.Meshes){ foreach (BasicEffect effect in mesh.Effects){ // 4: set shader variables effect.World = matrix[mesh.ParentBone.Index] * world; effect.View = cam.viewMatrix; effect.Projection = cam.projectionMatrix; effect.EnableDefaultLighting(); effect.CommitChanges(); } // 5: draw object mesh.Draw(); } }
  3. 520 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE Add DrawAliens() to your game class to render your alien models. This method is called when the game is active, and it switches views depending on whether the game is being run on the network host or from a network client: public void DrawAliens(){ Matrix world; if (network.session.RemoteGamers.Count > 0){ if (host){ // host world = Scale() * TransformAliens(host, LOCAL_CONTROL, cam.position, cam.view); DrawModels(alien0Model, alien0Matrix, world); world = Scale() * TransformAliens(host, !LOCAL_CONTROL, network.remotePosition, network.remoteView); DrawModels(alien1Model, alien1Matrix, world); } else{ // client world = Scale() * TransformAliens(host, !LOCAL_CONTROL, network.remotePosition, network.remoteView); DrawModels(alien0Model, alien0Matrix, world); world = Scale() * TransformAliens(host, LOCAL_CONTROL, cam.position, cam.view); DrawModels(alien1Model, alien1Matrix, world); } } // 1 player only else{ world = Scale() * TransformAliens(host, LOCAL_CONTROL, cam.position, cam.view); DrawModels(alien0Model, alien0Matrix, world); } } The code for drawing your aliens is triggered from the Draw() method. Since menus are displayed before 3D graphics (when the game begins), a conditional struc- ture is used to select the appropriate output based on the user’s choice. To implement this drawing code, replace the existing DrawGround() statement in Draw() with this revision: if (network.session == null){ DrawMenu(); }
  4. C H A P T E R 2 9 521 Networking else{ DrawGround(); DrawAliens(); } When you have finished adding this code, you will then be able to run your game on two machines. Each player will be able to control one of the aliens in the game. N ETWORK EXAMPLE: CLIENT/SERVER This next example starts with the code from the peer-to-peer solution and converts it to a client/server-based network. The main difference with this example is that the clients send their data directly to the server rather than to all of the other clients. The server then distributes the entire collection of data to the clients. To start, an extra class is needed in Network.cs to store the alien position, view, and identification: public class Alien{ public Vector3 position; public Vector3 view; public int alienID; public Alien() { } public Alien(int alienNum){ alienID = alienNum; } } The server collects all of the remote client and local data and stores it in a list, so a list declaration is needed in the XNANetwork class: public List alienData = new List(); A new version of GamerJoinEvent() stores the instance of each new gamer lo- cally as each new player joins the game. The structure, e.Gamer.Tag, stores each new gamer’s identity. e.Gamer.Tag will be referenced later during reads and writes to identify the gamer data. Each new gamer is added to the XNANetwork list. To add this code, replace GamerJoinEvent() with this new version: void GamerJoinEvent(object sender, GamerJoinedEventArgs e){ int gamerIndex = session.AllGamers.IndexOf(e.Gamer);
  5. 522 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE e.Gamer.Tag = new Alien(gamerIndex); Alien tempAlien = new Alien(); tempAlien.alienID = gamerIndex; alienData.Add(tempAlien); } ClientWrite() belongs in the XNANetwork class to write local data from the client to the network: void ClientWrite(LocalNetworkGamer gamer, Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 localView){ Alien localAlien = gamer.Tag as Alien; // find local players in list and write their data to the network for (int i = 0; i < alienData.Count; i++){ if (alienData[i].alienID == localAlien.alienID && gamer.IsLocal){ Alien tempAlien = new Alien(); tempAlien.alienID = localAlien.alienID; tempAlien.position = localPosition; tempAlien.view = localView; alienData[i] = tempAlien; // Write our latest input state into a network packet. packetWriter.Write(alienData[i].alienID); packetWriter.Write(localPosition); packetWriter.Write(localView); } } // Send our input data to the server. gamer.SendData(packetWriter, SendDataOptions.InOrder, session.Host); } The routine that writes data packets from the server, ServerWrite(), is differ- ent than ClientWrite(). ServerWrite() sends local data to the network and also distributes all data generated on other clients as one collection. ServerWrite() must be placed inside the XNANetwork class to perform this data transfer: void ServerWrite(Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 localView){ // iterate through all local and remote players
  6. C H A P T E R 2 9 523 Networking foreach (NetworkGamer gamer in session.AllGamers){ Alien alien = gamer.Tag as Alien; for (int i = 0; i < alienData.Count; i++){ // update local data only if (gamer.IsLocal && alienData[i].alienID == alien.alienID){ Alien tempAlien = new Alien(); tempAlien.alienID = alien.alienID; tempAlien.position = localPosition; tempAlien.view = localView; alienData[i] = tempAlien; } // write data for all players packetWriter.Write(alienData[i].alienID); packetWriter.Write(alienData[i].position); packetWriter.Write(alienData[i].view); } } // send all data to everyone on session LocalNetworkGamer server = (LocalNetworkGamer)session.Host; server.SendData(packetWriter, SendDataOptions.InOrder); } Next, add ServerRead() to the XNANetwork class to read all remote data and store it locally in the list: void ServerRead(LocalNetworkGamer gamer){ // read all incoming packets while (gamer.IsDataAvailable){ NetworkGamer sender; // read single packet gamer.ReceiveData(packetReader, out sender); // store remote data only if (!sender.IsLocal){ int tag = packetReader.ReadInt32(); remotePosition = packetReader.ReadVector3(); remoteView = packetReader.ReadVector3(); for (int i = 0; i < alienData.Count; i++){
  7. 524 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE if (alienData[i].alienID == tag){ Alien tempAlien = new Alien(); tempAlien.alienID = tag; tempAlien.position = remotePosition; tempAlien.view = remoteView; alienData[i] = tempAlien; } } } } } Then, add ClientRead() to read all data from the network and to store the re- mote data in the alien data list: void ClientRead(LocalNetworkGamer gamer){ while (gamer.IsDataAvailable){ NetworkGamer sender; // read single packet gamer.ReceiveData(packetReader, out sender); int gamerId = packetReader.ReadInt32(); Vector3 pos = packetReader.ReadVector3(); Vector3 view = packetReader.ReadVector3(); // get current gamer id NetworkGamer remoteGamer = session.FindGamerById(gamer.Id); // don't update if gamer left game if (remoteGamer == null) return; Alien alien = remoteGamer.Tag as Alien; // search all aliens and find match with remote ones for (int i = 0; i < alienData.Count; i++){ if (alienData[i].alienID == gamerId) { Alien tempAlien = new Alien(); tempAlien.alienID = gamerId; tempAlien.position = pos;
  8. C H A P T E R 2 9 525 Networking tempAlien.view = view; alienData[i] = tempAlien; remotePosition = alienData[i].position; remoteView = alienData[i].view; } } } } A revised UpdateNetwork() method must replace the existing one to handle the client/server processing. If the session is in progress, this method triggers read and write routines on the client and the server: public void UpdateNetwork(Vector3 localPosition, Vector3 localView){ // ensure session has not ended if (session == null) return; // read incoming network packets. foreach (LocalNetworkGamer gamer in session.LocalGamers) if (gamer.IsHost) ServerRead(gamer); else ClientRead(gamer); // write from clients if (!session.IsHost) foreach (LocalNetworkGamer gamer in session.LocalGamers) ClientWrite(gamer, localPosition, localView); // write from server else ServerWrite(localPosition, localView); // update session object session.Update(); } When you run your code now, your client/server network will allow you to con- trol two different aliens, each on its own machine. With either the peer-to-peer framework or the client/server framework, you have a performance-friendly way to exchange data between machines in your game as long as you design the game for ef- ficient data transfer.
