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Tham khảo tài liệu 'ôn tốt nghiệp thpt môn tiếng anh đề tham khảo - đê số 17', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ÔN TỐT NGHIỆP THPT MÔN TIẾNG ANH ĐỀ THAM KHẢO ĐÊ SỐ 17 1. She wondered: “Why hasn’t Nancy come?” A. She wondered why hasn’t Nancy come. B. She wondered why Nancy hadn’t come. C. She wondered why Nancy hasn’t come. D. She wondered why Nancy not came. 2. Let’s go fishing tomorrow. A. Why don’t we go fishing tomorrow? B. Why don’t go fishing tomorrow? C. Why don’t we go fish tomorrow? D. Why don’t we go to fish tomorrow? 3. I don’t know _____________. A. when was this house built B. when this house was built C. who did this house belong to D. when does this house belong to 4 .My teacher said to me, "Don't give up hope." A. My teacher told me that don't give up hope. B. My teacher told me don't give up hope. C. My teacher told me whether not give up hope. D. My teacher told me not to give up hope. 5. Jane suggested buying a food processor is equivalent to: A. Jane suggested them to buy a food processor B. Jane suggested that will buy a food processor C. “Why don't we buy a food processor?" said Jane D. Jane suggested to buy a food processor 6. "Can I sit beside you, Jean?" Tom asked. A. Tom asked Jean if he could sit beside her. B. Tom asked Jean that whether he could sit beside her. C. Tom requested Jean if he could sit beside her. D. Tom asked Jean if I could sit beside her. 7. "Did Mr. Brown send the parcels?" she asked. A. She asked if Mr. Brown has sent the parcels. B. She asked if Mr. Brown had sent the parcels. C. She asked that had Mr. Brown sent the parcels. D. She asked whether Mr. Brown did send the parcels. 8. “Are you glad to be back?” He asked. A. He asked me if I was glad to be back b. He asked me if was I glad to be back. C. He asked me if I am glad to be back. D. He asked me are you glad to be back. 9. Direct : “ I want to go on holiday but I don’t know where to go.” Indirect: _______ A. Tom said that he wanted to go on holiday but he doesn’t know where to go. B. Tom told that he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go. C. Tom said that he wanted to go on holiday but he didn’t know where to go. D. Tom said that I wanted to go on holiday but I didn’t know where to go. 10. “Do you know ___________?” asked the man. A. where is the ticket office B. where the ticket office is C. the ticket is D. where was the ticket office 11. “I’m sorry I made a mistake.” said he. A. He said he had made a mistake. B. He told he had made a mistake. C. He apologized for making a mistake. D. He blamed you for making a mistake. 12 “When did you leave school?” the interviewer asked me. A. The interviewer told me when I had left school. B. The interviewer asked me when I had left school. C. The interviewer asked me when I left school. D. The interviewer asked me when you had left school. 13. Don’t forget to go to the supermarket after work. A. He requested me not forget to go to the supermarket after work. B. He asked me not to go to the supermarket after work. C. He told me that I shouldn’t go to the supermarket after work. D. He reminded me to go to the supermarket after work. 14. “You should go to the lecture” the teacher said. A. The teacher advised us should go to the lecture. B. The teacher advised us going to the lecture. C. The teacher advised us to go to the lecture. D. The teacher advised us go to the lecture. 15. Jack said, “I have studied English for five years, Mary.” A. Jack told Mary that he had studied English for five years. B. Jack told to Mary that he had studied English for five years. C. Jack told Mary that he has studied English for five years. D. Jack told Mary that he studied English for five years. 16. “You’d better not go out without a raincoat.”He said. A. He advised me to have better not to go out without a raincoat. B. He advised me do not go out without a raincoat. C. He advised me not to go out without a raincoat.