  9. 526 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE C HAPTER 29 REVIEW EXERCISES To get the most from this chapter, try out these chapter review exercises. 1. If you have not already done so, follow the step-by-step examples shown in this chapter to implement the peer-to-peer network sample and the client/server network sample. 2. Modify the code to allow more than one player locally. You will need to use a split-screen environment to do this.
  10. Index A Ambient light, 355 attenuation, 471–472 AmbientLight method, 367 XACT. See XACT (Cross abs function, 76 Angles Platform Audio Creation Tool) Acceleration of projectiles, 308 airplane direction, 115–118 Zune, 487–489 Accept New Key option, 14 dot products, 244 Audio3DCue class, 483 Accuracy settings for skyboxes, 147 Animated textures, 174–178 AudioEmitter class, 463, 482 Add/Detach Sounds option, 470–471 Animation, 92 AudioEngine class, 461–462 Add Existing Item dialog asteroids, 43–45 AudioListener class, 463, 482 images, 34 characters. See Character audioProject.xap file, 473, 477–478 shaders, 77 movement Auditioning Utility, 468 source files, 12 keyframe, 344–351 Authoring tool, 461, 464–468 Add New Item dialog matrices, 93–95 AutoComplete format, 12 fonts, 193, 415 Quake II. See Quake II model AvailableNetworkSessionCollection projectiles, 309 Right Hand Rule, 92–93 class, 508 shaders, 76 spaceships, 473–477 Add Reference dialog, 446 sprites. See Sprites Add Watch option, 18 windmill, 217–219 Add Xbox 360 Name and Connection B animations enum, 446, 451–452 Key dialog, 14 Application flow, 22 backwall.jpg file, 135 Addition of vectors, 234–236 Apply3D method, 464, 483 Ballistics AddSessionEvents method, 512 Apply3DAudio method, 483–484 arcing projectiles, 306–309 AddSphere method, 292–293 Arcing Projectile algorithm, 306 arcing projectiles example, AdjustBlueLevel method, 83 Arcing projectiles 319–320 AdvanceAnimation method, 453 example, 319–320 linear projectiles, 306–307 AIF files, 460 overview, 306–309 linear projectiles example, AIFF files, 460 Arctangent function, 104–107 309–319 Airplane, 109–110 Assemblies, 23 Bandwidth for networks, 506–507 direction angle, 115–118 Assembly language, 73 Bank setting for images, 148 flying with spinning propeller, Asteroid example, 42 base.fbx file, 216 114–115 asteroid animation, 43–45 Base for windmill stationary with spinning propeller, collision detection, 48–52 creating, 205–206 110–114 completing, 52–53 exporting, 213 Alias FBX File format, 213 images for, 42–43 Base Surface tab, 422 Alien class, 521 rocket ship control, 45–48 Basic Sculpting tool, 421 alien0.fbx file, 473, 501, 517 Atan function, 105–106, 115–116 BasicEffect class, 70 alien1.fbx file, 473, 501, 517 Atan2 function, 107, 116, 140 car object, 226 Aliens Atmosphere setting, 147 default lighting, 356–357 creating, 500–503 AttachedSounds property, 471 directional lighting, 357–362 peer-to-peer networks, 517–521 Attenuation of audio, 471–472 Quake II model, 448–449 Alpha channels, 127 Audio, 460 shaders, 86–89 AlphaBlendEnable method, 138 adding, 477–482 windmill, 215–216 527
  11. 528 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE BasicShader technique, 71 moving and strafing, 274–277 bounding spheres initialization Beep0 file, 466–468 multiplayer gaming, 493–496 and drawing, 290–299 beep0.wav file, 466, 477 rotating views, 277–282 BoundingBox, 288–289 beep1.wav file, 466, 477 skyboxes, 144–145, 147 BoundingSphere, 288 Beeping sound, 466–468, 481 terrain, 423, 427 containment types, 287 Begin method, 35 vectors, 268 early warning systems, 287 Bezier curves, 344–348 CameraStartPositions method, 516 per pixel, 39–40 bigCarSpheres.fbx file, 296 CameraViewer namespace, 271 rectangle, 37 Billboarding effect, 139–140 Car object, 219–231 transformation matrices, 37–39 BinaryReader class, 403–405, 409 car.tga file, 221 Collision method, 299 Blades for windmill Cartesian coordinates Color duplicating, 209 3D graphics, 56 landscape, 422 materials, 207–209 Right Hand Rule, 92–93 shaders, 71–72, 75, 81–86 rotating, 209–210, 217 CarYDirection method, 224 textures, 48–49, 128, 140–141 Bold font style, 194 Categories of sound banks, 462 Combining images Bold Italic font style, 194 Cell method, 249–250 multitexturing, 178–189 Bone animation, 214–215, 438–443 CellHeight method, 414 sprites. See Sprites Bounding boxes CellNormal method, 431 CommitChanges method, 78, 87, BoundingBox type, 286–289 CellWeight method, 429–430 126, 133 collision detection CF-18 Hornet fighter jet example, Compatibility of shaders, 73 implementation, 302–304 345–351 Compiling Xbox 360 Game projects, Bounding spheres cf18.x file, 349 12–13 BoundingSphere type, 286–288 cf18Color.jpg file, 349 Conjugate quaternions, 279 collision detection ChangePosition method, 83, 85 Connect to Computer screen, 14–15 implementation, 299–302 ChangeView method Connection Key dialog, 14 initialization and drawing, cameras, 281–283 Connections to PC and Xbox 360, 3–4 290–299 car object, 222–224 ContainmentType type, 287 Bowing animation, 440, 443–446 mouse, 387–388 Contains containment type, 287 Boxes spaceships, 476 Contains method bounding, 286–289, 302–304 split-screen environment, BoundingBox, 289 windmill, 205, 209 497–498 BoundingSphere, 288 Breakpoints, 17–18 Character movement, 104, 109–110 Content Importer property, 446 Brickwall.jpg file, 360 airplane direction angle, 115–118 Content node, 34 Buffers, index, 156 direction, 104–109 Content pipeline and processors, 402 grids using, 159–163 flying airplane with spinning ContentImporter, 403 vertices, 156–159 propeller, 114–115 ContentTypeReader, 404 BufferUsage settings, 157 stationary airplane with spinning example, 404–417 Bui Tuong Phong, 362 propeller, 110–114 images, 34 Build Action property, 446 CheckCollisions method, 51–52 overview, 33 Bumpers, 41, 392–393 clamp function, 76 Content Pipeline Extension Button events, 387–388 Class-level variables, 84 projects, 405 ButtonState property, 379 Clear method, 341 ContentImporter class, 403, 408 Client/server networks ContentManager class example, 521–525 description, 24 C overview, 506 models, 312 ClientRead method, 524–525 particles, 334 C#, 2–4, 8, 120–122 ClientWrite method, 522 textures, 121 Camera class, 271–272, 496 Clip planes, 270 ContentProcessor class, 402, 407 Camera.cs file, 271, 274–275 Closing games, 26 ContentReader class, 409 Camera Settings dialog Cloud Shading setting, 147 ContentTypeReader class, 404 skyboxes, 147 Clouds Cast Shadows option, 424 ContentTypeWriter class, terrain, 423 Code files 403–404, 408 CameraCopy method, 300 adding and removing, 12 Continue option, 18 Cameras managing, 8–9 Control points for curves, 344 base code, 284 Collision detection, 37, 286 Controllers, 379–380, 390–391 car object, 224–227, 299–301 asteroid example, 48–52 bumpers, 392–393 changing views, 282–284 bounding box implementation, DPad, 393 class initialization, 272–273 302–304 game pad buttons, 391–392 class structures, 271–272 bounding spheres game pad states, 380–381 matrices, 268–270 implementation, 299–302 pressed and released states, 381
  12. I N D E X 529 rumble, 395–396 pausing, 16–18 images, 43 thumbsticks, 381, 394–395 stepping through code, 18 meshes, 216, 218–219 triggers, 382, 395 warnings, 16–17 overriding, 28 Coordinates watch lists, 18–19 purpose, 26 3D graphics, 56 Declaring matrices, 96 shaders, 82 mouse, 389 Delays, network, 506 split-screen environment, multitexturing, 182 DeleteAudio method, 478 499–500 point sprites, 325–328 Delta Halo level, 139 sprites, 167–168, 172–173 Right Hand Rule, 92–93 Deploying games textures, 137–138 skyboxes, 150 Xbox 360 projects, 14–15 triggering, 25 texture, 120–121 to Zune, 4–5 DrawAirplaneBody method, 112, two-dimensional, 32 Depth of animated sprites layers, 36 114–117 UV. See UV coordinates Detail setting for skyboxes, 147 DrawAliens method, 502–503, vectors, 234 Developer basics, 8 520–521 CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo code project management, 8–9 DrawAnimatedHud method, 172–173 method, 215, 217, 221 debugging, 15–19 DrawAnimatedTexture method, 177 cos function, 76 deploying, 14–15 DrawCar method, 226 Courier New font, 249 editing, 12–13 DrawCF18 method, 350 Create method, 507–508 Windows Game projects, 9–10 DrawCursor method, 389–390 CreateLookAt method, 272 Xbox 360 Game projects, 10–11 DrawEarth method, 99–101 CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView Zune game projects, 11 DrawFonts method, 197–198 method, 270 Development environment setup, 2–5 bumpers, 392–393 CreateRotationX method, 260, 314 DeviceReset events, 25 controllers, 391 CreateRotationY method, 112, 116, Diffuse light, 355 game pad button state, 392 140, 262 DiffuseColor property, 357 input device states, 385–386 CreateRotationZ method, 38, 263 Direction, 104 matrix display, 251 CreateScale method, 100, 258 airplane angle, 115–118 mouse states, 388 CreateSession method, 512 cameras, 269 thumbsticks, 394–395 CreateTranslation method, 38, scaling in, 108–109 triggers, 395 115, 256 speed for, 105–107 vector calculations in, 235 Creators Club, 3, 49 trigonometry for, 104–105 Zune, 397 Cross method, 239–240 vectors for, 107–108 DrawGround method Cross Platform Audio Creation Tool. Direction property, 357 grass, 134 See XACT (Cross Platform Audio Directional lights, 354, 356–362, 449 ground, 88–89 Creation Tool) DirectionMatrix method, 117 skyboxes, 149 Cross products of vectors, 239–240 DirectX, 212 split-screen environment, Cues, audio, 462 Disjoint containment type, 287 497–498 instance variables, 462, 468–469 Display DrawIndexedGrid method, 162–163 sound banks, 465 bumpers, 392–393 multitexturing, 184–186 Culling, 70 fonts, 193–198 point lights, 372, 375 problems in, 273 frames-per-second count, terrain, 426 sprites, 168 198–199 DrawIndexedPrimitives method, 159, Cumulative transformation game pad button state, 392 162–163 matrices, 38 heads-up, 169–173 Drawing CurrentViewport method, 499–500 input device states, 385–386 bounding spheres, 290–299 Cursors, mouse, 389–390 mouse states, 388 fonts, 197–198 Curves in keyframe animations, thumbsticks, 394–395 games, 25–26 344–348 triggers, 395 with shaders, 78, 80–81 CustomVertex struct, 332 DisplayCurrentHeight, 416–417 spaceships, 473–477 Cylinders for windmill, 206–208 Dispose method, 479 windmill, 215–219 Dot method, 76, 244 DrawLauncher method, 314–315 Dot products of vectors, 243–245 DrawMatrix method, 250–251 D Down attribute in DPad, 393 DrawMD2Model method, Downloading examples, 5–6 450–452, 456 dangersign.png file, 174–175 DPad control, 41, 380–382, 393 DrawMenu method, 515 Data types for shaders, 74–75 Draw method DrawMessage method, 515–516 Debugging animated sprites, 35–36 DrawModel method breakpoints, 17–18 animated texture, 178 car object, 226 Error Lists, 15–16 fire, 339–341 spaceships, 435, 476 errors, 15–16 fonts, 197–198 DrawModels method, 519
  13. 530 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE DrawMoon method, 100–101 Exporting Friction with projectiles, 308 DrawObjects method height maps, 422–423 Frustum, 270 Martian eyes, 64, 67–68 to .md2 format, 445–446 .fx extension, 76 Martian mouth, 63 windmill, 213 Martian nose, 66 ExtractBoundingSphere method, DrawParticles method, 338–339 296–297 G DrawPrimitives method, 330 Eyebrows, Martian, 60, 66–67 DrawPropeller method, 112–115, 117 Eyes, Martian, 59–60, 63–65, 67–68 Game controllers. See Controllers DrawRectangle method, 82 Game pad buttons, 391–392 DrawRockets method, 318–319 Game stats DrawShip method, 435 F fonts for, 193–198 DrawSkybox method, 151–152 frames-per-second count, DrawSpheres method, 298 Face, Martian, 59–60 198–199 DrawString method eyebrows, 66–67 Game Studio projects, 8 fonts, 197 eyes, 59–60, 63–65, 67–68 Game windows, 22 peer-to-peer