  2. D. He advised not to go out without a raincoat. 17. The driver said, “Don’t get off the bus while it’s moving!” A. The driver asked the passengers not to get off the bus while it’s moving. B. The driver asked the passengers don’t to get off the bus while it was moving. C. The driver asked the passengers not getting off the bus while it was moving. D. The driver asked the passengers not to get off the bus while it was moving. 18. He said to his wife, “Are you cooking in the kitchen now?” A. He asked his wife if she was cooking in the kitchen now. B. He told his wife that she was cooking in the kitchen then. C. He asked his wife that she was cooking in the kitchen then. D. He asked his wife if she was cooking in the kitchen then. 19. He said to me, “I don’t want you to make such a silly mistake again.” A. He told me that I didn’t want him to make such a silly mistake again. B. He told me that he didn’t want you to make such a silly mistake again. C. He told me that I didn’t want you to make such a silly mistake again. D. He told me that he didn’t want me to make such a silly mistake again. 20. She asked him, “Have you read this book?” A. She asked if he had read that book. B. She wanted to know him if he had read that book. C. She wondered him if he had read that book. D. She asked him if she had read that book. Exercise 10: 1. It was too late _________________ . A. to go for them to the party. B. because they go to the party. C. so they go to the party D. for them to go to the party. 2. This room is too small for six people. A. This room is very small for six people. B. This room isn’t big enough for six people. C. This room is so small to have six people. D. This room isn’t enough big for six people. 3. We couldn’t answer those two difficult questions. A. Those two difficult questions couldn’t have been answered. B. Those two questions were so difficult that we couldn’t answer them. C. Those two questions were too difficult for us to answer. D. Those two questions were not enough difficult to answer for us. 4. The bicycle was so expensive that I didn't buy it. A. If the bicycle had been cheaper, I would have bought it. B. I was rich enough to buy the bicycle. C. I couldn't afford to buy the bicycle. D. The bicycle was too expensive for me to buy. 5. The water was very cold, so we couldn't swim. A. The water was too cold for us to swim. B. We couldn't swim because the water was very cold. C. The water was very cold but we still went swimming. D. The water was very cold; therefore, we couldn't swim. 6. The furniture was _________________. A. too expensive for me to buy B. very expensive for me to buy C. enough expensive for me to buy D. such expensive that I didn’t buy it 7. ________________ that it frightened everyone in the room. A. The noise was too loud B. The noise was so loud C. The noise was very loud D. The noise was loud enough 8. The/ book/ boring/ I/ it/ reading/ so/ stopped/ that/ was/. A. The book was boring so that I stopped reading it. B. The boring book stopped reading so that I was it. C. The book was so boring that I stopped reading it. D. The reading book was so boring that I stopped it. 9. The road is _______. A. so slippery for us to drive fast B. too slippery for us to drive fast C. so slippery that we drove fast D. too slippery that we can't drive fast 10. Nobody could move the piano. It was too heavy. A. It was such a heavy piano that everybody could move it. B. It was such a heavy piano that nobody couldn’t move it. C. The piano was so heavy that nobody could move. D. The piano was too heavy to be moved. 11. The tea was too hot for her to drink. A. The tea was so hot that she couldn’t drink it. B. The tea was so hot that she could drink it. C. The tea was so hot that she couldn’t drink. D. The tea was such hot that she couldn’t drink it. 12. We arrived too late to see the first film. A. We didn’t arrive late enough to see the first film. B. We didn’t arrive early enough to see the first film. C. We didn’t arrive too early to see the first film. D. We didn’t arrive early enough for us to see the first film.
  3. 13. She can’t have any more children because of her age. A. She is too old to have any more children. B. She is old enough to have any more children. C. She is too young to have any more children. D. She is young enough to have any more children. 14. She sings so well that she has been asked to make a record. A. She is such a well dancer that she has been asked to make a record. B. She is such a good dancing that she has been asked to make a record. C. She is such a good dancer that she has been asked to make a record. D. She is such a well dancing that she has been asked to make a record. 15. The bag was heavy, so we could not take it with us. A. The bag was too heavy enough for us to take it with us. B. The bag was very heavy enough for us to take it. C. The bag was too heavy for us to take it with us. D. The bag was too heavy for us to take with us. 16. It was such a big meal that we couldn't finish it. A. The meal was too very big for us to finish. B. The meal was too big for us to finish it. C. The meal was such big that we couldn’t finish it. D. The meal was too big for us to finish. 17. They spoke too quickly for us to understand. A. They spoke so quickly that we couldn’t understand it. B. They spoke so quickly that we couldn’t understand. C. They spoke so quickly that we couldn’t understand them. D. They spoke quickly enough so that we couldn’t understand them. 18. It was so noisy that nothing could be heard. A. It was too noisy to hear nothing. B. It was too noisy for anything to hear. C. It was too noisy for nothing to be heard. D. It was too noisy to hear anything. 