networks, 515 mouth, 60–63 closing, 26 vector calculations in, 235 nose, 60, 65–66 drawing and updating, 25–26 DrawSurfaces method, 136–138, 140 Fade with point sprites, 327 example, 26–28 DrawTorch method, 339–340 Fan, windmill, 206–213 game foundation, 22–25 DrawUserPrimitives method, 59, fan.fbx file, 213, 216 Game1 class, 27–28 62, 133 Far clip planes, 270 Game1.cs file DrawWater method, 185–186 .fbx format, 202–203, 207, 212–213 audio, 477 DrawWindmill method, 217–219 Field of view, 270 cameras, 272 Duplicating windmill blades, 209 Fighter jet example, 345–351 color shaders, 83 DynamicVertexBuffer class, 158, 182 Filters for textures, 123, 128 fire example, 336 Find method, 508 input events, 383 Finite audio loops, 467–468 MD2 class, 448 E Fire example, 331–341 namespaces, 23 Fire method, 479–480 new projects, 12, 27 Early warning collision detection fire.wav file, 466, 477, 487 particles, 336 systems, 287 Firing sound, 466 projectiles, 312 Earth example, 97–101 float data type for shaders, 75 vertices, 97 Editing code, 12–13 Flow control for shaders, 75 GamePadState class Effect class Flowing river effect, 179–187 input, 494, 497 fire, 331 Fonts Quake II animation, 453 shaders, 75, 77, 79–80 bumpers, 392–393 states, 41, 380–381, 390 textures, 130 drawing, 197–198 GamerEnded event, 508 Effect1.fx file, 76 frames-per-second count GamerJoined event, 508–509 EffectParameter class example, 198–199 GamerJoinEvent method, 509, 512, global shaders, 75, 77–78 game pad button state, 392 521–522 textures, 126, 130–131, 134 height, 416–417 GamerLeft event, 508 WVP matrix, 79–80 input device states, 385–386 GamerServices class, 507, 514 Enabled property, 357 loading, 193–196 GamerServicesComponent class, EnableDefaultLighting method, 216, monospace, 249 507, 514 218, 356 mouse states, 388 GameStarted event, 508 Enabling Volume Attenuation peer-to-peer networks, 515 Generate Connection Key option, 14 option, 471 thumbsticks, 394–395 generateNormals method, 407 End method, 35 triggers, 395 generatePositions method, 406–407 End points for curves, 344 in visible window portion, 196 GetAccelerationVolume method, engine0.wav file, 466, 477, 487 Zune, 397 480–481 engine1.wav file, 466, 477 Force with projectiles, 308 GetCue method, 463–464, 479, 482 Engines sound, 466 Forward vector GetPositionOnCurve method, 348 Error Lists, 10–11, 15–16 direction calculations, 107–108 GetPositionOnLine method, 348 Errors, debugging, 15–16 spaceship, 433–434 GetRuntimeReader method, 403, Events textures, 139 408–409 input devices, 385–388 Fractions, scaling vectors by, 237 GetRuntimeType method, 403, 408 network sessions, 508–509 Frame swapping, 166 GetState method Examples, downloading, 5–6 Frames-per-second count display, controllers, 381, 390 Existing Game Studio projects, 8–9 198–199 GamePad, 41 Export Heightfield dialog, 422 FramesPerSecond method, 199 KeyboardState, 40, 379, 384
  14. I N D E X 531 MouseState, 379, 387 Images multitexturing, 182–183 multiplayer gaming, 494 2D games, 33 terrain, 426–427 GetViewerAngle method, 140 adding, 42–43 InitializeVertices method, 81–82 Global settings in XACT, 462 frame swapping, 166 InitializeWallSpheres method, 294–296 Graphics engine cameras. See Cameras loading and storing, 33–34 Initializing Graphics pipeline, 70. See also Shaders skyboxes, 146–153 bounding spheres, 288, 290–299 GraphicsDevice class sprites. See Sprites game applications, 23 index buffers, 162 Import method, 403, 408 matrices, 96 particles, 337 Index buffers, 156 Input devices, 378 shaders, 80 grids using, 159–163 controllers, 379–382, 390–396 sprites, 173 vertices, 156–159 handling, 40–41 textures, 131 IndexBuffer class, 157 keyboard, 378–379, 383–385 GraphicsDeviceManager class, 24–25 Indexes for Quake II vertices, 440 mouse, 379, 387–390 grass.jpg image, 132 Indices class, 159, 162 multiplayer gaming, 494 Grass texture, 130–134 Infinite audio loops, 467 responsiveness, 382 Gravity with projectiles, 308–309 Infinite property, 467 rumbles, 382 Grids, 159–163 Initialize method shaders, 73–74 Group enum, 294 aliens, 501 toggle events, 385–386 Groups, merging audio, 478–479, 481 Zune, 396–399 Quake II model, 441–442 BoundingBox, 302 Installing required software, 3 windmill, 210–211 cameras, 273, 496 int data type for shaders, 75 example, 27 Interpolation fire example, 332–333 keyframe animations, 344 H linear projectiles, 312 linear, 123 overriding, 25 Intersect containment type, 287 Halo 2, 139 particles, 337 Intersects method, 38 HandleOffHeightMap method, terrain, 413 BoundingBox, 289 413, 431 InitializeAirplaneBody method, 111 BoundingSphere, 288 Hargreaves, Shawn, 328 InitializeAliens method, 501 Intrinsic functions, 75–76 Head setting for images, 148 InitializeAnimatedSurface method, 175 intro.wav file, 465–466, 477 Heads-up display, 169–173 InitializeBaseCode method Irregular shapes in collision Height cameras, 273 detection, 286 camera view, 273 directional lighting, 358 IsConnected property images, 146 shaders, 80, 83, 85 controllers, 390 windows, 32 textures, 131 GamePad, 41 Height maps, 412–413, 420 InitializeBasicEffect method, 449 IsDisposed property, 478 example, 425–435 InitializeGround method, 127, IsHost property, 509 Terragen for, 420–425 132–133, 149 IsKeyDown method, 40, 379, 382 Height method, 413 InitializeIndices method, 160 IsKeyUp method, 40 heightMap.raw file, 412, 423 InitializeLineList method, 66 IsLocal property, 509 Hierarchies, skeletal, 214–215 InitializeLineStrip method, 65 IsPlaying attribute, 479, 481 High Level Shader Language (HLSL) InitializeModels method, I.S.R.O.T sequence, 94 data types, 74–75 312–313, 474 Italic font style, 194 functions, 75–76 InitializeModelSpheres method, 297 overview, 72–73 InitializeParticleVertex method, 333 textures, 123–124 InitializePointList method, 67 J Hills, 421–422 InitializePropeller method, 111 Horizons Jet example, 345–351 InitializeRoutes method, 346–347 overview, 144–145 Join method, 508 InitializeSkybox method, 150–151 Terragen software for, 145–153 JoinSession method, 512–513 InitializeSpeed method, 114 hotrod.fbx file, 221, 296 Joints InitializeSphere method, 291–292 hotrodSpheres.fbx file, 296 Quake II model, 441–443 InitializeSurface method, 135–136, 141 InitializeTimeLine method, 347 windmill, 211–212 InitializeTorch method, 339 Joints tab, 442 I InitializeTriangle method, 97–98 Identity matrices, 94–95, 263–265 InitializeTriangleList method, 64 Identity transformations, 92, 94 InitializeTriangleStrip method, 61 K Image frame animations, 169 InitializeVertexBuffer method animated textures, 174–178 directional lighting, 358–359 kbstatePrevious class, 386 heads-up display, 169–173 grids, 161–162 Key identifiers, 378
  15. 532 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE Keyboard, 40, 378–379, 383–385 LineList type, 58 Loops KeyboardState class, 40, 379, LineStrip type, 58 audio, 467–468 383–384, 386, 453 Lists shaders, 75 Keyframe animations, 344 Martian eyebrows, 66–67 curves, 344–348 Martian eyes, 63–65, 67–68 example, 345–351 primitive objects, 56–58 M interpolation, 344 LIVE Arcade, 32 KeyFrameNumber function, 347 LIVE Community Games, 5 magfilters, 123 Keys class, 40 Load method Magnification of skyboxes, 147 shaders, 77 Maps, height, 412–413, 420 textures, 121, 132 example, 425–435 L windmill, 217 Terragen for, 420–425 LoadContent method Martian face, 59–60 lamp.bmp file, 446, 448 audio, 487 eyebrows, 66–67 lamp.md2 file, 446 car object, 221 eyes, 59–60, 63–65, 67–68 Land option, 148 cursor, 389 mouth, 60–63 Landscape dialog, 421–423 danger sign, 175 nose, 60, 65–66 Landscape settings, 421 directional lighting, 360 Masks, pixels, 127 Launch method, 310 font sprites, 415 Materials Launch speed of projectiles, 306 fonts, 195, 397 reflective lighting, 355–356 launcher.bmp file, 312 images, 43, 149 windmill blade, 207–209 launcher.fbx file, 312 keyframe animations, 349 windmill box and sphere, 209 LaunchRocket method, 315–318 linear projectiles, 313 Matrices, 93, 248 Layer depth, 36 multitexturing, 181–182 camera, 268–270 Left property overriding, 25, 28 declaring and initializing, 96 DPad, 393 particles, 334 identity, 94–95, 263–265 triggers, 382 peer-to-peer networks, 515, 518 matrix arrays, 214–215 Left shoulders, 392–393 Quake II weapon, 455 multiplication, 248–253 Left thumbsticks, 394–395 spaceship, 428 rotation, 95 Left triggers, 395 sprites, 34 scaling, 95, 256–258 LeftButton property, 379 terrain, 426 transformation. See Length method, 242 textures, 34, 132, 135, 138 Transformation matrices Length of vectors, 241–242 warning light, 171 translation, 95–96 Lerp function, 414 windmill, 217 types, 248–249 Life of particles, 336 Zarlag, 452 Matrix data type, 75, 94 lightEffectPosition setting, 370 Loading Max property, 469 lightEffectWorld setting, 370 fonts, 193–196 MaximumValue property, 471 lightEffectWVP setting, 370 images, 33–34 MD2 class, 438, 453, 455 Lighting, 354 Quake II model, 446–451 MD2.cs file, 446 BasicEffect, 215–216 Quake II weapon, 454–457 .md2 format, 438–440, 445–446 directional, 356–362 spaceships, 473–477 md2.qc file, 445–446 point, 362–375 textures, 120–121 md2 struct, 439 reflective, 355–356 wave files, 465 MD2Pipeline project, 446 source, 354 windmill, 214–217 MD2Runtime project, 446 terrain, 424 Local network connectivity type, 508 MeasureString method, 196 Lighting Conditions dialog, 424 Local rotation quaternions, 278 MediaPlayer class, 460 LightingEnabled property, LocalNetworkGamer class, 509 MemoryStream class, 403 356, 359 Logic, viewing, 16–18 Merging groups LightingShader method, 371–372 Look direction Quake II model, 441 Line lists cameras, 274 windmill, 210–211 Martian eyebrows, 66–67 linear projectiles, 314, 316 Meshes primitive objects, 56–58 Look vector drawing, 216, 218–219 Line strips cameras, 268, 275 Quake II model, 438, 441–442 Martian nose, 65–66 direction angle, 117 MGH360BaseCode projects, 60, 79 primitive objects, 56–58 direction calculations, 107–108 MGHGame namespace, 291–292 Linear interpolation, 123 linear projectiles, 306 MGHWinBaseCode projects, 60, 79 Linear Projectile algorithm, 306 quaternions, 278–279 Microsoft.Xna.Framework Linear projectiles textures, 139 library, 234 example, 309–319 LoopCount property, 468 Microsoft XNA Game Studio, 8 overview, 306–307 LoopEvent attribute, 468 MiddleButton property, 379
  16. I N D E X 533 MilkShape application, 202–203 client/server, 506 point sprites, 324–329 animated models, 440–457 client/server example, 521–525 VertexDeclarations, 330–331 windmill example. See Windmill LocalNetworkGamer, 509 ParticleShader method, 337–388 Milliseconds attribute, 113 peer-to-peer, 506 Passes, shaders, 72, 179 Min property, 469 peer-to-peer example, 511–521 PauseAndResumeBeep method, 480 minfilters, 123 session updating, 509–510 Pausing programs, 16–18 mipfilters, 123 NetworkSession class, 507–508 PC video cards, 6 Model class, 214–215 NetworkSessionType class, 508 .pcx files, 440 Model tab, 441, 443–444 New Cue Instance option, 469 Peer-to-peer networks ModelMesh class, 215 New Item dialog, 12 example, 511–521 Momentum with projectiles, 308–309 New Project dialog overview, 506 Monospace fonts, 249 asteroid game, 42 Per pixel collision checking, 39–40 Moon example, 97–101 source files, 26 Performance of collision detection, 287 Mouse, 379 sprites, 166 Phong reflection model, 362–363 button and move events, terrain, 409 Pins for windmill, 206 387–388 windmill project, 204 Pipeline. See Content pipeline and cursors, 389–390 Windows Game projects, 9 processors Mouse class, 282 Xbox 360 Game projects, 11 Pitch setting for images, 148 MouseState class, 282, 379, 387, 389 New RPC Preset option, 471 Pivoting animation, 443–444 Mouth, Martian, 60–63 Nonproportional fonts, 249 PivotWheel method, 228–229 Move method