19. The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. A. They had so good book that I couldn’t put it down. B. It was such good book that I couldn’t put it down. C. So good was the book that I couldn’t put it down. D. Such a book was good that I couldn’t put it down. 20. It was such long homework that I couldn’t finish it. A. The homework was so long that I could finish it. B. The homework was so long that I couldn’t finish. C. The homework was too long that I couldn’t finish it. D. The homework was too long for me to finish. 21. In the 1960s the women's liberation movement (1) _____ suddenly into the public consciousness and quickly grew into (2) _____ largest social movement in the history of the United States. Women's liberation movement was a continuation of the 19th-century women's rights movement. The movement's major (3) _____ has included not only legal, economic, and political gains (4) _____ also has changed the ways in which people live, dress, dream of their future, and (5) ___ a living. About health, for example, many male physicians and hospital have made major improvements in the (6) _____ of women; more and more women have become doctors and succeeded (7) _____ their medical research; and diseases such as breast cancer, which affects many women, now receive better funding and treatment, thanks to women's (8) ___. Feminists have insisted that violence against women become a political issue. The women's liberation movement has also made changes in education: curricula and (9) _____ have been written to promote equal opportunity for girls and women; more and more female students are admitted to universities and professional schools. The women's liberation movement brought about a radical change in society (10) _____ it took a decade for the movement to reach women's awareness. 1. A. dated B. originated C. introduced D. burst 2. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø 3. A. achievement B. civilization C. status D. power 4. A. with B. either C. and D. but 5. A. put B. make C. get D. take 6. A. vote B. employment C. position D. treatment 7. A. in B. to C. for D. with 8. A. role B. limit C. efforts D. ability 9. A. textbooks B. novels C. picture books D. magazines 10. A. because B. if only C. as D. although 22. By the year 2025, the Earth could lose as many as one fifth of all species known to exist today. In recent centuries, hundreds of species have disappeared, almost always as a result of human activities. The passenger pigeon, one familiar example, was a source of food until excessive hunting and habitat loss caused its extinction in 1914. The North American bison, whose populations were decimated by settlers and market hunters in the 1800s, came close to sharing the same fate. Bison survive today only because of the efforts of early conservationists. Today, species require such efforts more urgently than ever. An essential task that falls to present-day conservationists is to determine which species are most, endangered, so that conservation resources' can be applied where action is needed most. Species are categorized by the degree to which their survival in the wild is threatened. World Wildlife Fund offers a sampling of animals and plants that fall mainly within the two most serious categories of- t hreat: critically endangered and endangered. What threatens these species' existence? Some of the top threats are habitat destruction by unsustainable logging and ever -encroaching human settlement; pollution of
  4. water, soil, and air by toxic chemicals; unnatural climate changes due to fossil fuel use; unmanaged fishing that exhausts fish stocks; and illegal hunting to supply the demand for skins, hides, traditional medicines, food, and tourist souvenirs. The list which conservationists presents only a fraction of the species at risk of extinction today and does not include thousands of species whose status we do not yet know. Hundreds of species without common names have been left out, which means that while many mammals are on this list, only a few insects and mollusks are included. Species listed here range from the largest animal on Earth, the blue whale, to the majestic tiger, to the humble thick-shell pond snail. Large or small, beautiful or ugly, all species play a role in the complex circle of life. All of us depend on the natural resources of our planet. Each time a species is lost, the complexity, natural balance, and beauty of our world is diminished. And what threatens plants and animals ultimately threatens people as well. 1. According to the first paragraph _______. A. species extinction is only caused by hunting B. human beings protect wife life much more than they do harm to them C. the main cause of species extinction is human activities D. we can stop radically species extinction by 2025 2. The North American bison _______. A. was completely extinct in 1800s B. was not the aim of human hunting C. was raised by settlers in 1800s D. has escaped from extinction thanks to conservationists 3. Species are categorized _______. A. to prevent hunting B. to provide food C. to destroy their habitats D. to give preferential right to conserve 4. Which sentence is true? A. Medicine is not a factor to cause species extinction. B. The list which conservationists present does not include all kinds of species. C. Pollution does nothing to species extinction. D. Conservationists have good knowledge of all kinds of mollusks. 5. According to the last paragraph, _______. A. species extinction has no relationship to human beings B. what threaten plants and animals can do nothing to human beings C. human beings depend on natural resources to survive D. not every, species has a role in the circle of life.



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