Normal method, 431–432 Pixel shaders, 70–72 cameras, 274–277 Normal vectors point lights, 365–375 split-screen environment, cross products, 238–240 point sprites, 326–328 497–498 reflective, 355 texture coloring, 128 Movement Normalization of vectors, 108, PixelCollision method, 49–50 cameras, 274–277 240–243 PixelColor method, 48–49 character. See Character Normalize method, 76, 243 Pixels movement NormalWeight method, 432–433 columns and rows, 32 mouse events, 387–388 Nose, Martian, 60, 65–66 masks, 127 MoveShip method, 47–48 NUM_COLS setting, 421 PixelShader method, 71, 128 mul function, 76 NUM_ROWS setting, 421 point lights, 369, 374–375 Multipass shader rendering, 178–179 point sprites, 328 Multiplayer gaming, 492 Planetside website, 145 cameras, 493–494 O Play method, 463, 487 input, 494 Play Sound option, 468 split-screen environment, .OBJ files, 203 Play Wave property, 468 494–503 OffsetFromCamera method, 224 Play3DAudio method, 485–486 viewports, 492–493 Opaque textures, 134–137 Playback methods, 463 Multiplying Open dialog PlayCue method, 463, 479–480 matrices, 94, 248–253 materials, 207 PlayerIndex attribute, 381, 494 quaternions, 279 wave files, 465 PlayerMatch network connectivity MultiplyMatrix method, 251–253, Opening type, 508 256–257, 260 Game Studio projects, 8–9 Point lights, 354 MultiTexture technique, 179, 181 Microsoft XNA Game Studio, 8 calculating, 364 Multitexturing, 178 Orbits, 92, 94 Phong reflection model, 362–364 multipass shader rendering, Origins pixel shader example, 365–375 178–179 animated sprites, 36 Point lists water example, 179–189 windmill, 211 Martian eyes, 67–68 MyContentWriter class, 403 Outputs, shaders, 73–74 primitive objects, 56–58 MyFont.spritefont file, 193, 397 Overlapping objects. See Collision Point sprites detection fire example, 331–341 overview, 324–329 N PointLightDiffuse method, 368–369 P PointLightPS.fx file, 365, 370–371 Namespaces, 23 PointLightShader technique, 370 Near clip planes, 270 PacketReader class, 510 PointLightVS.fx file, 374 Network.cs file, 511, 521 PacketWriter class, 510 PointList type, 58 Networks, 506 Particle.cs file, 334 Points option for index buffers, 157 bandwidth, 506–507 Particle effects, 324 PointSprite.fx file, 331 capability, 514–521 fire example, 331–341
  17. 534 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE PointSpriteTechnique technique, skeletons, 441–442 Right thumbsticks, 394–395 328–329 weapons, 454–457 Right triggers, 395 Porting 2D games to Zune, 41 Quality setting for skybox images, 147 Right vector Position color shaders, 81–86 Quaternion theory, 277–280 cameras, 268, 275 Position vector direction angle, 117 cameras, 268, 274–275 direction calculations, 107–108 linear projectiles, 306 R spaceship, 433–434 PositionColor.fx file, 61, 71, 79–83 RightButton property, 379 PositionColorEffect method, 80–81 Random class, 336 rocket.bmp file, 312 PositionColorShader method, 62, RankedAll network connectivity rocket.fbx file, 312 64–67, 80–81 type, 508 Rockets. See Spaceships and rockets PositionColorTexture type, 358 Raw image files, 33 RootDirectory attribute, 34, 131 Positioning Read method RotateShip method, 45–46 animated sprites, 35–36 ContentTypeReader, 404 Rotation, 92, 94 car object, 222 XNANetwork, 513–514 animated sprites, 36 windmill, 211 ReadAllBytes method, 403, 408 camera views, 277–282 pow function, 76 ReadAllText method, 403 linear projectiles, 314 Pressed state ReadBoolean method, 404 Quake II model, 443–444 controllers, 381–382 ReadInt32 method, 404 rocket ship, 45–46 DPad, 393 ReadSingle method, 404 windmill blades, 209–210, 217 game pad, 391–392 ReadVector3 method, 510 Rotation matrices, 95 keyboard, 384 Rectangle class, 37, 44 X axis, 258–260 thumbsticks, 394–395 Rectangle collision checking, 37 Y axis, 260–262 Previewing Quake II animation, 445 Red dots for breakpoints, 17 Z axis, 262–263 Primitive objects, 56–57 References tab, 446 RotationAngle method, 115–117, 501 drawing example, 59–68 Referencing shaders, 75–80 RotationQuaternion method, 279–280 drawing steps, 96–101 Reflective lighting, 355–356 RowColumn method, 413 drawing syntax, 57–59 Reflective normals, 355 RPC Preset (Runtime Parameter Program1.cs file, 12, 26 Regular font style, 194 Control Preset), 463, 469–471 Project files in XACT, 460–461 Released state Rumble, 382, 395–396 ProjectedUp method, 433 controllers, 381–382 Running Xbox 360 Game projects, ProjectedXZ method, 429 DPad, 393 12–13 Projectile class, 309–312 game pad, 391–392 Runtime logic and variable values, Projectile.cs file, 309 keyboard, 384 16–18 Projectiles thumbsticks, 394–395 Runtime Parameter Control Preset arcing, 306–309, 319–320 Removing code files from projects, 12 (RPC Preset), 463, 469–471 linear, 306–307, 309–319 Render Settings dialog, 146–147 Projection matrix, 269–270 Render states, saving, 197 Projection property, 87–88 Rendering, 26 S Projections in multiplayer gaming, images, 148 493–494 skybox settings, 146–147 Sampler class, 123–124 Projects tab, 446 sprites, 168–169 saturate function, 76 PSinput struct, 326–327 Rendering Control dialog Save Project As dialog, 473 PSIZE semantic, 326 skyboxes, 147 SaveState property PSoutput struct, 125, 367 terrains, 423–425 peer-to-peer networks, 515 Pythagorean Theorem, 241–242 ResetParticle method, 335 render states, 168, 197 Resizing animated sprites, 36 Saving Resolution in Zune, 41 audio projects, 473 Q Responsiveness of input devices, 382 images, 148 Resuming programs, 18 render states, 197 Quake II model, 438–440 Revolutions, 92, 94 sprite settings, 168 bowing animation, 444 Right Hand Rule, 92–93 windmill, 212–213 controlling, 451–454 distance calculations, 104 Xbox 360 Game projects, 13 exporting to .md2 format, linear projectiles, 313 Scale method 445–446 transformation matrices, 254 aliens, 518 loading, 446–451 vector cross products, 238 scaling matrices, 95 meshes, 441–442 Right property ScaleModel method, 224 pivoting animation, DPad, 393 ScaleSpheres method, 297–298 443–444 triggers, 382 Scaling, 92, 94 previewing animation, 445 Right shoulders, 392–393 aliens, 518
  18. I N D E X 535 boxes, 205 UV coordinates with, 123–124 Speed point sprites, 327–328 values setting, 96 direction calculations, 105–107 time lapse between frames, vertex, 71–72 projectiles, 306 108–109 Shadows for terrain, 423 Sphere class, 292–293 vectors, 236–237, 240–243 ShipWorldMatrix method, 433–435 Sphere.cs file, 292 Scaling matrices, 95, 256–258 Shoulders, 392–393 SphereData struct, 293 Score tracking and game stats Show Viewport Caption option, 205 Spheres fonts for, 193–198 ShowInputDeviceStatus method, bounding, 286–288, 290–302 frames-per-second count, 397–398 for windmill, 206, 209 198–199 ShowSignIn method, 517 SphereScalar method, 297–298 Screen resolution in Zune, 41 ShowString method, 384–385 SphereVertices method, 291 Selling games, 5 sidewall.jpg file, 135 Spin method, 227 ServerRead method, 523–524 sin function, 76 Spinning propeller ServerWrite method, 522–523 Sine wave equations, 187–188 flying airplane with, 114–115 SessionEnded event, 508–509 SineCycle method, 188 stationary airplane with, SessionEndEvent method, 509, 512 Size 110–114 Set Keyframe option, 444 aliens, 517 Split-screen environment, 494–503 SetAnimation method, 452 animated sprites, 36 SpriteBatch class, 24, 33–34, SetAnimationSequence method, height maps, 421 166–167, 169 448, 452 point sprites, 327–328 SpriteBlendMode option, 172 SetAnimationSpeed method, 448 skybox images, 146 SpriteFont class, 195, 397 setCellDimensions method, 406 Skeletal hierarchies, 214–215 Sprites, 24, 34 SetData method, 158, 161–162 Skeletons in Quake II model, 441–442 drawing and animating, 35 SetDirectionMatrix method, Skin fire example, 331–341 310–311, 320 Martian, 60 heads-up display, 169–173 SetFrameInterval method, 272–273 Quake II model, 439–440, 445 image frame swapping, 166 SetPosition method, 282, 388 Sky option, 148 layer depth, 36 SetProjection method, 272 Skyboxes origins, 36 SetSource method, 158, 162 overview, 144–145 overview, 324–329 SetValue method, 77–78, 126, 136 Terragen software for, 145–153 point, 324–329, 331–341 SetVariable method, 469, 471 Snapshots of images, 148 resizing, 36 SetVibration method, 382, 395–396 Solution Explorer, 10–12 restoring settings, 167–168 SetView method Song class, 460 rotating, 36 cameras, 272, 282–283 Sound, 460 SpriteBatch class, 166–167 car object, 224 adding, 477–482 title safe regions, 37, 168–169 terrain, 427 attenuation, 471–472 transparency, 35 SetWaterHeight method, 188 XACT. See XACT (Cross SPRITETEXCOORD semantic, 326 Shaders Platform Audio Creation Tool) Start Debugging option, 15 BasicEffect objects, 86–89 Zune, 487–489 Start points for curves, 344 changes, 78 Sound Bank panel, 465 Stationary airplane with spinning data types, 74 Sound banks, 462–465 propeller, 110–114 description, 60 SoundBank class, 461 Status information drawing with, 78, 80–81 SoundEffect class, 460, 487–488 fonts for, 193–198 Effect objects, 77 SoundEffectInstance class, 460 frames-per-second count, EffectParameter objects, SoundEngineUpdate method, 485 198–199 77–78, 87 Source files, 26 SteamWriter class, 19 flow control, 75 Source lights, 354 Step Into feature, 18 graphics pipeline, 70 SourceBlend property, 138 Step Over feature, 18 HLSL, 72–73 spaceA.bmp file, 473, 501, 517 Stepping through code, 18 inputs and outputs, 73–74 Spaceships and rockets Stonefloor.jpg file, 360 intrinsic functions, 75–76 arcing projectiles, 308, 319–320 Storing images, 33–34 passes, 72, 178–179 audio examples, 464–487 Strafe method, 275, 277, 497–498 pixel, 71–72 collision detection, 48–52 Strafing point lights, 365–375 linear projectiles, 309–319 cameras, 274–277 point sprites, 325–329 loading, drawing, and animating, keys for, 60 position color, 81–86 473–477 split-screen environment, 497–498 referencing, 75–80 in terrain, 427–435 Strips semantics, 73–74 Specular light, 355 Martian mouth, 61–63 structure, 71 SpecularColor property, 357 Martian nose, 65–66 textures, 122–123, 126 SpecularLight method, 367–368 primitive objects, 56–58
  19. 536 MICROSOFT XNA GAME STUDIO CREATOR’S GUIDE struct data type, 75 EffectParameter, 126, Toutput class, 402 Subtraction of vectors, 236 130–131, 134 Transform method, 50, 519 Surface Color dialog, 422 grass, 130–134 TransformAliens method, 518 Surface Layer dialog, 422 height maps, 423–425 Transformation matrices, 253–254 SystemLinkConnects network HLSL, 123–124 collision detection, 37–39 connectivity type, 508 multitexturing, 178–189 identity, 263–265 point sprites, 327–328 rotation X axis, 258–260 Quake II model, 440 rotation Y axis, 260–262 T shaders for, 122–123 rotation Z axis, 262–263 tiling, 127 scaling, 256–258 tan function, 76 transparent, 127, 137–139 translation, 254–258 Tangent function, 104 tree example, 129 Transformations Target positions for skybox UV coordinates. See UV applying, 97–101 images, 147 coordinates car wheel, 229–231 Techniques, 72 vertices, 122 order, 94 telemetricBeep.mp3 file, 487 windmill, 206–207 types, 92 Templates, 23 textureSampler filter, 128 TransformCar method, 224 Terragen software TextureShader technique, 126, transformedPosition setting, 366, 369 for height maps, 420–425 133–134 Transforming rectangles, 37 for skyboxes, 145–153 .tga files, 440 TransformRectangle method, 49–51 terrain.bmp file, 426 3D audio, 463–464, 482–487 TransformWheel method, 230–231 Terrain Casts Shadows option, 424 3D graphics programming, 56 Translation matrices, 38, 95–96, 254 Terrain class, 410 primitive objects, 56–68 CreateTranslation, 256 Terrain Export dialog, 422 shaders. See Shaders example, 254–256 Terrain height detection, 420 3D models, 202–203 W component, 254 example, 425–435 car example, 219–231 Translations, 92, 94 Terragen for, 420–425 drawing steps, 96 Transparency Terrain Modification dialog, 421 windmill example. See Windmill sprites, 35 TerrainContent class, 406–407 3D view ports, 208–209 textures, 127, 137–139, 178 TerrainContent.cs file, 405–406 3D views, 204 tree.png file, 137 TerrainPipeline class, 405–406, 408 Thumbstick events, 41 Trees TerrainReader class, 410 Thumbsticks, 381, 394–395, 397 texture, 129 TerrainReader.cs file, 409 Tiling textures, 127 transparent, 137–139 TerrainRuntime namespace, Time lapse in scaling, 108–109 Triangle lists 410–411 Timer method Martian eyes, 63–65 Testing audio, 468 audio, 486 primitive objects, 56–58 tex2D function, 76, 124, 128 frame counts, 198–199 Triangle strips Text display. See Display image frame animation, 170–171 Martian mouth, 61–63 Texture Coordinate Editor dialog, textures, 176 primitive objects, 56–58 207–208 Tinput class, 402 Triangle vertices, 256–258 Texture.fx file, 124, 128–130, 181 Title safe regions TriangleList type, 58 Texture2D class animated sprites, 37, 44 Triangles directional lighting, 360 fonts, 196, 385 Quake II model, 439 images, 33–34 frames-per-second count, 199 rotating, 98 multitexturing, 181 rendering sprites, 168–169 TriangleStrip type, 58 shaders, 75 split-screen environment, Trigger events, 41 sprites, 35, 167, 169–170 498–499 Triggers, 382, 395 storing textures, 134, 137 TitleSafeRegion method Trigonometry texture loading, 120–121, 131 animated sprites, 44 direction calculations, textureEffectWVP value, 136 fonts, 196, 415–416 104–105 TextureEnabled property, 359 image frame animation, 169, primer, 46–47 Textures, 120, 123 171–172 tris.md2 file, 452 adding, 134–137 split-screen environment, 499 TrueType fonts, 194 animated, 174–178 Toggle events, 385–386 Two-dimensional coordinate animated sprites, 35 ToolTips, 12, 17 systems, 32 applying, 124–125 torch.bmp file, 339 2D games, 32 billboarding, 140 Torch example, 331–341 animated sprites, 34–37 C# syntax, 120–122 torch.fbx file, 339 collision detection, 37–40 classes, 33–34 ToString method, 394 coordinate systems, 32 color, 48–49, 128, 140–141 TotalControllersUsed method, 497 example. See Asteroid example
  20. I N D E X 537 image files for, 33–34 UpdateMovingSurface method, Velocity of arcing projectiles, 308 input devices, 40–41 183–184, 189 Vertex shaders, 70–72 porting, 41 UpdateNetwork method, 514, 525 point lights, 373–375 UpdateParticle method, 336 point sprites, 325–328 UpdatePosition method, 85–86 VertexBuffer class, 161, 330 U UpdatePositionAndView method, 274 fire example, 333 UpdateProjectile method, 311–312, multitexturing, 182 Unit vectors, 49, 240–243 319–320 VertexDeclaration class, 59, 62, UnloadContent method, 26, 28 UpdateShip1Position method, 474–475 80, 325 Up attribute for DPad, 393 UpdateShipPosition method, 428 custom declarations, 330–331 Up vector UpdateTextureUV method, 176–177 fire example, 333 cameras, 268, 275 UpdateView method, 280–282, 315 Quake II model, 449 direction angle, 117 Updating. See Update method and textures, 131 direction calculations, 107–108 updating VertexDeclaration property, 360 spaceship, 429, 433–434 User input devices. See Input devices VertexElement class, 330, 332 Update method and updating UV coordinates VertexPositionColor format, 58, animated sprites, 35 animated texture, 176 62–63, 65, 158 cameras, 273, 275–276, 283 description, 120–121 VertexPositionColorTexture format, car object, 222, 227 grass texture, 132 58, 122, 131, 135, 158, 359 controllers, 390 multitexturing, 182 VertexPositionNormalTexture format, frames-per-second count opaque textures, 135 58, 122, 158, 358 display, 199 point sprites, 325–328 VertexPositionTexture format, 58, games, 25–26 with shaders, 123–124 122, 158 keyframe animations, 346 skyboxes, 150 VertexShader method, 71 linear projectiles, 317 sprites, 166 point lights, 369, 374 network sessions, 509–511 texture color, 128 point sprites, 327–328 networks, 511 texture tiling, 127 texture color, 125, 128 overriding, 28 Vertices primitive rotation, 98 bounding spheres, 291 purpose, 26 V format storage, 59 Quake II animation, 453–454 graphics pipeline, 70 Quake II weapon, 455 Variables index buffers, 156–159 spaceship, 428 asteroid example, 42 lighting, 356 split-screen environment, 498 class-level, 84 Martian face, 59–68 sprite rotation, 36 viewing, 16–18 multitexturing, 182 terrain, 427 watch lists, 18–19 primitive objects, 56–57 triggering, 25 Vector2 data type, 75, 234 Quake II model, 438–440 UpdateAirplanePosition method, Vector3 data type, 75, 234, 404 rendering, 56 114–115 Vector3 method, 404 rotating, 38 UpdateAsteroid method, 44–45 Vector4 data type, 75, 234 scaling matrices, 256–258 UpdateAudioEmitters method, 484–485 VectorCalculation method shaders. See Shaders UpdateAudioListener method, 483 addition, 235 skyboxes, 150 UpdateBlueLevel method, 84 cross products, 240 stationary airplane, 110–111 UpdateCamera method, 300–304 dot products, 245 textures, 122 UpdateCameraHeight method, 427 length, 241–242 types, 58 UpdateGameNetwork method, 519 scaling, 237 Vertices.cs file, 291 UpdateGameStart method, 517 subtraction, 236 Video cards, 6 UpdateInputEvents method unit vectors, 242–243 View matrix, 269 controllers, 391–392 Vectors, 234 View property, 87–88 DPad, 393 addition, 234–236 View/Sculpt dialog, 421–422 keyboard, 384, 386 cameras, 268 View vector mouse, 387 direction angle, 117–118 cameras, 268, 274 rumble, 396 direction calculations, 107–108 linear projectiles, 306 thumbsticks, 394 dot products, 243–245 Viewing logic and variable values, triggers, 395 normal, 49, 238–240, 355 16–18 UpdateKeyframeAnimation method, normalization, 240–243 Viewport class, 492–493 348–349 scaling, 236–237 Views UpdateModel method subtraction, 236 cameras, 277–284 Quake II model, 450 types, 234 multiplayer gaming, 492–493 Quake II weapon, 455 unit normal, 49 windmill project, 204



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